
Benedictine University

MGT 150 Business Statistics I, Sec. B

Spring, 2017

Class Location: GN-312

Class Meeting Times: TuTh-8:00

Office Hours: MW–10:00-1:00, TuTh–9:30-11:00; GN-166

Instructor: Jeffrey M. Madura

B.A. University of Notre Dame

M.B.A. Northwestern University

C.P.A. State of Illinois

Contact Information: 630-829-6467 / jmadura@ben.edu


Course Description: (from the Catalog) Basic course in statistical technique, includes measures of central tendency, variability, probability theory, sampling, estimation and hypothesis testing. Computational, Mathematical and Analytical Mode of Inquiry (QCM).

Three semester hours.

(Instructor's description) This is a course in introductory statistics. The orientation is toward applications and problem-solving, not mathematical theory. The instructor intends that students gain an appreciation for the usefulness of statistical methods in analyzing data commonly encountered in business and the social and natural sciences. The course is a framework within which students may learn the subject matter. This framework consists of a program of study, opportunity for questions/discussion, explanation, and evaluative activities (quizzes). The major topics are:

o Data and Statistics

o Descriptive Statistics: Tabular and Graphical Presentations

o Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Measures

o Introduction to Probability

o Discrete Probability Distributions

o Continuous Probability Distributions

o Sampling and Sampling Distributions

o Interval Estimation, Means and Proportions

o Hypothesis Tests, Means and Proportions

Learning Objectives: below

Course Expectations: The instructor expects students to learn the terminology, understand the concepts, and apply the computational procedures described at the end of each of the five parts of the Course Outline that follows this syllabus.

College of Business Learning Objectives:

The course addresses the following College of Business Program Objectives:

Students in this program will receive a thorough grounding in Mathematics and Statistics.

IDEA objectives: This course emphasizes the following IDEA objectives:

Learning fundamental principles, generalizations, or theories.

Learning to apply course material to improve thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Developing specific skills, competencies and points of view needed by professionals in the fields most closely related to this course.

Prerequisites: MATH 105 or MATH 110.

Software: Familiarity with Microsoft Excel is expected.

Required Text and Materials:

Textbook: Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft Office Excel, 5th edition;

Anderson, Sweeney & Williams, South-Western/Cengage, 2015;

ISBN: 978-1-285-43330-1 (hard cover)

Other: Aplia interactive learning/assignment system. Aplia includes the textbook as

an e-book.

TI-83 or TI-84 calculator.

Course Schedule: The course is divided into five three-week parts, with a quiz at the

end of each part. Dates are subject to change.

Week 1-4 starts 1/17 Introduction; Descriptive Statistics

Week 5-7 2/13 Probability; Tests for Dependence

Week 8-10 3/6 Permutations and Combination; Binomial and Normal Distributions

Week 11-13 4/3 Estimation and Hypothesis Testing—Means

Week 14-15 4/24 Estimation and Hypothesis Testing—Proportions

Quizzes 1-4 will be on the Thursday of weeks 4, 7, 10, and 13.

Quiz 5 will be on the date and time scheduled for the final exam.

Your average on the quizzes will constitute 2/3 of the course grade.

Grade requirements: A–90%, B–80%, C–60%, D–50%. There may also be other assignments requiring analysis of data using Excel. There will be a term project on Critical Thinking, with weight equal to one quiz. It is the responsibility of any student who is unsure of the grading scale, course requirements, or anything else in this course outline to ask the instructor for clarification.

Homework Assignments: There will be 10-15 Aplia homework assignments. Due dates are listed in the Aplia system. The assignments will constitute 1/3 of the course grade. To accommodate the occasional instance when you cannot meet an Aplia deadline, the lowest assignment will be dropped. Grading will be handled by Aplia. You must access the Aplia website, which means you must register for an account at: . Please register within 24 hours of the first class meeting.

The computer is unforgiving about accepting late assignments. Time is kept at Aplia, and not by the computer you are working on. You may appeal grading decisions made by the computer, if you can demonstrate that an error has been made.

Non-Aplia assignments must be turned in during class on the day they are due. Assignments turned in after this time but before the assignment is handed back may receive one-half credit. Assignments turned in after the hand-back can no longer be accepted for credit.

The worst thing some students do in a course is not think about course material a little every day. They sometimes let weeks go by and then try to learn all the material in one or two days. This usually does not work. Assignments will require keeping up-to-date. "Repetitio est mater studiorum." (Repetition is the mother of learning.)

Course Management Policies

Students are expected to be partners with the instructor in their educational experience. Frequent communication with the instructor is encouraged.

Attendance: You are expected to attend every class session. Attendance is not taken every day, but frequent absences will be noticed. Attendance is mandatory on days when quizzes are returned. Two absences on those days will reduce your letter grade.

Cheating: The search for truth and the dissemination of knowledge are the central missions of a university. Benedictine University pursues these missions in an environment guided by our Roman Catholic tradition and our Benedictine heritage. Integrity and honesty are therefore expected of all BU students. Actions such as cheating, plagiarism, collusion, solicitation, and misrepresentation are violations of these expectations and constitute unacceptable behavior in the University community.

To access the complete Academic Honesty Policy, which includes student responsibilities, responsibilities and authority of faculty, violations, reporting and communicating, responsibilities of the Provost, appeals, the academic appeals board, and records, please visit ben.edu/ahp. Penalties for cheating can range from a private verbal warning, all the way to expulsion from the University.

