-723904318000Elizabeth ConnollyValerie L. MielkeBrian G. ReganActing CommissionerAssistant CommissionerAssistant Director Department of Human Services (DHS)Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS)Office of Information SystemsDMHASOffice of Information System (OIS)NJSAMS 3.3Service Provider ReferenceManual-Like Print Screens forDASIE RegistrationNOTES and Message QueueScreening ToolsIncome and Program EligibilityAssessment AuthorizationAddiction Severity Index (ASI version 5)BioPsychoSocialLevel of Care Index (LOCI –3)Admission and Parallel CareTreatment AuthorizationDischarge and Continuing CareReportsUpdated 01/06/2016URL/Link page is intentionally left blankTable of ContentsIntroduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3URL/Link, Homepage, Login and Navigation……………………………………………………. 4-5Search ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6DASIE Registration ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7-9Referral Clients ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10NOTES and Message Queue ……………………………………………………………………………. 11-12Screening Tools ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13-16Income and Program Eligibility ……………………………………………………………………….. 17-20Assessment Authorization ………………………………………………………………………………. 21-23Addiction Severity Index (ASI) ………………………………………………………………………… 24-29BioPsychoSocial ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 30-32Level Of Care Index (LOCI-3) …………………………………………………………………………… 33-50Admission ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 51-57Treatment Authorization ………………………………………………………………………………. 58-59Parallel Care …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 59Discharge and Continuing Care ……………………………………………………………………… 60-67 INTRODUCTIONAs the first phase in overall behavioral health reform, the Department of Human Services’ Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) is funding Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care (UBHC) as an Interim Managing Entity (IME) to manage state, federal Block Grant and NJ FamilyCare funds for addiction services beginning July 1, 2015.? The IME will serve as a single point of entry for those seeking publically funded treatment for substance use disorders.? The New Jersey Substance Abuse Monitoring System (NJSAMS) has been functional since 2002.? The current platform, NJSAMS Version, is being upgraded to NJSAMS 3.0 to embed new functionalities critical for the success of the IME.? Specifically, a prominent new feature includes IME user roles for UBHC to accurately manage consumer’s level of care throughout the continuum of care.?? This document, describes NJSAMS including new and revised features for Service Providers (effective July 1, 2015) are covered, including:? DASIE Registration, screening tools, Income and Program Eligibility, request assessment authorizations to IME for IME managed initiatives, securing assessment authorizations for non IME managed initiatives, referrals from IME screening center and consumer’s individual reports URL/Link 3.3 Homepage: Logging in Enter User ID (Case is not sensitive)Enter Password (Case is sensitive; comply with HIPAA policy and confidentiality regulations) After successful login the term and condition of use disclaimer display:-When click on “Accept” only, it is signed in to the system. The Agency Name and User ID will be displayed at the top of the screen “DASIE CLIENT SEARCH” box will display when it is signed in to the system. When the client is searched and found the screen will look like this:- When click on select the client Registration page will be displayed:-Example of navigation for the consumer completed admission in NJSAMS:Search:Search button is to bring up existing consumer’s record. Consumer can be searched by entering Client ID (The first 6 partial or full ID), SSN (partial or full SSN) and Last Name (partial or full).Full SSN and Full Client ID search will bring up particular consumer if exists. If search by last name in partial ot full or partial SSN or partial Client ID will bring up all consumers who have similar partial part of search criteria.For example, if the consumer last name start with “Joh”, the search result will be as shown below: The list will be displayed by the order of DASIE last modified date by default. Display can be sorted by clicking on te column title.To edit or view DASIE and/or to complete the feature/module click on “Select” button at the right.For example: The screen shown below is select to the second consumer “Mitchel Johnson” from the above screen. The consumer’s information is collected upto Program Eligibility. If the consumer is eligible for at least one of the Fee For Service of Drug Court (DC) or State Parole Board (SPB) or Department of Correction (DOC) or Recovering Rebuilding Initiative (RRI) , the agency can secure assessment authorization and continue to the option features of Addiction Severity Index (ASI) or BioPsychoSocial. To continue for admmission, mandatory feature of DSM IV must be completed to appear the evaluation feature LOCI 2R. Admission Module will not be able to select if LOCI 2R is not completed.Partial screen for DASIE Registration of existing consumer:New Client:Click on the “New Client” button to register a new client in NJSAMS.DASIE Registration:All