
Falcon Lake Ladies Golf AssociationContact: Evelyn Proceviatevelyn@ Website: : Box 97; Falcon Lake, Manitoba; ROE ONO Phone: 204-349-2554 Facebook: Executive: President: Brenda CleverleyVice President: Susan StanleySports Captains: Tracy EvansSocial Committee: Hildy DyckBrenda BurchTreasurer: Christine RossSecretary: Janet PotterCourse Affiliate: Evelyn Proceviat00 Executive: President: Brenda CleverleyVice President: Susan StanleySports Captains: Tracy EvansSocial Committee: Hildy DyckBrenda BurchTreasurer: Christine RossSecretary: Janet PotterCourse Affiliate: Evelyn ProceviatThe Falcon Lake Ladies Golf Association Spring Newsletter____________________________________________ April 29, 2017Happy Spring, Fellow Golfers!!!Hope everyone had a great winter. It won’t be long now till we are all back to lake life!! And golfing again!!!! Whooo hoo! 344424031051500This newsletter is meant to bring new and “returning” members up to date on the 2017 Falcon Lake Ladies Golf season.Check out the highlights: Our new Falcon Lake Ladies Golf Association website. Just click: .Our new Ladies Golf Facebook page. . Why? So you can be “in the know” about the most current ladies league updates and changes. See page 4; Getting onto the Facebook Blog.Our new system for signing up for weekly golf. See page 3; Signing Up for Golf Procedure. Change in the fees. See page 6; New Fee rmation regarding the Golf Fore the Cure. See page 8; Special Events. Update on the new course management. See page 2; President’s Message. Luncheon Dates and Locations; see page 7.So, until we meet – remember this hot little tip, “always stay on the short grass!!”Janet PotterMessage from the PresidentThank you to Wayne and Susan Stanley for generously hosting our fall meeting at their Star Lake cottage.And thank you to the awesome social committee - Hildy Dyck and Brenda Burch - for a wonderful closing luncheon back in August. It was terrific.Ownership News: Lakeland Golf Group has taken over the ownership of the sports facilities at Falcon Lake. This includes the tennis, mini golf, lawn bowling and the golf course. Congratulations and best wishes to them in their quest to provide economical and quality recreation opportunities for surrounding property owners and park visitors.Congratulations to Jeff Heiland who will be the Head Professional. Check out the following website: . Notice the new multi-game passes!Ladies Golf Advertisements: Advertisements for the Falcon Lake Ladies Golf League have been placed, free of charge, in The Whiteshell Echo and The Lake of the Woods Area News.Ladies Golf Website: A big Thank You!! to Darlene Mulligan for developing our new website and facebook page. Well done, Darlene!! Check out the website out at . The member’s password is falconladies2017.Check out our new facebook page: fee Increase: Thank you to all of those who responded to our April online survey regarding the league fee increase. Thirteen out of 21 members voted. All said “yes” to increasing the fees to offset the website fee and reflect R.C.G.A. card costs. Susan Stanley seconded. See page 6 for fee details. Don’t forget to sign up for Ladies’ League golf early! If you pay league fees prior to (or at) the Classic on Saturday June 3rd, your name will be entered to win a GRAND PRIZE consisting of:1-10 token range pass.1 hour private lesson with Jeff Heiland.See Treasurer’s section for the fee breakdown. Message from the Vice President: ? No report for now. See you on the course.Golf can best be defined as an endless series of tragedies obscured by the occasional miracle, followed by a good bottle of beer. Golf dates: Spring: Our sports captain has already booked tee times in June so our members have a chance to warm up for?league?play. The first date is June 13th, 2017 at 9:00 am. Our sign-up sheets for these games are now on-line on our website under "TEE TIMES".?See sign-up directions below. June games are regular stroke play and will not count towards team prizes. However, as these games?are played with the lovely Falcon Ladies League members, all chip-INS and birdies can be included on the appropriate sheet located in the Ladies Locker Room.There is a possibility that the greens will be aerated on a Tuesday this spring. In this event, golf tee times will be at 12:06 and 12:14 for that day only. Summer: Summer tee times begin on Tuesday, July 4th, 2017 and continue each Tuesday in July and August. Please note: At the August, 2016 meeting, the group