Quiz 6A

Quiz 6A

1. Explain “blood relative”. At one time, many people believed that inherited traits were carried in the blood. Phrases like “blood relative’ came from this belief. We have now realized traits are passed to offspring through genes.

2. genetics—the study of inheritance

3. Mendal studies the physical characteristics of the pea plant.

4. Gregor Mendal—Father of Genetics

5. cross—mating organisms to test have they inherit traits

6. A plant with the genotype TT is crossed with a plant with the genotype Tt. The offspring from this cross is called the F generation.

7. alleles—the different form of the gene for a particular trait’

8. If an organisms two alleles for a trait are the same, the organism is purebred for that trait.

9. Each allele in the set of two allele’s for a trait was either dominant or recessive.

10. When a plant has two dominant alleles for a trait, the plant shows the dominate trait.

11. When both alleles in the set were recessive the plant shows a recessive trait.

12. Plant has one recessive and one dominant allele the result is a dominate trait.

13. If an organism has one dominate allele and one recessive allele, the dominate will be shown and the recessive trait will be hidden.

14. Capital letter—DOMINATE trait

15. lower case letter—recessive trait

16. Each pea plant has two alleles for every trait (one from each parent)

17. The way a plant (or any organism) looks is called its phenotype (physical characteristics).

18. The specific factors (genes) an organism contains are called the genotype.

19. Two dominate traits are purebred

One recessive and 1 dominate are hybrid

20. Recessive traits are exhibited only when dominate alleles are not present.

21. The dominate trait is not always the most common trait.

22. Punnett Squares: the letters on top represent the mother, side represent the father

23. The boxes in a Punnett square represent the possibility of the offspring.

24. punnett squares:

25. incomplete dominance—two different alleles for the same trait are both expressed resulting in a blending of the two forms of that trait

26. codominance—both alleles for the trait are dominate and both are expressed (no blending) both traits are seen

27. polygenic inheritance—the inheritance pattern in which two or more genes control a single trait

28. multiple alleles—more than two alleles for a particular gene

29. recessive genotype blood type is O

30. A man who is a hybrid for blood type A marries a woman with blood type AB. Kids blood types will be either A, B, or AB.

31. sex chromosomes—chromosomes that determine whether an organism is male or female

32. female sex chromosomes is XX

33. males sex chromosomes is XY

34. The father determines whether a baby will be male or female.

35. sex-liked traits—some inherited traits are controlled by genes located on the sex chromosome (X and Y)

36. carrier—a person or organism that has an allele for a certain trait but does not exhibit the trait

37. God may use genetic disorders to :

a. Show His mercy and power

b. Bring unbelievers to Himself

c. Show special grace to those suffering

d. Can be used by God to accomplish His will in a persons life

e. Are a result of the curse for mans sin

38. Aminocentesis can be used to

a. Determine the sex of an unborn child

b. Detect many genetic disorders

39. an ultra sound or sonogram—allows an expectant mom to se a ‘picture’ of her unborn baby

40. Christians should use biblical principles to govern the use of knowledge and technology.

41. abortion—the killing of an unborn child


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