Incomplete Grade: A grade of “I” may be requested by a student for a course in which he or she is doing satisfactory work but, for illness or other circumstances beyond the student’s control, as determined by the instructor, the required work cannot be completed by the end of the semester. To qualify for the grade, a student must have satisfactory academic standing, be doing at least “C” work in the class, and submit a written request with a plan for completion approved by the instructor stating the reason for the delay in completing the work. Arrangements for the “I” grade must be made prior to the final examination. One may not receive an “I” in a semester in which he or she is already on academic probation. An “I” is a temporary grade. Failure to complete the course work and obtain a final grade within 180 days from the end of the term in which the “I” was received will result in the “I” immediately becoming an “F.”

Recommended Exercises: Students should work as many as possible of the even-numbered exercises in the text. Proficiency gained from practice on these will help when similar problems appear on quizzes. Answers to even-numbered exercises are at the back of the book.

Missed Quizzes: Make-up quizzes will be given only if a quiz was missed for a good and documented reason. If a make-up is given. The quiz score may be reduced 20% in an effort to maintain some degree of fairness to those who took the quiz at the proper time.

Student Responsibilities

• Students who are not enrolled in class cannot attend the class and cannot receive credit.

• Students cannot submit additional work after grades have been submitted (except in cases of temporary grades such as “I,” “X,” or “IP”).

• Students on academic probation are not eligible for a grade of “I.”

Students are responsible for planning their academic programs and progress, and for evidencing academic performance with honesty and integrity (see “cheating” above). However, the University encourages students to assist one another (e.g. tutoring and group projects) and this course explicitly promotes such behavior.

Electronic Devices: One aspect of being a member of a community of scholars is to show respect for others by creating and maintaining an environment conducive to learning. To minimize distractions, electronic devices may be used only in connection with currently-discussed course material. Electronic devices used during a quiz, other than the approved TI calculator, will result in a zero grade for that quiz.

University Closings: A variety of conditions may disrupt scheduled classes—weather, building issues, health-related issues, etc. For severe weather, contact the BU emergency information line at

(630) 829-6622 or check or . Radio stations WBBM 780 AM and WGN 720 AM announce closings.

Faculty are required to provide students with alternate activities so that the learning process continues and the course objectives are met. Additional procedures may be implemented by the University in the event of an extended closing.

Technology Requirement: Students are expected to have basic skills in word processing and spreadsheet development, and effectively use technology to support oral presentations.

Access to the University computer network and to the University email system is gained through the use of login IDs. Each person’s Login ID is unique and access is controlled by a password of your choosing. For instructions on obtaining login IDs and email addresses, see .

Recording (audio) Lectures: Audio recording is permitted with the instructor’s approval. University policy strictly prohibits video recording.

Special Needs and Americans with Disabilities ACT (ADA): If you have a documented learning, psychological, or physical disability, you may be eligible for reasonable academic accommodations or services. To request these, contact the Student Success Center. All students are expected to fulfill essential course or degree requirements.

Religious Accommodations: Students whose religious obligations conflict with a course requirement may request an accommodation from the instructor. Such requests must be made in writing by the end of the first week of class.

FERPA: The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, also known as the Buckley Amendment, addresses the issue of student privacy. Enacted in 1974, guidelines were established prohibiting institutions from releasing information to anyone without expressed written permission from the student. This includes discussing student schedules, grades, or other specific information with spouses, family members, or friends.

A student may provide for release of identifiable, non-directory information to a third party by signing a Confidential Release Authorization form. For more information please see .

Mission Statement: Benedictine University dedicated itself to the education of undergraduate and graduate students from diverse ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds. As an academic community committed to liberal arts and professional education, distinguished and guided by its Roman Catholic tradition and Benedictine heritage, the University prepares its students for a lifetime as active, informed, and responsible citizens and leaders in the world community.

Assignment Feedback Policy: The instructor will provide feedback on each graded assignment (quizzes, papers, homework, exams, etc.) no later than 10 calendar days after submission. Students are encouraged to review their individual course grades and to request clarification as needed. Quiz and homework scores, and class statistics, will be reviewed after each quiz. Final grades are issued only by the University Registrar.

Final comments: Feel free to see me if there is anything else of concern to you. Your comments about this course or any course are always welcome and appreciated. You are responsible for the information in the syllabus and should ask for clarification for anything in the syllabus about which you are unsure.

The remaining pages are (1) a detailed outline of each of the five parts of the course, including terminology, concepts, skills, and procedures, and (2) a statement of Course Philosophy.

Essential Ideas, Terminology, Skills/Procedures, and Concepts for Each Part of the Course

Part I

Two Types of Statistics: Descriptive and Inferential

Descriptive Statistics--purpose: to communicate characteristics of a set of data

Characteristics: Mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation, skewness, etc.

Charts, graphs

Inferential Statistics--purpose: to make statements about population parameters based on sample statistics

Population--group of interest being studied; often too large to sample every member

Sample--subset of the population; must be representative of the population

Random sampling is a popular way of obtaining a representative sample.

Parameter--a characteristic of a population, usually unknown, often can be estimated: Population mean, population variance, population proportion, etc.

Statistic--a characteristic of a sample: Sample mean, sample variance, sample proportion, etc.

Two ways of conducting inferential statistics


Point estimate--single number estimate of a population parameter, no recognition of uncertainty, such as: "40" to estimate the average age of the voting population

Interval estimate--point estimate with an error factor, as in: "40 ± 5"

The error factor provides formal and quantitative recognition of uncertainty.

Confidence level (confidence coefficient)--the probability that the parameter being estimated actually is in the stated range

Hypothesis testing

Null hypothesis--an idea about an unknown population parameter, such as: "In the population, there is no correlation between smoking and lung cancer."