voted to start the summer t-times at 8:30 AM. This is a change from last year.Use the on-line sign up system to book. See directions immediately below Fall dates: Tee times will be on Tuesdays at 9:00 AM. Sign up at the pro-shop. Signing-up for Golf Procedure: Go to: (the member’s password is falconladies2017);Then Tee Times; Then Sign-up Sheets; insert your name, etc. All tee time requests must be on the website by Sunday 4:00 pm. ?Tee times will be posted on the website by Monday 4:00 pm.Call the clubhouse to cancel. Getting onto the Facebook Blog:Click on this address - go to: (the member’s password is falconladies2017);Scroll down to Follow Blog via Email (right hand side; just right of the green Membership fees info).Enter your email addressClick on followThey will send an email back to you to confirm; confirm; you will then get the updates. Secretary Report The most recent email and phone list was completed in April, 2017 and is attached to this newsletter. Please review and email revisions to Janet Potter (janet.potter@shaw.ca) A.S.A.P. The next updated list will come in July after the fee payment deadline. Please delete all prior phone lists and save/refer to the April/17 list. Suggestion: In an effort to save paper, please bring a copy of the minutes to the luncheon meetings. A limited number of copies will be available at the meeting.Secretary to copy and post minutes on bulletin board in the ladies’ locker room at the golf course for the benefit of those without computers at the lake. An interesting thing about Golf is that no matter how badly you play, it is always possible to get worse. Sports Captain Report –Tracy EvansThe August 9th 2016 Club Championship winners:"A" low gross: Brenda Cleverley. "A" low net: Hildy Dyck. ?????????"B" low gross: Evelyn Proceviat. "B" low net: Tracey Evans. ?????"C" low gross: Linda Stewart. ?"C" low net: Darlene Mulligan. ??Reminder to replace divots and fix ball marks. ?The sports captains will arrange to have a variety of mini tournaments each week. Information will be posted on the bulletin board in the ladies’ locker room.All teams are required to put their scorecard in the green box (located on the information board in the ladies’ locker room) after each game. Be sure to include the date as well as the name of each person in the group.Don’t forget to add your birdies and chip shots to the Chip/Birdie sheet in the clubhouse (include putts off the green). You never know - a prize could be waiting for you at the August luncheon!!!!?Ringer board: Sports captains will hang a ringer board on the information board in the ladies’ locker room. Directions will be clearly displayed above the ringer board. Members are asked to record their scores on the board each time they play AT FALCON LAKE. The purpose is to track improvement over the course of the season. There will be a prize for the most improved player. Please check it out. You could be the lucky winner!!!!Members are encouraged to keep a handicap. If you would like your scores entered into the computer system but don’t have access to a computer at the lake, talk to Evelyn at the pro-shop and she will enter them in for you. (Evelyn, is this true???)Remember the Golden Rule: Encourage each member of your group to keep up with the group ahead. Remember, a good pace of play equates to a higher degree of golf enjoyment for everyone.? As a general rule of thumb, a typical game should take approximately 4 hours or faster. Never lose sight of the group ahead of you. If you can’t see the group ahead of you when you are on the tee, you need to speed up e.g. pick up your ball.Treasurer’s report2016 We had 21 members in 2016 – down from 29 in 2015. Group decided to continue with the incentive program. March 2017 bank balance: $81.52 in the bank. $50.00 will be saved for the Ladies Classic.Donation Guidelines: Current members will have a $50.00 donation sent in their name. Special cases will be reviewedNew 2017 Fee Schedule Golf Canada has changed their membership format. To receive an official handicap, it will now cost us $28.35 versus $25/person.To reflect this increase in cost, our new fee schedule will be as follows:$30.00?for those who:Pay PRIOR to or on the first Saturday in June (June 3rd this year; also the classic tournament day).Simply require the league membership.Do not require or have paid for a Golf Canada membership elsewhere.