153 - DXing



Here is a first-glance report from our November 2008 Newfoundland DXpedition. Included are the highlights and most of our logs, but many recordings have not yet been listened to and many logs have not been written.

This DXpedition might have been the best of all the Newfoundland DXpeditions for high latitude conditions. Previously unheard stations like Rost, Norway on 675, Murmansk, Russia on 657 and Arkhangelsk, Russia on 918 were logged, with 675 Norway being strong and dominant at times! Many more new Russians, Belarussians and Ukrainians were also caught. Good high latitude conditions also gave us stunning Far East receptions. China was heard on at least 7 frequencies and Taiwan on 1. India-1467 was heard at sign-on for a very surprising reception. Perhaps a dozen new Iranians were found, including several unlisted outlets. From Africa, little of great interest was heard with the exception of good reception of Nigeria on 917. From South America, Brazil was back in good form with Brazilians across the entire dial including graveyard frequencies with power as low as 250 Watts.

We’ll issue a final log and full report in a month or two.

Saul Chernos (AOR7030) - Chuck Hutton (Perseus and SRD-IQ) - Jim Renfrew (R8A)

Beverages: 1800 feet at 40 degrees and 1500 feet at 150 degrees


153 GERMANY Donebach, Deutschlandfunk – Thursday 13 November 0320 – Very weak with classical music //6190, 207, 549, 756, 1269, 1422. (SC-NL 2008)

153 NORWAY Ingøy, NRK – Friday 14 November 0240 – Pop music, newer version of Bowie’s Modern Love. Very faint //630, 675. No sign of 1485. (SC-NL 2008)

153 RUSSIA R. Yunost, NOV 17 0257 – anthem, then ID as “Yunost”. (Renfrew-2008)

153 UNID – Monday 17 November 0300 – Possible Yunost. (SC-NL 2008)

171 KALINIGRAD, Bolshakovo, R. Rossii – Friday 14 November 0340 – Rod Stewart’s Maggie May and several Rossii ID while scanning this and // on 873, 567, 657, 918. Second station on 171. (SC-NL 2008)

171 RUSSIA Radio Rossi, Bolshakovo, NOV 14 0330 – ID heard, parallel to 261, 657, 873 and 918. (Renfrew-2008)

171 RUSSIA R. Campanie, Tbilisskaya (1200 kW), NOV 14 0404 – Different from Radio Rossi program that was also on channel.Listed in the EMWG as “Radio Chechnya Svobodnaya”, but the ID I heard sounded like “Radio Campanie”. I did hear mention of Grozny at 0412. NOV 15 0259 – ID as “Radio Campanie Golos Rossi”, then an anthem, another ID, then talk. (Renfrew-2008)

171 RUSSIA Possible Tbilisskaya, Radio Chechnya Svobodnaya – Friday 14 November 0408 – Trying to ID second Russian behind Rossii. Almost Quran-like vocals. Morocco is or should be off. Taped at 0408, again at 0420 with music to start the clip then woman speaking Russian, followed by man. Ivanka says the singing is Arabic and not the expected Georgian. There is a Rossii ID and man reading sports and weather in Russian. (SC-NL 2008)

207 GERMANY Aholming, Deutschlandfunk – Thursday 13 November 0321 – Very weak with classical music //6190, 153, 549, 756, 1269, 1422. (SC-NL 2008)

207 ICELAND Eidar, Rikisútvarpid Rás 1+2 – Friday 14 November 0710 – Nordic language, not Russian or German. On top of channel. (SC-NL 2008)

252 UNID – Friday 14 November 0430 – Music behind the talk – is it Tatar? (SC-NL 2008)

261 BULGARIA Vakarel, Radio Horizont – Friday 14 November 2227 – Presumed with Rossii suddenly gone as scheduled, leaving a strong beacon and faint music. Bulgaria is the only known broadcaster. (SC-NL 2008)

261 RUSSIA Taldom, R. Rossii – Friday 14 November 0407 – Rossii ID and music. DID NOT NOTE IF //171, 567, 657, 873, 918. (SC-NL 2008)

279 BELARUS Kanal Kultur, Sasnovy (500 kW), NOV 15 1930 – piano music, parallel to 1008, 1026, 1125 and 1197. (Renfrew-2008)

531 FAROE ISLANDS Akraberg, Kringvarp Føroya – Saturday 15 November 1800 – “Atlantic Airwaves” and “Føroya,” Some talk in Nordic language that may be news. (SC-NL 2008)

531 SPAIN Synchros, RN5 – Monday 10 November 2202 – Two stations echoing in Spanish. (SC-NL 2008)

540 HUNGARY Solt 1900 Nov. 14 2008 with fair-good Kossuth Radio ID. (Hutton)

540 UNID – Friday 14 November 2012 – Ukrainian or Hungarian?

549 GERMANY Nordkirchen, Deutschlandfunk – Monday 10 November 2210 – Woman speaking German. (SC-NL 2008)

549 GERMANY Nordkirchen / Thurnau Deutschlandfunk dominant 1900 Nov. 14 2008 with simple "Deutschlandfunk" ID. (Hutton)

549 GERMANY Nordkirchen-Thurnau, Deutschlandfunk – Thursday 13 November 0319 – Classical music //6190, 153, 207, 756, 1269, 1422. (SC-NL 2008)

549 IRELAND Hot Country, NOV 15 0305 – “Across northeastern Ireland, music on Country Music Radio”. (Renfrew-2008)

549 IRELAND Monaghan excellent with country music and CIMR ID 0300 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

549 IRELAND Monaghan CIMR fair to good and basically alone ending American country music song at 0000:30 Nov. 15 then "On FM across northeast Ireland and around the world at countryandirish.ie, this is Hot Country CIMR". (Hutton)