fields/ labels indicated by red asterisk in DASIE Registration screen are mandatory to enter. It is required to check client’s information verification certify check box. Please make sure to read the note in red. Then continue to “Client Contact Information” to fill out Street Address, P. O. Box, City, State, County and Township is required to collect for client’s municipality code.A check box is provided if Family and Friends contact address is the same with the consumer’s address and if check it will be auto populated with consumer’s address not to retype the same address information. Phone number and email address is not auto populated from client’s information.In Client’s Detail, Primary Language, Race, Hispanic Origin are mandatory. Secondary Language and Religion are optional in DASIE Registration page.The question “Is the Client US citizen or legal Resident” is mandatory and at last the client consent to collect Income eligibility for public funding must be selected “Yes” or “No”. If the client is not consent to collect Income information which calculates Federal Poverty Level (FPL), the client is responsible for all payments. The information entered must be saved to register the record.Referral Clients list: Referral Client List is at left navigation right under “Search” and “New Client” buttons. As shown in the screen below, the referral types are listed in the blue buttons. There are two types for IME, “From IME” and “To IME”. If the client is referred from IME, the consumers will be listed under “From IME” as shown in the screen below. The consumer who is eligible for IME managed initiative will be referred with assessment authorization number. The service provider will receive DASIE Summary and INP Report. When service provider click on “Select” DASIE Registration done by IME will be displayed for review and revise editable items. When select on the first consumer from the example of above screen the confirmation message window is appeared: Click on “OK” to select. If the consumer was referred from IME due to data mismatch, another window appears:Click on “OK” to continue and the screen as shown below will be displayed:-The SSN “222-22-2222” is dummy SSN number for IME not to stop registration process when the IME Screener is with a caller. If the data mismatch encounters at service provider the procedure to submit “The Request for Correction of Client’s data Form” which is an attested Form attached in Ticket Management System (TMS).NOTES and Message QueueNOTES:When the consumer is registered in DASIE, “NOTES” button is displayed at left navigation to start communicate with IME or within the same provider if necessary. “NOTES” is a communication medium between Service Provider and IME for a particular consumer starting from DASIE Registration to INP, UNCOPE, IE/PE, ASI, BioPsychoSocial, DSM IV, LOCI and Admission until the consumer is discharged from the Service Provider.NOTES can be viewed within same Service Provider (not from Service Provider to Service provider. IME can view notes from all Service Providers across the client episodes.NOTES are episode based. Notes from previous episode can be retrieved they are not co-mingled.NOTES are written with a timestamp and User ID.NOTES cannot be deleted.Click on “Notes” at left navigation to start sending a message:-All the notes can be exported to PDF for record keeping.Message Queue:Message Queue provides an ability to communicate via “NOTES” between service provider and IME. The message is queued under “Message Queue”. The yellow asterisk indicates that there is a new “Note” message.Screening Tools:In NJSAMS 3.0 two screening tools are introduced:Immediate Need Profile (INP) – mandatory for IME and service providerUNCOPE – mandatory for IME and optional for service providerImmediate Need Profile:INP is an assessment of risk and clinical acuity at each of the ASAM dimensions to help determine appropriate level of care for the consumer. There are six main categories in INP. If one of the criteria is “Yes” under each category the finding/reason must be written in the comment box. The Number 4- INP question was responded “Yes” but not written comments. When save INP screening the message window alert to enter comment for question #4.When #4 question comment box is entered and saved, the confirmation in green will be displayed.The last “Additional Question” – Q7 is decision making to continue full assessment and evaluation. If the response is?“Yes” continue full assessment and evaluation but if response is “No” consumer’s assessment cannot be continued further. If “No” to Q7 the message window will be popped-up as shown below to alert the counselor or screener:UNCOPE entry screen will be displayed by clicking UNCOPE button from left navigation or at the end of INP by the “Save” and “Report” buttons. UNCOPE:The UNCOPE is a six-item screen designed to identify alcohol and/or drug abuse or dependence in a broad range of populations. The UNCOPE items identify indications of abuse or dependence based on part of the DSM diagnostic criteria for substance use disorder. Two items cover abuse and two cover DSM abuse criteria.UNCOPE screening is mandatory for IME and optional for service Provider.Screen shot for “UNCOPE” Screening. Income and Program EligibilityIncome Eligibility:Earned