Unit 4 Parts of Speech, Irregular Vowels, ComprehensionQuiz 2 Study GuideA noun can name a?person, place,?or?thing.?A?thing?can be an animal, a thing to eat, a thing that can go, a thing that can grow, or anything in God's worldAdjectives tell you many things about a noun. They can tell you the shape, size, and color of a noun. They can also tell you how the noun feels, tastes, looks, or smells. Adjective answers the questions: Which one? What kind? and How many? A, an,?and?the?belong to a special group of adjectives. Called?articles.?Don't forget?a, an,?and?the when you think of adjectives.Verb -- a word that tells what something does (action verb) or what something is (state of being verb)A verb that tells what someone?does?is called an?action verb. In the sentence:?Billy hit the ball.?The action verb is--hit. Hit?tells what the subject noun?Billy?does. He?hit?the ball.Some verbs do not tell what someone?does.?These verbs tell you what someone or something?is.?These verbs are called state-of-being verbsThese verbs are like?equals signs?in the sentence.?Mr. Fred?is?a fireman,?Is helps you see that?Mr. Fred?and?fireman?are the same person. There are many?state-of-being verbs, but the ones you'll see most are: is, are, was, were These verbs are called?Be Verbs.Adverbs- A word that tells about a verb. An adverb answers the questions: How? When? and Where? All words that tell?when, where,?or?how?about the?verb?are?adverbs. Fast, slowly,?and?well?are adverbs that tell how.Outside?and?home?are?adverbs that tells where.Now?and?yesterday?are?adverbs that tells whenYou have learned how the consonant?r?controls the vowel sound in a word. The?r?changes the vowel so that the vowel is not long or short. The vowel is irregular. Vowels controlled by?r?do not follow the rules.Sometimes the consonant?w?controls the vowel in a word. Sometimes the vowel is irregular as in?bow?(bou) or long as in?bow?(bo-). There is no rule to help you.Remember some of the irregular vowel teams? au, oo, ei ................

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