
1. What is two ricks of wood called?Cord2. Something that people say and do, often playfully superstitious, to get luck on their side.Knock on wood3. Toronto’s hockey teamMaple Leafs3. In the well-known song, what kind of tree does the singer instruct his love to tie a ribbon around?The old oak tree4. Where do Robin Hood and his Merry Men dwell?Sherwood Forest5. This dreaded insect loves to feast on woodTermite7. If I like-a you and you like-a me, where are we?Under the banyan tree8. What species of tree holds the record for the tallest living thing on earth?Coastal redwood9. The General Sherman tree, a giant sequoia, is considered by many to be the most massive individual tree on earth. What state is it i?10. What tree does Cucabarra sit in?The old gum tree11. This tree has fan-shaped leaves and very strong-smelling fruit. It is a living fossil dating back almost 300 million years.Gingko12. What are baseball bat made of?Ash13. Clothing chests used to be made of this kind of wood because the strong smell kept away insects.Cedar14. What tree is on the flag of Lebanon?Cedar17. The only leaves that koala bears will eat belong to this tree. Eucalpytus (hint: put in cough drops)18. The willow tree belongs to genus salyx. People commonly chewed the bark of the willow to ease their pain because it contained the pain-killing chemical salicylic acid. The basis for this, one of the most common drugs found in any household medicine cabinet:Aspirin19. Another name for a tree that has been turned into a fossilPetrified wood20. Speakers of what language might refer to their Christmas tree as a tanenbaumGerman21. Broad leaf or hardwoods are trees with leaves. The other large category of trees has needles or scale-like leaves and often produces cones. This category is called:Conifers22. Ulmus Americanus, one of the most popular street trees in the country, was almost entirely wiped out by this dread disease.Dutch Elm Disease21. This great colonial era figure planted thousands of trees at his plantation, Mt. VernonGeorge Washington22. John Chapman is responsible for planting countless fruit trees throughout the East and Midwest. What name is he better known by?Johnny Appleseed23. What is another name for the philbert?Hazelnut24. A racing event for the Cub Scouts, in which scouts building their own cars from woodPinewood Derby (hint: the wood is usually pine)25. Americans go through an average of 500 pounds or more of this tree byproduct every year.Paper26. Howard Hughes’s contribution to aviation went by this name, although it never really flewSpruce Goose27. A dedrochronologist counts theseTree rings (hint: to determine the age of the tree)28. What state is known as the peach tree state?Georgia29. This spongy material, important to the wine industry, comes from the bark of certain treesCook30. This bird, generally considered extinct, caught the excitement of the country a few years ago when people claimed to have seen one.Ivory-billed woodpecker31. This tree, also called the buttonwood tree, has a bark that looks like camouflage and is the most massive American hardwood, sometimes growing to 20 feet or more in girth.(sycamore)32. Boston townspeople met under the Liberty Tree to plan what war?(American Revolution)33. One of the most valuable commodities of the New England colonies was the white pine, which grew straight up for over a hundred feet. Britain used these massive straight trees to make what invaluable commodity to help them rule the waves?(ship masts)34. A stand of 40,000 of these trees in Utah is all connected underground, making it the single largest organism on earth. The leaves of these thin white trees flutter in the wind, giving them the descriptive name “quaking.” A famous ski town in Colorado is named after this widely distributed tree. What is it?(aspen)35. This great American president loved nothing more than to plant thousands of trees on the grounds of his Virginia estate, Mount Vernon. Some of the trees are still alive today.(Washington)36. Before their love affair with beer and wine, Americans’ alcoholic beverage of choice came from the fruit of this tree.(apple. Americans drank five gallons of hard cider per person per year at the time of the Revolution.)37. A 19th-century California pioneer describes 32 people dancing four simultaneous cotillions on the stump of this giant tree.(sequoia)38. This famous American essayist wrote beautifully about trees and so much more in his memoir called Walden: Or Life in the Woods.39. This great American tree produced one of the best woods for furniture and dropped carpets full of delicious nuts in the fall. Legend had it that a squirrel could run through their canopy from New England to Georgia without hitting the ground. But a blight in the early 20th century wiped them out. Name the tree.(chestnut)40. The army sent engineers and loggers to the Pacific Northwest to harvest spruce during World War One for use in this infant technology.(aircraft)41. This president personally planted half a million trees, mostly in upstate New York. Later, he created whole corps of civilian boys to do the planting.(Franklin Roosevelt)42. Trees may help to save the world, since they are one of the most effective ways of taking this greenhouse gas out of the atmosphere and storing the extracted carbon in their trunks.(carbon dioxide)42. What is the name of the process in which the green parts of a tree turn sunlight into sugars?(photosynthesis)43. What chemical makes a tree’s leaves or needles look green?(chlorophyll)44. What tree in the Garden of Eden gets the first human couple into all kinds of trouble?(the tree of knowledge [of good and evil])45. What is the other great tree in Eden?(the tree of life)46. Underneath the Bodhi tree, a kind of fig tree, this man gained Enlightenment and thereby started one of the world’s great religions.(Buddha)47. There are 43 species of this kind of tree in the Eastern U.S. alone, and its nuts—often wearing distinctive “caps,” were an important ingredient in the lives of native Americans. Its wood is great for furniture, and two of the most common varieties are the “White” and the “Red.”