Income:Other Income:Payment Detail:If the client has no earned and other income as well as no payment to be made, check the top checkbox to continueHousehold Members Information:Click on “Add Household Member” button to add household member. If the eligible member is working, need to collect earned and Other income as well as payment if any:-If FPL is greater than 350% only Drug Court, SPB, DOC and RRI eligibility will be displayed exceptionally. Medicaid eligibility is FPL 133% and below. General eligibility for Public Funding is FPL 350% and below.Eligibility Summary:Assessment Authorization:If the consumer’s initiative eligibility is IME managed initiatives of DUII or SJI or MATI, the service provider has to send request for assessment authorization to IME. Bring up the consumer by searching in DASIE search and click on “Assessment Authorization” button under “Client Quick Links” from left navigation as shown. IME Managed InitiativesSelect “Request to IME for an Authorization” tab as shownHit “Submit Request to IME”The status of the assessment authorization request can be traced under “Authorization Review Status”. For NJSAMS 3.0, Authorization Review Status is only for Assessment Authorization. The confirmation message will be displayed if the request is sent.Non IME Managed InitiativesDrug Court (DC), State Parole Board (SPB), Department of Corrections (DOC) and Recovery Rebuilding Initiatives (RRI) are not managed by IME. The assessment authorization will be requested by service provider.Assessment Authorization is not eligible for Drug Court Clients.Click on Assessment Authorization under “Client Quick Links” at left navigationAfter hitting on request voucher:- Authorization Review StatusCan be found at left navigation under DASIE search box:When click on “Authorization Review Status, it will be displayed two lists: 1. Requests Sent to IME and 2. Requests Reviewed by IME.1. Requests Sent to IME - Assessment Authorization Requests sent to IME Under “Requested By” column, the User ID who is authorized login to request Assessment Authorization in NJSAMS will be displayed. The consumer can be removed before IME review if the request is sent in error. The client name will not be automatically removed from this tab. It is the service provider responsibility to manage this area from not showing long list of clients.2. Requests Reviewed by IME – Reviewing/Issuing Assessment Authorization by IME After IME issues Assessment Authorization to a consumer request submitted by Service Provider, the consumer will be listed under “Requests Reviewed by IME”. The consumer can be searched by entering ClientID (or) Last Name (or) SSN (partial or full)Addiction Severity Index – ASI Version 5Medical Status:- BioPsychoSocial The narrative report is based on the responses from Addiction Severity Index (ASI). DSM-5 (NJSAMS 3.2 Release) is implemented in NJSAMS referenced to “DSM-5 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders” Fifth Edition by American Psychiatric AssociationThe complete manual for DSM-5 is provided separately. Level Of Care Index – 3: (New in NJSAMS 3.3 Release)Overview of LOCI-3 “ Level Of Care Index – LOCI” is a tool for clinicians intended to serve as a practical, functional, and flexible guide for organizing information that can aid in the accurate placement criteria for substance abuse treatment and co-occurring services”. The “Diagnosis Related Information” at page 2 of original LOCI-3 has been removed and replaced with an overarching new category of substance use disorders with the specific substance used defining the specific disorders in DSM-5? Report.Highlights of changes from LOCI-2R to LOCI-3LOCI-2R will not be available to enter information.The LOCI-2R report will be available for the consumers previously placed through LOCI-2R and admitted in NJSAMS prior to NJSAMS 3.3 release.In Dimension 2, unlike LOCI-2R, there is an option to select Biomedical Enhance Services severity which patient’s biomedical problem requires a degree of staff attention that is not available in level 3.7 programs. If this option is selected, the client should not continue any further.In Dimension 3 to 6, each level of service is indicated for co-occurring criteria separately.The services for OPIOID Treatment Program (OTP) meet Dimension 1 through 6 criteria. Co-occurring criteria is met in DSM-5 (or) clinician recommends for dual diagnosis with co-occurring, the level of service must select with co-occurring. Level Of Care Index, LOCI-3There are two options for LOCI-3 in NJSAMS:-Standard LOCI (also known as Adult LOCI-3)OPIOID Treatment Programs (OTP) LOCI-3Each LOCI Interview Type (LOCI-3 interview types: 1. Initial, 2. Re-evaluation, 3. Extension Request LOCI) has start page, Diagnosis Related Information (DSM-5 Disorder Report) and option for LOCI selection between Regular LOCI (or) OTP. Accordions for Standard LOCI are:Diagnosis Related InformationLOCI SelectionDimension 1: Acute Intoxication/Withdrawal PotentialDimension 2: Biomedical Conditions And ComplicationsDimension 3: Emotional, Behavioral, Or Cognitive Conditions And ComplicationDimension 4: Readiness To Change Dimension 5: Relapse, Continued Use, Or Continued Problem PotentialDimension 6: Recovery Environment Level of Care Summary of FindingsLOCI3 Evaluations