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-974362-68716100371348022161500To Proficiency & BeyondGrade 6 Core ESL L.E.S295283035357600Laura Mascitto, Sophie Iakovidis & Katherine PiscioneriPresent to: Terry Price357505456628500-1167244-79756000Factual InformationTeachers: Katherine Piscioneri, Laura Mascitto & Sophie IakovidisGrade and Level: Grade 6 ESL class – Core What The L.E.S Is About & How The Idea Came to Us We are happy to welcome you to our class of little astronauts and aliens. Yes, you read right, astronauts and aliens. After conducting a simple survey early in the year, asking students what they would like to see in the classroom, we discovered the topic they are most interested in learning about is outer space. Consequently, we have teamed up with the school’s science teacher in order to foster better comprehension on our students’ part. As science class is instructed in French, we have provided the science teacher with English glossaries. The English glossaries will encourage students to explore the vocabulary that will be covered in the L.E.S during their science class.Brief Description of Students Our students are a core group of ESL sixth graders, from La Source Elementary School. The students are in a public school and are part of class of 22 students; 10 girls and 12 boys. This is a regular English classroom, thus students have a basic understanding of English. They can read and write in English quite fluently, however still struggle in their reading comprehension skills. Thus, this L.E.S will promote the students’ reading comprehension development. Being in a multicultural province, most of our students come from various backgrounds, yet their mother tongue is primarily French. -1096191-90741500Students claim they have sufficient exposure to English through different means of media, yet they speak to family members and friends primarily in French. Students can communicate and be understood in English, yet cannot converse fluently in their target language. Students often demonstrate their willingness and effort to participate orally and in their written compositions in their L2. However, they often revert back to their L1 when they cannot find the English equivalent for what they are trying to say. When students are left unsupervised, they tend to revert back to their L1, thus we stress the importance of teacher circulation throughout the L.E.S.Length The L.E.S, “To Proficiency and Beyond”, spans over the course of eight lessons of 55 minutes each.ObjectivesOur long-term goal is for students to be able to articulate a story (orally and through written work) with a beginning, middle and end. We intend to work towards this goal while simultaneously scaffolding students to implement concepts/vocabulary related to the L.E.S theme (outer space). We hope to help students reach a level of proficiency where their stories and presentations flow in a fluent manner that makes sense and is easy to follow. In order to achieve this goal, one of the first topics that will have to be addressed is reading comprehension development. -1205865-91412800Competencies (BALs, CCCs, ESL)ESL Competencies:Competency 1: Interacts Orally in EnglishKey Features: Participation in oral interactionTakes advantage of speaking opportunities Attempts to initiate messageAlways speaking in EnglishMaintain interaction in English Articulation of messageClear message Wide range of functional language is employed Competency 2: Reinvests Understanding of Oral and Written TextsKey Features:Evidence/reinvestment of understandingOrally and through written work Demonstrates clear understanding Pinpoints key elements/important aspects of textUses functional language to springboard their understandingAddresses personal opinions/creative with their interpretation Competency 3: Writes and Produces TextKey Features:To write textsPrepares to write texts using strategies (outlines, graphic organizers, peer corrections)Ideas are organized in text (uses punctuation and grammar properly throughout text)Content of the message is coherent and remains on topic-1091021-91440000Cross-Curricular This unit is also being employed/addressed in their French science classThey are expected to have a grasp on the context of spaceSpringboard off their knowledge to employ interesting/engaging ESL activities BALs – Environmental Awareness & Consumer Rights and Responsibilities CCCs Competency 1 – Uses InformationDirectly related to C2 Reinvests Understanding of Oral & Written Texts (by using information)This unit is also being employed/addressed in their French science classThey are expected to have a grasp on the context of spaceStudents are expected to be able to springboard off their prior knowledge from science class to employ interesting/engaging ideas during ESL activitiesLesson 2 – Graphic organizersLesson 3 – Verb tense lesson Lesson 4 – Learns “RACE” strategy to answering text comprehension questionsLesson 5 - Reading comprehension test (C2- written texts) Magic School bus Lesson 6 - Magic School Bus video and questions (C2- oral texts) Competency 3 – Exercises Critical Judgement Peer corrections (judges what critiques are useful/meaningful to enhance their story)Competency 4 – Uses Creativity Lesson 2 & 3 – Content of written compositionLesson 8 – Oral presentation (creativity regarding content of presentation) Competency 8 – Cooperates with OthersLesson 3 – Peer correctionsLesson 5 & 6 – In class time to prepare oral presentation Lesson 7 – Field trip (Ottawa Space Museum)Competency 9 – Communicates Appropriately -977265-80254900Lesson 1 – Hook stations (group discussions)Lesson 3 – Peer corrections and verb tense (think-pair-share, group discussions)Lesson 4 – Think-pair-share EvaluationCompetency 1: Interact Orally in EnglishLesson 7 – Oral presentations Competency 2: Reinvests Understanding of Oral and Written textsLesson 5 – Reading comprehension Reinvests understanding of written texts (summative assessment)Lesson 6 – “Magic School Bus” video questions Reinvests understanding of oral (formative assessment)Competency 3: Writes and Produces TextLesson 3 –Written composition of the ending of “An Adventure in Space”The entire writing process will be considered (outline, use of graphic organizers, rough drafts and peer corrections)Essential KnowledgeFunctionsFunctional languageSeveral of our handouts/Cool downs involve prompts in the instructions or adding lists of prompts into their English duo-tangs (I.e.: conclusion prompts, “RACE” prompts)Agreement/disagreementWarningsFeelings, interests, tastes, preferences Repertoire of words and short expressions (from prior knowledge or prompts)-860425-79819500VocabularyQuestion wordsTheme-related vocabulary (outer space)AttentionPredictingLearning Strategies Self-evaluation (pre/post peer corrections)Planning (outlines for written and oral composition)Resourcing Note-taking (learnt explicitly in lesson 2)Cooperation Key elementsBriefly describes storylineDescribes character (written composition)Contextualizes presence (oral presentation – had four presentation topics to chose from)EventsSequencing eventsMaterials to PrepareAll materials, handouts, links and resources required to carry out the lessons will be listen in each lesson outline below.Long Term Plan: To Proficiency and BeyondLessonDescription(Official) EvaluationLesson 1: Hooking ThemShort-term goal: To be able to grasp how to evaluate prior knowledge and how authentic learning can add to that.C1 – Interacts Orally in English C2 – Evidence of understanding Do Now: KWL Chart What you knowWhat you want to learn What you learnedExplain what’s to come (in terms of projects/expectations/authentic learning)Introduction to L.E.S Hook stationsGrammar lesson: How to write conclusions (provide concluding prompts to add in their English duo tangs and explain how their prompt sheets may facilitate the writing process for them)Prompts Resolution Concluding remarks (IE: ...and they lived happily ever after)Cool Down: Add to the “What I learned” section of the KWLLesson 2: Graphic Organizing Short-term goal: For students to be able to reinvest their knowledge of a written text, and articulate their own creative ideas/opinions orally and in the form of written text (graphic organizer).C2 - Reinvests Understanding of Oral and Written textsDo Now: Word – Picture association handout Graphic organizer explained“An Adventure in Space” readers theatre Fill out graphic organizer for “An Adventure in Space”Cool Down: Finish filling in graphic organizer and do-now, if finished both handouts then students