(oak)48. Although it’s still called “wood,” these former trees have been turned to Petrified wood49. The branches of this fruit tree are the symbol for peaceOlive50. What part of a tree might be considered royal?The crown51. Dorothy had a heart and gave this forester some oil.Tin Woodman52. What section of the orchestra has its roots in the forest?The woodwinds53. Thai woodsmen formerly used elephants to drag the logs of this kind of tree to the mills to make furnitureTeak (hint: often used in Scandinavian furniture)54. According to the calypso song, made popular by Harry Belafonte, the fruit of this poor sweet tree is impossible to eatLemon tree55. What is the Kentucky state tree?Tulip Poplar56. The tallest individual of this, the world’s tallest species of tree, is almost 380 feet tall (as tall as a 30-story building). Name this west coast giant.Coastal Redwood57. You might say that this author of the classic American novel The Scarlet Letter has a distinguished family tree. Who is he?Hawthorne (Nathaniel)58. What American President was nicknamed “Old Hickory?”Andrew Jackson59. This giant lumberjack roved through American Forests with his Big Blue Ox.Paul Bunyan (extra credit: Name the ox. Babe.)60. The leaves of this tree look like a hand with three fingers, and the tree is used to make one of the sweetest teas that nature has to offerSassafrass61. Politicians still give these over and over again, even though they no longer stand on the bases of chopped down trees to deliver them,.Stump speech62. Listen to the following quote:“I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees for the trees have no tongues.” The character who uttered these words is the Lorax. Who is this beloved children’s author?Dr. Suess63. This 1945 film, directed by Elia Kazan, and starring Dorothy McGuire, Joan Blondell, James Dunn, and Lloyd Nolan involves a father and a young woman’s coming of age in a tenement in the early 1900s.A Tree Grows in Brooklyn64. This name for something you do to shape a tree is also the name of a tree’s dried fruit.Prune65. It’s sometimes called a hedge apple, although it’s not an apple. And despite the name of this tree, its fruit is actually a large nubby green ball.Osage orange66. This famous ragtime composer wrote songs such as The Sycamore Rag and the Maple Leaf Rag. Who is he?Scott Joplin67. The white keys of a piano were traditionally made of ivory. What kind of wood were the black keys traditionally made of?Ebony68.. This reddish-brown, fine-grained wood from Latin America is highly valued among furniture makers. Its international trade is now strictly controlled.Mahogany69. You need 40-50 gallons of sap to make one gallon of this delicious liquid.Maple syrup70. According to the bouncy song High Hopes, everyone knows an ant can’t move what?A rubber tree plant71. Vulcanization is the process that converts the sap of this kind of tree into a durable product for use in shoe soles, car tires, hockey pucks, and many other items.72. This small ornamental tree, known for its bright pink flowers in the spring, is named for the famous Biblical betrayer.Judas Tree73. Native Americans often made their canoes out of the white papery bark of what kind of tree?Birch74. A boat made from a hollowed tree trunk is called what?Dugout or dugout canoe75. Remarkably, the seeds from a lodgepole pine require what kind of catastrophe in order to be able to germinate?Fire76. Who says: Only you can prevent forest fires?Smokey Bear77. This tree has roots and branches, but its leaves might be your relatives.Family tree78. You might see this short thin tree inside the front doors of many homes.Coat tree79. The white ash is used in the manufacturing of one of Louisville’s most famous old wood products. What is it?Baseball bat80. What Kentucky born politician is sometimes called The Rail Splitter?Abraham Lincoln---A trio of tree-o’s: In the following three questions, name the item that each of these three things have in common:81. A salesman’s spiel, the thing a batter tries to hit, and the dark sap of a pinePitch82. A nautical speed, things a Boy Scout ties, and the blemishes in a wood grainKnot83. A pachyderm’s proboscis, an ocean liner suitcase, and an essential part of any treeTrunk---84. This Kentucky congressman and senator was one of America’s great planters of trees. You can still see gingkos that he planted over 150 years ago on Lexington estate. Who is he?Henry Clay (hint: The estate’s name is Ashland.)85. Generations of children have made cabins from these reddish-brown notched wooden dowels.Lincoln Logs86. Some trees that grow in swampy terrain and very wet soil grow knees—structures that rise up from the ground into the air. What do these tree’s knees let the tree do?Get oxygen (examples: cypress, mangrove)87. Trees like cypress and mangrove that grow in swampy soil sometimes grow roots that stick up from the ground into the air. These knobby stumps are sometimes called what?Knees88. A forked branch of witch-hazel can be used to make this water-finding tool.Divining rod or dowsing rod89. This famous backwoodsman was “raised in the woods so's he knew every tree,?Killed him a bear when he was only three.”Davy Crockett90. This poor German immigrant worked his way up to become one of America’s wealthiest timber barons. A giant paper and wood products company still bears his name today.Weyerhaueser91. This great New England poet wrote the poems “Birches” and “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.”Robert Frost92. This little wooden boy stretched things a little—both the truth and his nose.Pinocchio93. The fusing of the parts of one tree onto the rootstock of another is called what?Grafting94. A man who deals in staves, heads, and hoops is a what?Cooper (barrel maker) (Hint: bourbon is aged in his products)95. The leaves and branches of these trees were used to crown the victors in ancient Greece and Rome. You shouldn’t rest on these.Laurel96. When someone warns you not to be gullible, he tells you not to take any of these.Wooden nickels (hint: coins don’t grow on trees)97. Sometimes called nature’s engineers, these creatures love to use wood in their engineering projects.Beavers (hint: they’re eager)98. Who wrote The Jungle Book, the account of Mowgli, the human boy, and his forest friends?Rudyard Kipling99. This great New England poet of the 20th century wrote many tree-themed rural poems, including “Birches” and “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.”100. Many trees sigh when the wind blows through them, but this tree weeps.Weeping willow101. Name this family of castaways who lived in an enormous tree house of their own building own building.Swiss Family RobinsonDays of Yays and Neighs! ................

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