Abba Yahuweh’S Sukkot Message to His People

News Update: His Message to the Nations

Of course I’d rather have a report from the Australian Psalmists, the Sons of Korah, but here is an eye witness account from Lynette Rice, interviewing a Staten Island native, Theo Rossi, of the Sons of Anarchy, on the reality of the devastation - /insidetv.2012/11/02/sons-of-anarchy-irene-staten-island/Entertainment Weekly

“It’s so bad here, a lot worse than how it’s being portrayed by the media. They are finding bodies left and right, elderly people who don’t even watch the news, or who knew the storm was coming. I was just with one of my best friends from high school and college, and his house is completely gone. One story I heard was about this one guy who evacuated his house during Hurricane Irene but then it got looted. So when they told him to evacuate for Sandy, he said, ‘I’m not leaving.’ Now they can’t find him, his 13-year-old daughter is dead, and his wife is in critical condition at the hospital. These are the stories. My stepfather and my mother, I love them to death. But when they heard the storm was coming, they said, ‘It’s not going to be that bad. Irene didn’t do anything.’ They had two flashlights and a couple of scented candles. Little did they know. It’s just not worth it. If you’re told to evacuate, you need to get out. The one weird thing is how there is no power. The other weird thing is how there’s no gas. To get gas requires a three-and-a-half hour wait. It’s like this odd, post-apocalyptic kind of thing. Most trees are down. Power lines are down. It’s like a movie, or like The Walking Dead. You can’t believe it, especially when you grow up here. I moved to Los Angeles in 1999, but this has always been my home…I know this island in and out. To see it completely destroyed is bizarre.

I’ve been trying to hit every shelter on Staten Island to do what I can, just to make people smile. A lot of people know me and know I’m from here. My flight has been changed six times now. I called Jet Blue and they say I can’t fly Sunday because I can’t get from Staten Island to JFK Airport…I call up the car service, and they say, ‘We can’t pick you up, we have no gas.’ All my friends on Staten Island say, ‘How are we going to get you there? We have no gas.’ And the people who do have gas, don’t want to waste it going to JFK. So I’ve got to call and change my flight again…”

Being knocked out of flights is something I understand – like from Hurricane Irene August 2011. It was a miracle that I got to Iceland to do what Abba asked me to do – but I got there, from Canada. [Refer to: “My Iceland Report”] In 2010, He worked me in between two eruptions of Icelandic volcanoes--very close calls. He actually turned a hurricane back where it came from, so that I could get through to Panama to do His will. It sure shocked the airlines that it turned east. He has been stopping storms and re-directing them, too, for me since I was in my 20s – not for my business, but for His. But, then, in Mark 4:15-5:1 we read how disgusted He was with His disciples because they woke Him up and didn’t rebuke the storm themselves.

He gets His servants to where He sends them! It is a life of totally laying down “self” and only going by what He says to the re-born spirit, our portal to the eternal realm--saying and doing exactly as He desires. “It is a life like no other, this is the great adventure”.

I really have empathy for those in the northeast, but I also have understanding as to why they are going through what they are going through. I pray for His remnant.

In my last update, I told my dream of the map and His saying “the Northeast Region” … which I found by region in my Atlas upon awakening, and as I ran my fingers over that region, I felt evil coming off the page onto my fingers. So, I pray with much understanding.

I am in contact with people in other areas hard hit. They can’t get out either, and even one working with the Stock Exchange was told to stay home. I have never had so many e-mails from those giving me what Abba is saying to them about all of this. I sure appreciate them!

On October 23rd, meteorologists said this: “Tropical Storm Sandy has strengthened into Hurricane Sandy over the Caribbean Sea, just before it is expected to hit Jamaica sometime on Oct. 23rd …” It hit the 23rd in the Caribbean, moving north towards America on October 24th.

