MATTHEWChapter’1’’’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’’’StudyQuestions

MATTHEW Chapter 1

Study Questions



Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God who lived among people, died,

and rose again to save His people from their sins.

All of the prophecies about Jesus' birth, life, death & resurrection came true. If Jesus is King, He has the right to direct your life


1. What is one fact, you have learned about each of the women in JESUS' family line?

a. Tamar (Genesis 38) _________________________________________________________________

b. Rahab (Joshua 2 & 6:17) _____________________________________________________________

c. Ruth (Ruth 1 & 4:13--17) _____________________________________________________________

d. Uriah's wife (2 Samuel 11; 12:15--24) ___________________________________________________

e. Mary (Luke 1:26--56) ________________________________________________________________

2. Why do you think GOD included and named these women in JESUS' family line?

3. How did each of these women show their faith in the LORD by what they did?


Why was it so important to understand that JESUS is the "son of David" and the "son of Abraham"?

5. Why else do you think the author included JESUS' family line when writing about JESUS' life?


1. What are the two names for Mary's Son and what does each name mean?

2. How have these names impacted your personal understanding, faith and life?

3. What do you understand about "being saved" from these verses?

a. John 3:16--18


b. John 8:24 _______________________________________________________________________

c. John 10:14--16 ____________________________________________________________________

d. Acts 4:12 ________________________________________________________________________

e. Romans 10:8--10 __________________________________________________________________

f. Ephesians 2:4--9 __________________________________________________________________

MATTHEW Chapter 1 (continued)

READ LUKE 1:26--38 1. What did the angel Gabriel say about Mary's baby? 2. From who did both Matthew and Luke say JESUS was born? 3. How does JESUS' FATHER relate with what is written in Genesis 1:1, 26 & John 1:1--4 & 14? 4. How does this help you grow in your faith? 5. How did Mary's words show her faith? 6. How does Mary's faith help me with my own faith?

READ MATTHEW 1:18--25 1. How were each of these Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in the birth of JESUS?

a. Genesis 3:15 ____________________________________________________________________

b. Genesis 49:8--12 __________________________________________________________________

c. Psalm 2:7 _______________________________________________________________________

d. Isaiah 7:14 ______________________________________________________________________

e. Isaiah 9:6--7 _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Which of these Old Testament prophecies did Matthew specifically quote in this chapter? 3. How did Joseph's actions show his faith in the LORD's word? 4. How did Mary and Joseph suffer for their faith? 5.

What reward did Mary and Joseph get from their faith in the word of THE LORD?


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