549 IRELAND Monaghan, Hot Country CIMR – Saturday 15 November 0310 – “Across northeast Ireland, country and Irish music radio.” Mostly on top with American-style country. Good signal. Apparently operates only on weekends. (SC-NL 2008)

549 RUSSIA various R. Mayak fair with Mayak chimes 1900 Nov. 14 2008 behind Germany. (Hutton)

558 ENGLAND Crystal Palace, Spectrum Radio assumed the source of poor music in English 0132 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

558 SPAIN Synchros, RN5 – Tuesday 11 November 2239 – Two stations echoing Spanish talk, second one is new. (SC-NL 2008)

567 ITALY various RAI Radio 1 poor 2200 Nov. 14 with the modem-like tones and ID on the hour. (Hutton)

567 ITALY RAI, synchros, NOV 16 1935 – sports play-by-play, parallel 657, 1026, 1368. (Renfrew-2008)

567 ITALY Synchro, RAI R1 – Monday 10 November 2159 – Man speaking Italian //900. New. (SC-NL 2008)

567 ITALY Synchro, RAI R1 – Thursday 13 November 1936 – Italian live sports // 657, 819, 900, 1062, 1449, 1575. Strong. (SC-NL 2008)

567 RUSSIA R. Rossi, NOV 11 1916 – talk in Russian, parallel to 873 and 1089. (Renfrew-2008)

567 RUSSIA Volgograd very good with anthem and sign-on 0300 Nov. 15, 2008. (Hutton)

567 RUSSIA Volgograd R.Rossii fair with Rossii ID 1900 Nov. 14. Hutton)

567 RUSSIA Volgograg, R. Rossii – Tuesday 11 November 1921 – Woman speaking Russian, “Rossi” in ID. New. (SC-NL 2008)

567 RUSSIA Volgograd, R. Rossii – Friday 14 November 0347 – fairly strong and consistent //171, 657, 873, 918. (SC-NL 2008)

570 GREENLAND Nuuk, KNR – Friday 14 November 0440 – Man talking, very weak, //720, Reloj and NL stations messing it badly. (SC-NL 2008)

576 GERMANY Baden-Württemberg SWR 0400 Nov. 15 2008 fair-good with MDR (not SWR) ID. (Hutton)

576 GERMANY fair with semi-classical music that stopped at 1930 Nov. 14 2008, then a few words, and more music parallel a very poor 828. (Hutton)

576 GERMANY Baden-Württemberg – Monday 10 November 2205 – Man speaking German. (SC-NL 2008)

576 SPAIN Palau de Plegamans, RN5 – Monday 10 November 2302 – Spanish talk. (SC-NL 2008)

576 UNIDS – Sunday 16 November 1959 – Two stations – one Spanish, one either German or Russian or BiH. (SC-NL 2008)

594 GERMANY Frankfurt HR-Info poor 2000 Nov. 14 2008 with news in Spanish. (Hutton)

594 GERMANY various, HR-Info 0027 Nov. 15 2008 fair with German talk, 0029 poor ID. (Hutton)

594 PORTUGAL R. Sim, NOV 13 1828 – Ave Maria liturgy, parallel 963, 981, 1251. (Renfrew-2008)

603 ENGLAND but not sure who, poor 0600 Nov. 15 2008 with bits of English. (Hutton)

603 ROMANIA various Romania Actualitati fair with ID 1900 Nov. 14 2008. 17 Romanians were heard this evening. (Hutton)

603 SPAIN Synchro RN5 – Wednesday 12 November 2235 – Spanish talk. (SC-NL 2008)

612 LITHUANIA Vilnius Baltic Waves fair with Radio Liberty program in Belarussian 1957 - 2000 Nov. 14 2008. Several "sluhaite Belaruskuyu Svobodu" ID's. (Hutton)

621 BELGIUM Waver Overijse RTBFi – Tuesday 11 November 1907 – French talk, pop. (SC-NL 2008)

621 BELGIUM Waver-Overijse, RTBF – Saturday 15 November 1858 – French //9970. (SC-NL 2008)

621 RUSSIA various, Radio Rossii poor with Rossii ID 0300 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

621 UNID, R. Nacional – Wednesday 12 November 2202 – Spanish. Spain or Canary Islands. (SC-NL 2008)

630 NORWAY Vigra, NRK – Monday 10 November 2103 – Norwegian, man reading news. Later in the week heard with rather eclectic pop music. At one point stronger than most NL stations. (SC-NL 2008)

630 NORWAY Vigra 2200 Nov. 14 2008 very, very good with a short electronic sound before news. Third strongest station on the entire band at one point! (Hutton)

630 NORWAY Vigra, NRK – Friday 14 November 0238 – Very nice pop music, newer version of Bowie’s Modern Love. Extremely strong //153, 675 but no sign of 1485. (SC-NL 2008)

630 ROMANIA Voinesti 0000 Nov. 15 2008 fair-poor standard Actualitati electronic sound used as the news intro. (Hutton)

630 UNIDS – Saturday 15 November 2128 – German under Norway, then Tunisia mixing in a few minutes later with Middle Eastern music. (SC-NL 2008)

639 CZECH REPUBLIC Liblice, Ceský Rozhlas 2/6 – Thursday 13 November 0350 – Accordion music // 954. (SC-NL 2008)

639 CZECH REPUBLIC Liblice poor musical intro to news 1900 Nov. 14 2008, parallel to 954. (Hutton)

657 ITALY various RAI Radio 1 1900 and 2000 Nov. 14 2008 with modem tones at the top of the hour then news. (Hutton)

657 ITALY Synchro RAI R1 – Thursday 13 November 1937 – Italian live sports // 567, 819, 900, 1062, 1449, 1575. Very weak. (SC-NL 2008)