Here is a headline from MPR News, about the last public debate of Obama and Romney, on October 22nd: “Final debate: Obama, Romney take on the world” - October 23, 2012, By DAVID ESPO and KASIE HUNT Associated Press

BOCA RATON, Fla. (AP) — President Barack Obama sharply challenged Mitt Romney on foreign policy in their final campaign debate Monday night…”

One of the main topics was the Middle East. They talked about Iran and dividing the land policy. Both candidates want to divide Israel. Within one day, Sandy became a hurricane headed towards the northeast U.S. (Joel 3:2; Matthew 25:31-32)

Another bulletin from just came in, November 2nd from Power Players:

Nightmare scenario: The election night that might not end - By Rick Klein, Amy Walter, Sara Just & Jordyn Phelps | Fri, Nov 2, 2012

“…this election is close — at least that's what the polls seem to indicate. And a close election means that the winner may not be clear for hours, maybe even days…maybe even weeks.”

They’re blaming that on state policies for vote counting, but with the northeast in such turmoil, how can people go to voting booths, even if the military has voting trucks stationed everywhere, and how can votes be counted accurately? This story may not be clear until 2013. A whole LOT can happen before January 20th 2013!!!!!!!

A lady from Connecticut wrote me that Abba gave her Ezekiel 7 to read—appropriate chapter. It talks about the fall of world economy too. She has also been shown that the seas are full of defiled blood.

In 2010, after the BP rig blew up, I wrote very much about it. In one article I wrote about the blood-red water from the oil. The Gulf itself looks like a woman giving birth, with two “legs” on either side. Where the rig blew up is the center.

I wrote a lot about the hidden things of the BP rig blow up. I covered it very thoroughly. The same scenario was already in the BP board game of the early 70s and in the movie “Knowing”. Yes, these things are planned years in advance. The preparations for Aqaba as the world refuge for refugees, for famine and disaster relief, and the preparations of Petra, go back to the early 1900s. [Refer to: Edom, Petra, and the Re-gathering…” – be sure to read the “Appendix”]

Yes, His enemies have thrown the gauntlet to Abba. There was so much indication of that. But now, Yahuweh has thrown the gauntlet to His enemies!!!

A friend from Australia was given Ezekiel 24:2 on October 24th – “Son of man write down the name of the day, for on this same day the King of Babylon has thrown himself against Jerusalem”. Yes, she heard from Abba – His message was clear.

Confirmation has come in, as I wrote in the last update, that this was a HAARP planned event. Then I get information from several sources about the National Hurricane Center hurricane preparedness drill of 1997, Miami.

Here is a report on that via

Hurricane Sandy goes as far back as 1938. Here’s part of a report from :

October 17, 1997 - The Hurricane Simulation

“Westchester County Communications Officer Sandy Fried, an Amateur Radio operator and ODES staff member, had recently attended a training seminar at the National Hurricane Center in Miami. Part of the training was a simulation using data from the Hurricane of 1938 that caused major losses on Long Island and in Westchester. The texts of the simulated bulletins, forecasts, discussions and strike probabilities along with the hurricane's track were sent home with the seminar attendees. We named the simulated hurricane after Sandy, who incidentally was nine years old during the real Hurricane of 1938.

These texts were used as the drill stimulus. They were time-shifted to simulate land-fall around 6pm on Saturday, October 4th. Working backward from this time, we used these texts to generate and automatically update a World Wide Web status page () and send email to the Westchester ARES/RACES email reflector and fax to the County Emergency Operations center at the times that the National Weather Service would normally have sent them”.

When Abba looses the “dog” to execute His judgment, He makes sure that whatever the “dog” does is under His command and His total control.

He’s got the “dog”--Satan/Lucifer/Devil/Dragon--on a leash along with all the other little fallen angel dogs.

It is very intelligent to boldly state our standing with Yahuweh! He’s the winner! We show our faith by boldly proclaiming His victory. Use the victory Psalms. Sing them. Listen to the Sons of Korah sing them, or Kent Henry, or some other anointed people. Worship Yahuweh as Creator with all your heart. Side with Him loudly! Don’t let the enemy think you might be persuaded to join him!!!

Which brings me to the pathetic “no brainers” -- the s0-called “believers”, along with Illuminist Billy Graham, who are praying for the Mormon Romney to win the presidential elections. Do they not understand Mormonism and its goals? It is a political organization hiding behind religion, just like the Vatican is--both are treacherous! As if Yahuweh was some buffoon sitting in heaven drinking wine like Bacchus, and needs them to tell Him to rig the elections their way. Is ignorance of Yahuweh that bad? Is ignorance of what the enemy is doing that bad?