may participate in silent readingHomework: Write 1st draft for your ending of “An Adventure in Space”Lesson 3: Peer Corrections & Past Progressive Short-term goal: For students to be able critically assess relevant constructive criticism and decided what is pertinent in terms of correctionsC1 –Peer correctionsC2 - Grammar point, shown to be understoodC3 –Homework from previous class, peer/self-corrections, homework given for this class Good copiesDo Now: Question written on the bored: What do you remember about the story we read last class, “An Adventure in Space”?Grammar instruction: Past Progressive TenseDefining Noticing activity (scaffolding + CFU) Q-Cards “Yes, it’s Past progressive” “No, it’s not past progressive”Handout/worksheet Conjugate the simple present verb into past progressive tense Peer Correction: Correcting each other’s 1st drafts that was done previously as homework Handout sheets:“What I think needs to be worked on” (from the writer)“What I saw needs to be worked on” (from the peer corrector) Student then critically assess what they decide to change/correct based on the feedback they got* Students are made aware they can approach the teacher for specific feedback Cool Down: Explain oral presentations Provide rubrics & list of topics to choose fromFill out exit cards (team member’s names, brainstorm ideas/selected topic)Homework: C3 Evaluation (once handed in) Write the final draft C3Lesson 4: A RACE Against TimeC1 – Think-pair-share (engaging in their L2)C2 - RACE strategy developed C3 – Content of message Supporting their answered with the RACE strategy Short-term goal: Students developed a solid understanding of the RACE strategy, and understand its usefulness in answering questions with sufficient evidence to support their claims.to be able to answer reading comprehension questions according to the RACE strategyDo Now: Ask the class if anyone would like to share the ending of the story they wrote/handed in OR Match each planet with it’s fact handout Explain how to answer reading comprehension questions with the “RACE” strategy R- Restate the questionA- Answer (With three details)C- Cite (“In the text the author wrote…”)E- Extend (Person connection)Think-Pair-Share Answering RACE questions on “An Adventure in Space”Cool Down: Unscramble the planets Homework: Watch a television show/movie (any of your choosing) in English. Create a question based on what you watched and answer your question with the RACE strategy. This will be good practice for next class’ test.Lesson 5: C2 Evaluation Short-term goal: For students have developed a solid understanding of the RACE strategy, and understand its usefulness in answering questions with sufficient evidence to support their claims.Do Now: Entrance Card: “What does RACE stand for and why is it helpful when answering questions based on a story?”C2 Evaluation: Text comprehension questions with 2 RACE structured questions Reinvests Understanding of Oral and Written TextsOral presentation workFor those who are advanced teacher comes prepared with computers/tablets and props Time for those who are just getting started to put together their detailed outlines/game plansCool Down: Show examples of previous oral presentations (model what students should aim for in terms of quality of work)C2Lesson 6: The Magic School Bus: Outer SpaceShort-term goal: For students to be able to demonstrate their understanding of oralDo Now: Word SearchLast in-class time to work on oral presentations (35 minutes)The Magic School Bus video + comprehension questionsC2 Evaluation: Reinvests Understanding of Oral and Written TextsCool Down: Finish writing answers to “The Magic School Bus in Space” If already completed the handout, students may read quietly or work silentlyLesson 7: Field Trip Short-term goal: Authentically engage with space/the topic Field Trip: Ottawa Space Museum Checklist handouts to fill out on what the saw/experienced/enjoyed/learnt Lesson 8: Houston, we have closure.Short-term goal: Evaluate student’s oral skillsDo Now: Fill out field trip reflect handoutOral Presentations“Cool Down”: Outer Space PartyStudents have worked extremely hard throughout the L.E.S they can go a little wild and relish in their pride in a job well done.Students may circulate the classroom to get a closer work at the students’ projects (for those that created something to display)C1Lesson 1: Hooking Our Little Astronauts -518160-62357000First Daily lesson plan Group: 01Grade level /Program: Core/Regular Gr. 6 ESLPeriod length: 55 minutesGoals for the period (what do you want students to “walk away with”?)By the end of the class I want the students to be able to grasp how to evaluate prior knowledge and how authentic learning can add to that.I will know they can do this when they fill out their KWL charts, more specifically add what they had by the end of the period. We hope the authentic hook stations will foster an engaging setting to learn and provoke prior petencies to be developed C1C2 Evaluation criteria (What will you EVALUATE today?)C1: _X_ Participation in oral interaction C2: _X_ Evidence of Understanding Functional Language for speaking and writing (expressions)“What you know…”“What you want to know…”“What have you learned…”Series of conclusion prompts (handout)Learning strategy Authentic learning – Hook stationsPromptsCooperative-based tasksIndividual workLanguage conventions (grammar & punctuation)How to start and end a conclusion/ending to a storyVocabulary Focus:Moon Sand Astronaut Slime (alien slime)Rocket ship/ spaceship Concluding expressions (prompt handout)Cooperative learning techniques:[X] Think-Pair-Share [ ] Graffiti[X] Pair work [X] Learning groups [ ] JigsawTeacher-centred techniques: [X] Teacher-led discussion [ ] Individual Work [ ] Cold calling [ ] Scaffolding Techniques[ ] Reader’s Theatre [ ] Competition[ ] Choral Reading [ ] Gaming: [ ] Student generated [ ] Other: Period Start-up Routines (Attendance, Menu on board, collecting homework, handing out materials, silent reading etc.)Lesson plan (simplified) is written clearly on the board: This sets the tone and structure for the class. Baskets are set up at the entrance of the classOne basket for homework drop off One basket for handouts for the day ahead – Do Now/ Text for the day/ Graphic Organizers …Do-Now is the first handout they pick up, and immediately know should be started as soon as they are seated (they know if do-now’s are completed in advance, they can read a book of their choice from the class library, quietly)Activity Break it down into point form ‘steps’ for studentsWrite the instructions you will give studentsTeaching techniquesIndividual / paired / groups – cooperative learning structure?)Rationale (Your pedagogical reasons / GoalsWhat teaching STEP is this?)Min.Intro(Activate prior knowledge)Do NowKWL Chart – Outer Space ThemedWhat you knowWhat you want to learnWhat you learned (to be completed as the L.E.S progresses)Individual Teacher-led discussion (explaining the chart)Think-Pair-Share – what you wrote in your KWL Why – Assess what they already know (as they are currently doing the same unit in their science class)10 minDevelopment (activities. of 5-20 minutes)Hook StationsIntroduce L.E.S and write on the board all the upcoming major projects (this list stays there throughout the course of the L.E.S)Written ending to a storyReading comprehension testOral presentation 5 stations set up around the classroom designated to different aspects of spaceMoon sand stationWhat astronauts eat1 millionth of how hot the sun isAlien slime – How aliens feel2461895635000How it feels to walk on the moonGroup work (5-6 students per station)Cooperative learning Circulating Scaffold (through difficult terms/vocabulary/concepts)Build – On what students may already know from previous experience and their science classModel/Practice – How to interact with the stations (type of observational notes to take down in their journals)Why – Engaging students with the material in an authentic manner. Primes students for the upcoming topics of the L.E.S while captivating their attention25 minGrammar: How to write conclusions Explain what a conclusion is/what it doesProvide concluding prompts (to be added in their duo-tangs)Teacher-led discussionCFUCirculating Model examples of promptsBuild – On prior conclusion knowledge Model – How to utilize the conclusion prompts Why – The first activity will be to write the end to a story. Laying foundation down assess their knowledge on writing conclusions/endings 15 minClosure: Goal?Cool Down: Add to the KWL charts Individual or pair Circulating Build – On knowledge before class with learned vocabulary, concepts or how space worksGoal - 5 minEnd of class reminders / routines ... hook them for the next classNext class’ activities will be posted on the board. Giving them a heads up of what’s to come.Homework is written on the board and intended for them to copy in their agendas No homework for today’s lesson, as students will have a lot of homework coming upAnticipated problemsSolutions/Plan BDuring the Hook stations, students may communicate in French rather than in English.Students may not understand the concept of creating their own ending to the story.Constant teacher circulation in the classroom to remind students to speak in English.The instructors will provide various examples to provide students with a better understanding of what is expected of them.Materials to prepareHomework (to assign and collect)KWL chartsHook StationsGrammar handouts None for todayPost-teaching assessmentYour reflectionsExtent to which goals for this period were reached (based on observable elements from criteria OR based on targeted criteria) 0%? 