
Week 1

| |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Reading |*Review Word Wall Words. Memorize |*Review Word Wall Words. Memorize |*Review Word Wall Words. Memorize |*Review Word Wall Words. Memorize |*Review Word Wall Words. Memorize |

| |flash cards zippy quick. List is |flash cards zippy quick. List is |flash cards zippy quick. List is |flash cards zippy quick. List is |flash cards zippy quick. List is |

| |attached |attached |attached |attached |attached |

| |*20 minutes of Waterford reading |*20 minutes of Waterford reading |*20 minutes of Waterford reading |*20 minutes of Waterford reading |*20 minutes of Waterford reading |

| |*Read “Wake Up Bear” and retell to |*Read “Wake Up Bear” and retell to |*Read “Wake Up Bear” and retell to |*Read “Wake Up Bear” and retell to |*Read “Wake Up Bear” and retell to |

| |someone |someone |someone |someone |someone |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Writing |*Draw a picture flying a kite. Write 3|*Draw a picture of your leprechaun |*Draw a picture of a bug. Write 3 |*Draw a picture of a rainy day. Write|* Free Choice Friday! Draw a picture |

| |sentences about it. |trap. Write three sentences about it.|sentences about it |3 sentences about what you are doing |and write 3 sentences. |

| | | | |in the picture | |

|Math |*20 minutes of Waterford Math |*20 minutes of Waterford Math |*20 minutes of Waterford Math |*20 minutes of Waterford Math |*20 minutes of Waterford Math |

| |*Get out 5 objects. Group them to show| |*Get out 5 objects Group them to show| | |

| |5 different ways to make five. Write |*Get out 5 objects. Group them to |3 ways to make 8 and 3 ways to make |*Get out 5 objects. Group them to |*Get out 5 objects. Group them to |

| |the matching number sentence. (EX. 000|show 3 ways to make 6 and 3 ways to |9. Write the matching number |show 5 ways to make 10 . Write the |show 5 different ways to make ten. |

| |00 |make 7. Write the matching number |sentence. (EX. 000 00 |matching number sentence. (EX. 000 |Write the matching number sentence. |

| |3+2=5) |sentence. (EX. 000 00 |3+2=5) |00 |(EX. 000 00 |

| |Count to 100 by ones and tens |3+2=5) | |3+2=5) |3+2=5) |

| | | |Count to 100 by ones and tens | | |

| | |Count to 100 by ones and tens | |Count to 100 by ones and tens |Count to 100 by ones and tens |

| |*Collect 3 objects outside that show |*Go on a nature walk with an adult | *Be a meteorologist. Draw and record|*Help pull weeds around your yard. |*Go outside. Close your eyes and |

| |signs of spring |and look for four leaf clovers. |today’s weather. Predict what |Count how many your pull. |listen to the sounds of spring. |

|Science | | |tomorrow’s weather will be. | |Listen for birds chirping, children |

| | | | | |playing, etc. |

| | | | | | |

Week 2

| |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Reading |*Review Word Wall Words. Memorize |*Review Word Wall Words. Memorize |*Review Word Wall Words. Memorize |*Review Word Wall Words. Memorize |*Review Word Wall Words. Memorize |

| |flash cards zippy quick. List is |flash cards zippy quick. List is |flash cards zippy quick. List is |flash cards zippy quick. List is |flash cards zippy quick. List is |

| |attached |attached |attached |attached |attached |

| |*20 minutes of Waterford reading |*20 minutes of Waterford reading |*20 minutes of Waterford reading |*20 minutes of Waterford reading |*20 minutes of Waterford reading |

| |*Read “A Seed Grows” and identify the |*Read “A Seed Grows” retell using |*Read “A Seed Grows” and answer the |*Read “A Seed Grows” and draw a new |*Read a book outside and enjoy the |

| |central idea. |sequence of events. |questions: |cover for the book. |spring weather. |

| | | |1) What part of the story is make | | |

| | | |believe? | | |

| | | |2) Why do you think the author wrote | | |

| | | |this story? | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Writing |*Draw a picture flying a kite. Write 3|*Draw a picture of your leprechaun |*Draw a picture of a bug. Write 3 |*Draw a picture of a rainy day. Write|* Free Choice Friday! Draw a picture |