657 RUSSIA Radio Rossi, NOV 14 0330 – ID heard, parallel to 171, 261, 873 and 918. (Renfrew-2008)

657 RUSSIA R. Rossii, Murmansk poor 0337 Nov. 14 2008 during a great opening to northernmost Europe. This was identified by parallel to 918, 873 and 567. Not previously heard, and quite an example of the high latitude conditions and our newly-lengthened 40 degree Beverage. (Hutton)

657 RUSSIA Murmansk, R. Rossii – Friday 14 November 0340 – Rod Stewart, several Rossii ID. Moderate signal //171, 567, 873, 918. (SC-NL 2008)

657 UKRAINE Chernivtsi Program 3 fair - poor flute intro to the top of the hour 2000 Nov. 14 2008, parallel 837 and weak but little interference from Spain and Italy. (Hutton)

657 UNID 2300 Nov. 14 2008 with NA. (Hutton)

657 WALES Wrexham Radio Wales (2 kw) 2300 Nov. 14 2008 poor with talk parallel to 882. (Hutton)

666 ENGLAND Fulford BBC Radio York (500 Watts) fair-poor with English talk, telephone # and rock music 0000 - 0001 Nov. 15 2008. Not parallel to 5 Live as I expected per the EMWG. (Hutton)

666 GERMANY Rohrdorf, SWR Cont. Ra – Tuesday 11 November 2228 – German, mixing with another station. New. (SC-NL 2008)

666 LITHUANIA R. Lietuvos Radijas, Sitkunai (500 kW), NOV 17 1759 – with music at 1748, then an internet ad that sounds very similar to Spanish, then an ID as “Lietuvos Radijas”, followed by 5+1 pips, then apparently off (consistent with the EMWG schedule). (Renfrew-2008)

666 LITHUANIA Sitkunai Radio Baltic Waves fair-poor with ID at 1902:40 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

675 NETHERLANDS Lopik, R. Maria – Monday 10 November 2105 – Man speaking Dutch mentions Nederland. Formerly Arrow Rock. (SC-NL 2008)

675 NETHERLANDS R. Maria, NOV 11 1920 – religious music program, ID as “Radio Maria International”. (Renfrew-2008)

675 NORWAY Rost NRK (20 kw) good (!) and totally on top at 2200 Nov. 14 2008. This was heard many evenings during the week, often at good levels and a surprise given it has not previously been heard. Best after the 40 degree antenna was extended to 1700' and terminated. Rost is well above the Arctic Circle and is a small island in the beautiful Lofoten Islands almost at the top of Norway. (Hutton)

675 NORWAY NRK Rost, NOV 14 0235 – steady signal from the far north, parallel to music program on super-strong 630 kHz. “Begin the Beguine” at 0300. Jean says that he’s never heard this one after years of trying. No sign of the station on 1485, so Jean still has his work cut out for him. (Renfrew-2008)

675 NORWAY Røst, NRK – Friday 14 November 0238 – Pop music, newer version of Bowie’s Modern Love. Moderate u/Netherlands //153, 630. No sign of 1485. (SC-NL 2008)

684 SPAIN Sevilla, R. Nacional – Monday 10 November 2248 – Spanish talk. (SC-NL 2008)

684.08 SPAIN RNE, NOV 11 1832 – RNE noted well off frequency . (Renfrew-2008)

693 AZORES – Santa Barbara-Terceira, RDP Açores/Antena 1 – Saturday 15 November 1945 – Very strong Portuguese on south wire. Live sports. BBC Five Live is also prominent. (SC-NL 2008)

693 GERMANY VO Russia, Henningfors, NOV 15 2000 – Russian “Golos Rossi” program parallel to 1143, listed in EMWG as DRM. (Renfrew-2008)

693 GERMANY Hennigsdorf assumed the source of poor VOR chimes at 1759 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

693 RUSSIA Yazykovo fair Radio Rossii ID at 2000 Nov. 14. (Hutton)

702 GERMANY Flensburg NDR Info (7.5 kw) poor-fair in German 2358 - 2359 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

702 GERMANY Flensburg poor-fair with ID that sounds like NDR-Info 0659 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

702 MONACO Le Col de la Madonne 2000 Nov. 14 2008 fair-poor with China Radio International ID. (Hutton)

702 UNID – Monday 17 November 2101 – French is possible Morocco. Not //153 or 252. French continues with UNID language. (SC-NL 2008)

711 ROMANIA Sighet Maramiresh 2300 Nov.14 2008 fair-poor electronic intro to news. (Hutton)

720 CANARY ISLANDS Finca España, RN5 – Wednesday 12 November 2235 – Spanish. Mixing with possible Portuguese. (SC-NL 2008)

720 ENGLAND various, BBC Radio 4 with BBC mention 0100 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

720 ROMANIA various with Romania Actualitati ID and electronic intro to news 2359 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

720 UNIDS – Wednesday 12 November 2102 – Two or more stations. One Spanish (CNR Finca España RN5 and Portugal Synchro RDP 1 are likely). (SC-NL 2008)

729 ENGLAND various BBC Radio 4 poor with BBC ID and news 2300 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

729 ENGLAND Manningtree, BBC Radio Essex (200 Watts) 0100 Nov. 15 poor with English news. (Hutton)

729 SPAIN Synchros, R. Nacional – Tuesday 11 November 2244 – Two stations echoing with Spanish news or talk mentioning Nicaragua and Mexico. //738. Both new. (SC-NL 2008)

738 SPAIN Palau de Plegamans, R. Nacional – Tuesday 11 November 2244 – Spanish news or talk mentioning Nicaragua and Mexico. //729. New. (SC-NL 2008)

738 SPAIN Palau de Plegamans, RN – Friday 14 November 0025 – Spanish talk. (SC-NL 2008)

747 BULGARIA Petrich et al Radio Bulgaria 1800 and 1900 Nov. 14 2008 with poor IS under Holland. (Hutton)

756 ENGLAND unid with "this is the number, 0500…." and English news, fair at 0300 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

