English 11

English 11 Honors

Course Syllabus

Mrs. Beccy McGlinchy


Dear Students,

I am excited to join you this semester as we explore American Literature together. Our country has such a rich history, not only from the past but also in the present. This semester, we will focus on how authors have commented on various social issues throughout our nation’s history. We will be reading a variety of non-fiction texts and literature in order to approach this topic, and we will be doing some writing as a way to explore our own understanding of these social issues.


I assume that since you are taking an honors class that you have some positive feelings toward English or that you are pretty competent in English. That being said, I expect that you will work hard this semester not only to earn the best possible grade, but more importantly, to explore more about reading and writing. Along with that, I also expect you to do reading and writing outside of class so that we can cover more literature in class. Overall, I expect that you will be respectful not only to me but also to your fellow classmates as we discuss some controversial issues through literature this semester.

Attendance/Tardy Policy:

In order to be successful at anything you need to actually show up. If you are absent, you will have two days to make up a missing assignment. This counts for class work and homework assignments. If you miss a test or a quiz, you will need to schedule a time before or after school to retake the quiz or test. As far as tardies are concerned, I follow the same procedures as the rest of the school. If you are tardy three or more times this semester, I will assign detention for you. If you are tardy four or more times, you will receive a discipline referral. Tardy = not in class at the bell.

Grading Procedures:

I do my best to make sure that students are rewarded for the work they do. I use a points system based on the following weighted categories.

Class work: 25% Writing Assignments/Projects 20%

Quizzes/Tests 25% Homework/Writer’s Notebook 20%

Bell ringers/journals 10%

Materials Needed:

Composition Book or Spiral Notebook (this will be used for bell-ringers, journals, and your writer’s notebook)

One-inch binder with notebook paper


Recommended but not required: highlighters, pocket dictionary, post-it notes, flash drive

Plan of the Semester

This semester we will take a look at our country’s rich history in literature. We will begin the semester by discussing issues related to protest literature. This will also be the opportunity for us to discuss controversial issues that pertain to us today. We will then explore the major literary periods of American literature, focusing on key texts from important authors from each period. Lastly, you will select a period of literature to explore independently through reading a variety of literature, conducting research, and putting together a final research project. Also be prepared to expand your vocabulary as well as your writing skills this semester.

As a class, we will read at least one novel and one play; you will select from a list of novels for your independent research project during the second half of the semester.

Quia Page

Please check my Quia page regularly. I will post extra credit assignments, web resources, and other helpful links that can be useful not only for your grade but also to help improve your reading, writing, grammar, etc. My Quia page can be found on the AHS website under teacher webpages.

Again, I hope that we have a very successful semester together. Feel free to email me at any time.

Please sign below and have your parent/guardian sign as well. Return this tomorrow to receive homework credit.

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Student Name (print please) Student Signature

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Parent Name (print please) Parent signature

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Parent Phone # Best time to call


Parent email (if applicable)


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