QUIZ – Measurement

Quest Learning & Assessment System

Student Enrollment (2 steps: 1- register for a UT EID and 2 – use the UT EID to request enrollment in my course )

1. Go to

2. Click on “log into quest”

3. To obtain your UT EID and password, click on the “I need a UT EID” link under the login button

4. Follow the directions on the screen to set up your account


• If you give the EID system bogus information, you may not be able to retrieve your EID nor the password in the future. NEVER obtain a second EID. Make sure you are typing your name in correctly!

• On step 1, click “no” for all questions before continuing on to step 2

• On step 2, you only need to give your first and last name, and your birthdate. IF, it shows you already have an account (which you probably don’t) it just means someone with your same name is already in the system. You can try making your first name a combination of your first and middle name, and see if that does the trick. For example, instead of Ellie Kate Echter, your first name is Elliekate

• On step 3, you have to choose 3 reset questions from the dropdown choices in the event you forget your login information. It happens. Take the time to select easy questions with answers you will remember.

• On step 4 you will be asked to make a password. There are certain requirements that have to be met. One suggestion is to make it your ID number, followed by your initials.

• You will also be asked to include a password hint

• Finally, you will receive a UT EID. It will be some combination of your initials followed by some numbers. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO WRITE THIS DOWN NOW. This is your USERNAME

5. MY UT EID IS: _________________________________ My password is: _________________________________

6. Go back to (If needed, you can google “UT QUEST” and it will be the first link that comes up)

7. Log in using your UT EID and the password you just made

8. The first time you log in, you will need to request enrollment in my class

9. Under the MY COURSES tab, choose “ENROLL IN NEW COURSE”

10. Type in the unique number J208


12. EchterpreAP chemistry should now show – Click “REQUEST ENROLLMENT”

13. I have to approve your request before you can proceed in the course.

14. Once I have added you to the class, you will be able to see and complete the assignments as they are assigned.

You can earn five bonus points on the first test if you have registered by __________________________________.

Student FAQ


a) On "numeric" questions, you input ONE NUMBER -- integer, decimal or scientific notation.

b) Significant digits and precision:

• The computer carries out all calculations to at least six significant digits. Do not round off intermediate calculations or your final answer. Six digits are shown in solutions.

• To be scored as correct, an answer must be within 1% of the computer's answer (except for an answer of zero, which must be exact). You will be informed of any exceptions to this tolerance.

c) Scientific/Engineering notation ("times 10 to the power")

• Very large or very small numbers may be input with "scientific notation," e.g., +3.56e-10, which is 3.56 times ten to the negative tenth power. However, 468 (or 468.0) is just as good as +4.68e+02 or +4.68E+02.

Number of Tries Allowed

You will be told immediately whether your answer is correct or not. If your answer is incorrect, you are provided additional opportunities (multiple tries) to get the correct answer, as follows:

a) Multiple-choice questions:  You are allowed n - 1 tries, where n = "number of choices."

b) Numeric questions:  On "numeric" questions (you input the number itself), you are allowed seven tries.

You do not have to answer all of the questions in one sitting! You can jump around, answer some, come back later , and answer some more. Once you answer a question, it is locked – that is, you do not have to click on any final submit button. Your answer is on record once it is selected. If you are incorrect on your first attempt, you can try again for reduced credit.

I have had students try and answer all the questions on paper first, and then attempt to record their answers all at once. While this is perfectly acceptable, you should know that after a period of inactivity, you may need to log in again to enter your answers. It may seem as if the program isn’t responding. If this happens, try closing the browser and start over.


Once you complete an assignment, you will be informed of your final score. This is the grade that will go into the gradebook. If you do not complete the quest assignment by the required due date, your grade will be subject to the late work policy discussed in the syllabus.

Please plan to complete the quests early if at all possible. There is usually a week in which you can complete the assignment. I do not EVER assign quests and make them due the next day. Emergencies can and do arise – technology sometimes doesn’t work. Therefore, I advise not waiting until one hour before the assignment is due. This can create a lot of unnecessary stress.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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