
Write On 1

Answer Key

Unit 1 All About Me

Page 7



1. My name is Simon.

2. I think my life is pretty good, and I feel very fortunate.

3. The writer gives nine details.

1) Eleven years old

2) Only child

3) Born in France but lives in Canada

4) Mother is French

5) Grandparents live in France, near the ocean

6) Visits France every summer

7) Plays soccer with his French cousins

8) Favorite sport is soccer

9) Goes swimming, snorkeling, and plays in the sand when he visits his grandparents

Page 8

Mapping Ideas


1. Age

a. Eleven

2. child

3. France

a. Born

b. Visits

c. ocean

d. snorkels, plays in the sand

4. Canada

a. English, French

5. Soccer

a. sport

b. cousins


1. He thinks his life is good.

2. He visits his grandparents, plays soccer, and goes to the ocean.

Page 9

Language Focus


1. My brother has a girlfriend.

2. Brian and his brothers are at baseball practice.

3. The idea of school on Saturdays is horrible.

4. One of my friends is very tall.

5. Sarah doesn’t / does not know the answer.

6. We have a pet cat, but Sam and Mary don’t / do not have a cat.

7. Many boys hope to become professional athletes.

8. Either your shoes or your bag is always in the living room.

9. I want to win the championship this year.


1. Mark wants to see Batman.

2. Each movie, including the previews, is about two hours long.

3. We all plan to eat hamburgers and French fries.

4. I am glad that I have so many great friends.

Unit 2 A Good Day at School

Page 13



1. Last Wednesday, I had a bad morning.

2. The rest of my day didn't turn out very bad at all.

3. The writer includes four main details about her bad day.

1) Woke up late and rushed

2) Forgot homework assignments

3) Didn’t want to do yoga

4) Enjoyed yoga after all

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Mapping Ideas


1. Woke, rushed

a. Science

b. History

2. P.E.

a. play tennis

b. yoga

c. silly

d. enjoying it

e. mood

3. not very bad


1. It made her feel silly.

2. She started to enjoy it and her mood got better.

Page 15

Language Focus


(Answers may vary.)

1. Yesterday we went to a restaurant with our uncle.

2. Last month, he saw a tiger and two elephants at the zoo.

3. They heard thunder during the storm last night.

4. Last week, I did a puzzle with my whole family.

5. She listened to her favorite band on her iPod yesterday.

6. We watched a movie about North and South Korea last year.

7. Two days ago, my friends played a game of chess.

8. A while ago, her parents had a big blue van.

9. My grandparents were a lot younger fifteen years ago.


1. He got it from his mom and dad.

2. It was a surprise.

3. But one time, he lost it for a week.

4. He found his lizard in his closet.

5. It was in one of his shoes!

Unit 3 My Favorite Book

Page 19



1. My favorite book is Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney.

2. I like this book because it is interesting and it makes me laugh.

3. The writer includes two characters from the book:

1) Greg

2) Rowley

Page 20

Mapping Ideas


Book Title: Diary of a Wimpy Kid

1. Jeff Kinney

a. series

b. one

2. Main characters

a. Greg

b. friend, Rowley

3. Plot

a. middle school

b. Difficult

c. tease

d. Rowley, arm

e. friends again


(Answers may vary.)

1. It is difficult because older students tease and make fun of them.

2. The writer thinks it is interesting and funny. I saw the movie and it was great, so I think I will try to read this book.

Page 21

Language Focus


1. Where is Seth’s notebook?

2. Which dress do you like, the green one or the yellow one?

3. How long did they talk on the phone?

4. Who ate dinner all by herself? / Who did Fiona eat dinner with?

5. Where are they walking to?

6. What kind of music are they listening to?

7. When did you get a new puppy?

8. How much was the bill at the restaurant?

9. Why don’t you jog in the morning?


1. Claire enjoys it because her English teacher is very funny.

2. It took Sam four hours to choose a present.

3. They are nervous because they have an exam.

Unit 4 Looking at Pictures

Page 25



1. We can see a beautiful black and white puppy playing with some yarn.

2. All good puppies need to clean their teeth!

3. The writer includes seven different colors.

1) Black

2) White

3) Cream

4) Light blue

5) Dark blue

6) Orange

7) Red

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a. Patches

b. black, white

c. well-behaved

d. naughty

e. kinds of yarn

2. materials

a. cream-colored yarn

b. Knitting

c. bin

d. dark blue, light blue, orange, red

e. dental floss


1. Patches is usually good, but she is being bad today.

2. (Answers may vary.)