100%?66584413385In efforts to conserve paper, we will only include this section for the first lesson, in theory this Post-Teaching section would be included in all 8 lessonsTo be completed upon the completion of the activity While this may seem tedious, it will facilitate our understanding of the lessons effectivenessCome next year, we will be able clearly identify whether or not this was a useful activity.What needs to be changed?Are there adaptations to make?What can we keep?00In efforts to conserve paper, we will only include this section for the first lesson, in theory this Post-Teaching section would be included in all 8 lessonsTo be completed upon the completion of the activity While this may seem tedious, it will facilitate our understanding of the lessons effectivenessCome next year, we will be able clearly identify whether or not this was a useful activity.What needs to be changed?Are there adaptations to make?What can we keep?Strong points including what can be kept (classroom management, pacing, teaching strategies, student response, goals set, activities)Problems encountered (classroom management, pacing, teaching strategies, student response, goals set, activities)Changes to be made for future periods (If you had to do it again...)Add the proposed changes to your lesson plan using the “track changes” function.2286000-114300000Solar System - KWL ChartWhat you knowWould like toknowWhat have you learned-45720028384500181689766040001968534925001685290773065001631950334420700Name: _____________________Date: _______________Out of This World Conclusion PromptsDon’t end your story with…So I went home and went to bed.84645514097000 Instead, you should end your story with … So, the aliens (your subject) went home and went to bed.So that is the end of my story.84772515113000Instead, you should end your story with …So, that is the end of the alien’s story.How to start the ending of your story:Because we decided to leave the alien prison we ended up …When we finally escaped the prison we…We were sitting in the prison when …How to end your story:I hope no one else ever goes through what we did. I woke up and realized it was all a dream.The End.… they lived happily ever after.… and they sadly never made it home.… and they vowed never to go back.Questions to ask yourself when ending your story:What would the main character remember most? What action could the main character do as a result of the events of the story? How would the main character feel about the events which have taken place? I felt so happy/relived/glad to finally be home.What could the main character wish for as a result of the events that took place? I wish this wasn’t all a dream.General tips:Keep the ending simple and to the point (one paragraph). Don’t repeat yourself.Lesson 2: Getting Graphically Organized-518160-62357000Second Daily lesson plan It coGroup: 001Grade level /Program:TESLRegular/Core Gr. 6 Period length: 55 minutesGoals for the period (what do you want students to “walk away with”?)By the end of the class I want the students to be able to reinvest their knowledge of a written text, and articulate their own creative ideas/opinions orally and in the form of written text (graphic organizer).I will know they can do this when they successfully complete their graphic organizers and participate in class with a clear sense of understanding the petencies to be developed C1 C2 Evaluation criteria (What will you EVALUATE today?)C1: _X_ Participation in oral interaction _X_ Articulation of messageC2: _X_ Evidence of Understanding _X_ Reinvestment of understanding Functional Language for speaking and writing (expressions)“We were scared but…”“We escaped by…”“On the next planet we visited we… ”“When we got back to earth we… ”More prompts created as a document for the students to refer toLearning strategy Graphic organizer: Facilitate UnderstandingPrompts to facilitate written communication of literacy comprehensionLanguage conventions (grammar & punctuation)None for today.Vocabulary Focus:No explicit vocabulary instruction today. Students will practice the words they’ve learnt from our previous class and science class.The Do-Now will review:PlanetEarthSpaceshipRocket shipAlienThroneGoldPrison Cooperative learning techniques:[X] Think-Pair-Share [ ] Graffiti[X] Pair work [ ] Learning groups [ ] JigsawTeacher-centred techniques: [X] Teacher-led discussion [X] Cold calling [X] Scaffolding[X] Circulating-Classroom [X] CFU Techniques[X] Reader’s Theatre [ ] Competition[ ] Choral Reading [ ] Gaming: [X] Student generated [X] Other: How to study Period Start-up Routines (Attendance, Menu on board, collecting homework, handing out materials, silent reading etc.)Lesson plan (simplified) is written clearly on the board: This sets the tone and structure for the class. Baskets are set up at the entrance of the classOne basket for homework drop off One basket for handouts for the day ahead – Do Now/ Text for the day/ Graphic OrganizersDo-Now is the first handout they pick up, and immediately know should be started as soon as they are seated (they know if do-now’s are completed in advance, they can read a book of their choice from the class library quietly)Activity Break it down into point form ‘steps’ for studentsWrite the instructions you will give studentsTeaching techniquesIndividual / paired / groups – cooperative learning structure?)Rationale (Your pedagogical reasons / GoalsWhat teaching STEP is this?)Min.Intro(Activate prior knowledge)Do-NowWords/Picture association handout. Matching the words to their corresponding pictures.Individual Circulating-classroom Practice – Putting previous content learnt to use Why – Upcoming activities will employ all of these words and it is imperative students understand them to facilitate over-all comprehension of the text5 min.Development (activities. of 5-20 minutes)Explanation of Graphic OrganizerExplained before reading the text: They can jot down points in the G-O as we go alongKnow what to look for while they readTeacher-led discussionCFU (Checking for understanding while reading)ModelHow to fill out the G-OWhyExplain why/how it will be beneficial for their comprehension of the text 5 min.Readers theatreReading “An Adventure in Space”Students are aware they will be cold-called to readScaffold students through reading their partsCFU Cold-calling (keeping students engaged/focused)Build/PracticeReading fluency Reading out loud15min.Graphic OrganizerPlot summary, character development (etc…) be jotted down in note formSharing our notes from the G-O assuring each student has accurate/clear notes to refer toScaffold studentsCirculating-classroomThink-Pair-ShareBuild/PracticeReading comprehensionNote-taking skillsEvaluateReading comprehension (their understanding of “getting” the main plot development)25min.Closure: Goal?Cool Down:Finish filling out graphic organizerFinish do-nowSilent reading Reminder: Students are reminded to refer to the conclusion prompts from the previous lesson when writing their first drafts (assigned as homework) IndividualCirculating CFU (on last time related to the graphic organizer) WhyAssure students who might be slower learners get the sufficient time to understand how to effectively use graphic organizers (we understand it might be confusing for first-time users)GoalUse their effective-note taking skills to foster better understanding of the text/write own text eventually 5 min.End of class reminders / routines ... hook them for the next classNext class’ activities will be posted on the board. Giving them a heads up of what’s to come.Homework is written on the board and intended for them to copy in their agendas Anticipated problemsSolutions/Plan BStudents may get confused as to what is expected from them when doing the graphic organizer. Students may want to work in groups or alone, which would complicate the workshop because groups does not make their learning experience as meaningful and working alone may be too difficult for a student.Students may communicate in French during the lesson, rather than English.Materials to Prepare:Handouts (prompts, graphic organizer, story/text, do-now)Use positive reinforcement to promote English speakingThe instructors will provide students with various examples, explaining what is expected of them.The instructors will emphasize the importance of working in pairs by explaining how next year (high school) there will be a lot of group work. Students will be asked to choose with who they would like to pair up and we believe by giving this alternative, it will help students adhere to pairing up.The instructors will provide assistance and scaffold students in English.Homework to assign/collect:Write the first draft (provided handout) to your ending of “An Adventure in Space”-405765227965An Adventure in Space00An Adventure in Space-1088571-56896000I was part of a group that was sent on a mission into outer space. The mission was carried out successfully and I was on my way back to Earth with my friends. On our way back to Earth, an unknown spaceship showed up and forced our rocketship to land on another planet. On the planet, a very strange looking alien met us. This alien took my group and me to see its king. We walked into a big room, where the king was sitting on a gold throne and was wearing a crown. The king looked like all the strange aliens on the planet. All the aliens had four eyes, two heads and six legs. They had a white body and no hair. The strange unknown planet looked like a prison. We were scared but….-1205864-111162200Name: ______________________ Date:_________________-17399029733420050709925195Graphic organizerAfter reading the short story “An Adventure in Space”, draw pictures that represent key events from the story. Write a caption under each box that explains each event. Draw the events in order in which they happened.0Graphic organizerAfter reading the short story “An Adventure in Space”, draw pictures that represent key events from the story. Write a caption under each box that explains each event. Draw the events in order in which they happened.-405765363An Adventure in Space00An Adventure in SpaceName: _____________________Date: __________________DO NOWMatch the words to the pictures below27667918542000-66040370840 Planet Prison Rocket ship Alien Throne Gold Spaceship Earth00 Planet Prison Rocket ship Alien Throne Gold Spaceship Earth-406219224336005190071-79756000-82851720681000Name:___________________________ Date:_______________________ Rough Draft____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5190071345475100________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Lesson 3: A Blast from the Past Progressive -518160-62357000Third Daily lesson plan Group: 001Grade level /Program:TESL Regular/Core Gr. 6 Period length: 55 minutesGoals for the period (what do you want students to “walk away with”?)By the end of the class I want the students to be able critically assess relevant constructive criticism and decided what is pertinent in terms of correctionsI will know they can do this when they implement/disregard peer suggestions in their written composition by the end of the period/in their final petencies to be developed C1C2 C3 Evaluation criteria (What will you EVALUATE today?)C1: _X_ Participation in oral interaction C2: _X_ Evidence of Understanding C3: _X_ Content of message _X_ Formulation of messageFunctional Language for speaking and writing (expressions)“Restate the question”“Answer (with 3 details)”“Cite (give) an example from the text”“Extend. Make a personal connection”Learning strategyPromptsCooperative-based tasksIndividual workLanguage conventions (grammar & punctuation)Past progressive verb tense Vocabulary Focus:(Up to 8 words you want students to learn today)No explicit vocabulary instruction for this lesson.We do hope students practice vocabulary words learnt last class.Cooperative learning techniques:[X] Think-Pair-Share [ ] Graffiti[X] Pair work [ ] Learning groups [ ] Jigsaw[X] Peer CorrectionsTeacher-centred techniques: [X] Teacher-led discussion [X] Individual Work [X] Scaffolding [X] CFU [X] Circulating the classroomTechniques[ ] Reader’s Theatre [ ] Competition[ ] Choral Reading [ ] Gaming: [X] Student generated [ ] Other: Period Start-up Routines (Attendance, Menu on board, collecting homework, handing out materials, silent reading etc.)Lesson plan (simplified) is written clearly on the board: This sets the tone and structure for the class. Baskets are set up at the entrance of the classOne basket for homework drop off One basket for handouts for the day ahead – Do Now/ Text for the day/ Graphic Organizers …Do-Now is the first handout they pick up, and immediately know should be started as soon as they are seated (they know if do-now’s are completed in advance, they can read a book of their choice from the class library quietly)Activity Break it down into point form ‘steps’ for studentsWrite the instructions you will give studentsTeaching techniquesIndividual / paired / groups – cooperative learning structure?)Rationale (Your pedagogical reasons / GoalsWhat teaching STEP is this?)Min.Intro(Activate prior knowledge)Do Now:Question written on the bored: What do you remember about the story we read last class, “An Adventure in Space”?Afterwards, students can refer to the graphic organizers they filled out Individual workCirculating the classroomWhy - Shows how effective/efficient graphic organizers can be when they are properly filled out Build - Activate prior knowledge 5 min.Development (activities. of 5-20 minutes)Grammar Lesson: Past Progressive TenseNoticing Activity (Concept is based on Batstone, 1994)Teacher writes a sentence on the board & students hold up “Yes, it’s past progressive”/ “No, it’s not past progressive” Q-cardsPast progressive handout: students are asked to conjugate the verb accordingly ScaffoldingCFUTeacher-led + class discussion Build – On prior verb tense knowledge (this is not the first lesson students receive on past progressive tense)Why – Their stories will be written in the past progressive; this tense-refresher will enable students to accurately check for form in each others workPractice – Writing in the past progressive tense15 min. Peer Correction:Explain the peer correction handoutStudents fill out the handouts on their own and then their partners’ handoutModelCirculatingScaffold CFUPair work Model – How to effectively correct someone else’s’ work (while remaining constructive/respectful)Practice – Critical thinking skills (when deciding whether or not to incorporate elements of peers’ suggestions)Evaluate – Each others work & your own work20 min.Explanation of end of unit oral presentation: Students are informed they will be presenting their version of the story (the endings they come up with) in an oral presentationThey can work in teams (no more than 4). Teams will have to pick one of the four suggested presentation topics They can use any form of media/presentation (make a video, a poster etc..) but will have to talk in person at some point in the presentation Teacher-led discussionCFUPreparing (for what’s to come)Why – Students will have an oral presentation at the end of the unit, this is important to explain now as it will give them sufficient time to prepare (a strategic “heads up”)10 min.Closure: Goal?Fill out exit cards: team members, chosen topic (out of 4), preliminary brainstorm ideasCirculating Pair/group work Build – On ideas, concepts discussed in class in terms in order to create language/create a presentation Why – Brainstorming is an effective strategy for organizing thoughts Build – On organizing thoughts strategies (already explored graphic organizers)5 min.End of class reminders / routines ... hook them for the next classHomework and next class’ agenda will be posted on the board.Students are reminded to keep working on their projects, and are always invited in the class to work on them at recess. Anticipated problemsSolutions/Plan BStudents may not understand the past progressive tense.Students may communicate