It is now common knowledge, and yes, Yahuweh knows this too, that the Illuminati think tanks, like the Bilderberger Group, determine who wins the elections four to eight years ahead – for their purposes of word take over. I know about this first hand. He does sit in the heavens and laugh, but through clenched teeth in His rage.

Instead of praying for the Illuminist Mormon, in the same bed with Illuminist Muslim Obama, to win, why not get out and win eternal souls to the salvation of Yahushua? Why not gather people in their homes to pray for the salvation of the lost, for the spreading of Torah, for the protection of His remnant who are actually doing something productive for the Kingdom, for His Kingdom to come!!!

So few know Yahuweh, the Elohim of Abraham, Yitzak, and Ya’cob!!! Can’t they ask Him whom He supports? Find out what is on His heart – then go with that!

Is He that aloof that His so-called people can’t ask Him and get an answer? I feel like Eliyahu mocking the worshippers of Ba’al on Mount Carmel who were trying to get their god to answer them: Is your god sleeping, perhaps he went on a vacation … He answers those servants who are flowing with His heart in obedience to Him, whom He trusts with His secrets! People waste precious time wrangling and striving over theology, when they could very well ask Him, whose Spirit is our Teacher. But, evidently they’d rather wrangle amongst themselves and stay in ignorance than to learn Truth and know Him. Tragic!!!!!

I am so proud of those in Israel who gathered on His real Yom Kippur October 27th to pray for this nation and its people. Over 2,000 came. There was passionate pleading to repent, and much prayer. Did you join them? [Refer to: “Abba Yahuweh’s Yom Kippur Message to His People”]

It is November 3rd. At this point we have three days until Election Day in America. Will there be elections? Wall Street is having problems. I received the Gann Panic Window Report about two weeks ago, regarding this week, from someone who works with the Wall Street money market. Yes, this is a prediction, but it has value for sure. This week we’ll know.

“The Gann Panic Window

WD Gann believed that there is a "death zone" between 49-55 days off the highs in the market. The 1987 crash happened after the market broke a triple bottom on the 49th day off the high, the crash culminated on day 55.

Now if we count out 49-55 days off the 9/14 high, we get the "crash window" Friday 11/2 to Thursday 11/8. So my thinking goes that it is possible that this Election Day may be more historic than people think!”

Here is what just came in from Reuters a few minutes ago onto Yahoo Main Page--November 3, 2012--entitled Hurricane Sandy Cold Snap Set to Hit New York:

“NEW YORK (Reuters) - Northeast residents lucky enough to have a roof after Hurricane Sandy struck now face a new problem: a heating oil shortage and widespread power outages mean some homes may go cold as the weather turns wintry.

A cold snap in the New York City area - with daily low temperatures set to drop into the upper 30s Fahrenheit (2-4 degrees Celsius) early next week - is raising concerns that residents of the storm-stricken areas of New York, New Jersey or Connecticut could be left without heat as they recover from one of the worst storms in U.S. history.

Some New York area heating oil distributors have already been forced to ration supplies. The fuel is used in nearly 5.8 million homes in the Northeast, the world's largest heating oil market. In some storm hit areas, distribution has nearly collapsed”.

Here’s what’s new from AP: A storm they have not named yet is forming, six days out from the US east coast.

“Forecaster Bruce Sullivan says it wouldn't be as bad as Super storm Sandy and isn't tropical. But it could include snow in interior New England and New York, beach erosion and high winds for areas hit by Sandy, and moderate or heavier rainfall.”

Will there be elections? If so: WHY? With so many without power and transportation unavailable to so many, how could they accurately count votes? If it is a long-term vote counting thing, will it be concluded before the end of 2013? A lot can happen before then! Hey -Even the famous New York marathon was cancelled …

One of my close friends did research on the name “Sandy”.

“The meaning of Sandra is "Defender of Mankind" or “Helper of Humanity.” Origin: Greek. In English, the name Sandra means- Unheeded prophetess.