Alternate hypothesis--the opposite idea about the unknown population parameter, such as: "In the population, there is correlation between smoking and lung cancer."

Data are gathered to see which hypothesis is supported. The result is either rejection or non-rejection (acceptance) of the null hypothesis.

Four types of data


Names, labels, categories (e.g. cat, dog, bird, rabbit, ferret, gerbil)


Suggests order, but computations on the data are impossible or meaningless (e.g. Pets can be listed in order of popularity--1-cat, 2-dog, 3-bird, etc.--but the difference between cat and dog is not related to the difference between dog and bird.)


Differences are meaningful, but they are not ratios. There is no natural zero point (e.g. clock time--the difference between noon and 1 p.m. is the same amount of time as the difference between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. But 2 p.m. is not twice as late as 1 p.m. unless you define the starting point of time as noon, thereby creating a ratio scale)


Differences and ratios are both meaningful; there is a natural zero point. (e.g. Length--8 feet is twice as long as 4 feet, and 0 feet actually does mean no length at all.)

Two types of statistical studies

Observational study (naturalistic observation)

Researcher cannot control the variables under study; they must be taken as they are found (e.g. most research in astronomy).


Researcher can manipulate the variables under study (e.g. drug dosage).

Characteristics of Data

Central tendency--attempt to find a "representative" or "typical" value

Mean--the sum of the data items divided by the number of items, or Σx / n

More sensitive to outliers than the median

Outlier--data item far from the typical data item

Median--the middle item when the items are ordered high-to-low or low-to-high

Also called the 50th percentile

Less sensitive to outliers than the mean

Mode--most-frequently-occurring item in a data set

Dispersion (variation or variability)--the opposite of consistency

Variance--the Mean of the Squared Deviations (MSD), or Σ(x-xbar)2/n

Deviation--difference between a data item and the mean

The sum of the deviations in any data set is always equal to zero.

Standard Deviation--square root of the variance

Range--difference between the highest and lowest value in a data set

Coefficient of Variation—measures relative dispersion

CV = standard deviation / mean

Skewness--the opposite of symmetry

Positive skewness--mean exceeds median, high outliers

Negative skewness--mean less than median, low outliers

Symmetry--mean, median, mode, and midrange about the same

Kurtosis--degree of relative concentration or peakedness

Leptokurtic--distribution strongly peaked

Mesokurtic--distribution moderately peaked

Platykurtic--distribution weakly peaked

Symbols & "Formula Sheet No. 1"

Descriptive statistics

Sample Mean--"xbar" (x with a bar above it)

Sample Variance--"svar" (the same as MSD for the sample)

Also, the "mean of the squares less the square of the mean"

Sample Standard Deviation--"ssd"--square root of svar

Population parameters (usually unknown, but can be estimated)

Population Mean--"μ" (mu)

Population Variance--"σ2" (sigma squared) (MSD for the population)

Population Standard Deviation--"σ" (sigma)--square root of σ2

Inferential statistics--estimating of population parameters based on sample statistics

Estimated Population Mean--"μ^" (mu hat)

The sample mean is an unbiased estimator of the population mean.

Unbiased estimator--just as likely to be greater than as less than the parameter being estimated

If every possible sample of size n is selected from a population, as many sample means will be above as will be below the population mean.

Estimated Population Variance--"σ^2" (sigma hat squared)

The sample variance is a biased estimator of the population variance.

Biased estimator--not just as likely to be greater than as less than the parameter being estimated

If every possible sample of size n is selected from a population, more of the sample variances will be below than will be above the population variance.

The reason for this bias is the probable absence of outliers in the sample.

The variance is greatly affected by outliers.

The smaller a sample is, the less likely it is to contain outliers, and hence the lower its variance is likely to be.

Note how the correction factor's [n / (n-1)] impact increases as the sample size decreases.

This quantity is also widely referred to as "s2" and is widely referred to as the "sample variance."

In this context "sample variance" does not mean variance of the sample; it is, rather, a shortening of the cumbersome phrase "estimate of population variance computed from a sample."

Estimated Population Standard Deviation--"σ^" (sigma hat)--square root of σ^2

The bias considerations that apply to the estimated population variance also apply to the estimated population standard deviation.

This quantity is also widely referred to as "s", and is widely referred to as the

"sample standard deviation."

In this context "sample standard deviation" does not mean standard deviation of the sample; it is, rather, a shortening of the cumbersome phrase "estimate of population standard deviation computed from a sample."

Calculator note--some calculators, notably TI's, compute two standard deviations

The smaller of the two is the one we call "ssd"

TI calculator manuals call this the "population standard deviation."

This refers to the special case in which the entire population is included in the sample; then the sample standard deviation (ssd) and the population standard deviation are the same. (This also applies to means and variances.) There is no need for inferential statistics in such cases.

The larger of the two is the one we call σ^ (sigma-hat) (estimated population standard deviation).

TI calculator manuals call this the "sample standard deviation."

This refers to the more common case in which "sample standard deviation" really means estimated population standard deviation, computed from a sample.

Significance of the Standard Deviation

Normal distribution (empirical rule)--empirical: derived from experience

Two major characteristics: symmetry and center concentration

Two parameters: mean and standard deviation

"Parameter," in this context, means a defining characteristic of a distribution.

Mean and median are identical (due to symmetry) and are at the high point.