I have never had a pet, but my best friend has a cat. Her cat chewed and scratched her new boots. She was very upset with the cat.

Page 27

Language Focus


1. Dad is taking the garbage out.

2. The rabbit is hopping towards the lettuce.

3. Jake is playing with his new toy trucks.

4. Mom is waking up my baby sister.

5. We are catching butterflies in the field.

6. Kelly is walking to school with Andrew.

7. They are building a giant sandcastle on the beach.

8. We are bringing our dog with us during our vacation.

9. I am calling my parents to ask if I can stay at Joe’s house.


1. He is trying to do too many things at once.

2. He is also studying for his English test.

3. He is not watching where he is going.

4. He is waiting for Justin to get close to him.

5. What is happening to him?

Unit 5 How to…

Page 31



1. Do you know how to save the life of someone who can’t breathe because they are choking?

2. I think everyone should know emergency first aid.

3. The writer gives seven steps.

1) First, get them to stand up.

2) Then strike them strongly between their shoulders.

3) Then, before continuing, check that the person is not pregnant, extremely fat, or under one year old.

4) Next, stand behind the person and hug them around the waist.

5) Make a fist with one hand and put your other hand on top.

6) Next, quickly pull your fist in and up.

7) If the person is still choking, do it again.

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Mapping Ideas


Action 1

a. to stand up

b. an open hand

c. between the shoulders

Action 2

a. around the waist

b. with one hand

c. on top, belly button

Action 3

a. fist in and up

b. See, mouth

c. breathe again


a. pregnant

b. one year

B. (Answers may vary.)

1. The writer describes how to do emergency first aid.

2. Yes, I do. People often choke so we need to know how to save them.

Page 33

Language Focus


(Answers may vary.)

1. First, heat a pan on the stove.

2. Fourth, look for two stones of the same size to use as eyes.

3. Finally, enjoy showing your test scores to your parents.

4. Second, put a tea bag in a cup.

5. Next, read a fun story to the child.

6. Before you kick the ball, make sure your shoes are tied well.

7. Then deposit your money in a bank account.

8. Last, dry your hands on a clean towel.

9. After you say hello, give your name.


1. First, he separates his clothes by color.

2. Second, he puts soap in the washing machine.

3. After that, he is ready to put one pile of his clothes in the machine.

4. Next, he closes the lid of the machine.

5. Finally, he pushes the start button.

Unit 6 The Best Place for a Vacation

Page 37



1. A nice place for a vacation is Hawaii.

2. With so much to do, Hawaii is a wonderful place for a vacation.

3. The writer gives three reasons.

1) Sunny weather

2) Many things to do

3) Kind and friendly people

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Mapping Ideas


1. Weather

a. playing on the beach

b. go swimming or scuba diving

2. Many things to do

a. Walk

b. restaurants and shopping malls

3. People

a. and friendly

b. Help you find

B. Answer the questions.

1. The writer thinks that Hawaii is the best place for a vacation.

2. The writer can go swimming or scuba diving and see fish and turtles. The writer can do many things like walk on volcanoes and in forests, or go shopping and eat delicious food. Also, the writer can meet kind people.