In Homers The Iliad, Cassandra’s prediction of the fall of Troy was unheeded.

In Greek mythology, Cassandra (Greek, also known as Alexandra) was the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. Her beauty caused Apollo to grant her the gift of prophecy. In an alternative version, she spent a night at Apollo's temple, at which time the temple snakes licked her ears clean so that she was able to hear the future (this is a recurring theme in Greek mythology, though sometimes it brings an ability to understand the language of animals rather than an ability to know the future). When Cassandra of Troy told him she wanted to stay a virgin, Apollo placed a curse on her so that she and all her descendants' predictions would not be believed. She is a figure both of the epic tradition and of tragedy, where her combination of deep understanding and powerlessness exemplify the ironic condition of humankind.

Other commentary: Cassandra was a priestess of Apollo in Troy before the Trojan War. She was very beautiful, and Apollo saw her and fell in love with her.  He offered her the gift of prophecy if she would kiss him. She agreed, and he gave her the gift, but when he went to kiss her she spit in his mouth. Apollo was very angry. He could not take away her gift, but he changed it so that she would always know what was going to happen, but nobody would ever believe her when she told them.

Sure enough, Cassandra told all the people in Troy to watch out for the Trojan Horse, but nobody paid any attention…” (She gave her sources--if you want them, ask me)

The message is plain: Like with the Greek goddess Cassandra, the prophetic implications of Hurricane Sandy will not be considered. It will be treated as a historic disaster, but not the judgment of Yahuweh. The survivors, as typical, are called “lucky” – a word rooted in the name Lucifer.

I also have information about Obama’s control over HAARP. That sure makes sense, since he has had control of the nations of the earth since 2009.

We will wait and see what will come out of this, for much is at stake.

I just know that Yom Teruah by Abba’s calendar, October 17th 2012, unleashed the events for this final interim period before Messiah returns.

Let us focus on the end, not the interim! Fear is out of the question for those that know Yahuweh personally, and hear Him daily. He directs the steps of those who serve Him. Refer to: “The Mo’edim Lifestyle”/2012, and “Living From the Eternal Mind”/2011] It is the only way to survive well.

Nahum 1:2-3: “Yahuweh is a jealous and revenging El. Yahuweh is an avenger and possessor of wrath. Yahuweh takes vengeance on His adversaries, and He watches for His enemies. Yahuweh is patient and great in power but by no means leaves the wicked unpunished. Yahuweh has His way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet”. He is the Creator, and has command over all of His creation! He only allows man to do what He allows … no more, no less. It is wise to fear Him!

I am so thrilled to be hearing from people that really know Him and are not dulled by religion and what man says, but what He says!

MY REPORT on my three days in Yerushalyim – Jerusalem (notice in His Hebrew name for His city there is no USA in the middle). OH my, I’ve about heard it all.

I had not heard from Abba about whether He wanted me to go for the first days of His Sukkot or not – but a few days before I was to go, about October 26th, I woke up with joy just flooding through me. He spoke to me: “I want you to go to My City for Sukkot”. I was so happy!!! That joy just kept up. He finally explained why on the first day of His Sukkot-November 1st.

I got a hotel room quickly in the Jaffa Gate area, where I’ve stayed most of the last 55 or more times I’ve been in Jerusalem. My intercessor family-friends also heard Him say to go, so they got a room in the same hotel. I went on the earliest bus. I met them the afternoon of October 31st. We have had such awesome times together – first in the Outer Hebrides, then across the north of Israel about three or four times, and in Jerusalem several times – interceding, fellowshipping, sharing revelation knowledge of what Abba is saying, and just relaxing. They’re Spirit taught too.

I prepared to go to the Western Wall to proclaim the opening of His Sukkot, the eve of October 31st. He gave me the Psalms to proclaim.

October 31st in America, and in other nations, too, is Halloween, or as I call it, Hell-oween. It is the high witch’s “Shabbat” – the day of human sacrifice to Lucifer. Following it on November 1st is the Vatican’s “All Saints’ Day”—a day glorifying the dead. On November 2nd is the Vatican’s “All Souls Day” – glorifying the dead. Wow – three days of glorifying the dead.