756 ENGLAND Carlisle BBC Radio Cumbria (1 kw) 2302 Nov. 14 2008 poor with unexpected mention of Cumbria in the news. (Hutton)

756 GERMANY Synchro, Deutschlandfunk – Thursday 13 November 0322 – Strong with classical music //6190, 153, 207, 549, 1269, 1422. (SC-NL 2008)

756 ROMANIA Lugoj 1900 Nov. 14 2008 fair-poor with electronic intro to news. (Hutton)

765 ENGLAND Chelmsford BBC Radio Essex (500 Watts) fair-poor with BBC Essex ID 0559 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

765 RUSSIA Pedaselga Radio Rossii 2000 Nov. 14 2008 with fair ID. (Hutton)

774 RUSSIA Somov Radio Mayak (30 kw) poor with Mayak chimes 1859 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

774 SPAIN Synchros, R. Nacional – Tuesday 11 November 2307 – Two stations echoing with Spanish, //729, 738. Both new. (SC-NL 2008)

774 SPAIN Synchros, R. Nacional – Thursday 13 November 2045 – Two Spanish stations echoing. (SC-NL 2008)

783 GERMANY Leipzig-Wiederau MDR-Info 0129 Nov. 15 2008 fair with ID. (Hutton)

783 GERMANY Leipzig, MDR Info – Tuesday 11 November 0100 – German talk, some classical music snippets. New. (SC-NL 2008)

792 UNID poor 0100 Nov. 15, 110 Hz low. (Hutton)

792 SPAIN – Monday 17 November 2202 – Spanish news or talk, mentions Spain, competing with France. (SC-NL 2008)

801 ENGLAND Barnstable BBC Radio Devon (2 kw) poor with BBC mentions 2000 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

801 SPAIN – Monday 17 November 2147 – Radio Nacional – Radio Nacional d’Espana and Spanish talk. (SC-NL 2008)

810 RUSSIA Volgograd Radio Mayak 1900 Nov. 14 2008 fair with Mayak chimes. (Hutton)

819 ITALY Trieste RAI with RAI 2 ID fair 0100 Nov. 15 2008. Listed as RAI 1 in the EMWG and not supposed to be on at 0100. (Hutton)

819 ITALY Trieste Radio 1 poor-fair with odd RAI modem tones and ID 2200 Nov. 14. (Hutton)

819 ITALY Trieste, RAI R1 – Thursday 13 November 1938 – Italian live sports // 567, 657, 900, 1062, 1449, 1575. Moderate. (SC-NL 2008)

828 GERMANY Freiburg SWR (10 kw) 1932:10 Nov, 14 was able to parallel a few poor notes of classical music with the 576 SDR outlet. (Hutton)

828 HOLLAND Heinenoord, Caz! 0700:30 poor with promo mentioning Caz, Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

828 HOLLAND Heinenoord Caz! with fair-poor mix of Dutch and English talk and rock mx 1900 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

837 SPAIN/CNR Synchro, COPE – Thursday 13 November 2215 – Spanish talk. Maybe tape will say which station. (SC-NL 2008)

837 UKRAINE Tranivka Program 3 fair flute intro to the top of the hour 2000 Nov. 14 2008, parallel 657 and under France. (Hutton)

846 IRELAND Carndonagh 0400 Nov. 15 2008 fair with Radio North ID. (Hutton)

846 RUSSIA Electrostatl Radio Radonezh 1800 Nov. 14 2008 fair with Govorit Radistansiye Radonezh ID. 1959 nice extract of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture up to 2000 ID. (Hutton)

846 RUSSIA R. Radonezh, NOV 11 1900- heard with Russian talk and ID. (Renfrew-2008)

846 RUSSIA Electrostal, R. Radonezh – Tuesday 11 November 0330 – Presumed with talk that sounds like Russian but is clobbered by Italy DRM. (SC-NL 2008)

846 RUSSIA Electrostal, R. Radonezh – Tuesday 11 November 1901 – Very good signal with minor QRM from Italy DRM. Woman interviewing a man in Russian. He talks disparagingly about doomsday cults and then about Jesus expelling merchants from the Temple. Pop music underneath unidentifiable. New. Pop (SC-NL 2008)

846 RUSSIA Electrostal, R. Radonezh – Wednesday 12 November 1900 – “R. Radonezh” ID a few times. Man speaking Russian mentions the Russian Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Foundation for Russia and Abroad (an organization), then wishes listeners good evening, refers to the station as “the Orthodox Radio Station Radonezh.” Then introduces a speech by the Mitropolit (Metropolitan), the spiritual head of the Church, and mentions a book called The Country of Resurrection. Mentions daily broadcast from 4 o’clock Moscow time, mentions 612 (Radonezh does have a station on 612), mentions 10 o’clock, and then introduces the conclusion of the Metropolitan’s speech about The History of Sin. The Metropolitan is Antonii Sorushkov or something akin to that. Classical music playing in background. (SC-NL 2008)

855 ROMANIA Tancabesti, România Actualitati – Thursday 13 November 0336 – ID and into news. Atop channel. (SC-NL 2008)

855 ROMANIA Tancabesti Romania Actualitat with fair-good ID at 1900 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

855 UNID – Wednesday 12 November 1905 – Possible Spanish and mix of languages. (SC-NL 2008)

864 ARMENIA Gavar, Trans World Radio – Tuesday 11 November 1909 – TWR interval signal poking through. New. (SC-NL 2008)

864 ARMENIA TWR, Gavar, NOV 11 1909 – TWR interval signal heard under France. (Renfrew-2008)

864 FRANCE Paris, France Bleu – Tuesday 11 November 1858 – French talk, ID, Paris traffic. (SC-NL 2008)

864 SPAIN Socuellamos 0530 Nov. 12 poor-fair with R. Nacional de Espana ID. A real toughie - it leaves only 2 unheard Spanish frequencies. (Hutton)

