Completes the statements or questions.

1. Earth’s rotation takes about ________________________________________________________________

2. Day and night are caused by _______________________________________________________________

3. One complete revolution of Earth around the sun takes about _____________________________________

4. The sun and moon seem to move across the sky each day because of Earth’s ________________ on its axis.

5. What direction does the Earth rotate and revolve in? _____________________________________________

6. Why does a leap year occur? ______________________________________________________________

7. Describe the seasons and how they relate to opposite hemispheres: ________________________________




8. Explain how seasons occur:________________________________________________________________




9. How would you correct this common misconception among your classmates regarding the Earth and the


Seasons are caused by the earth being closer to the sun in the summer and farther in the winter due to Earth’s

Elliptical orbit.______________________________________________________________________________




10. Why is Earth’s axis tilted? ________________________________________________________________





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