I was a close friend of an ex-Satanist. He was very powerful as a warlock. He told of how young children and babies are kidnapped prior to Halloween (hallowed eve) and put in cages to await their hideous death. He helped the Fort Worth police department find these children before Halloween, for he knew where they were kept. So, here on this night of death, our Abba chooses it to be a night celebrating His victory over Satan, over hell, and over the death! HALLELUYAH!!!!!!!

As I was at the Ha Kotel (the Wall) near sundown the 31st, proclaiming the Psalms He gave me, I saw three new things: 1) groups of women soldiers coming to the Wall to pray 2) two couples of white doves nestling for the night in the crevices of the Wall (I’ve seen a lot of pigeons, but not white doves) and 3) as I left I saw a very beautiful Bride, dressed in a beautiful white dress, going to the Wall to pray.

This spoke to me--what a message to us: Israel is preparing for war. Yes, there are many soldiers going to the Wall, men and women. Yes, there is much troop movement. But, then, the white doves take shelter and sleep securely in the Wall that used to surround the Temple Herod built. It is like a prophecy of the peace that will come when Messiah builds the Temple that Ezekiel saw, which John the Apostle measured during his “Revelation”, and where as Psalm 84 says that the birds find shelter in His altars. And the Bride – among the soldiers--the Bride was symbolic of Messiah gathering His Bride during a time of war.

That night at the Wall, He also gave me Psalm 93:2-4, Isaiah 17:12-13; Psalm 83:13-15; Psalm 148:8; Psalm 33:6-9.

He also gave me Jeremiah 51:42, 54-56: “The sea has risen up over Babel; she has been covered by the roaring of His waves…His waves shall roar like great waters, the roar of their voices shall resound”.

Of course, if you’ve been studying with me, you know that Jeremiah 50-51, Isaiah 47 with Revelation 18, etc., is America. America is without doubt end-time Babylon, both historically and actually, from its plans since the 1600s to resurrect Nimrod to power, and restore his dream of a one world kingdom. [refer to: “End Time Babylon” for starters]

He also gave me Psalm 76 from the Artscroll Hebrew Tehillim. Read it! This is for today! Here are some of the comments by rabbis on this Psalm: “In Messianic times all nations will amass against Jerusalem…There God’s Sovereignty will be clearly recognized when He wreaks vengeance upon them. The holy Temple will be rebuilt. In Messianic times, all instruments of war and defense will become obsolete. For God will establish a new world order, as foretold in Isaiah 4:2 and Micah 4:3”. Isn’t that profound! There are many among the Orthodox Jews who are teaching on the end times from the Tenach. They know about the cycle we’re in. They know Messiah is coming soon. Don’t you just love their statements of faith! We, who know who Messiah is, must boldly declare the end victory of Elohim!

On March 22nd, when walking around the lake where I was staying in Florida, I had just read Nehemia Gordon’s report of his being very surprised that there was no barley found in the aviv stage around Jerusalem and that we would have a second Adar Bet in a row. Abba spoke to me: “Indeed, you will have an Adar Bet”. Then He proceeded to tell me about this Sukkot. I was shocked to figure it out standing there, that the elections would come the week of His true Sukkot. He showed me that after the elections, things would break loose leading to the tribulation time before the return of His Messiah.

[Refer to: “Aviv 1–Barley–New Moon & Prophetic Fulfillment in 2012” and “The Time of Transition and Turbulence”/May 2012] All articles mentioned in this report can be found on:

Two Adar Bets in a row – two leap years in a row. The Samaritans on Mount Gerazim know this is a leap year, by going from the ancient calendar from the time Joshua entered the land. As the father of my family-friends said, whenever you see two, you know it is Abba’s emphasis. Yes!

Revelation 18:3: “Babylon the Great has fallen, has fallen”. Isaiah 21:9: “Babylon is fallen, is fallen”. Messiah kept saying “truly truly I say to you”, when He wanted to put emphasis on something.

I began watching confirmation of this Adar Bet. This year has gone so fast. And here we were in Jerusalem for the start of Yahuweh’s Sukkot by the ancient ways of telling time.