873 GERMANY Oberursel-Weißkirchen AFN fair-poor with ID 0100 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

873 GERMANY Oberursel-Weißkirchen AFN Power Network with fair-poor news in English at 2000 Nov. 14 2008. Fair with NPR news at 2200. (Hutton)

873 GERMANY AFN synchros, NOV 11 1911 – never an AFN ID, but NPR news heard at various points during the whole hour, and the Ed Schultz Show after 2006. (Renfrew-2008)

873 GERMANY Oberursel, AFN Power Network – Tuesday 11 November 1917 – Woman speaking U.S. English, u/Rossi. New. (SC-NL 2008)

873 NORTHERN IRELAND Ulster BBC with poor-fair BBC ID including mention of 1341 kHz, 2200 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

873 RUSSIA various Radio Rossii fair-good with 0300 sign-on and 0400 ID Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

873 RUSSIA various Radio Rossii fair with ID at 1900 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

873 RUSSIA or KALININGRAD Synchros, R. Rossii – Tuesday 11 November 1920 – Woman speaking Russian, followed by fade-up of echo from second transmitter. “Rossi” in possible ID. //567. See later. BOTH New. (SC-NL 2008)

873 RUSSIA OR KALININGRAD, R. Rossii – Tuesday 11 November 2133 – “Radio Rossi/Verti FM” ID, KAL or RUSSIA. (SC-NL 2008)

873 RUSSIA Synchro, R. Rossii – Friday 14 November 0345 – Music, signal briefly very strong //171, 567, 657, 918. (SC-NL 2008)

882 ENGLAND Synchro, BBC R. Wales – Thursday 13 November 2204 – British accent. (SC-NL 2008)

882 UNID poor with Koran 0129 Nov. 15 2008. No Arabic station is supposed to be on at this time and none have been logged from Newfoundland. (Hutton)

891 HOLLAND Hulsberg fair with dutch news at 1900 Nov. 14 2008 and "538" ID in English at 1959. All alone. (Hutton)

891 NETHERLANDS R. 538, NOV 11 2012 – Lots of DJ banter in Dutch, before a song by Cold Play, ID sounded like “Radio Fife-ya”, same ID I’m hearing on the web audio back home. (Renfrew-2008)

900 ITALY Milano, RAI R1 – Thursday 13 November 1939 – Italian live sports // 567, 657, 819, 1062, 1449, 1575. Moderate with full fading. (SC-NL 2008)

900 ITALY Milano, RAI R1 – Monday 10 November 2159 – Man speaking Italian //567. New. (SC-NL 2008)

909 ENGLAND – Tuesday 18 November 0239 – Brit interviewing Mike Sewell, an American, about American football, //1548. (SC-NL 2008)

909 ENGLAND Synchro, BBC R5 Live – Wednesday 12 November 0204 – “5 Live on radio or online.” British accent. Heard ABC News and British accent resumed afterwards. New. (SC-NL 2008)

918 RUSSIA R. Rossii, Arkhangelsk 0337 Nov. 14 2008, poor but parallel to Rossii on 657, 567, 873 etc. Arkhangelsk is located in the far north of Russia on the coast – so far north I never expected to hear it. (Hutton)

918 RUSSIA unlisted Mayak station poor at 1900 and 2200 Nov. 14 2008 with Mayak chimes. (Hutton)

918 RUSSIA Radio Rossi, Archangelsk, NOV 14 0330 – ID heard, parallel to 171, 261, 873 and 918. Pop music. (Renfrew-2008)

918 RUSSIA Arkhangelsk, R. Rossii – Friday 14 November 0349 – Music, several Rossii ID. Weak-moderate signal and briefly on top //171, 567, 657, 873. (SC-NL 2008)

918 SLOVENIA Ljubljana, R. Slovenia 1 – Tuesday 11 November 0434 – News mentions Bush etc. (SC-NL 2008)

936 ENGLAND Hawes poor with Fresh Radio ID's with AM and FM frequencies and locations 2200 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

936 GERMANY Bremen, Radio Bremen fair with news 2200 Nov. 14 2008 on top of Gold. (Hutton)

936 GERMANY Bremen, R. Bremen 1 – Thursday 13 November 2025 – “Bremen” clearly heard with German in mix that includes oldies. (SC-NL 2008)

936 UKRAINE various poor-fair 2200 Nov. 14 2008 with operatic music parallel to 972. 2300 fair IS and ID. (Hutton)

945 ENGLAND Bexhill / Quarndon, (700 Watts / 200 Watts) Gold Radio 1900 Nov. 14 2008 with time check and news. 1959 Gold ID. (Hutton)

945 ENGLAND Gold 0100 Nov. 15 2008 fair-poor with DAB Digital Gold ID and news. (Hutton)

945 UNID – Thursday 13 November 2039 – Slavic-sounding language – Rossii and/or Roumania and/or Macedonia. (SC-NL 2008)

954 CZECH REPUBLIC various, Ceský rozhlas poor 1900 Nov. 14 2008 with musical flourish, 2200 good ID, 2300 apparent sign-off. (Hutton)

954 CZECH REPUBLIC Synchro, Ceský Rozhlas 2/6 – Thursday 13 November 0351– Accordion music // 639. (SC-NL 2008)

954 SPAIN Madrid, Onda Cero radio – Tuesday 11 November 0253 – Spanish talk. Mixing with Qatar. (SC-NL 2008)

954 UNID – Tuesday 11 November 0422 – Talk sounds like German. I’m wondering if this is Czech Republic. (SC-NL 2008)

954 UNID – Thursday 13 November 0415 – UNID echo. (SC-NL 2008)

963 BULGARIA various, Horizont with poor ID 2000 and 2359 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

963 ENGLAND London, Club Asia (950 Watts) poor with Indian music parallel to 972 at 1954 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

