
Review 4 – End of course Present below your self-grading against each standard and the evidence to support it. Professional values and attributesDevelop your own judgement of what works and does not work in your teaching and trainingStandardEvidence and location / link tutor commentSelfGrade1Re?ect on what works best in your teaching and learning to meet the diverse needs of learnersEvidence: In the microteach, I had a practical learning approach, using activities and videos to engage my learners. I also simplified terms for students who found it difficult if they didn’t understand, i.e. ‘game mechanics are game rules.’Reflection microteach: observations have allowed me to improve myself as a teacher and reflect on my mistakes as well as opportunities to take in the future, i.e. my first observation had an lower ability of academic writing with little uses of correct referencing, but later on I understood and learnt how to reference better. Furthermore, the ability to teach improved after each observation as I want to be a humanistic teacher, therefore working towards this goal with the help of the observations helped me.Observation 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: action plan allowed me to reflect on my major weaknesses for my next observations and tried to iterate on these issues in the future.Action plan: this was my first vlog for the course, I was able to reflect on my specialism and how it relates to be a teacher. Understanding how to connect them together.VLOG: final reflection helped me bring everything I have learned throughout the academic year and put it in a final video of my personal and professional development.Reflection Video:: : 2Evaluate and challenge your practice, values and beliefsEvidence: Theories that underpin teaching and learning as well as curriculum design, challenged my beliefs and created stronger beliefs in my academic work ethic:Curriculum design 1 link: link: gave me the ability to think and analysis practice and beliefs through different theoretical methods which I was not aware of prior. It allowed me to challenge aspects which I already believe allowing it to grow stronger with factual evidence.DPP Essay: Video on the teacher’s voice in QA/QI:: 3Inspire, motivate and raise aspirations of learners through your enthusiasm and knowledgeEvidence: In action research, I have started a tournament-based system with the two level 2 group of students. Every week, based on behaviour, engagement and etc they can gain and lose points. Consent Forms: : are inspired every week and is bring healthy competition to their peers to beat each other as well as trying harder when they see the table every week.The Action Research tournament with extensive descriptions: for the winners of the action research tournament: Games Festival, inspiring students about the industry as well as relating back to the course and giving a professional speaker to inspire students of their future:: 4Be creative and innovative in selecting and adapting strategies to help learners to learnEvidence: Making tutorial videos for 1st year level 3 students with microphone and webcam to make it relatable with the students. Furthermore, making a tutorial on how to use WordPress for peers.Software guide: guide: allowed my creative side to flourish and as a result a new board game was invented, through the theory I have learned from my undergraduate game design classes about designing a game and my postgraduate theory on education to fuse them together, allowing students to use this innovative resources to learn.SSP Innovative resource: innovative resource presentation: 1 presentation: 2 presentation: 3 presentation: 4: 5: playlist for WordPress, Word, Excel, Screen-o-matic, Publisher, Hour of Code, Animaker, PowerPoint, which I have made for various student classes, allowing them to follow step by step tutorials and allow all students to understand to bring in inclusion, students can also pause and re-watch segments slowly and other students can fast forward the video so they can work faster: Playlist for UV & Texturing game design assets: Playlist for advanced game design workflow: Playlist for the basics of Maya: Playlist for the basics of 3DS Max: playlist for basics of Unreal Engine 4:: 5Value and promote social and cultural diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusionEvidence: Helped Mentor with the design of the Plan of Learning (SoW) with aspects of the level: 3 students.POL: forms of value and equality, inclusion in the curriculum design essay:Curriculum design 1: The teachers voice in QA/QI Essay: and Accountability Essay: research tournament, as students felt they all had equal opportunity to win: positive and collaborative relationships with colleagues and learnersEvidence: Started part time work with level: 4 foundation degree students in education and training. Helping with the IT module, created updated resources and building new relationships from other departments and students.Blog: : you email from line manager for the work: mentor meetings started off primarily with my course mentor and throughout the year I started connecting with other members of staff to build more positive relations.Mentor Meeting 1: Meeting 2: Meeting 3: Meeting 4: Meeting 5: Meeting 6: of teaching books available for anybody on request: feedback after level: 4 modules is complete. I appreciated reading this and can use this email as a sign of accomplishment for seeing students appreciating their learning: my class peers how to use Screen-o-Matic as they were confused on how to do it individually, so I set up a mini class, giving them a step by step tutorial on how to use this application:: Professional knowledge and understandingDevelop deep and critically informed knowledge and understanding in theory and practiceStandardDescription and location of evidenceGrade7Maintain and update knowledge of your subject and/or vocational areaEvidence: Learning the correct software college uses to ensure the students get the best learning I can possibly give. I watch tutorials to understand the concept and simplify it for students when I want to teach them a topic.College software guide: Maya as this is colleges, home software compared to the software I learnt in university, updating my knowledge and applying these new techniques to students.Maya tutorial: tutorial: tutorial: Tool bag 3 tutorial: course for level 4 foundation students on basic office applications and getting utilising modern software updates:Blog: : : : : : playlist for WordPress, Word, Excel, Screen-o-matic, Publisher, Hour of Code, Animaker, PowerPoint, which I have made for various student classes, allowing them to follow step by step tutorials and allow all students to understand to bring in inclusion, students can also pause and re-watch segments slowly and other students can fast forward the video so they can work faster: Playlist for UV & Texturing game design assets: Playlist for advanced game design workflow: Playlist for the basics of Maya: Playlist for the basics of 3DS Max: playlist for basics of Unreal Engine 4: and update your knowledge of educational research to develop evidence-based practiceEvidence: Utilising time for expert observations and seeing how professional teachers, teach the classes.Expert observation 1: observation 2: and Micro essay on my subject specialist: that underpin Teaching and?Learning essay: and Accountability Essay: Video: : 9Apply theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and assessment drawing on research and other evidenceEvidence: In action research, I have started a tournament-based system with the two level 2 group of students. Every week, based on behaviour, engagement and etc they can gain and lose points.Consent Forms: from the tournament, whilst getting a second opinion from mentor for none-bias results.Group 1 table: 2 table: tournament overall: research into intrinsic & extrinsic motivation and applying it into teaching.Literature review and research: Essay: DPP Video on the teacher’s voice:: 10Evaluate your practice with others and assess its impact on learningEvidence: Working with level:4 mentor and evaluating my work through emailing him the lessons and feedback. Different teaching times as well as shadowing.Link: meeting and session with my employer for part time teaching level 4 students, getting feedback and different styles of teaching, as they are level 4 students and mature students, behaviour management won’t be a major issue, whilst also adding additional stretching challenges for studentsMentor Meeting 5: with the foundation teacher in the part time level 4 teaching, my mentor allowed me to gain confidence in teaching higher level students and empower me through using Maslow’s hierarchy at a higher stage with students.Mentor Meeting 6: streams with level 4 students during lockdown and having these reflected upon through observation. Students working at their own time to get tasks within the module complete. [Stream links are available on request, protecting student’s identity in case of GDPR]Link for animation task: for PowerPoint task:: 11Manage and promote positive learner behaviourEvidence: PDP class on behaviour management and how to deal with students who are behaving badly and promote good behaviour.Notes link: that underpin teaching and learning, using operant conditioning through positive rewards.Link: management through extrinsic tournament table with level 2 students:Group 1 table: 2 table: : 12Understand the teaching and professional role and your responsibilitiesEvidence: Went through the placement handbook part 1: Initial tasks and placement guidance 2019-2020 with mentor and listed everything as complete, such as safety, policies and procedures.Mentor meeting 2 link: role, responsibilities and boundaries of a teacher essay was the first assignment I did and learning the limits of a teacher showed the control I can possess whilst being a teacher as well as the welfare and wellbeing of the students: professional practice has allowed me to connect teaching as a profession and understanding the roles and responsibilities of a teacher within their professionalism.DPP Essay: DPP Video on the teacher’s voice:: Professional SkillsDevelop your expertise and skills to ensure the best outcomes for learnersStandardDescription and location of evidenceGrade13Motivate and inspire learners to promote achievement and develop their skills to enable