Standard deviation--distance from mean to inflection point

Inflection point--the point where the second derivative of the normal curve is equal to zero,

or, the point where the curvature changes from "right" to "left" (or vice-versa), as when

you momentarily travel straight on an S-curve on the highway

z-value--distance from mean, measured in standard deviations

Areas under the normal curve can be computed using integral calculus.

Total area under the curve is taken to be 1.000 or 100%

Tables enable easy determination of these areas.

about 68-1/4%, 95-1/2%, and 99-3/4% of the area under a normal curve lie within one, two, and three standard deviations from the mean, respectively

Many natural and economic phenomena are normally distributed.

Tchebyshev's Theorem (or Chebysheff P. F., 1821-1894)

What if a distribution is not normal? Can any statements be made as to what percentage of the area lies within various distances (z-values) of the mean?

Tchebysheff proved that certain minimum percentages of the area must lie within various z-values of the mean.

The minimum percentage for a given z-value, stated as a fraction,

is [ (z2-1) / z2 ]

Tchebysheff's Theorem is valid for all distributions.

Other measures of relative standing

Percentiles--A percentile is the percentage of a data set that is below a specified value.

Percentile values divide a data set into 100 parts, each with the same number of items.

The median is the 50th percentile value.

Z-values can be converted into percentiles and vice-versa.

A z-value of +1.00, for example, corresponds to the 84.13 percentile.

The 95th percentile, for example, corresponds to a z-value of +1.645.

A z-value of 0.00 is the 50th percentile, the median.


Decile values divide a data set into 10 parts, each with the same number of items.

The median is the 5th decile value.

The 9th decile value, for example, separates the upper 10% of the data set from the lower 90%. (Some would call this the 1st decile value.)


Quartile values divide a data set into 4 parts, each with the same number of items.

The median is the 2nd quartile value.

The 3rd quartile value (Q3), for example, separates the upper 25% of the data set from the lower 75%.

Q3 is the median of the upper half; Q1 (lower quartile) is the median of the lower half

Other possibilities: quintiles (5 parts), stanines (9 parts)

Some ambiguity in usage exists, especially regarding quartiles--For example, the phrase "first quartile" could mean one of two things: (1) It could refer to the value that separates the lower 25% of the data set from the upper 75%, or (2) It could refer to the members, as a group, of the lower 25% of the data.

Example (1): "The first quartile score on this test was 60."

Example (2): "Your score was 55, putting you in the first quartile."

Also the phrase "first quartile" is used by some to mean the 25th percentile value, and by others to mean the 75th percentile value. To avoid this ambiguity, the phrases "lower quartile," "middle quartile," and "upper quartile" may be used.


Statistics, population, sample, parameter, statistic, qualitative data, quantitative data, discrete data, continuous data, nominal measurements, ordinal measurements, interval measurements, ratio measurements, observational study (naturalistic observation), experiment, precision, accuracy, sampling, random sampling, stratified sampling, systematic sampling, cluster sampling, convenience sampling, representativeness, inferential statistics, descriptive statistics, estimation, point estimation, interval estimation, hypothesis testing, dependency, central tendency, dispersion, skewness, kurtosis, leptokurtic, mesokurtic, platykurtic, frequency table, mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive, relative frequencies, cumulative frequency, histogram, Pareto chart, bell-shaped distribution, uniform distribution, skewed distribution, pie chart, pictogram, mean, median, mode, bimodal, midrange, reliability, symmetry, skewness, positive skewness, negative skewness, range, MSD, variance, deviation, standard deviation, z-value, Chebyshev's theorem, empirical rule, normal distribution, quartiles, quintiles, deciles, percentiles, interquartile range, stem-and-leaf plot, boxplot, biased, unbiased.

Skills/Procedures--given appropriate data, compute or identify the

Sample mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation, and range

Estimated population mean, variance, and standard deviation

Kind of skewness, if any, present in the data set

z-value of any data item

Upper, middle, and lower quartiles

Percentile of any data item

Percentile of any integer z-value from -3 to +3


Identify circumstances under which the median is a more suitable measure of central tendency than the mean

Explain when the normal distribution (empirical rule) may be used

Explain when Chebyshev's Theorem may be used; when it should be used

Give an example (create a data set) in which the mode fails as a measure of central tendency

Give an example (create a data set) in which the mean fails as a measure of central tendency

Explain why the sum of the deviations fails as a measure of dispersion, and describe how this failure is overcome

Distinguish between unbiased and biased estimators of population parameters

Describe how percentile scores are determined on standardized tests like the SAT or the ACT

Explain why the variance and standard deviation of a sample are likely to be lower than the variance and standard deviation of the population from which the sample was taken

Identify when the sample mean, variance, and standard deviation are identical to the population mean, variance, and standard deviation

Part II

Basic Probability Concepts

Probability--the likelihood of an event

Probability is expressed as a decimal or fraction between zero and one, inclusive.

An event that is certain has a probability of 1.

An event that is impossible has a probability of 0.

If the probability of rain today (R) is 30%, it can be written P(R) = 0.3.

Objective probabilities--calculated from data according to generally-accepted methods

Relative frequency method--example: In a class of 25 college students there are 14 seniors.

If a student is selected at random from the class, the probability of selecting a senior is 14/25 or 0.56. Relative to the number in the class, 25, the number of seniors (frequency), 14, is 56% or 0.56.

Subjective probabilities--arrived at through judgment, experience, estimation, educated guessing, intuition, etc. There may be as many different results as there are people making the estimate.

(With objective probability, all should get the same answer.)