Page 39

Language Focus


1. My best friend speaks French. (no article)

2. We go to the ocean every summer vacation.

3. I’m going to eat a cheese sandwich for lunch.

4. Joel has a cat. The cat is cute and soft.

5. Could you give me an apple from the refrigerator?

6. I want to visit the United States when I am older.

7. The sun is bright today.

8. What time does the movie begin?

9. Does Sara have a brother?


1. Jane was a teacher.

2. One day a child became sick.

3. Jane took care of the child

4. Jane had the child’s illness.

5. Jane decided not to go to the child care center the next day.

Unit 7 Social Networking Websites

Page 43



1. I think social networking websites are useful for many reasons.

2. Although some people may view these sites negatively, I think they have a lot of good points.

3. The writer includes four positive effects of social networking websites.

1) Keep in touch with your friends

2) Convenient way to share news and photos

3) Quick way to invite people to events

4) Share new ideas

Page 44

Mapping Ideas


Topic: Social Networking Websites

1. Friends

a. touch

b. news, photos

2. invite people to a party

a. friends, birthday party

b. left messages

3. Share, ideas

a. a website

b. help and support

c. knowledgeable, dealing, bullies


1. They are useful for us.

2. (Answers may vary.)

I don’t agree with the writer. I don’t use social networking sites because I like to know who my friends are face-to-face. People don’t behave well on networking sites and even lie about who they are.

Page 45

Language Focus


1. I worked hard, so I passed my exams.

2. She went shopping for new jeans, but she couldn’t find any that she liked.

3. Everyone loves my grandpa because he is sweet and kind.

4. Keep quiet in the library, and don’t write in the books.

5. Frogs can hop, but they can’t fly.

6. He was very sick, but he didn’t take any medicine.

7. We need to walk quickly, or we are going to be late.

8. They said that the movie was wonderful, so I watched it.

9. Would you like water or juice to drink?


1. However, Steve doesn’t want to be a doctor or a dentist.

2. He is also thinking about becoming a history teacher or a librarian.

3. Steve is only 13 years old, and/so he has many years to decide.

4. So Steve is going to go outside and play.

Unit 8 Similar but Different

Page 49



1. Two sports which I enjoy playing are Frolf (or Frisbee Golf) and Ultimate Frisbee.

2. Despite their differences, both are great sports to play.

3. The writer gives four similarities.

1) Both are played using Frisbees

2) Both are played outdoors

3) Both involve throwing

4) Both are played by mostly young people

Page 50

Mapping Ideas


Topic: Frolf, Ultimate Frisbee


a. Frisbees

b. outdoors

c. throwing

d. young people


a. Ultimate Frisbee, Frolf

b. big field, course

c. high, Ultimate Frisbee, low score

d. golf

e. handball


1. (Answers may vary.)

To be honest, neither sounds like fun to me. I am not good at throwing, so I don’t think I’d enjoy Frisbee sports.

2. The writer gives details about how many people play, the way scoring works, where the games are played, and the different sports they are similar to.

Page 51

Language Focus


1. The boy was sad when he lost his dog.

2. I just called my friend because I needed to ask him a question.

3. She bought the dress that her sister liked.

4. They read the book that I gave them.

5. We called the doctor who works in the city hospital.

6. She drank orange juice for breakfast because she realized she was out of tea.

7. I stopped eating even though I was still hungry.

8. I went home as soon as I was done with school.

9. They don’t have practice since the soccer season ended.


(Answers may vary.)

1. Because I studied hard, I got good grades.

2. If they don’t stop talking, I can’t do my homework.

3. They always want to talk, so I had to go to the library to study.

4. Because/As/Since the library is far from my home, it is inconvenient to go there.

5. Although it was inconvenient, I am glad I studied there.

Unit 9 What Is a Good Friend?

Page 55



1. a friend as someone you know and like

2. A good friend is always there when you need them.

3. The writer includes three qualities.

1) Fun

2) Kind and supportive

3) Helpful

Page 56

Mapping Ideas


Topic: good friend

1. Fun

a. company

b. Have a great time

2. Kind

a. feel

b. comic book

3. Helpful

a. friend, study

b. notes


1. According to the writer, a friend should be fun so that you enjoy their company.

2. (Answers may vary.)

I think it is most important for a friend to be kind and supportive. If your friends are not kind to you, they are not really your friends.