in French during the activity.Instructors will provide one-on-one help with the past progressive tense; giving different approaches to the verb tense.Constant teacher circulation will be required to remind students to communicate in English.Materials to prepareHomework (to assign and collect)Oral presentation instruction sheet + rubric Noticing activity Q-cards Write final draft to the ending of “An Adventure in Space” (C3 Evaluation)Students have been provided with the rubric/grading scheme for their written compositions Name: _______________________________Date: _________________________Past ProgressiveRemember: The past progressive tense indicates a continuing action, something that was happening or going on, at some point in the past. This tense is often formed with the verb "to be", in the past tense, plus the present participle of the verb (with an -ing ending).Examples of past progressive sentences:I was riding my bike on the moon.Joel was being a terrible role model for his crew.Activity 1:The teacher will write a sentence on the board, you will have to hold up the write sign telling her if the sentence is conjugated in the past progressive tense.Yes, that is the past progressive!No, that is not the past progressive! -974453-91440000A Blast from The Past – ProgressiveName: _______________________________ Date: ___________________107696024955500Instructions: Fill in the blanks by correctly conjugating the simple present to the past progressive.Remember:Example: I was dancing (dance) on Jupiter with my new alien friend.I _________(prepare) for our trip into outer space, when Laura told me she’s ___________ (come) too.We’re ___________ (leave) soon, so we decided to wait in the spaceship.Nora was the first to get off the space ship and ___________ (get) very excited.Everyone’s _______________ (run) on the moon.I was ____________ (explore) our new environment, when I saw an alien.The alien was ____________(sleep) in one of the moon craters.He sat up and was _______________(look) at us in an odd way.The alien was _____________(walk) in our direction.As he approached, I began _____________ (study) his movements.We were ______________ (talk) to him, even though he did not understand. 1028700-9144000039433535560 Peer Editing Checklist00 Peer Editing Checklist-68580012827000Writer’s Name: ______________________________________________ Peer Editor’s Name: _________________________________________ Title of the Story: _____________________________________________YesNoSometimesWhat to look for:The author starts every sentence with a capital letterThe author uses proper punctuation.The author uses proper grammar.All words are spelled correctly.The sentences are not fragments or run on sentences.The author’s handwriting is neat and easy to read.The paragraph is indented.The stories ending makes senseHere is what I liked about your stories ending:Here are some suggestions to improve your stories ending:-1143000547941500-571500194310000-571500182880000-4241165-102870000-1028700-800100Name: ___________________________________Date: ____________________________________Title: ______________________________________00Name: ___________________________________Date: ____________________________________Title: ______________________________________-1066800-8636000EXCELLENTNICE JOBALMOST THERENOT QUITE148590-7048500 91440-9207500026289040400 205740-6350004321TotalIdeasIdeas were expressed in a clear and organized fashion. It was easy to figure out what the ending was about.Ideas were expressed in a pretty clear manner, but the organization could have been better.Ideas were somewhat organized, but were not very clear. It took more than one reading to figure out what the ending was about.The ending of the story seemed to be a collection of unrelated sentences. It was very difficult to figure out what the ending was about. /4Grammar & spellingStudent makes no errors in grammar or in spelling.Student makes 1-2 errors in grammar and/or spelling.Student makes 3-4 errors in grammar and/or spellingWriter makes more than 5 errors in grammar and/or spelling. /4Capitalization and PunctuationStudent makes no errors in capitalization and punctuation.Student makes 1-2 errors in capitalization and punctuation.Student makes 3-4 errors in capitalization and punctuation.Student makes more than 4 errors in capitalization and punctuation /4 ___ / 12Ending of “An Adventure in Space”Rubric 1627416520180Topic 400Topic 41657356864985Create a piece of art (example: A planet, an alien, rocket) related to outer space. During the oral presentation you will have to present your art project to the class and explain why you decided to do this topic and how you created it.Create a piece of art (example: A planet, an alien, rocket) related to outer space. During the oral presentation you will have to present your art project to the class and explain why you decided to do this topic and how you created it.-6667549123600042805354799330Topic 300Topic 3-666756628130001657355264785My teacher was abducted by an alien.My teacher was abducted by an alien.2800353546475Create a song or poem related to outer space. During the oral presentation, you will have to present your song or poem to the class and explain why you decided to do this topic and how you created the song.0Create a song or poem related to outer space. During the oral presentation, you will have to present your song or poem to the class and explain why you decided to do this topic and how you created the song.1657353087370Topic 200Topic 2-666753196590002747741718310Act out live or make a video, of an interview with an alien. Act out live or make a video, of an interview with an alien. -6858013655220040519351146447Topic 100Topic 145720346075Oral Presentation topicsSelect one out of the four to do your presentation on00Oral Presentation topicsSelect one out of the four to do your presentation on-1200422-102507100Lesson 4: A RACE Against Time-518160-62357000Fourth Daily lesson plan Group: 01Grade level /Program: Gr. 6 Core/Regular ESLPeriod length: 55 minutesGoals for the period (what do you want students to “walk away with”?)By the end of the class I want the students have developed a solid understanding of the RACE strategy, and understand its usefulness in answering questions with sufficient evidence to support their claims.I will know they can do this when they participate in the think-pair-share by the end of the period and with their assigned petencies to be developed C1C2 C3 Evaluation criteria (What will you EVALUATE today?)C1: _X_ Participation in oral interaction C2: _X_ Evidence of Understanding _X_ Reinvestment of understandingC3: _X_ Content of message Functional Language for speaking and writing (expressions)“RACE”R: Restate the questionA: Answer (with three details)C: CiteE: Extend Learning strategy Comprehension Question strategy (RACE)Language conventions (grammar & punctuation)N/AVocabulary Focus:No explicit vocabulary instruction for this lesson.We do hope students practice vocabulary words learnt last class.Cooperative learning techniques:[X] Think-Pair-Share [ ] Graffiti[X] Pair work [ ] Learning groups [ ] JigsawTeacher-centred techniques: [X] Teacher-led discussion [X] Individual Work [X] Cold calling [X] Scaffolding Techniques[X] Reader’s Theatre [ ] Competition[ ] Choral Reading [ ] Gaming: [ ] Student generated [X] Other: RACE Period Start-up Routines (Attendance, Menu on board, collecting homework, handing out materials, silent reading etc.)Lesson plan (simplified) is written clearly on the board: This sets the tone and structure for the class. Baskets are set up at the entrance of the classOne basket for homework drop off One basket for handouts for the day ahead – Do Now/ Text for the day/ Graphic Organizers …Do-Now is the first handout they pick up, and immediately know should be started as soon as they are seated (they know if do-now’s are completed in advance, they can read a book of their choice from the class library quietly)Activity Break it down into point form ‘steps’ for studentsWrite the instructions you will give studentsTeaching techniquesIndividual / paired / groups – cooperative learning structure?)Rationale (Your pedagogical reasons / GoalsWhat teaching STEP is this?)Min.Intro(Activate prior knowledge)Do Now:Ask the class if anyone would like to share the ending of the story they wrote/handed inORMatch each planet with it’s fact handout Class discussionIndividual workBuild – Confidence for public speaking Practice – Space themed content/vocabulary 5 min.Development (activities. of 5-20 minutes)Explain “RACE” – A strategy to answer text questions:Explains what RACE stands for R: Restate the question A: Answer (with three details) C: Cite E: Extend Readers theatre: “An Adventure in Space”Models how to answer a question on the text with RACE strategy Model (the strategy, how to use it)Teacher-led discussionReaders theatreCold-callingModel – How to answer a comprehension question with the RACE strategy Why – Explain how this is an efficient strategy to refer to. It scaffolds the student to answer questions fully/in enough detail to prove their understanding25 min.Think-Pair-Share: Text answering according to RACEStudents are given time to read the question on their ownIn pairs, students fill out the handout (referring to the text)As a class, we go over the answersThink-Pair-ShareGroup work Scaffold studentsCirculating the classroomCFUPractice – using the RACE strategy Build – on previous knowledge of the text (students may refer to the graphic organizer they filled out last class)Evaluate – The students’ understanding of RACE (very important step, as there will be a test next class on it)20 min.Closure: Goal?Cool Down:Unscramble the planets – The world depends on itHomework:Watch a television show/movie (any of your choosing) in English. Create a question based on what you watched and answer your question with the RACE strategy. This will be good practice for next class’ test.Time to circulate and CFU (one-on-one if they’ve understood RACE)Build – Vocabulary for the space-themed L.E.SPractice – Homework assigned will provide ample opportunity to practice RACE strategy Why – Practicing RACE is necessary as there is a C2 test with RACE questions next class 5 min.End of class reminders / routines ... hook them for the next classHomework (Create your own RACE question and answer it based on your favorite TV show/movie)Students are reminded to keep working on their projects, and are always invited in the class to work on them at recess. Reminder that next class there is a C2 test and there will be two RACE questions Anticipated problemsSolutions/Plan BStudents may have difficulty grasping the concept of the RACE strategy.Students may not understand the questions they will need to answer.Instructors will scaffold students and provide assistance in applying the RACE strategy (by modeling it)Instructors will go through the questions before students actually answer them; making sure students understand the questions.Materials to prepareHomework (to assign and collect)RACE handout- to be inserted in English duo-tangsRACE question based on “An Adventure in Space”Unscramble plants handout Watch a television show/movie (any of your choosing) in English. Create a question based on what you watched and answer your question with the RACE strategy. This will be good practice for next class’ test.-973818-68108300Name: _______________________________ Date:___________________Planets FactsMatch each planet with its corresponding sentence.MercuryIt has the biggest rings.VenusIt is the windiest planet.EarthIt is the closest planet to the sun.MarsIt is the only planet having intelligent life.JupiterIt is sideways.SaturnIt is the hottest planet.UranusIt has the biggest mountain.NeptuneIt is the biggest planet.Now, write the sentences with the name of the planet first.Mercury _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please add this to your duo-tangs, to refer to in the future. 0000Name: _______________________Date: _________________________________RACE: An Adventure in Space 0204343000 Name: _______________________Date: _____________________-1088571-68580000Unscramble the Planets: The World Depends On It-403225188894400 Lesson 5: C2 Summative Evaluation-518160-62357000Fifth Daily lesson plan Group: 001Grade level /Program: Core/Regular Gr. 6 ESLPeriod length: 55 minutes Goals for the period (what do you want students to “walk away with”?)By the end of the class I want the students to be able to demonstrate how proficient they are in their reading comprehension skills. I will know they can do this when they autonomously complete the comprehension test by the end of the petencies to be developed C1 C2 Evaluation criteria (What will you EVALUATE today?)C1: _X_ Participation in oral interaction _X_ Articulation of messageC2: _X_ Evidence of Understanding _X_ Reinvestment of understandingFunctional Language for speaking and writing (expressions)Prompts used during C2 testLearning strategy Summative evaluation Language conventions (grammar & punctuation)No explicit grammar instruction for this lesson.Vocabulary Focus:No explicit vocabulary instruction for this lesson.We do hope students practice vocabulary words learnt in previous classes/science class.Cooperative learning techniques:[ ] Think-Pair-Share [ ] Graffiti[X] Pair work [ ] Learning groups [ ] Jigsaw Teacher-centred techniques: [X] Teacher-led discussion [X] Individual Work [X] Cold calling [X] Scaffolding Techniques[X] Reader’s Theatre [ ] Competition[ ] Choral Reading [ ] Gaming: [ ] Student generated [X] Other: Evaluation Period Start-up Routines (Attendance, Menu on board, collecting homework, handing out materials, silent reading etc.)Lesson plan (simplified) is written clearly on the board: This sets the tone and structure for the class. Baskets are set up at the entrance of the classOne basket for homework drop off One basket for handouts for the day ahead – Do Now/ Text for the day/ Graphic Organizers …Do-Now is the first handout they pick up, and immediately know should be started as soon as they are seated (they know if do-now’s are completed in advance, they can read a book of their choice from the class library quietly)Activity Break it down into point form ‘steps’ for studentsWrite the instructions you will give studentsTeaching techniquesIndividual / paired / groups – cooperative learning structure?)Rationale (Your pedagogical reasons / GoalsWhat teaching STEP is this?)Min.Intro(Activate prior knowledge)Do-Now:Entrance Card: “What does RACE stand for and why is it helpful when answering questions based on a story?”Individual workCirculating the classroom CFUWhy – Review before they complete a test with RACE questionsPractice – Thinking about RACE in a practical sense before conducting a test on it5 min.Development (activities. of 5-20 minutes)Readers Theatre: Read “SPACE: Fill in The Gaps”Students are aware they will be cold-called to readStudents may fill in the blanks as we read, once this section has been filled out students may commence answering the comprehension questionsScaffold students through reading their partsCFU Cold-calling (keeping students engaged/focused)CirculatingModel – Reading out loud and how to participate in ‘readers theatre’Build/Practice - Reading fluency and Reading out loudBuild/Practice –note taking skills for comprehending texts10 min.Test C2 Evaluation: General reading comprehension questions and a couple of questions based on “SPACE: Fill in The Gaps”Students are instructed to answer the 2 extended questions according to the RACE method.Individual workCirculating CFU (if necessary- for clarity)“Teacher-led discussion” (TEST- versus a “traditional” class activity)Evaluate – Whether or not students truly grasped the concept of RACE (answering comprehension questions with detail)Evaluate – Reading comprehension skills (C2)20 min.In-Class Time to Work on Oral Presentations:Teacher comes to class prepared with props, tablets, cameras (etc.) to facilitate oral presentation prep.Circulating (remain on task, speaking in English)CFUGroup work Practice – Cooperating with others (CCCs)Build – Previous space content to put together a presentation 15 min.Closure: Goal?Cool-Down:Students seated quietly, teacher shows them examples of what previous students did in their oral presentations (IE: what media/presentation tools they used and how they formulated their texts)Teacher-led discussion CFUModel Model – Teacher models with past students’ work what students should aim for in terms of quality of work 5 min.End of class reminders / routines ... hook them for the next classReminded to continue working on their oral presentationsStudents are encouraged to come in at lunch or recess to use the class room or ask questionsAnticipated problemsSolutions/Plan BStudents may communicate in French rather than in English while working on their oral presentation.Having computers/tablets involved, students may get noisy and excited, creating chaos in the classroom.Constant teacher circulation in the classroom to remind students to speak English in the classroom.Giving strict instructions