In Jeremiah 6:16, He speaks to His people: “Stand in the way and see, and ask for the ancient paths where the good way is, and walk in it, and find rest for yourselves. But they say, `We will not walk in them’. Verses 18-19: “Therefore, hear you nations, and know O congregation, what is upon them! Hear O earth! See! I am bringing evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not listened to My words, nor My Torah, but have rejected it”.

Jeremiah 18:15: “But My people have forgotten Me…they have stumbled from their ways, from the ancient paths, to walk in bypaths, and not on a highway.”

His ways are a highway taking us upward. But, in my nearly 60 years in ministering, I’ve found hardly anyone who really knows Him, or cares to, because His ways are hard. It takes dying to “self”, and much discipline to walk in His ways, nature, and thinking. But, wow is it worth it!!!

I have learned so much this year. On the eve of the real Passover, He gave us a super moon sign. There have been other signs in the heavens, and on earth. One example: Just a few days ago, over Kentucky, strange objects that look just like scrolls, or long rolled up pieces of paper, hung in the air for about 30 minutes--thousands saw this. It reminded me of Revelation 10 and Ezekiel 3 – about the scrolls, as well as Revelation 6! Each of these prophetic scrolls have to do with timing of judgment. May Abba teach us further!

In going over what my friend was to read out loud the next day – I re-read Zechariah 14:16-19. I’ve read that so many times, but this time I saw it as He sees it. He will wreak vengeance on His enemies. He will not let them forget that they lost and He won. In Isaiah 66:24, we will look on all of those who have destroyed His people and His earth. In Zechariah 14:16-19, He orders that all of His enemies who came against Him are commanded to come each year to the Feast of Tabernacles to worship and honor Him. All knees of His enemies will bow to Him! (Philippians 2:5-11)

He especially mentions Egypt – home to the Muslim Brotherhood. What justice! No, He’s not a sadist. He simply wants all to know for sure that He is the Creator, the true Master of the universe, and that they made a very bad mistake, to put it mildly. In the book of Enoch I, the fallen ones are told that they made a very bad mistake, and because of it they will perish in the lake of fire and never rise again.

We must fear the power and authority of Yahuweh, if we’re smart. “The fear of Yahuweh is the beginning of wisdom”, Psalm 111:10. If you fear Him, you’ll obey Him.

We must proclaim His dream come true - Revelation 21:1-7. The enemy wants to usurp His dream of tabernacling with His people. (II Corinthians 6:16-18) Proclaim with Yahuweh: “I have set My King on Zion, My set-apart mountain”. (Psalm 2)

More and more are seeking Him with all their heart.

I awoke the next morning, November 1st, and met my friends. The father in the family had received revelation from Abba about this real Sukkot. It has been confirmed over and over that yes, we were in an Adar Bet by Yahuweh’s ancient ways of determining time. Yes, the City of David, as He spoke to me, is the “apple of His eye”, and everything was to revolve around Yerushalyim.

The City of David is His real Zion. Yahuweh was worshipped there, with His Presence on the Ark, in King David’s backyard for 40 years. Messiah will dwell in Zion, right where the ruins of that palace area is now. He is the mercy seat (I John 2:2), and the Living Torah—“the Word made flesh”. Jeremiah says that no one will even care about the Ark anymore when He reigns.

We were to meet in the City of David, under that succah that is built near the palace area in Area G. Oh the peace there! But, lately, not so much as usual (smile). When we were there for Yom Teruah, the archeologists were directing more work to go deeper below the palace area, and the workers were loud. My son programmed onto the I-pod he gave me, the harp music played over the speakers at the City of David. So, because of all the noise, I listened to the harp music on my I-pod because I couldn’t hear it via the speakers (funny!!)

But, this time was better. The workers were on their break. But, they were throwing down large bags filled with rocks perhaps onto the soil below the palace area, then watering it, to loosen the soil to find more artifacts.

I bless them in Yahuweh’s Name! Right in the face of the UN, the US, the EU and all their wickedness, these Israeli archeologists are going forward with excavating the source of the entire Tenach – Zion. (Psalm 132:13-14)

Yes, plans are going forward to accept the PLO bid for statehood, recognition in the UN, and for their capitol – East Jerusalem. Keep your eye on this – it is slated for late November.