Page 57

Language Focus


1. Jason likes bananas. Tracy likes apples.

2. I wanted to go to the movies, but I had to do homework instead.

3. When he turned in his report, he forgot to write his name on the front.

4. We needed some extra money, so we got part-time jobs after school.

5. They got home. They cleaned up their rooms.

6. I did not want to try sushi, but I had no choice.

7. After they won their soccer game, they got ice cream.

8. I hurt my arm, so my mom took me to the hospital.

9. She did her homework. He played video games.


1. (compound)

My sister hates avocado. She loves eggplant. / Although my sister hates avocado, she loves eggplant.

2. (simple)

I ate all my candy in class, so I didn’t have anything to eat after class. / Because I ate all my candy in class, I didn’t have anything to eat after class.

3. (complex)

He did not finish his meal. It was too spicy. / Since it was too spicy, he didn’t finish his meal.

4. (complex)

My friend wanted me to try the lobster, but I didn’t order it. / My friend wanted me to try the lobster. I did not order it.

5. (compound)

Even though the soup looked strange, Sarah tried her best and finished it. / Sarah tried her best. She finished the strange-looking soup.

Unit 10 An Interesting Animal

Page 61



1. A roadrunner might sound like the name of a car or truck.

2. It’s easy to see why this bird is so unusual.

3. The writer includes three details about the roadrunner’s appearance.

1) long tail

2) brownish-black and white feathers

3) long body

Page 62

Mapping Ideas


Topic: roadrunner

1. Lives

a. United States, Mexico

2. Appearance

a. Long, long body

b. Brownish-black, white

3. Diet

a. Hunts, rattlesnakes

b. snake killer

c. insects, lizards, scorpions

4. Behavior

a. walk, run

b. 30 km/h

c. roads, cars


1. The roadrunner is an unusual bird.

2. Details that show the uniqueness of the roadrunner are the facts that it kills rattlesnakes, runs fast, and runs or walks instead of flying.

Page 63

Language Focus


(Answers may vary.)

1. My grandfather owns a large boat.

2. It is a beautiful Japanese bowl.

3. A yellow bird flew into my bedroom yesterday.

4. George made a small, weak table at school last week.

5. I fell on the slippery sidewalk.

6. She has a pink, white, and black dress.

7. That boy has a bright blue cell phone.


(Answers may vary.)

1. The weather was extremely cold today.

2. After school, Ben always exercises in the park.

3. The dogs are running around our house now.

4. I frequently go to the cinema.

5. She smiled happily at the kitten.

Unit 11 Cell Phone Etiquette

Page 67



1. Unquestionably, everyone, including myself, agrees cell phones are convenient.

2. We all need to mind our manners when we use our cell phones.

3. The writer gives three rules for polite cell phone use.

1) Use silent mode in class.

2) Text in public places.

3) Don’t text when with friends.

Page 68

Mapping Ideas


Topic: Cell Phones

1. convenient

a. impolite

b. rules

2. avoid, rude

a. consider others, ourselves

b. silent mode

c. talk loudly

3. Texting, polite

a. noise

b. rude, friend

c. attention


1. It is convenient to use cell phones, but we should try to use them politely.

2. (Answers may vary.)

I most agree with the rule about not texting while talking to friends. My friends do that and I always have to repeat myself.

Page 69

Language Focus


1. It will be sunny tomorrow.

2. This is a frog.

3. It is polite to chew with your mouth closed.

4. It is 9:00 a.m.

5. Those are DVDs on the bookshelf.

6. These are school supplies for you.

7. These French fries are too salty.

8. It is Friday.

9. It is rude to use a cell phone.


1. Whenever I can, I like to do things myself.

2. They did not do the work themselves.

3. However, if you don’t do something yourself, you don’t learn it properly.

4. I did all the work myself.

5. Everyone should do all their work (by) themselves.

Unit 12 A Big Surprise

Page 73



1. It was time for a lunchtime event at school, and my friend didn’t want to go.

2. The band was amazing, and we experienced the best lunchtime event ever.

3. The writer uses direct speech twice in the paragraph.

1) “I know it will be boring, but we will get into trouble if we don’t go.”

