
Medical Terminology Year 2018-2019 Syllabus Teacher: Mrs. Beatrice A. WynnPhone Number: 843-873-6460Email: bwynn@dorchester2.k12.sc.usCourse Description: Medical Terminology is the study of words used in the medical profession to describe the human body in health and in illness and in current methods of diagnosis and treatment. This course is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge of word parts and how they are used as the building blocks of many terms used in health professions. A combination of modalities will address the needs of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners as a material is covered through each body system. My goal is for students to be able to identify, spell, define, and pronounce primary medical terms related to the diagnosis, pathology, and treatment of the major body systems. Personal Materials:Textbook—Introduction to Medical Terminology by Ann Ehrlich and Carol L. Schroeder3 ring binder to hold and organize unit worksheetsPaper, coloured pens and/or pencils, and index cards for flash cards (Quizlet can be used if preferred)Medical dictionary (not required but highly recommended)Classroom Materials: White copy paperKleenex tissuesDisinfecting wipesPaper towelsDry erase markersCurriculum and Pacing:Generally, one chapter is covered every two weeks. We will follow the textbook in the following order:Introduction to Medical TerminologyThe Human Body in Health and DiseaseThe Skeletal SystemThe Muscular SystemThe Cardiovascular SystemThe Lymphatic and Immune SystemsThe Respiratory SystemThe Digestive SystemThe Urinary SystemThe Nervous SystemSpecial Senses: The Eyes and EarsThe Integumentary SystemThe Endocrine SystemThe Reproductive SystemDiagnostic Procedures, Nuclear Medicine, and PharmacologyAssessment Plan:CategoryType of TaskPercentage of GradeTests/ProjectsSummative40%Quizzes/ActivitiesSummative30%Classwork/HomeworkSummative30%Oral Participation FormativeNo pointsDaily QuestioningFormativeNo pointsGrade Calculations:Semester Grade Quarter 1 (50%) + Quarter 2 (50%)Final Grade (Quarter 1 X2)40% + (Quarter 2 X 2)40% + Final Exam20% / 5 Grading Percentage Scale:GradeScaleA90-100B80-89C70-79D60-69F59 and belowGrade Report: Parents can access grades and attendance through PowerSchool at Up Policy: Participation and attendance are essential to success in any class. Work missed is the responsibility of the student to contact the teacher verbally, through email and/or Remind. I DO NOT accept late work if the student was present the day the work was assigned and present the day the work is to be collected. However, if a student is absent for any reason the teacher and student will follow the directions and parameters given in the Parent/Student Handbook. Please reference this document for further details. Class Rules and Expectations for Managing Student Behavior:Students will behave in a responsible and respectful manner—for example students will remove hats indoors, use proper language, speak in low voices, stay on task, follow safety rules, and adhere to oral and written instructions.ON TIME and prepared for class—bringing book, paper, pen(cil) everydayNO CELL PHONES—the Electronic Use Policy will be enforced in this classroom, students who break this policy will be reported to parents and school administration for appropriate puter usage: after a warning, inappropriate use of the Internet will be reported to parents and school administration for appropriate discipline.Academic Integrity:Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest and responsible manner. Academic integrity includes a commitment not to engage in or tolerate acts of falsification, misrepresentation or deception. Such acts of dishonesty violate the fundamental ethical principles of the Summerville High School community and compromise the worth of work completed by others. Examples are:Cheating: using cheat sheets, preprogramming a calculator, testing with a cell phone, using notes or unapproved websites during a test/quiz, etcCopying: Looking at other unsuspecting students’ exams and copying; copying in a complicit manner with another student; exchanging numbered exams for purpose of copying; passing answers via notes or other means; discussing answers on tests; etcPlagiarism: Fabricating information and/or citations; copying from the Internet or submitting the work of others from professional journals, books, articles and papers; submitting other students’ papers or projects and representing the work as one’s own; fabricating, in part or total, submissions and citing them falsely; etc. Parent/Teacher Contact:Parents should feel free to ask about their student’s progress. The school number is 843-873-6460. My email address is bwynn@dorchester2.k12.sc.us and this is the easiest and quickest way to get in contact with me. Requests for teacher conferences must be scheduled through the guidance department. ................

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