The E.U. is working on boycotting goods coming from the “west bank” – made by Jews of course. The world is turning quickly against Israel, based on nothing but lies and deceptions fostered by the news media, the Arabs, and the Illuminati Luciferic elite who want to destroy Yahuweh, His Torah, and His people off the earth.

Truly Zechariah 12:1-3 has begun!!! Rejoice at Zechariah 14:1-5!

The Israeli papers are full of predictions. It appears that the UN will grant the PA (Palestinian Authority) status in the UN as they have requested. But, the UN is also going ahead with their unsettling the settlers – and disaster looms ahead for Israel, not just war, not just attack from all neighbors, but from the UN power to expel the precious ones from Samaria (mis-named the “west bank”), from the Golan, and from East Jerusalem.

Obama supports the Muslims, not because he worships Allah, but because those who will do his dirty work for him worship Allah. He has close personal ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. The third part of the Mazzini/Pike Plan is about to go into effect. Read: “Launching the Chaos” for more in-depth information. He has done his job – to destabilize the whole Middle East against Israel. It will bring the world ruler to power.

Hold on: Hurricane Sandy will look like a Sunday school picnic before long.

Continuing: As I left on the morning of November 1st to meet my friends in the City of David, under that succah, I did not get far out the door of the hotel before He gave me a prophecy. I stopped to write it down. Then I did not get much further past the Post Office when He instructed me regarding Nehemiah 8, then I Kings 8 – both are about Sukkot. “The joy of Yahuweh is your strength”.

I had been wondering why all the joy in my spirit that I was to be there or Sukkot. Well, He answered my quest for understanding. Case in point: ASK YAHUWEH if you have a question about His Person, His Word, the future as He sees it for you, and for direction. STOP RUNNING TO MAN, who is getting more stupid as each day passes!!!

SUKKOT IS THE FESTIVAL OF OUR JOY! It is also the Festival of HIS JOY! It is symbolic of the Messianic Kingdom in the 7th millennium, which we are in now. Sukkot is the 7th of the Festivals. It pictures the time of the resurrection of the set-apart ones, and of Messiah tabernacling among us.

It is the festival of great joy!!! No wonder the enemy wants to usurp Sukkot! That fiend wants to take our joy from us. Don’t let Him take your joy from you! His joy is His might – His inner power. Ephesians 6:10: “Be strong in the Master, and in the power of His might”.

I was on my way to the very spot where Ezra read the Torah for the first time after their 70 years of captivity in Babylon. It was just below the palace area of the City of David. After weeping from hearing the instructions of Yahuweh in the Torah, they built succhas (booths) throughout the Kidron Valley to celebrate Sukkot.

It was on Sukkot that Solomon dedicated the Temple and the Presence of Abba came down to dwell with His people in such power that the priests could not stand up.

My son had such revelation that it still gives me chills, for I know it is true. I ponder on it. I wish I could give it to you in its entirety but this is what he said in capsule form: He said that like Ezra, the two witnesses will read the Torah to people in many places on earth, and it is this reading of His Torah that will enrage the Beast and the world’s people who are loyal to the Beast/world ruler, and cause them to be killed. The Torah is still read in its entirety during Sukkot! This is the season in which the witnesses will appear in the near future, to join with the witness company who will work with them. As Ezra had Levites working with him to teach the people, so the witnesses will have a company of those who will work with them.

Malachi 4:5-6: “See, I am sending you Eliyahu the Prophet before that great and awesome day of Yahuweh. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with utter destruction”.

If He finds no one that will heed His Torah, He will have to destroy the whole earth. But, there are those who will heed the Torah, so He will have His Kingdom, and we will be a part of it!

Here is the prophecy that He gave me outside the hotel:

“By following the ancient paths, you are doing prophetic action for the return to the days of Solomon’s Temple when My ancient paths were observed”.

We will return to the ancient Temple ways … but with Messiah, a “greater than Solomon” will be ruling over us! By going by the ancient paths used to determine the festivals in the days of Solomon’s Temple, I and my friends, and many others in different places, were symbolically re-enacting the days to come also, during the time of Messiah’s Temple!’

