
Qualitative Article AnalysisKelly PriceFerris State UniversityAccording to Nieswadomy (2008), qualitative research focuses on gaining insight and understanding a person’s personal experience. Beyea & Nicoll (1997) state “qualitative research focuses on uncovering and understanding the meaning of lived experiences” (p. 323). In addition, in qualitative research the entire process is viewed as being subjective rather than objective (Beyea & Nicoll, 1997). The article Concept synthesis of the art of nursing is a qualitative research article that focuses on the subjective nature of the human experience.The phenomena of interest that is identified in the article is to “add clarity to the concept of nursing” (Finfgeld-Connet, 2008, p. 381). Since Nightingale, Finfgeld-Connet (2008) found that nurses have struggled to define their practice and since early on nursing has been defined as one of the fine arts. In addition, despite the ideas of Nightingale and others, the true meaning of nursing as an art remains misleading and debates about the art vs. science in nursing adds to the confusion (Finfgeld-Connet, 2008). A clearer concept of nursing as an art is needed to help guide future practice and research. The purpose of the article Concept synthesis of the art of nursing was to qualitatively integrate published descriptive and personal accounts in an effort to support and extend existing findings related to the art of nursing (Finfgeld-Connet, 2008). There is an apparent lack of support related to the art of nursing. This is seen due to the article Concept synthesis of the art of nursing being one of the first qualitative syntheses. Finfgeld-Connet (2008) states that “syntheses are designed to bring together unanalyzed data to uncover new insights…” (p. 382).The method used to collect data in the article Concept synthesis of the art of nursing involves using historical studies or historiography (Nieswadomy, 2008). According to Nieswadomy (2008) historiography research involves the identification, location, evaluation, and synthesis of data from the past. “Historical research seeks not only to discover the events of the past but to relate these past happenings to the present and to the future (Nieswadomy, 2008, p. 176). Finfgeld-Connet (2008) located relevant documents by using the online database CINAHL. She searched from 1993 to mid-2006 using the subject header nursing as an art. “Concepts such as caring, presence, and beneficence were not used in the search because their relationship to nursing as an art is unclear” (Finfgeld-Connet, 2008, p. 382). In total, 766 documents were found and were limited to documents written in English. In addition, they were categorized as narrations, biographies, case studies, editorials, interviews, and letters (Finfgeld-Connet, 2008). Finfgeld-Connet (2008) excluded articles that did not clearly explain the art of nursing and articles that were older in nature. Also, documents written by undergraduate students and other health care providers besides nurses were excluded because it was assumed these individuals did not understand the first-hand experience of nursing (Finfgeld-Connet, 2008). To some degree purposive sampling was used, just not with subjects, more so with documents and articles. The articles chosen were those written by experts in the nursing field and those who had enough knowledge about the art of nursing (Nieswadomy, 2008).The final sample in the article Concept synthesis of the art of nursing was made up of 59 articles in which the art of nursing was clearly discussed. Finfgeld-Connet (2008) states “articles of this sort were selected for analysis because, to date, no known qualitative synthesis of them had been carried out…” (p. 382). Also, by selecting these articles, Finfgeld-Connet (2008) provided a voice to the authors of the documents and articles. The strategy used to analyze the data was guided by the grounded theory analysis. Each article or document was read and studied, and the information that described the art of nursing was highlighted. Each highlighted part was placed into a matrix, and coding was carried out using codes and metaphors (Finfgeld-Connet, 2008). As the coding continued, the data was placed into subcategories and raw data was grouped in a more abstract manner (Finfgeld-Connet, 2008). According to Finfgeld-Connet (2008) based on additional coding, categorizing, and reflecting, “a well-saturated conceptualization of the art of nursing was synthesized” (p. 382). To insure credibility among the data collected, the researcher’s understandings of the art of nursing were fully recognized and examined before the analysis began (Finfgeld-Connet, 2008). In addition, throughout the data analysis process, other perspectives were recognized and compared against the researcher’s point of view. Finfgeld-Connet (2008) documented the research using tables. Table one included a description of included papers with 59 documents being the sample. Table 2 included the coding scheme used which included subcategories, categories, and the organizing framework (Finfgeld-Connet, 2008). The art of nursing findings were inferred from the written documents that were synthesized. The art of nursing presents to be grounded in two ways of knowledge, nursing as a science and that it is attributed from each nurse’s personal experiences (Finfgeld-Connet, 2008). As nurses, we have the ability to process information, choose data from various sources, and act on the results for our patients. According to Finfgeld-Connet (2008) “the nurse is able to become close to patients while maintaining professional objectivity” (p. 383). The art of nursing involves relationship-centered care and the ability of nurses to modify their care to meet