963 ENGLAND Haslingden, Asian Sound Radio (200 Watts) with poor-fair ID 2200 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

963 PORTUGAL R. Sim, NOV 13 1828 – Ave Maria liturgy, parallel 594, 981, 1251. Finally heard the singing ID at 1936 during a program of oldies music (Renfrew-2008)

963 UNID – Tuesday 11 November 0400 – Interval signal, Slavic language. Albania, Bulgaria or Serbia? (SC-NL 2008)

972 ENGLAND London, Club Asia poor with Indian music parallel to 963 at 1954 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

972 GERMANY Hamburg NDR-Info with fair ID 2359 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

972 GERMANY Hamburg, NDR Info – Wednesday 12 November 0200 – “Nightlong” program. Eclectic music. NDR ID in German. New. (SC-NL 2008)

972 SPAIN Synchro, RN – Thursday 13 November 1958 – Radio Nacional D’España. Has eastern music mixing in. (SC-NL 2008)

972 UKRAINE Kopani, Program 1 2200 Nov. 14 2008 fair with operatic music parallel 936. (Hutton)

972 UNID – Thursday 13 November 1957 – Cuckoo sounds periodically, two in a row, each separated by about two seconds. (SC-NL 2008)

972 UNID – Friday 14 November 2156 – Woman and man talking. Taken over by NDR Hamburg Germany with Asian pop UNID (ENGLAND possibly) in the mix. (SC-NL 2008)

972 UNID – Friday 14 November 2159 – Is the choral music an anthem, perhaps for sign-off? Six or seven pips. Not sure who the classical/opera is? (SC-NL 2008)

972 UNID – Saturday 15 November 0100 – Mystery on top, Spanish Radio Nacional Synchro underneath. (SC-NL 2008)

981 IRELAND Emmyvale, Radio Star Country assumed the source of US country music at fair level 2000 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

981 PORTUGAL R. Sim, NOV 13 1828 – Ave Maria liturgy, parallel 594, 963, 1251. (Renfrew-2008)

981 PORTUGAL Synchro, R. Sim – Wednesday 12 November 2051 – Man and woman speaking Portuguese. (SC-NL 2008)

981 UNID – Tuesday 18 November 0303 – Is this Portuguese? (SC-NL 2008)

990 GERMANY Berlin, Radio Kultur Nov. 14 2200 fair with news and 2300 poor-fair with ID. (Hutton)

990 GERMANY Berlin, DeutschlandRadio Kultur– Saturday 15 November 2300 – Briefly atop channel with “DeutschlandRadio Kultur” ID and pips on the hour. Earlier talk mentions Obama. (SC-NL 2008)

999 MOLDAVIA Maiac assumed the source of fair Rossii ID 2200 Nov. 14 2008. No Rossii outlet is listed so this is just a best guess. (Hutton)

999 MOLDOVA – Wednesday 12 November 1921 – Man speaking in Russian about the criteria of choosing a professional or manager for a company, and the importance of taking into account skills not reflected in a diploma. Refers to this as the British or American way of choosing a hire. Another station mixes in with an UNID Slavic or Spanish voice. (SC-NL 2008)

999 MOLDOVA Maiac, Voice of Russia – Saturday 15 November 2025 – Russian, very strong //1413. (SC-NL 2008)

999 SPAIN Majadahonda, COPE Madrid – Saturday 15 November 2026 – Spanish with live sports. (SC-NL 2008)

1008 BELARUS BR2 synchros, NOV 11 2120 – classical piano music // 1026, 1125, 1197. (Renfrew-2008)

1008 BELARUS Synchro, Kanal Kultura – Tuesday 11 November 2128 – Extremely weak signal but piano and vocal music audible //1026, 1125, 1197. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1008 CANARY ISLANDS Arucas, Punto Radio Las Palmas – Tuesday 18 November 0159 – “Punto Radio” ID while checking for SER break. (SC-NL 2008)

1026 BELARUS various poor - fair 2200 Nov. 14 2008 with Kultura ID. (Hutton)

1026 BELARUS BR2 synchros, NOV 11 2120 – classical piano music // 1008, 1125, 1197. (Renfrew-2008)

1026 SPAIN SER Radio Jerez, Jerez, NOV 11 2255 – ID at beginning of SER local break. (Renfrew-2008)

1026 BELARUS Synchro, Kanal Kultura – Tuesday 11 November 2120 – Moderate-strong signal with classical-sounding music (piano) and later female vocal and piano. //1008, 1197. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1026 BELARUS Synchro, Kanal Kultura – Thursday 13 November 2014 – Slavic talk, probably Belarussian, with words like Democratziya. Mentions Belarus at 2020. (SC-NL 2008)

1026 BELARUS Synchro, Kanal Kultura – Saturday 15 November 1942 – Classical music, weak //1125, 1197. (SC-NL 2008)

1026 ITALY – Sunday 16 November 1947 – Italian live sports, //567, 657, 1575. One team might be Fortaleza. (SC-NL 2008)

1026 SPAIN SER – Monday 17 November 2257 – Maybe Vido, Sampayo or others during SER break. (SC-NL 2008)

1026 UNID with Mayak chimes 2159 Nov. 14 2008 that seemed to be followed by a Kultura ID. However, there was no trace of the Mayak chimes on the other Kultura outlets (873, 1008, 1125 and 1197). (Hutton)

1035 SCOTLAND Aberdeen, North Sound (780 Watts) 2001 Nov. 14 2008 with fair "North Sound" ID during promo then ads. (Hutton)

1035 SCOTLAND Symington, West Sound (320 Watts) AM 1900 Nov. 14 2008 with poor "West Sound" ID. (Hutton)

1035 ESTONIA Tartu, Tartu Family Radio– Tuesday 11 November 2321 – Russian. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1035 ITALY Pescara, RAI R1 – Tuesday 11 November 2319 – Italian talk, echoing (see Salento). New. (SC-NL 2008)