| |sentences about it. |trap. Write three sentences about it.|sentences about it |3 sentences about what you are doing |and write 3 sentences. |

| | | | |in the picture | |

|Math |*Subtraction means to take away. Start with a large number and take away the smaller number. The answer to a subtraction equation is called the difference. Write the difference. |

| |*20 minutes of Waterford Math |*20 minutes of Waterford Math |*20 minutes of Waterford Math |*20 minutes of Waterford Math |*20 minutes of Waterford Math |

| |*Start with 5 pieces of cereal or |*Start with 5 pieces of cereal or |*Get a plastic cup and 5 objects. |*Get a plastic cup and 5 objects. |*Trace your hand and cut it out. |

| |other small food item. Eat 1. Write |other small food item. Eat 1. Write |Cover the amount being subtracted |Cover the amount being subtracted |*Bend down fingers and write |

| |the subtraction sentence. (5-1=4) |the subtraction sentence. (5-1=4) |with the cup to find the difference |with the cup to find the difference |subtraction problems starting with |

| |Continue as you eat a different number|Continue as you eat a different |(answer). |(answer). |the number five. Write the equations.|

| |of objects each time. (5-2=3, 5-3=2, |number of objects each time. (5-2=3, |5-1=4 (you would cover 1 object with |5-1=4 (you would cover 1 object with | |

| |etc.) |5-3=2, etc.) |the cup) |the cup) | |

| | | | | | |

| |*Go on a nature walk and look at |* Eat a piece of fruit with a seed | * What will your plant need to grow?|* Go on a nature walk. Record the |*Check on your plant! Draw what you |

| |flowers and their parts (stem, leave, |(orange, apple, watermelon, etc.) |Make a list. |plants you see on a piece of paper or|see. |

|Science |flower,) |Plant that seed somewhere outside or |(water, air, sun, soil, nutrients) |take pictures. | |

| | |in a cup. (Dry lima beans will also |Check your plant to make sure it has | | |

| | |work well for planting!) |all of these things! | | |

| | | | | | |

Week 3

| |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Reading |*Review Word Wall Words. Memorize |*Review Word Wall Words. Memorize |*Review Word Wall Words. Memorize |*Review Word Wall Words. Memorize |*Review Word Wall Words. Memorize |

| |flash cards zippy quick. List is |flash cards zippy quick. List is |flash cards zippy quick. List is |flash cards zippy quick. List is |flash cards zippy quick. List is |

| |attached |attached |attached |attached |attached |

| |*20 minutes of Waterford reading |*20 minutes of Waterford reading |*20 minutes of Waterford reading |*20 minutes of Waterford reading |*20 minutes of Waterford reading |

| |*Read “I Am Your New Plant” |*Read “I Am Your New Plant” retell |*Read “I Am Your New Plant” and |*Read “I Am Your New Plant” |*Read a book outside and enjoy the |

| |*Find your word wall words in the |using sequence of events. |answer the questions: |*There is a mother bird in the |spring weather. |

| |story | |1) Is this story fiction or |background of most of the pictures. | |

| | | |non-fiction |Why do you think that? | |

| | | |2) Why do you think the author wrote |* What kind of plants can you grow in| |

| | | |this story? |your house? | |

| | | | |*What does the boy do after he waters| |

| | | | |the plant? | |

|Writing |This week you will write the steps on how to plant a seed. You will be making a book. Each day you will write a new step |

| |Using the word first, write and draw |Using the word next, write and draw |Using the word then, write and draw |Using the word last, write and draw |* Put your pages together and design |

| |the first step to planting a seed. |the next step to planting a seed. |the then step to planting a seed. |the last step to planting a seed. |a cover for your book. Be sure to |

| | | | | |include the title, author, and |

| | | | | |illustrator on your cover. |

|Math |*Subtraction means to take away. Start with a large number and take away the smaller number. The answer to a subtraction equation is called the difference. Write the difference. |

| |*20 minutes of Waterford Math |*20 minutes of Waterford Math |*20 minutes of Waterford Math |*20 minutes of Waterford Math |*20 minutes of Waterford Math |

| |*Start with 5 pieces of cereal or |*Start with 5 pieces of cereal or |*Get a plastic cup and 5 objects. |*Get a plastic cup and 5 objects. |*Trace your hand and cut it out. |