their individual patient’s needs. From this adaptability, creativity is engaged, and nurses interpret the meaning of their patient’s experience and situation (Finfgeld-Connet, 2008). In addition, values are important to the art of nursing. Evidence suggests that nurses value holism as an important value. The artful nurse not only values holism, but pays attention to a patient’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs, as well as the needs of their families and communities (Finfgeld-Connet, 2008). The artful nurse respects the patient and their decisions. From this patients feel empowered and the nurses are being their patient’s advocate. Furthermore, artful nurses are courageous and willing to go against the norm in order to problem solve (Finfgeld-Connet, 2008).In conclusion, the art of nursing results in compassionate and caring actions that improve patient’s outcomes. Those nurses who practice artful nursing appear to ease stress and worry in their patients (Finfgeld-Connet, 2008). Artful nursing not only affects patients but nurses as well. Nurses who practice artful nursing report feelings of professional satisfaction, personal growth, and enthusiasm for their work.I feel this analysis will help nurses understand the art of nursing. Nursing in itself is dynamic and changing. Someone who becomes a nurse must learn to be flexible and adaptable. This analysis does support current evidence-based practice in regards to nursing. The trend of nursing is focusing on relationship-centered care and empowering patients to be involved in their care. Each nursing experience is unique and creative. As long as there are nurses who want positive results or outcomes for their patients or themselves, the art of nursing will remain an important concept in nursing research.ReferencesBeyea, S.C., & Nicoll, L.H. (2010). Qualitative and quantitative approaches to nursing research. Association of periOperative Registered Nurses 66(2), 323-325.Finfgeld-Connet, D. (2008). Concept synthesis of the art of nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing 62(3), 381-388.doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2008.04601.x Nieswadomy, R. (2008). Foundations of nursing research (5th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.Appendix AQualitative Article: Concept synthesis of the art of nursingResources: Text: Nieswiadomy, R.M. (2007). Foundations of Nursing Research (5th Ed.) Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. ISBN 10:0-13-612980-3Qualtitative Research Article AnalysisEthical Aspects: Statement of the phenomenon of interest: Connet (2008) states “the aim of this paper is to add clarity to the concept art of nursing” (p. 381). Purpose: The purpose of this study is to qualitatively integrate published descriptive accounts in an effort to confirm and extend existing findings related to the art of nursing (Connet, 2008).Method: To locate documents, Connet (2008) used the online database CINAHL from 1993-2006 to search the heading the nursing as an art to find written articles. The narratives limited to English articles, anecdotes, biographies, brief items, case studies, editorials, interviews, and letters. According to Connet (2008), articles written by undergraduates and healthcare providers besides nurses were excluded.Qualitative Research Design: Historiography research method.Sampling: According to Connet (2008) articles that did not clearly describe the art of nursing or that were historical in nature were excluded. In addition articles or documents written by undergraduate students or other healthcare workers other than nurses were excluded. The final sample consisted of 59 articles in which art of nursing was openly discussed (Connet, 2010).Sampling Procedure: Connet (2008) used the online database CINAHL to search from 1993-mid-2006 using the subject header nursing as an art. The year 1993 was used because nursing as an art was not used as a subject heading prior to that date. Data Collection: In total 766 documents were found using the online database CINAHL. The documents were limited to English articles and those that were categorized as anecdotes, biographies, brief items, case studies, interviews, and letters (Connet, 2008). Connet (2008) searched these articles because before this study, no qualitative synthesis had been done, and this way it would provide a voice for individuals who had not been heard before.Data Analysis: The subject matter analysis and synthesis was guided by the grounded theory analysis (Connet, 2008). Each article or document was read and studies, and the information that described the art of nursing was highlighted. Each highlighted part was placed into a matrix, and coding was carried out using codes and metaphors (Connet, 2008). As the coding continued, the data was placed into subcategories and raw data was grouped in a more abstract manner (Connet, 2008).Findings: Connet (2008) discovered “the art of nursing appears to consist of expert use and adaptation of empirical and metaphysical knowledge and values” (p. 383). The art of nursing is relationship-centered and involves modifying care to meet the needs of individual patients. Conclusion, Implications, and recommendations: The art of nursing promotes compassionate nursing practice and results in improved mental, physical, and emotional well-being among patients (Connet, 2008). In addition, “it also appears to result in professional satisfaction and personal growth among nurses” (p. 383). Connet (2008) found that artful nursing is not static, but rather dynamic and is unique to each nursing situation. Artful nursing results in both positive outcomes for patients as well as nurses. ................

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