$35.00?for those who:Pay AFTER the first Saturday in June (June 3rd this year).Simply require the league membership.Do not require or have paid for a Golf Canada membership elsewhere.$60.00?for those who:Pay PRIOR to or on the first Saturday in June (June 3rd this year; also the classic tournament day).Require the league membership.Would also like to renew or obtain a Golf Canada membership in order to establish a handicap and take advantage of other member benefits. If you are a “new member” and have paid the current Treasurer, see Evelyn in the Pro Shop and she will register you in the Golf Canada system. You will be issued a username and password to access the online scoring system and provide you with an Index for handicap purposes.$65.00?for those who:?Pay AFTER first Saturday in June.Require the league membership.Would also like to renew or obtain a Golf Canada membership in order to establish a handicap and take advantage of other member benefits. If you are a “new member” and have paid the current Treasurer, see Evelyn in the Pro Shop and she will register you in the Golf Canada system. You will be issued a username and password to access the online scoring system and provide you with an Index for handicap purposes.Payment Options: Make cheques payable to Falcon Lake Ladies Golf Association or FLLGA.Mail appropriate fees to:Christine Ross: -1515-1 Lombard place, Wpg, Mb. R3B 0X3.ORPay Christine at the classic Sat June 3rd (cash or cheque).Leave cash or cheque with Evelyn in the pro shop.Deliver cash or cheque to Christine at her cottage (Falcon Lake, Block 13, lot 5).IF YOU PAY PRIOR TO or on June 3rd your name will be entered for the early bird prizes.With many thanks to the golf club, all players who pay by June 3rd, 2017 will be entered into a draw to have a chance to win a driving range punch card valued at $40.00 plus a 1 hour golf lesson with Jeff. The draw will take place at the July opening luncheon.Golf Canada Memberships: Are payable annually.Social CommitteeLuncheon Meetings for 2017The opening luncheon will be held on Tuesday, July 4th, 2017 after golf at Liz Kunyckyj’s cottage (Falcon Lake; Block 17, Lot 3). The closing luncheon will be held on Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at Hildy Dyck’s cottage (West Hawk Lake; High Rock Beach Road; Lot 5).The luncheon fees will be increased to $10.00/person; Hildy Dyck and Brenda Burch will collect the money at the luncheon. A collection bowl and payment chart will be provided at the party. Members are requested to sign up for luncheons on the on-line sign-up sheet as early as possible so the social committee can plan accordingly. My goal for 2017 was to lose just 10 pounds.? Only 15 to goSpecial Events: Falcon Lake Ladies Classic Golf Fore the Cure TournamentThe Ladies Classic Golf Fore the Cure will take place on June 3th, 2017 at Falcon Lake Golf Course. ?Cost: $80.00; payment to be made at the time of booking. Tee times: Between 11:30 and 1:07Call Evelyn at 203-349-2554 to book …… OR send entries to Evelyn Proceviate; Box 97; Falcon Lake, Manitoba; ROE ONO. Include team or individual names, phone numbers and handicap index. Evelyn may need assistance with registration table and other volunteering.Any prize donations for the tourney is greatly appreciated. If you'd like to donate something please contact Evelyn.Falcon Lake Club Championships:August 15, 2017; rain date - August 22, 2017Girls’ Golf Get-away:The Ladies Get Away is in the planning stage. Call Evelyn if you are interested in entering this Girls’ golf get-away (204-349-2554).Steinbach Ladies Open Golf Tournament: To be held in Wednesday, July 5th at the Steinbach Fly-In Golf Course; it is a 9:00 AM start; more details to follow. $50.00 for guestsShot gun start is at 9:00 AMSeveral of the Falcon Lake ladies like to attend. Think about joining the group for a nice day. Judi Lidstone Open August 17th at Elmhurst Golf Club.Steinbach Seniors Men’s and Women’s Open 9:00 Shotgun on Tuesday, July 18th.The Pinawa Chickadee Classic?? Thursday June 1st 2017$80 for golf/ dinner/ prizes10 a.m. shotgunSouthwood Daisy:July 17th & 18thTwo-day event. See poster in locker room for further details.Kids today don't know how easy they have it.? When I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel.See everyone on the golf course!!! It won’t be long now!!Brenda Cleverly; Susan Stanley; Tracy Evans; Hildy Dyck; Brenda Burch; Christine Ross; Janet Potter; Evelyn Proceviat.05/5/2016 ................

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