Boolean operations--Boolean algebra--(George Boole, 1815-1864)

Used to express various logical relationships; taught as "symbolic logic" in college philosophy and mathematics departments; important in computer design

Complementation--translated by the word "not"--symbol: A¯or A-bar

Complementary events are commonly known as "opposites."

Examples: Heads/Tails on a coin-flip; Rain/No Rain on a particular day; On Time/Late for work

Complementary events have two properties

Mutually exclusive--they cannot occur together; each excludes the other

Collectively exhaustive--there are no other outcomes; the two events are a complete or exhaustive list of the possibilities

Partition--a set of more than two events that are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive

Examples: A, B, C, D, F, W, I--grades received at the end of a course; Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior--traditional college student categories

The sum of the probabilities of complementary events, or of the probabilities of all the events in a partition, is 1.

Intersection--translated by the words "and," "with," or "but"--symbol: ( or, for typing convenience, n

A day that is cool (C) and rainy (R) can be designated (CnR).

If there is a 25% chance that today will be cool (C) and rainy (R), it can be written P(CnR) = 0.25.

Intersections are often expressed without using the word "and."

Examples: "Today might be cool with rain." or "It may be a cool, rainy day."

Two formulas for intersections:

For any two events A and B: P(AnB) = P(A|B)*P(B) ("|" is defined below.)

For independent events A and B: P(AnB) = P(A)*P(B)

This can be used as a test for independence.

This formula may be extended to any number of independent events

P(AnBnCn . . . nZ) = P(A)*P(B)*P(C)* . . . P(Z)

The intersection operation has the commutative property

P(AnB) = P(BnA)

"Commutative" is related to the word "commute" which means "to switch."

The events can be switched without changing anything.

In our familiar algebra, addition and multiplication are commutative, but

subtraction and division are not.

Intersections are also called "joint (together) probabilities."

Union--translated by the word "or"--symbol: ( or, for typing convenience, u A day that is cool (C) or rainy (R) can be designated (CuR).

If there is a 25% chance that today will be cool (C) or rainy (R), it can be written P(CuR) = 0.25.

Unions always use the word "or."

Addition rule to compute unions: P(AuB) = P(A) + P(B) – P(AnB)

The deduction of P(AnB) eliminates the double counting of the intersection that occurs when P(A) is added to P(B).

The union operation is commutative: P(AuB) = P(BuA)

Condition--translated by the word "given"--symbol: |

A day that is cool (C) given that it is rainy (R) can be designated (C|R).

The event R is called the condition.

If there is a 25% chance that today will be cool (C) given that it is rainy (R),

it can be written P(C|R) = 0.25.

Conditions are often expressed without using the word "given."

Examples: "The probability that it will be cool when it is rainy is 0.25."

P(C|R) = 0.25.

"The probability that it will be cool if it is rainy is 0.25." P(C|R) = 0.25.

"25% of the rainy days are cool." [P(C|R) = 0.25.]

All three of the above statements are the same, but the next one is different:

"25% of the cool days are rainy." This one is P(R|C) = 0.25.

The condition operation is not commutative: P(A|B) ≠ P(B|A)

For example, it is easy to see that P(rain|clouds) is not the same as P(clouds|rain).

Conditional probability formula: P(A|B) = P(AnB) / P(B)

Occurrence Tables and Probability Tables

Occurrence table--table that shows the number of items in each category and

in the intersections of categories

Can be used to help compute probabilities of single events,

intersections, unions, and conditional probabilities

Probability table--created by dividing every entry in an occurrence table

by the total number of occurrences.

Probability tables contain marginal probabilities and joint probabilities.

Marginal probabilities--probabilities of single events, found in the right and bottom margins of the table

Joint probabilities--probabilities of intersections, found in the interior part of the

table where the rows and columns intersect

Unions and conditional probabilities are not found directly in a probability table,

but they can be computed easily from values in the table.

Two conditional probabilities are complementary if they have the same condition and the events before the "bar" (|) are complementary. For example, if warm (W) is the opposite of cool, then (W|R) is the complement of (C|R),

and P(W|R) + P(C|R) = 1.

In a 2 x 2 probability table, there are eight conditional probabilities, forming four pairs of complementary conditional probabilities.

It is also possible for a set of conditional probabilities to constitute a partition

(if they all have the same condition, and the events before the "bar" are a partition).

Testing for Dependence/Independence

Statistical dependence

Events are statistically dependent if the occurrence of one event

affects the probability of the other event.

Identifying dependencies is one of the most important tasks of statistical analysis.

Tests for independence/dependence

Conditional probability test--posterior/prior test

Prior and posterior are the Latin words for "before" and "after."

A prior probability is one that is computed or estimated before additional information is obtained.

A posterior probability is one that is computed or estimated after additional information is obtained.

Prior probabilities are probabilities of single events, such as P(A).

Posterior probabilities are conditional probabilities, such as P(A|B).

Independence exists between any two events A and B if P(A|B) = P(A)

If P(A|B) = P(A), the occurrence of B has no effect on P(A)

If P(A|B) ≠ P(A), the occurrence of B does have an effect on P(A)

Positive dependence if P(A|B) > P(A) -- posterior greater than prior

Negative dependence if P(A|B) < P(A) -- posterior less than prior

Multiplicative test--joint/marginal test

Independence exists between any two events A and B if P(AnB) = P(A)*P(B)

Positive dependence if P(AnB) > P(A)*P(B) -- intersection greater than the product

Negative dependence if P(AnB) < P(A)*P(B) -- intersection less than the product

Bayesian Inference--Thomas Bayes (1702-1761)

Bayes developed a technique to compute a conditional probability,

given the reverse conditional probability

Computations are simplified, and complex formulas can often be avoided, if a probability table is used.