2) “See, I told you we should come!”

Page 74

Mapping Ideas


Topic: A Big Surprise at School

1. Friend

a. want to go

b. boring, watching paint dry

2. Me

a. Curious

b. will get in trouble

c. Persuaded

3. In the school gym

a. band

b. really excited

c. joined, crowd

d. amazing


1. It was the best lunchtime event ever!

2. It was their favorite band, the band’s name was the “Furious Debaters,” and it was amazing. The band gave a great concert.

Page 75

Language Focus


(Answers may vary.)

1.”Stand up!” he said/asked.

2. She said I was right on time.

3. She asked me, “Why are you laughing?”

4. They all said, “We want to watch the funny movie.”

5. The teacher yelled that we all needed to finish our work before recess.

6. “You’re a really good cook,” she said.

7. “Run to first base, Bobby!” the coach screamed.

8. He loudly said that he didn’t want to eat his vegetables.


1. Son: “I want to go to the mall.”

Mother: “I will take you.”

2. John: “I’m coming over at 3:00.”

Me: “Don’t come until 4:00.”

3. Ms. Johnson: “What is the capital of England?”

Jill: “London.”

4: My Uncle: “Wash the dishes.”

Me: “I will after dessert.”

Write On 1. Writing Assignments

Answer Key

Unit 1

My best friend is Simon Lee. Simon is an only child which means he has no brothers or sisters. However, he comes to my house most weekends to play with me and my brothers. We sometimes play basketball with him, but Tom does not like sports very much. Although he is not very good at sports, he tries hard. In reality, Tom prefers to sing or dance. His hobby is performing in musicals and he is a member of the school drama club. Last year he sang in the school production of Les Miserables. He has to attend a lot of rehearsals. These take up a lot of his time, but he always has enough time to be my friend. I am happy that Simon and I are friends.

Unit 2

My favorite memory is of my first trip to the beach. When I was 7 years old, my parents took me on vacation to the Philippines. Our hotel was on a beautiful white-sand beach with palm trees everywhere. As I waded into the ocean on our first day there, I couldn’t believe how warm it was! My mom sat on a blanket reading a book, and my dad and I swam and played with a beach ball in the water. Later, we all went snorkeling. We saw thousands of brightly colored fish and, best of all, a sea turtle. After that, we sat on the beach and built a huge sandcastle. At the end of the day I was tired and a little sunburned, but happy.

Unit 3

What (title): Up

Who (characters): An old man named Carl

Where: Paradise Falls in Venezuela

What (plot): He goes to Paradise Falls by tying balloons to his house to make it fly. After he arrives, he has to deal with an annoying kid, a talking dog, and a crazy hunter.

Why favorite: Because it makes you feel so many emotion

Who good for: People of all ages who love a good story

Unit 4

Today it is snowing heavily, so I am at home, looking out of my window. I see lots of snow everywhere. The snow is covering everything. It looks very pretty. I can see the tall building across from my apartment. The family who lives across from me is at home. They are eating in the kitchen. I can see the food on their table. They are eating soup with noodles. The family is talking and laughing. Down in the street, I can see many people. They are walking slowly because of the slippery snow. There aren’t many cars driving on the street. It is too difficult to drive today.

Unit 5

Have you ever wanted to write a secret message to a friend? Well, it’s easy to do! First, get some lemon juice. You can squeeze a fresh lemon or buy some lemon juice in a bottle. Second, use the juice as ink. You can do this by dipping a small stick in the juice and then writing with it. Third, give the paper some time too dry. After the juice is dry, you cannot see it! How can your friend read the message? Simply tell your friend to hold the paper close to a light bulb for a few seconds. After a short time, the juice will turn brown. Finally, your friend can read the message!