HistoryExtension Request LOCI (appears when applicable only)Accordions for OTP LOCI are:Diagnosis Related InformationLOCI SelectionOPIOID Treatment Programs (OTP) – LOCIDimension 1 through Dimension 6Level of care Summary of findingsLOCI3 Evaluations HistoryExtension Request LOCI (appears when applicable only)LOCI Start PageAccordions for LOCI-3 as shown in NJSAMSDiagnosis Related Information (DSM-5 Report populated in LOCI-3)Selection of LOCI Type (Regular Adult LOCI or OPIOID Treatment Program LOCI)The type of LOCI selected will be given as “Regular Adult LOCI” is selected or “OPIOID LOCI” is selected.Click on “Helpful Hint” to get help associated to Dimension 1.If the criteria selected are met to the specific level of care, it should indicate “Yes” by the level of care service under “Score”.Click on “Score” to select LOCI indicated Level of Care Service.Dimension 2Click on “Helpful Hint” to get help associated to Dimension 2.If the criteria selected are met to the specific level of care, it should indicate “Yes” by the level of care service under “Score”.Click on “Score” to select LOCI indicated Level of Care Service.Dimension 3Click on “Helpful Hint” to get help associated to Dimension 3.If the criteria selected are met to the specific level of care, it should indicate “Yes” by the level of care service under “Score”.Click on “Score” to select LOCI indicated Level of Care Service.Dimension 4: Readiness to ChangeClick on “Helpful Hint” to get help associated to Dimension 4.If the criteria selected are met to the specific level of care, it should indicate “Yes” by the level of care service under “Score”.Click on “Score” to select LOCI indicated Level of Care Service.Dimension 5: Relapse, Continued Use, or Continued Problem potentialClick on “Helpful Hint” to get help associated to Dimension 5.If the criteria selected are met to the specific level of care, it should indicate “Yes” by the level of care service under “Score”.Click on “Score” to select LOCI indicated Level of Care Service.Dimension 6: Recovery EnvironmentClick on “Helpful Hint” to get help associated to Dimension 6If the criteria selected are met to the specific level of care, it should indicate “Yes” by the level of care service under “Score”.Click on “Score” to select LOCI indicated Level of Care Service.Level of Care Summary of FindingsLOCI-3 for OPIOID Treatment Program (OTP) AdmissionWhen click on “Admission” button at left, the screen below will be displayed:-Level of Care the service provider recommended in LOCI Summary Page will be pre-populated. Level of Care in Admission is non-editable. Agency User must check the Level of care before entering anything. If the level of care is incorrect, it means, LOCI needs to be reviewed to get the right criteria for the client for the right level of care.Living Arrangement Option:- Is the client Evacuee of hurricane Option:- Is client currently enrolled in school or a job training program? Which best describes the client’s CURRENT employment situation?Frequency of attendance Funding Source Option Help..Treatment Authorization:1.Client must be eligible for at least one Initiative2.Funding Source must be selected for funding of the right Initiative3. Site License must approve for Fee For Service Network (or) Initiative NetworkWhen Click on “Treatment Authorization” buttonSample of unsuccessful Prior Treatment Authorization Request:-Parallel CareThis consumer was admitted in OPIOID Maintenance Treatment and needing intensive care.Sending the consumer to another level of care as parallel careRetrieving Parallel Care consumer Click on “Add to DASIE” to review/edit DASIE registration to continue admission according to NJSAMS procedure as parallel care.Discharge and Continuing Care To discharge a consumer, select “Admission” from the options under “MODULES”.Search the consumer to discharge in admission search boxClick on “Discharge” button at the right end and confirmation window will be displayed as shown:-Click on “Yes” to continue. The screen shown below is auto-populated from admission:Discharge Details / Education / Employment / Drug Use / Legal Information / Goal Achievement / Reason:- If Treatment plan not completed, need to select the reason for not completed:If “Needs different Level of Care”, the continuing care options will be given:After the information entered is saved for the accordion below and logoutWhen log back in the consumer will be listed as “Discharge in Progress”Self-Help and Recovery Support Options under Frequency of Attendance: Recovery Support:In the past 30 days, did client have interaction with family and/or friends that are supportive of his/her? Options:- To whom, does the client turn to when he/she is having trouble that is supportive of his/her recovery?Options:-Significant ProblemMandatory to select “Significant Problems” *New in NJSAMS 3.0ReferralsMandatory to select “Supportive Services” *New in NJSAMS 3.0 Medication / Services by AgencyMandatory to select “Supportive Services” *New in NJSAMS 3.0Mantoux Tunerculin Skin Test / Hepatitis Test / Toxicology TestMantoux Tunerculin Skin TestHepatitis TestHIV Test / Toxicology TestDischarge CommentsSample Discharge Report (Partial)Report can be printed directly or save as PDF file. ................

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