What Makes a Healthy Relationship Webquest

What Makes a Healthy Relationship Webquest

Outcome: identify healthy and unhealthy relationships and demonstrate assertiveness skills to communicate thoughts and feelings within primary relationships

Use the website above to answer the following questions.

1. What are the seven qualities of a healthy relationship?

• _________________________________________

• _________________________________________

• _________________________________________

• _________________________________________

• _________________________________________

• _________________________________________

• _________________________________________

2. When is a relationship considered unhealthy?




3. Fill in the blanks.

Qualities like ____________________ and __________________ are absolute requirements for a healthy relationship.

4. What are some warning signs of an unhealthy relationship?




5. What is a big relationship roadblock?


6. What should you do if you feel that your boyfriend/girlfriend needs too much from you?



7. Why don’t some teen relationships last very long?




8. Why should you work on developing your own good qualities?



** Go to TextEd.ca when you are finished and have a look around at the different areas. **

Summarize each topic in the “ Learn More About” section (8 topics)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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