1035 ITALY Salento, RAI R1 – Tuesday 11 November 2319 – Italian talk, echoing (see Pescara). New. (SC-NL 2008)

1035 PORTUGAL Belmonte, Rádio Club – Wednesday 12 November 1920 – Woman speaking Portuguese. Strong and fairly dominant signal. (SC-NL 2008)

1035 UK Northsound 2, NOV 17 1736 – local traffic report (Renfrew-2008)

1035 UNID – Saturday 15 November 1820 – Heard earlier in visit? Russian-like language, so likely Estonia. (SC-NL 2008)

1044 GERMANY Tuesday 18 November 0259 – German noted mixing with Spain. (SC-NL 2008)

1044 GERMANY Wilsdruf, MDR-Info 2359 Nov. 14 2008 poor-fair with ID while Radio San Sebastian took a fade. (Hutton)

1044 SPAIN R. SER Castilla y León, NOV 12 0550 – ID at beginning of local break. (Renfrew-2008)

1044 SPAIN Synchro, SER – Wednesday 12 November 0517 – Spanish talk. (SC-NL 2008)

1044 SPAIN SER – Tuesday 18 November 0259 – Spanish. (SC-NL 2008)

1053 ROMANIA R. Iasi, Iasi, NOV 11 1827 – ID as “Radio Iasi, Radio Romania”. (Renfrew-2008)

1062 CZECH REPUBLIC Zbraslav, Country Radio – Saturday 15 November 2310 – Slavic version of Leonard Cohen’s Dance me to the end of love. Mostly country music, but in Slavic language. (SC-NL 2008)

1062 CZECH REPUBLIC Country Radio, NOV 18 0000 – after several days of hearing an eclectic mix of music after the RAI 2300 sign off I finally heard the “Country Radio” ID by a female announcer. Audibility was poor whenever I checked this signal, even though it was all alone on channel. (Renfrew-2008)

1062 DENMARK DR, NOV 15 1640 – weather report in Danish. (Renfrew-2008)

1062 DENMARK Kalundborg, DRP5 – Tuesday 11 November 0445 – Interval signal and announcement mentions 1062 KHz in apparent sign-on, then Nordic language (presumably Danish) with mention of Danemark. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1062 ITALY Synchro, RAI R1 – Monday 10 November 2227 – Italian talk mixed with pop. (SC-NL 2008)

1062 ITALY Synchros, RAI R1 – Thursday 13 November 1935 – Two stations echoing in Italian, live sports // 567, 657, 819, 900, 1449, 1575. Both dominant. (SC-NL 2008)

1065 BELARUS W beacon, Vitebsk, NOV 16 2322 – long pause between repeated “W” in morse code. NOV 18 0000 – noted again. Listed as 1065, but I heard it as interference to 1062. (Renfrew-2008)

1070 UNID – Sunday 16 November 0151 – Radio Mirana on south wire. (SC-NL 2008)

1071 ENGLAND Clipstone / Werkenton (1 kw each) Talksport good (!) 2358 Nov. 14 2008 with ID. No need to tune up to 1089 to hear Talksport. (Hutton)

1071 ENGLAND Synchro, TalkSport – Sunday 16 November 1825 – Traffic mentions M27, possibly Hannaford, and TalkSport ID. (SC-NL 2008)

1071 SPAIN Bilbao, Euskadi Irratia – Tuesday 11 November 0338 – Cyndi Lauper, Eric Clapton, Beatles, Men at Work. Spanish talk in between. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1071 UNIDS – SPAIN Bilbao, Euskadi Irratia – Wednesday 12 November 2202 – //1197. Second station in there is possibly Egypt. Second station later has Quranic chanting. Chuck gets pips on half hour, could be Spain or Iran. Irratia ID heard may or may not be on tape. (SC-NL 2008)

1080 SPAIN SER – Tuesday 18 November 0259 – Spanish. (SC-NL 2008)

1080 SPAIN R. Huesca, NOV 17 2254 – “Radio Huesca” ID at the beginning fo the SER local break. (Renfrew-2008)

1097.09 RUSSIA R. Rossi, Vologda (5 kW), NOV 14 1824 – woman reading the news, “Radio Rossi” ID, parallel to 873, five plus one pips at 1859.Thanks to Max Van Arnhem for the tip in MWN. (Renfrew-2008)

1097.09 UNID – Friday 14 November 1825 – Possible Rossii ID, with Russian. (SC-NL 2008)

1107 SCOTLAND Tarbat Ness, Moray Firth Radio (1.5 kw) with very good Moray Firth ID 2200 Nov. 14 2008. Amazing for the power. (Hutton)

1107 SCOTLAND Tarbat Ness, Moray Firth Radio – Wednesday 12 November 0118 – “MFR Through the Night” program. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1116 CHANNEL ISLANDS Rohais BBC Radio Guernsey (500 Watts) poor at 2159 Nov. 14 2008 with ID and at 2201 with sports. (Hutton)

1116 HUNGARY Miskolc, Kossuth Radio fair with pips and fanfare at 1900 Nov. 14 2008. Not supposed to carry Kossuth Radio at this hour per EMWG. (Hutton)

1116 ITALY various RAI 1 poor at 2200 Nov. 14 2008 with RAI modem tones. (Hutton)

1116 SPAIN Pontevedra SER with local Radio Pontevedra ID at excellent level 2159 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1116 SPAIN Pontevedra, SER R. Pontevedra – Wednesday 12 November 2015 – San Pamplona and Pontevedra ads, one reference may have been an ID. (SC-NL 2008)