before handing out computers/tablets to students will prompt them to stay on task. Students are instructed to try and keep the noise down while being extremely cautious with the equipment they borrow. Students will be allowed to work with only their team members (in an attempt to limit excess noise/rowdiness) Materials to prepareHomework (to assign and collect)C2 TestBring in props/equipment for students to work on their presentations Collect “RACE” based on a T.V show/movie Oral presentation -576943-11176000-1197430-91440000-430530-22606000-1201329-102806500Name: ________________________Date: ________________________Space: Fill in The Gaps RACE QuestionsWhat was the mission of the trip?R (Restate the question)A (Answer the question, with three details from the text)C (Cite, give examples from the text)E (Extend your answer, make a connection to yourself)Name: ________________________Date: ________________________Space: Fill in The Gaps RACE QuestionsWho is the telescope named after, and why is it important?R (Restate the question)A (Answer the question, with three details from the text)C (Cite, give examples from the text)E (Extend your answer, make a connection to yourself)Lesson 6: The Magic School Bus Goes to Outer Space-518160-62357000Sixth Daily lesson plan Group: 01Grade level /Program: Gr. 6 Core/RegularPeriod length: 55 minutesGoals for the period (what do you want students to “walk away with”?)By the end of the class I want the students to be able to demonstrate their understanding of oral texts.I will know they can do this when they complete the “Magic School Bus” handout efficiently/accurately, with few mistakes, by the end of the petencies to be developed C1 C2 Evaluation criteria (What will you EVALUATE today?)C1: _X_ Participation in oral interaction C2: _X_ Evidence of Understanding _X_ Reinvestment of understandingFunctional Language for speaking and writing (expressions)No explicit functional language explicitly provided for this lesson.Learning strategy Collaborative workSummative evaluation Language conventions (grammar & punctuation)No explicit grammar instruction for this lesson.Vocabulary Focus:Cooperative learning techniques:[ ] Think-Pair-Share [ ] Graffiti[X] Pair work [X] Learning groups [ ] JigsawTeacher-centred techniques: [X] Teacher-led discussion [X] Individual Work [ ] Cold calling [X] Scaffolding [X] Circulating Techniques[ ] Reader’s Theatre [ ] Competition[ ] Choral Reading [ ] Gaming: [ ] Student generated [X] Other: Video + Comprehension questions Period Start-up Routines (Attendance, Menu on board, collecting homework, handing out materials, silent reading etc.)Lesson plan (simplified) is written clearly on the board: This sets the tone and structure for the class. Baskets are set up at the entrance of the classOne basket for homework drop off One basket for handouts for the day ahead – Do Now/ Text for the day/ Graphic Organizers …Do-Now is the first handout they pick up, and immediately know should be started as soon as they are seated (they know if do-now’s are completed in advance, they can read a book of their choice from the class library quietly)Activity Break it down into point form ‘steps’ for studentsWrite the instructions you will give studentsTeaching techniquesIndividual / paired / groups – cooperative learning structure?)Rationale (Your pedagogical reasons / GoalsWhat teaching STEP is this?)Min.Intro(Activate prior knowledge)Do Now:Word search Individual Circulating Build/Practice – Space themed vocabulary (reminder students are expected to implement the vocabulary we’ve been using throughout the L.E.S in their presentation 5 min.Development (activities. of 5-20 minutes)In Class Time: Work on Oral Presentations:As students have not yet been given a big “chunk” of in-class time to work on the oral presentationsStudents were asked to bring in any outside resources they require to work on their oralsGroups/pair workCirculating CFUTeacher feedback Build – On previous knowledge/on previous oral presentation work to develop a complete oral presentation (with a logical sequence of a beginning, middle & end)Why – Students understand how important it is to use class time efficiently, otherwise they will have to come in at recess or complete as homework 25 min.Magic School Bus: Reinvestment of Oral TextsWe will watch an episode of “The Magic School Bus Goes to Outer Space”Students are provided with a handout to fill in as they listen/watch Link to the video: Circulating CFUScaffoldingEvaluate – Understanding/comprehension of oral textsWhy – Students can even self-assess how proficient their L2 listening/understanding skills are 20 min.Closure: Goal?Cool Down:Finish answering questions on “The Magic School Bus Goes to Outer Space” if not already completedIf completed, students may read quietly or quietly work with their groups on their presentation Individual/quiet pairsCirculating CFUScaffolding Practice – Student practice their time management skills (in completing the handout)5 min.End of class reminders / routines ... hook them for the next classReminded to continue working on their oral presentationsStudents are encouraged to come in at lunch or recess to use the class room or ask questionsAnticipated problemsSolutions/Plan BStudents may communicate in French rather than in English in the classroom.Having computers/tablets involved, students may get noisy and excite which may lead to chaos in the classroom.Students may be inattentive during the video.Constant teacher circulation in the classroom to remind students to speak English in the classroom.Giving strict instructions before handing out computers/tablets to students will prompt them to stay on task. Students are instructed to try and keep the noise down while being extremely cautious with the equipment they borrow. Students will be allowed to work with only their team members (in an attempt to limit excess noise/rowdiness) Reminding student their handouts on the film counts for marks will most likely keep them focused during the filmMaterials to prepareHomework (to assign and collect)Props/equipment to work on oral presentations“The Magic School Bus Goes to Outer Space” videoHandouts on “The Magic School Bus Goes to Outer Space”Do now – word search Get field trip permission slips signedKeep working on oral presentations-859971-79465800Name: ______________________Date: ___________________Do Now-18052110985500Name: __________________________ Date: _________________________-977265-68326000-29391422860000Name: ______________________________ Date: _________________________Lesson 7: Field Trip!-518160-62357000Seventh Daily lesson plan Group: 01Grade level /Program: Gr. 6 Core/Regular ESLPeriod length: N/A Field Trip Activity Break it down into point form ‘steps’ for studentsWrite the instructions you will give studentsTeaching techniquesIndividual / paired / groups – cooperative learning structure?)Rationale (Your pedagogical reasons / GoalsWhat teaching STEP is this?)Min.Development (activities. of 5-20 minutes)Field Trip: Ottawa Space MuseumNo lesson will be provided today. Students are taken to the space museum together with their English and science teacher.PairsTeacher-led “discussions” (provoke thinking on the students’ part)Build/Practice – Authentic learning Why – students can see FIRST HAND the relevance of the unit and put their knowledge into action ** No explicit competency evaluation will take place during the actual field trip. We will allow for students to engage/explore freely and as they are accompanied by the English and French-speaking science teacher, we will only evaluate the handout they will complete as homework. **N/AClosure: Goal?////Hopefully, students have gained an appreciation for the class work we do and see its pertinence in real-life settings.N/AMaterials to prepareHomework (to assign and collect)Homework handoutsFill out the reflection handout. What is not completed will be done as a “do-now” for next class.-3543300-91440000-22860091440000-342900800100How would you rate the trip?(Colour the amount of many stars __/5)00How would you rate the trip?(Colour the amount of many stars __/5)-1143000114300 Name:______________________________________ Date:____________________________Place visited:_________________________________________________________0 Name:______________________________________ Date:____________________________Place visited:_________________________________________________________-1943100328295Draw something that you saw00Draw something that you saw-342900032829500342900-19240500-10287002359025What was your favorite part of the trip? Least favorite?00What was your favorite part of the trip? Least favorite?