Basic computation is: P(A|B) = P(AnB) / P(B), an intersection probability divided by

a single-event probability. That is, a joint probability divided by a marginal probability.

Bayesian analysis is very important because most of the probabilities upon which we base decisions are conditional probabilities.

Other Probability Topics:

Matching-birthday problem

Example of a "sequential" intersection probability computation, where each probability is revised slightly and complementary thinking is used

Complementary thinking--strategy of computing the complement (because it is easier) of what is really needed, then subtracting from 1


Strategy of using back-ups to increase the probability of success

Usually employs complementary thinking and the extended multiplicative rule for independent events to compute the probability of failure. P(Success) is then equal to 1 – P(Failure).

Permutations and Combinations

Permutation--a set of items in which the order is important

Without replacement--duplicate items are not permitted

With replacement--duplicate items are permitted

Combination--a set of items in which the order is not important

Without replacement--duplicate items are not permitted

With replacement--duplicate items are permitted

In the formulas, "n" designates the number of items available, from which "r" is the number that will be chosen. (Can r ever exceed n?)

To apply the correct formula when confronting a problem, two decisions must be made: Is order important or not? Are duplicates permitted or not?

Permutations, both with and without replacement, can be computed by using the "sequential" method instead of the formula. This provides way of verifying the formula result.


Usually combination ("Lotto") or permutation ("Pick 3 or 4") problems

Lotto games are usually without replacement--duplicate numbers are not possible

Pick 3 or 4 games are usually with replacement--duplicate numbers are possible

Poker hands

Can be computed using combinations and the relative frequency method

Can also be computed sequentially



probability, experiment, event, simple event, compound event, sample space, relative frequency method, classical approach, law of large numbers, random sample, impossible event probability, certain event probability, complement, partition, subjective probability, occurrence table, probability table, addition rule for unions, mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive, redundancy, multiplicative rule for intersections, tree diagram, statistical independence/dependence, conditional probability, Bayes' theorem, acceptance sampling, simulation, risk assessment, redundancy, Boolean algebra, complementation, intersection, union, condition, marginal probabilities, joint probabilities, prior probabilities, posterior probabilities, two tests for independence, triad, complementary thinking, commutative.


permutations, permutations with replacement, sequential method, combinations, combinations with replacement.

Skills/Procedures--given appropriate data, prepare an occurrence table


prepare a probability table

compute the following 20 probabilities

4 marginal probabilities (single simple events)

4 joint probabilities (intersections)

4 unions

8 conditional probabilities--identify the 4 pairs of conditional complementary events

identify triads (one unconditional and two conditional probabilities in each triad)

conduct the conditional (prior/posterior) probability test for independence / dependence

conduct the multiplication (multiplicative) (joint/marginal) test for independence / dependence

identify positive / negative dependency

identify Bayesian questions

use the extended multiplicative rule to compute probabilities

use complementary thinking to compute probabilities

compute the probability of "success" when redundancy is used

compute permutations and combinations with and without replacement



give an example of two or more events that are not mutually exclusive

give an example of two or more events that are not collectively exhaustive

give an example of a partition--a set of three or more events that are mutually

exclusive and collectively exhaustive

express the following in symbolic form using F for females and V for voters in a retirement community

60% of the residents are females

30% of the residents are female voters

50% of the females are voters

75% of the voters are female

70% of the residents are female or voters

30% of the residents are male non-voters

25% of the voters are male

40% of the residents are male

identify which two of the items above are a pair of complementary probabilities

identify which two of the items above are a pair of complementary conditional probabilities

from the items above, comment on the dependency relationship between F and V

if there are 100 residents, determine how many female voters there would be if gender and voting were independent

explain why joint probabilities are called "intersections"?

identify which two of our familiar arithmetic operations and which two Boolean operations are commutative

tell what Thomas Bayes is known for (not English muffins)


give an example of a set of items that is a permutation

give an example of a set of items that is a combination

tell if, in combinations/permutations, "r" can ever exceed "n" give an example

Part III

Permutations and Combinations (outline, etc. Repeated from Part II)

Permutation--a set of items in which the order is important

Without replacement--duplicate items are not permitted

With replacement--duplicate items are permitted

Combination--a set of items in which the order is not important

Without replacement--duplicate items are not permitted

With replacement--duplicate items are permitted

In the formulas, "n" designates the number of items available, from which "r" is the number that will be chosen. (Can r ever exceed n?)

To apply the correct formula when confronting a problem, two decisions must be made: Is order important or not? Are duplicates permitted or not?

Permutations, both with and without replacement, can be computed by using the "sequential" method instead of the formula. This provides way of verifying the formula result.


Usually combination ("Lotto") or permutation ("Pick 3 or 4") problems

Lotto games are usually without replacement--duplicate numbers are not possible

Pick 3 or 4 games are usually with replacement--duplicate numbers are possible

Poker hands

Can be computed using combinations and the relative frequency method

Can also be computed sequentially



permutations, permutations with replacement, sequential method, combinations, combinations with replacement.

Skills/Procedures--given appropriate data,


decide when order is and is not important

decide when selection is done with replacement and without replacement

compute permutations with and without replacement using the permutation formula

compute combinations wi2th and without replacement using the combination formula

use the sequential method to compute permutations with and without replacement

solve various applications problems involving permutations and combinations

give an example of a set of items that is a permutation

give an example of a set of items that is a combination tell if, in combinations/permutations,

"r" can ever exceed "n"

Mathematical Expectation

Discrete variable--one that can assume only certain values (often the whole numbers)

There is only a finite countable number of values between any two specified values.