We have to go back to His ancient ways, in order to go forward!!!

I got to the City of David top area, where tourists gather. I sat down waiting for my friends to come, so that we might go down to below the palace area, and sit in the succah, and fellowship.

I was sitting there next to several ladies from Africa, and what appeared to be a European lady. This lady asked me where I was from. That question always throws me because I’m not from anywhere. I live a nomadic lifestyle. I tried to explain. Then I asked where she was from, and she said South Africa. Well, I don’t know how it happened, but the Spirit in each of us launched an incredible touching base with what He has shown us both. It was amazing how much she had learned from the Spirit. She is an intercessor also. I have not had such an encounter since Roy at the Wall in 2005 who gave me so much information on the names and titles of Abba and Son.

Anyway, she was there with those women from the Zulu and Twana tribes, on a Sar El tour. When I said my name was Yedidah, she asked what that meant. I told her in ancient Hebrew it meant “beloved”. She was so shocked. She said that very morning, their pastor had taught on how Abba called Messiah “beloved”. It was a confirmation to her that Abba’s anointing was on me. I told her about Sukkot, and what it meant, and that she was there on His Sukkot. She wanted to learn all about it. We talked about being of the house of Ya’cob, and she knew about that. We fellowshipped in the Spirit for about 45 minutes. During that time my friends came and got in on some of the fellowship.

I got lots of South African style hugs – big hugs. I was prayed over, and it was wonderful! She got my mikvah site address and said she would give it to her friends. She said that all of her city and friends were very pro-Israel. She said she was from East London, on the south coast of South Africa. Here’s another one of those mo’eds that are so common when your steps are ordered by Yahuweh.

After a wonderful time in the City of David, I got back to my hotel room about 3:00 PM. I had no longer lain down than my son called from America. He was very excited at what Abba was showing him on that day. He also wanted to wish us Chag Sameach!

I had dinner, and Davies came to say “goodbye” as they were going to the bus that evening to return to the north. I stayed an extra night so that I could go back to the Wall, and finish what He had given me to do.

I went from dinner down to the Wall and read Psalms. I wondered why He sent me back there – what had I not seen? In coming back towards my hotel at the Jaffa Gate, I saw the police had sectioned off the whole area, and hundreds of people had gathered to watch something. I stood there and took pictures. This is what I needed to see.

They were having an outdoor show to advertise the new show inside the Citadel – also called the “tower of David”, even though it had nothing to do with King David. Ruins of Herod’s palace were discovered in that huge area. It is like a museum.

It was through the Jaffa Gate, by the Citadel, that Lord Allenby and his troops marched triumphantly in 1917, to declare the end of Ottoman rule over Jerusalem. He stood on the steps of the Citadel and read the declaration of Jerusalem’s freedom!!!

Now what did I see? As I came up, out of the pit surrounding the Citadel, rose a great red dragon (must have been like a balloon). It flew all around the people over by the Jaffa Gate, and into the square. Standing on a platform was a young girl, dressed in Medieval clothes, watching the dragon, as it came past her. She was all alone.

Then I noticed several in Medieval costumes standing near me, evidently part of the program they were advertising. The music was so loud and it went on until nearly midnight. I left after a few minutes. Of course I turned to Revelation 12 about the red dragon. The red dragon is Satan who stands in front of the young woman about to give birth--Israel who birthed Messiah--to devour her child.

I still can’t understand why the one young girl was there on that high platform. But, it surely was symbolic of what is soon to come. Micha’el and his forces are about to throw the dragon out of the planet-star area--the “heavenlies”, or second heaven--along with his angels. And when they come down, the set-apart ones will be their target. Read Revelation 12! It is about to happen. Messiah gave clues about it too in Matthew 24.

The next morning, Abba directed my timing. I intended to get the 8:00 AM bus. But, when I got to the bus port for my city, about 7:10, there was a bus already there, leaving at 7:15. He is so good!

So while we need to know, as good soldiers, what the enemy is doing, we also need to know what the Captain we serve has planned, and adjust our lives to fit into those plans!!! Let us worship Him more than ever! (Revelation 4 and 5)

Shalom, with love,


November 3, 2012


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