Central Bucks School District

Heart Anatomy WebQuest Directions: Use the following sites to label diagrams of the heart and gain an understanding of blood flow through the heart and lungs.32956504699000The Animated Heart View Wisc-Online The Heart – are the four chambers of the heart?What are the names of the four Valves?What do the A-V valves do?Watch the animation and label the diagramWhat do the red blood drops indicate?Where is this blood coming from? What do the blue blood drops indicate?Where is this blood coming from? Draw arrows on the diagram to show the flow of blood through the heart, lungs & body.Describe the Pathway of blood through the heart, include:Entry & exit blood vesselsReceiving chamber(s);valves – function and locationBlood (rich or poor in O2) Coordination of chambersOpen Heart SurgeryMake sure you choose the intern when you begin the surgery. Perform the open-heart surgery and answer the questions. What is severe stenotic arteriosclerotic coronary artery disease?What is the job of the perfusionist?Where are the coronary arteries located?When you have finished answering the above questions, practice cardiac anatomy at this website:Test Yourself Choose short versions ................

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