Examples: the number of people in a room, your score on a quiz in this course, shoe sizes (certain fractions permitted), hat sizes (certain fractions permitted)

Continuous variable--one that can take on any value--there is an infinite number of values between any two specified values

Examples: your weight (can be any value, and changes as you breathe), the length of an object, the amount of time that passes between two events, the amount of water in a container (but if you look at the water closely enough, you find that it is made up of very tiny chunks--molecules--so this last example is really discrete at the submicroscopic level, but in ordinary everyday terms we would call it continuous)

Mean (expected value) of a discrete probability distribution

Probability distribution--a set of outcomes and their likelihoods

Mean is the probability-weighted average of the outcomes

Each outcome is multiplied by its probability, and these are added.

The result is not an estimate. It is the actual population value, because the probability distribution specifies an entire population of outcomes. ("μ" may be used, without the estimation caret above it.)

The mean need not be a possible outcome, and for this reason

the term "expected value" can be misleading.

Variance of a discrete probability distribution

Variance is the probability-weighted average of the squared deviations

similar to MSD, except it's a weighted average

Each squared deviation is multiplied by its probability, and these are added.

The result is not an estimate. It is the actual population value, because the probability distribution specifies an entire population of outcomes. ("σ2" may be used, without the estimation caret above it.)

Standard deviation of a discrete probability distribution--the square root of the variance

("σ" may be used, without the estimation caret ^ above it.)

The Binomial Distribution

Binomial experiment requirements

Two possible outcomes on each trial

The two outcomes are (often inappropriately) referred to as "success" and "failure."

n identical trials

Independence from trial to trial--the outcome of one trial does not affect the outcome of any other trial

Constant p and q from trial to trial

p is the probability of the "success" event

q is the probability of the "failure" event; (q = (1-p) )

"x" is the number of "successes" out of the n trials.

Symmetry is present when p = q

When p < .5, the distribution is positively skewed (high outliers).

When p > .5, the distribution is negatively skewed (low outliers).

Binomial formula--for noncumulative probabilities

Cumulative binomial probabilities--computed by adding the noncumulative probabilities

Binomial probability tables--may show cumulative or noncumulative probabilities

If cumulative, compute noncumulative probabilities by subtraction

Parameters of the binomial distribution--n and p

Binomial formula: P(x) = n!/(x!(n-x)! * p^x * q^(n-x)

Note that when x=n, the formula reduces to p^n, and when x=0, the formula reduces to q^n.

These are just applications of the multiplicative rule for independent events.

The Normal Distribution

Normal distribution characteristics--center concentration and symmetry

Parameters of the normal distribution--μ (mu), mean; and σ (sigma), standard deviation

Z-value formula (four arrangements--for z, x, μ, and σ)

Normal distribution problems have three variables given, and the fourth must be

computed and interpreted.

Z-values determine areas (probabilities) and areas (probabilities) determine z-values-- the normal

table or calculators converts from one to the other.

Normal distribution probability tables--our text table presents one-sided central areas

Two uses of the normal distribution

Normally-distributed phenomena

To approximate the binomial distribution--this application is far less important now that computers and calculators can generate binomial probabilities

Binomial parameters (n and p) can be converted to normal parameters μ and σ

μ = np; σ2 = (npq); σ = ((npq)


MATHEMATICAL EXPECTATION: random variable, discrete variable, continuous variable, probability distribution, probability histogram, mean of a probability distribution, variance and standard deviation of a probability distribution, probability-weighted average of outcomes (mean), probability-weighted average of squared deviations (variance).

BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION: binomial experiment, requirements for a binomial experiment, independent trials, binomial probabilities, cumulative binomial probabilities, binomial distribution symmetry conditions, binomial distribution skewness conditions, binomial distribution parameters, mean and variance of a binomial distribution


normal distribution, normal distribution parameters, mean, standard deviation, standard normal distribution, z-value, reliability, validity



compute the mean, variance, and standard deviation of a discrete random variable

solve various applications problems involving discrete probability distributions


compute binomial probabilities and verify results with table in textbook

compute cumulative binomial probabilities

compute binomial probabilities with p = q and verify symmetry

solve various application problems using the binomial distribution

NORMAL DISTRIBUTION -- given appropriate data,

determine a normal probability (area), given x, μ, and σ

determine x, given μ, σ, and the normal probability (area)

determine μ, given x, σ, and the normal probability (area)

determine σ, given x, μ, and the normal probability (area)

solve various applications problems involving the normal distribution

compute the sampling standard deviation (standard error) from the population standard deviation and the sample size

solve various applications problems involving the central limit theorem



give an example (other than water) of something that looks continuous at a distance, but, when you get up close, turns out to be discrete

explain why "expected value" may be a misleading name for the mean of a

probability distribution

describe how to compute a weighted average


explain why rolling a die is or is not a binomial experiment

explain why drawing red/black cards from a deck of 52 without replacement is or is

not a binomial experiment

explain why drawing red/black cards from a deck of 52 with replacement is or is not

a binomial experiment


describe conditions under which the normal distribution is symmetric

describe the kind of shift in the graph of a normal distribution caused by a change in

the mean

describe the kind of shift in the graph of a normal distribution caused by a change in

the standard deviation

explain why, as the sample size increases, the distribution of sample means clusters

more and more closely around the population mean

Part IV

Sampling Distributions

Sampling distribution of the mean--the distribution of the means of many samples of the same size drawn from the same population

Central Limit Theorem--three statements about the sampling distribution of sample means:

1. Sampling distribution of the means is normal in shape, regardless of the population distribution shape when the sample size, n, is large. (When n is small, the population must be normal in order for the sampling distribution of the mean to be normal.) ("Large" n is usually taken to be 30 or more.)