| |other small food item. Eat 1. Write |other small food item. Eat 1. Write |Cover the amount being subtracted |Cover the amount being subtracted |*Bend down fingers and write |

| |the subtraction sentence. (5-1=4) |the subtraction sentence. (5-1=4) |with the cup to find the difference |with the cup to find the difference |subtraction problems starting with |

| |Continue as you eat a different number|Continue as you eat a different |(answer). |(answer). |the number five. Write the equations.|

| |of objects each time. (5-2=3, 5-3=2, |number of objects each time. (5-2=3, |5-1=4 (you would cover 1 object with |5-1=4 (you would cover 1 object with | |

| |etc.) |5-3=2, etc.) |the cup) |the cup) | |

| | | | | | |

| |*When we eat, we eat different parts |* When we eat, we eat different parts| * When we eat, we eat different | * When we eat, we eat different |* When we eat, we eat different parts|

| |of the plant. What do we eat that is |of the plant. What do we eat that is |parts of the plant. What do we eat |parts of the plant. What do we eat |of the plant. What do we eat that is |

|Science |the root of a plant? List 3 things |the stem of a plant? List 3 things |that is the leaf of a plant? List 3 |that is the flower of a plant? List 3|the seed of a plant? List 3 things |

| | | |things |things | |

| | | | | | |

Week 4

| |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Reading |*Review Word Wall Words. Memorize |*Review Word Wall Words. Memorize |*Review Word Wall Words. Memorize |*Review Word Wall Words. Memorize |*Review Word Wall Words. Memorize |

| |flash cards zippy quick. List is |flash cards zippy quick. List is |flash cards zippy quick. List is |flash cards zippy quick. List is |flash cards zippy quick. List is |

| |attached |attached |attached |attached |attached |

| |*20 minutes of Waterford reading |*20 minutes of Waterford reading |*20 minutes of Waterford reading |*20 minutes of Waterford reading |*20 minutes of Waterford reading |

| |*Read “The Easter Egg Hunt” Identify |* Read “The Easter Egg Hunt” Which |* * Read “The Easter Egg Hunt” If you|** Read “The Easter Egg Hunt” Using |*Read a book outside and enjoy the |

| |characters and setting |hiding spot from the story was the |were hiding eggs for your friends. |sequencing words (first, next, then, |spring weather. |

| | |best and which was the worst. Why? |Where would you hide your eggs and |last) list the places he found the | |

| | | |why? |eggs. | |

| | | | | | |

|Writing |Draw a picture of a bunny. Give him a |Write a sentence telling where the |Write two sentences telling what the |If I were the Easter Bunny I |* Why should the Easter Bunny bring |

| |name. |bunny likes to hop. |bunny looks like. Use adjectives like|would…….. (complete the prompt by |you a treat? Write three sentences. |

| | | |fluffy, pink, sparkly, and big. |writing 3 sentences. | |

|Math |Review Skill: Counting |Review Skill: Counting |Review Skill: Tally Marks |Review Skill: 2D Shapes | Review Skill 3D Shapes |

| |*Grab a handful of cereal. Count out |*Grab a handful of cereal. Count out |*Count and tally the number of |Go on a shape hunt in your house or |Go on a shape hunt in your house or |

| |groups of ten. How many groups of ten |groups of ten. How many groups of ten|pillows in your house. |neighborhood. Write how many squares,|neighborhood. Write how many cubes, |

| |do you have? How many extra ones do |do you have? How many extra ones do |*Count and tally the number of chairs|triangles, rectangles, circles, and |cylinders, spheres, rectangular |

| |you have? Write the number |you have? Write the number |in your house. |ovals you see. |prisms, and pyramids you see. |

| |*Repeat this 3 times for practice. |*Repeat this 3 times for practice. |*Count and tally the number of |Draw one example of each shape. |Draw one example of each shape. |

| |Record the number each time. |Record the number each time. |blankets in your house. |*20 minutes of Waterford Math |*20 minutes of Waterford Math |

| |*20 minutes of Waterford Math |*20 minutes of Waterford Math |*20 minutes of Waterford Math | | |

| |* Make a map of your room. Include |* Draw a map of your kitchen. Include| * Draw a map of your backyard. | * Draw a map of your living room. |* Make a map of an imaginary zoo. |

| |labels. |labels. |Include labels. |Include labels. |Include labels. |

|Social Studies | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

























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