-48006009969500-68580098552000 2971800985520What did you learn on the trip?What did you learn on the trip?2171700144272000Lesson 8: Houston, We Have Closure-518160-62357000Eighth Daily lesson plan Group: 01 Grade level /Program: Gr. 6 Core/RegularPeriod length: 55 minutesGoals for the period (what do you want students to “walk away with”?)By the end of the class I want the students to be able to …I will know they can do this when they… by the end of the petencies to be developed C1 Evaluation criteria (What will you EVALUATE today?)C1: _X_ Participation in oral interaction _X_ Content of message _X_ Articulation of messageFunctional Language for speaking and writing (expressions)“To begin/start we…”These will all vary according to the topic students have chosen to present onLearning strategy Oral presentations Language conventions (grammar & punctuation)No explicit grammar instruction for this lesson.Vocabulary Focus:No explicit vocabulary instruction for this lesson.We do hope students practice vocabulary words learnt last class.Cooperative learning techniques:[ ] Think-Pair-Share [ ] Graffiti[X] Pair work [ ] Learning groups [ ] JigsawTeacher-centred techniques: [ ] Teacher-led discussion [X] Individual Work [ ] Cold calling [X] Scaffolding Techniques[ ] Reader’s Theatre [ ] Competition[ ] Choral Reading [ ] Gaming: [ ] Student generated [X] Other: Oral PresentationsPeriod Start-up Routines (Attendance, Menu on board, collecting homework, handing out materials, silent reading etc.)Lesson plan (simplified) is written clearly on the board: This sets the tone and structure for the class. Baskets are set up at the entrance of the classOne basket for homework drop off One basket for handouts for the day ahead – Do Now/ Text for the day/ Graphic Organizers Do-Now is the first handout they pick up, and immediately know should be started as soon as they are seated (they know if do-now’s are completed in advance, they can read a book of their choice from the class library quietly)Activity Break it down into point form ‘steps’ for studentsWrite the instructions you will give studentsTeaching techniquesIndividual / paired / groups – cooperative learning structure?)Rationale (Your pedagogical reasons / GoalsWhat teaching STEP is this?)Min.Intro(Activate prior knowledge)Do Now: Fill in the field trip reflection handout Individual or pairCirculating Why – Addresses the relevance of going on the field tripBuilds – On their knowledge content of outer space 10 min.Development (activities. of 5-20 minutes)Oral Presentations:Students can write down questions they have for their presenting peers in their English journals, and save their questions for the end The teacher will sit with the rubric as presentations take place – while always keeping an eye out for the rest of the class, the teacher will take notes in order to best evaluate the presenters C1 fulfillmentOral presentations have unique teaching techniques Teacher-led discussions (post each presentation – to address questions or comments)Teacher is “circulating” with her/his eyes – making sure everyone is well-behaved.Evaluate – Their C1 development and creativeness while interacting/presenting orally in English Model – All the hard work students have put into their presentations 35 min.L.E.S Wrap Up:Students awarded their “NASA” pins as they’ve successfully completed their NASA cadet training programThank students for their hard work (positive reinforcement)Teacher-led discussionCirculating Class discussion Practice – Positive reinforcement and authentic learning 5 min.Closure: Goal?Cool Down:Students fill out an exit card indicating what they liked most and what they liked least about the L.E.S “To Proficiency and Beyond”Circulating Individual Evaluate – Students evaluate/reflect on the overall L.E.S Suggest points of improvement, outline where they struggled the most. This is help us adapt our L.E.S for future students.5 min.End of class reminders / routines ... hook them for the next classAn agenda outlining the next units theme and topic will be listed on the boardAnticipated problemsSolutions/Plan BStudents may get too wild, which may disturb other classrooms.Presenters might feel nervous/anxious about presenting Ground rules would have to be covered. Students are to respect each other during each other’s presentations. Strictly no talking during a presentation (to keep noise levels down and to help presenters feel less nervous)Materials to prepareHomework (to assign and collect)Equipment students might need to present (computers, T.V, projector etc…)L.E.S is completed, no homework as a “reward” for their hard workOral Presentation Rubric: Intermediate/Advanced ESL 1=Below Average 2=Satisfactory 3=Above Average 4= Excellent CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 OriginalityThe presenter sustained the interest of the audience in clever and innovative ways and achieved the purpose of the presentation.The presenter kept the attention of the audience the whole time and the purpose of the presentation was achieved.The presenter was somewhat enthusiastic and kept the audience's attention for the most part. The purpose of the presentation was mainly achieved.The presenter was un-enthusiastic; the audience's attention showed disinterest and the purpose for the presentation was not achieved.StructureThe introduction and actual presentation were exceptionally well- organized and easy to understand. Presenter gave a clear and concise introduction of the topic. The flow of the presentation was clear and concise and easy to follow.Presenter gave a clear introduction of the topic, but the presentation was somewhat unclear. For the most part it was somewhat confusing to follow. Presenter did not give a clear and concise introduction of the topic. The flow of the presentation was unclear and confusing to follow. Language Usage (grammar and syntax)Presenter used the BEST sentence structure/syntax that supported the topic. Franglicismes/slang/reductions were NEVER used. Presenter used correct sentence structure/syntax that was appropriate in supporting the topic. No franglicismes/slang/reductions were used.Presenter used correct sentence structure/syntax that was mostly appropriate for the topic. A few (1-5) franglicisimes/slang/reductions were used.Presenter used incorrect sentence structure/syntax that was not appropriate for the topic. Franglicismes/slang/reductions were very often (6+ times) used.Vocabulary Uses the BEST vocabulary for the audience. Defines words that might be new to most of the audience. Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Includes 1-2 words that might be new to most of the audience, but does not define them. Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Does not include any vocabulary that might be new to the audience. Uses several (5 or more) words or phrases that are inappropriate and not understood by the audience. Pronunciation + Enunciation Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, and mispronounces no words. Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, but mispronounces one word. Speaks clearly and distinctly most (94-85%) of the time. Mispronounces 2-5 words in the presentation. Frequently mumbles OR mispronounces several (6+) key words in the presentation. DeliveryThe presenter is VERY WELL prepared and delivers ideas in a clear and concise manner, without depending too much on notes. Volume, pacing and gestures contribute maximally to the presentation.Presenter was well prepared and delivered ideas with lots of eye contact. Appropriate voice volume, tone and pacing. Gestures supported the overall presentation.Presenter was somewhat prepared. Delivery of the presentation was made but with strong dependence on notes and hesitation. Some eye contact and good voice volume, tone and pacing. Some appropriate gestures that supported the presentation.Presenter was clearly unprepared to present to the audience. Marked lack of eye contact, poor voice volume, tone and pacing. Inappropriate gestures which detracted from the presentation. Teacher’s Feedback Sheet: ______________________________________________________________________________________Total Points: ____/24Work Cited/LinksGrammar unit: Noticing TheoryBatstone, R. (1994). Grammar. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.?Grammar Past Progressive Unit: School Bus link: School Bus Comprehension Questions: ................

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