Unit 6

A lot of people love soda. However, there are many new reports that show soda is bad for us. An article I read said soda has no nutritional value. This means that a person’s body gets nothing that it needs from soda. The only things in soda are sugar and calories. This is a problem because people are eating more sugar than ever before. This can cause many health problems like diabetes. Many people have this disease nowadays. Some doctors think it is because of the amount of soda people are drinking. Not drinking soda is an easy way to cut calories from your diet. Please remember that while soda might taste good, it has no health benefits! However, it can cause major health problems.

Unit 7

I am very interested in technology, but I think it has some negative effects on our lives. These days, all of my friends have tablets. They are convenient but they are ruining daily life. Last night I went to dinner with some of my friends. I wanted to talk with them and hear their news. We met at our favorite restaurant. As soon as we sat down, everyone got out their tablet and started playing games. It was terrible! No one looked at the menu, or chose food. When the waitress came to take our order, no one was ready. I often see this kind of situation. At home, my brother doesn’t listen to our parents when he is using his tablet. We should pay more attention to each other, so I will try to use my tablet less often.

Unit 8

Watching movies at home and watching them in theaters are both enjoyable, but in different ways. Viewing at home is more convenient. If/When you watch DVDs at home, you can pause the movie when you want to go to the bathroom, get a snack, or answer the phone. Also, unlike at a theater, you can watch the movie whenever you want. However, going to the theater is a more exciting experience. You are in a crowd of people who are also enjoying the movie. That makes it more fun. You can also focus better on a movie in a theater because is dark, and there are no distractions like there are at home. Plus, the screen is much bigger and the sound is better. All in all, it is nice to have both options for watching movies.

Unit 9

Most people think of family as people who are related by blood. I think this is a very limited view. I am adopted, so I am not related to my parents by blood. I have a mother and a father who are not my birth parents. Someone else gave birth to me, and then they gave me to the parents I have now. For me, this is not important. My parents love me very much, and I know this because of the way they treat me. They take care of me when I’m sick, make sure I do my school work, and help me when I need them. They treat me the same as my brother, who is their blood child. They see my brother and I in the same way. For me, the most important thing about being a family is that people love each other. My parents love me and I love them. That’s what matters. Love is more important for family than blood.

Unit 10

In my opinion, penguins are cute and interesting animals. I watched a show about them yesterday. The show explained that most penguins live in Antarctica, but a few kinds live in warmer areas. There were some baby penguins walking carefully across the ice with their parents. Two of the babies nearly fell over because they are not good at balancing. Baby penguins are small and have gray fuzz instead of feathers. They don’t have black and white feathers until they are about eighteen months old. Because the babies are so small, they get cold quickly and they have to huddle with their parents to keep warm. Baby penguins must not get wet. They will get sick and die if they get wet. Penguins are very funny and playful birds. On the show, I saw them sliding on the snow. Penguins look like they enjoy their lives!

Unit 11

Too many students use computers to do everything. Last week, my teacher said we could not use computers to do our homework. We had to find all our information in library books, then we had to handwrite our papers. It was difficult for everyone in my class. For example, my friends and I have never used the school library before. We didn’t know how to find the right books. The librarian had to explain where to find different kinds of books. Then we were able to find them for ourselves. It was difficult to write, too. I usually use my computer to find words and check my spelling. This time I had to use a real dictionary. It took a long time to find each word. Finally, I realized how bad my handwriting looks. Using a computer makes students forget how to use books, how to spell words, and how to write neatly.

Unit 12

The scariest moment of my life happened last year while my friend Jerry and I were riding our bicycles. I said, “Let’s go down the hill on Grove Street,” but Jerry said it was too steep, and we shouldn’t do it. I said “You are a chicken.” After a few minutes of me teasing him, he finally said, “OK. Let’s go, but this is a bad idea.” Jerry went first and made it down the hill without any problems. I yelled, “How was it?”, and he yelled back that it was fantastic. I jumped on my bicycle and said, “Here goes nothing!” I quickly gained speed; I said to myself, “I’m going too fast.” Then, I hit a rock and came extremely close to crashing. When I made it to the bottom, I said, “Let’s never do that again!”


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