progressionEvidence: Second year students enrolling to university to study game design need to have a portfolio for entry requirements, I show them my portfolio page and tell them to make an Artstation so they can upload their 3D work as well as have a portfolio website, where they can link more work, not just only for game design students but also the media students:Artstation portfolio: portfolio: website portfolio: portfolio:: 4 Wordpress Blog: : 14Plan and deliver effective learning programmes for diverse groups or individuals in a safe and inclusive environmentEvidence: planned and delivering specialist subject to students in a safe and inclusive, cultural capital as well as differentiating way.Curriculum design 2: of learning for game design students 19/20: : 15Promote the bene?ts of technology and support learners in its useEvidence: The innovative resource I created was to attract students and peers to the knowledge of QR codes. This was done with the board game I made, which can be used practically by the end of the month as a revision game, where students answer questions to get to the finish line.Link: point system with students on extrinsic motivationGroup 1 table: 2 table: course for level 4 foundation students on basic office applications and getting utilising modern software updates:Blog: : : : : : playlist for WordPress, Word, Excel, Screen-o-matic, Publisher, Hour of Code, Animaker, PowerPoint, which I have made for various student classes, allowing them to follow step by step tutorials and allow all students to understand to bring in inclusion, students can also pause and re-watch segments slowly and other students can fast forward the video so they can work faster: Playlist for UV & Texturing game design assets: Playlist for advanced game design workflow: Playlist for the basics of Maya: Playlist for the basics of 3DS Max: playlist for basics of Unreal Engine 4:: 16Address the mathematics and English needs of learners and work creatively to overcome individual barriers to learningEvidence: In my 1st observation on Real-world scale and reference images. I had embedded Maths & English through the classes with maths questions regarding metric & imperial. English was embedded through peer reviews and class discussions of their own work.Observation 1-Presentation: 2- Presentation: 3- Presentation: 4- Presentation: 5- Presentation: maths and English scenarios whilst teaching games designCurriculum design 2: Engine 4 in-depth tutorial about variables, explaining it for the level:2 and level 3 students, for them to have an easier time, grasping the basic concept of codingVideo link: : 17Enable learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment, setting goals that stretch and challengeEvidence: Microteach lesson where students created their own game mechanics for the board game, play-tested it, tested each other’s games and peer reviewed each other with pro’s & con’s.Microteach lesson: reflection quotes: helped develop a Plan of Learning with mentor in some respects for accessibility for level 2 and 3 students. The previous PoL was overly complicated, I gave ideas to simplify for the student’s point of view.PoL link: : 18Apply appropriate and fair methods of assessment and provide constructive and timely feedback to support progression and achievementEvidence: Feedback reflection on observations, using learning theories to reflect on my teaching and provide constructive criticism for personal development.Reflection microteach: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:: 19Maintain and update your teaching and training expertise and vocational skills through collaboration with employersEvidence: I have completed through the various CPD tests online, such as: Equality, LGBT, Safeguarding, GDPR etc. At the end of it I was given certificates to prove I completed and passed the tests. Once with Virtual College and then once again with Staff Skills TrainingLink: school children game to learn about college and took a class in games design, learning programming a 2D game.Link: and teachers went to Yorkshire games festival in Media Museum Bradford, with guest game designers and new games releasing for students and teachers to test out.:CPD link: CPD Training on Skills staff training: to organisational development and quality improvement through collaboration with othersEvidence: Wrote an article to SET which got published, allowing the PG-Dip course and Bradford college to get promoted and recognised.Link: of books for peers and teachers to use for the teaching and learning of the course:Books link: school visit: pressure on the department of education and training by doing part time on Tuesdays, teaching the IT module for level: 4 foundation students as well as updating the current Moodle page with up-to date software knowledge, i.e. currently there are Office 2010 PowerPoints, I am updated them to 2016-2020 PowerPointsPublisher link: link: tutor comments on self grading: Overall grade (by the link tutor): Target Setting: Review 4 The trainee should aim to develop against each standard with those identified below as a priority.StandardTarget By when ................

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