2. Sampling distribution of the means is centered at the true population mean.

3. Sampling distribution of the means has a standard deviation equal to σ / (n.

This quantity is called the sampling standard deviation or the standard error (of the mean).

(The full name is "standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the mean(s).”)

This quantity is represented by the symbol σx bar.

σx bar is less than σ because of the offsetting that occurs within the sample. The larger

the sample size n, the smaller the σx bar (standard error), because the larger the

n, the greater the amount of offsetting that can occur, and the sample means will cluster more closely around the true population mean μ.

Sampling standard deviation (σx bar or standard error)--key value for inferential statistics

Two uses of the standard error

Computing the error factor in interval estimation

Computing the test statistic (zc or tc) in hypothesis testing


normal distribution, normal distribution parameters, mean, standard deviation, standard normal distribution, z-value, reliability, validity, sampling distribution, central limit theorem (three parts), sampling standard deviation, standard error, offsetting, effect of the sample size on the sampling standard deviation (standard error).

Skills/Procedures--given appropriate data,

determine a normal probability (area), given x, μ, and σ

determine x, given μ, σ, and the normal probability (area)

determine μ, given x, σ, and the normal probability (area)

determine σ, given x, μ, and the normal probability (area)

solve various applications problems involving the normal distribution

compute the sampling standard deviation (standard error) from the population standard deviation and the sample size

solve various applications problems involving the central limit theorem


describe conditions under which the normal distribution is symmetric

describe the kind of shift in the graph of a normal distribution caused by a change in the mean

describe the kind of shift in the graph of a normal distribution caused by a change in the standard deviation

explain why, as the sample size increases, the distribution of sample means clusters more and more closely around the population mean

Part V

Interval Estimation--Large Samples

Four Types of Problems

Means--one-group; two-group

Columns one and two of the four-column formula sheet

Proportions--one-group; two-group

Columns three and four of the four-column formula sheet

Confidence level (confidence coefficient)--the probability that a confidence interval will actually contain the population parameter being estimated (confidence interval is a range of values that is likely to contain the population parameter being e stimated).

90%, 95%, and 99% are the most popular confidence levels, and correspond to z- values of 1.645, 1.960, and 2.576, respectively.

Of these, 95% is the most popular, and is assumed unless another value is mentioned.

Error (uncertainty) factors express precision, as in 40 ± 3.

Upper confidence limit--the point estimate plus the error factor, 43 in this example

Lower confidence limit--the point estimate minus the error factor, 37 in this example

Error factor is the product of the z-value and the standard error: zt * σx bar.

Required sample sizes for desired precision may be computed.

Increased precision means a lower error factor.

Precision can be increased by increasing the sample size, n.

Increasing n lowers the standard error, since the standard error = σ / (n.

Taken to the extreme, every member of the population may be sampled, in which case the error factor becomes zero--no uncertainty at all--and the population parameter is found exactly.

Economic considerations--the high cost of precision

The required increase in n is equal to the square of the desired increase in precision.

To double the precision--to cut the error factor in half--the sample size must be quadrupled. Doubling the precision may thus quadruple the cost.

To triple the precision--to cut the error factor to 1/3 of its previous value, n must be multiplied by 9.

Hypothesis Testing--Large Samples

Four Types of Problems--Four-column formula sheet

Means--one-group; two-group

Proportions--one-group; two-group

Null (Ho) and alternate (Ha) hypotheses

Means, one-group

H0: μ = some value

Ha: μ ≠ that same value (two-sided test)

μ > that same value (one-sided test, high end, right side)

μ < that same value (one-sided test, low end, left side)

Means, two-group

H0: μ1 = μ2

Ha : μ1 ≠ μ2 (two-sided test)

μ1 > μ2 (one-sided test, high end, right side)

μ1 < μ2 (one-sided test, low end, left side)

Proportions, one-group

H0: π = some value

Ha : π ≠ that same value (two-sided test)

π > that same value (one-sided test, high end, right side)

π < that same value (one-sided test, low end, left side)

Proportions, two-group

H0: π1 = π2

Ha : π1 ≠ π2 (two-sided test)

π1 > π2 (one-sided test, high end, right side)

π1 < π2 (one-sided test, low end, left side)

Type I error

Erroneous rejection of a true H0

Probability of a Type I error is symbolized by α (alpha)

Type II error

Erroneous acceptance of a false H0

Probability of a Type II error is symbolized by β (beta)

Selecting α--based on researcher’s attitude toward risk

α--the researcher's maximum tolerable risk of committing a type I error

0.10, 0.05, and 0.01 are the most commonly used.

Of these, 0.05 is the most common--known as "the normal scientific standard

of proof."

Table-z (critical value); symbolized by zt; determined by the selected α value

α 2-sided z 1-sided z

0.10 1.645 1.282

0.05 1.960 1.645

0.01 2.576 2.326

Calculated-z (test statistic); symbolized by zc

Fraction--"signal-to-noise" ratio

Numerator ("signal")--strength of the evidence against H0

Denominator ("noise")--uncertainty factor for the numerator

Rejection criteria

Two-sided test: |zc| >= |zt|; also p = |zt|, AND zc and zt have the same sign; also p ................

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