Where do you live? How old are you? What's your name?

personal information

Where do you live?

personal information

Do you have a pet? Do you have any pets?

personal information

Do you live with your parents?

personal information

This is William.

personal information

How old are you?

personal information

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

personal information

Do you live in the country?

personal information

This is Christine.

personal information

What's your name?

personal information

Where are you from?

personal information

Do you live in a town / city?

personal information

My name is John.

personal information

He is thirty years old.

personal information

She is eleven years old.

personal information

I am fifteen years old.

personal information

He lives in Boston.

personal information

She lives in Sydney.

personal information

I live in Dublin.

personal information

personal information

I am from Switzerland.

You live in Washington.

personal information

We live in London.

personal information

We are from Ireland.

personal information

I have two sisters.

personal information

I have two cats.

personal information

I don't have any pets.

personal information

You are from Austria.

personal information

I have one brother.

personal information

I have a dog.

personal information

I have a horse.

personal information

He is from Germany.

personal information

I have no brothers or sisters.

personal information

I have a brother and a sister.

personal information

I have a hamster.

personal information

I live with my parents.

personal information

I live in a village.

personal information

I live in a town / city.


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