1116 SPAIN Pontevedra, SER R. Pontevedra – Monday 17 November 2256 – Radio Pontevedra ID during SER break. (SC-NL 2008)

1125 BELARUS BR2 Minsk (75 kW), NOV 11 2120 – classical piano music // 1008, 1026, 1197. (Renfrew-2008)

1125 BELARUS various Kultura fair with ID at 1800 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1125 RUSSIA St. Petersburg, Radio Orfey 0400 Nov. 15 2008 fair-poor with anthem then fair ID parallel 1161. (Hutton)

1125 BELARUS Synchro, Kanal Kultura – Tuesday 11 November 2131 – Extremely weak signal but piano and vocal music audible //1008, 1026 & 1197. No sign of 873, which has been reported off-air. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1125 BELARUS Synchro, Kanal Kultura – Saturday 15 November 1940 – Classical music //1026, 1197. No sign of 873, 1008. (SC-NL 2008)

1125 SPAIN Synchro, RN5 – Wednesday 12 November 1919 – Spanish talk. (SC-NL 2008)

1125 SPAIN Synchro, RN5 – Wednesday 12 November 1923 – Local break with piano behind it. (SC-NL 2008)

1125 UNID arabic music 2302 Nov. 14 2008, not parallel to any Iranian or Syrian. (Hutton)

1134 CROATIA Rasinovac, Glas Hrvatske – Monday 10 November 2323 – English with British and American accents. “You’re listening to Croatian Radio, the Voice of Croatia,” news and sports, weather for Gorski-Corsica, southern Dalmatia, Adriatic. (SC-NL 2008)

1134 RUSSIA Murmansk / Saransk, Radio Mayak poor with Mayak chimes 1830 Nov. 14, 2008. (Hutton)

1143 BULGARIA Varna 0030 Nov. 15 2008 poor-fair with odd, almost arabic music parallel to 963. (Hutton)

1143 GERMANY various AFN assumed the source of american pop music at poor level 0002 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1143 GERMANY AFN synchros, NOV 11 2341 – “AFN” ID heard in the mess. (Renfrew-2008)

1143 KALININGRAD Bolshakovo 1930 Nov. 14 2008 fair with Russkoye Radio ID. 2000 fair with "Golos Rossii" ID. (Hutton)

1143 KALININGRAD OR RUSSIA? R. Mayak – Tuesday 11 November 2330 – ID and talk sounding like Russian. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1143 KALININGRAD or RUSSIA, R. Mayak – Friday 14 November 2205 – Radio Mayak ID. (SC-NL 2008)

1143 RUSSIA Samara R. Mayak 1830 Nov. 14 2008 fair with Mayak chimes. (Hutton)

1143 UNID – KALININGRAD Voice of Russia ? – Saturday 15 November 2005 – Woman reading news. Likely KAL. NOTE: Germany likely 693. (SC-NL 2008)

1152 SCOTLAND Dechmont Hill Clyde 2 with very good ID 2259 Nov. 14 2008 after pop mx. Impressive signal for 3 kw. (Hutton)

1152 SCOTLAND Dechmont Hill, Clyde 2 – Thursday 13 November 2247 – Bob Marley (No woman no cry), Send in the clowns, . (SC-NL 2008)

1152 SPAIN Synchros, RN5 – Thursday 13 November 2250 – Two Spanish stations u/Clyde. (SC-NL 2008)

1161 ENGLAND Goxhill, Magic AM (350 Watts) fair-poor 0059 Nov. 15 2008 with ID. (Hutton)

1161 SCOTLAND Greenside Scalp 2259 Nov. 14 2008 good with pop mx and Tay AM ID. (Hutton)

1161 RUSSIA Volgograd, Radio Orfey 0401 Nov. 15 2008 with two fair ID's, parallel 1125. (Hutton)

1161 SPAIN San Sebastián, Euskadi Irratia – Wednesday 12 November 2214 – Spanish-type language, possibly Basque, //1071, 1197. (SC-NL 2008)

1170 ENGLAND Stockton, Magic 1170 (320 Watts) 2000 Nov. 14 2008 fair-poor with Magic-1170 ID. (Hutton)

1170 RUSSIA Tbilisskaya 0400 Nov. 15 2008 tone test, sign-on and Rossii ID. (Hutton)

1170 RUSSIA Tbilisskaya 1930 Nov. 14 2008 very good with China Radio International ID. (Hutton)

1170 RUSSIA Tbilisskaya, Voice of Russia – Saturday 15 November 2152 – “Radio Ruskiye (Rossii?) ... Stratsviye.” (SC-NL 2008)

1179 ROMANIA Galbeni-Bacau, Romania Actualitati 0400 Nov. 15 2008 fair-good with ID, 16 Hz high. (Hutton)

1179 ROMANIA Galbeni, Romania Actualitati with ID 1800 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1179 SWEDEN Sölvesborg, R. Sweden International – Monday 10 November 2230 – English news with items about Sweden and nordic nations. (SC-NL 2008)

1179 SWEDEN Sölvesborg, R. Sweden International – Saturday 15 November 1835 – English discussion about the Swedish Diabetic Association. Almost alone on channel. (SC-NL 2008)

1188 GERMANY Reichenbach MDR-Info fair-poor with ID 2200 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1188 RUSSIA Deutsche Welle, Sankt Petersburg, NOV 13 1801 – Russian program // 7145 and 9715. (Renfrew-2008)

1188 RUSSIA St. Petersburg Deutsche Welle fair 0257 Nov. 15 2008 with man talking in Russian. 0304 and 0400 fair to good with DW ID. In the EMWG, it is not listed as on the air at 0257. (Hutton).

1188 RUSSIA Saint Petersburg fair 2300 Nov. 14 2008 with Deutsche Welle ID. (Hutton)

1188 RUSSIA Sankt Petersburg, Deutsche Welle – Tuesday 11 November 2200 – German news re Obama, Deutsche Welle ID by man, German talk. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1188 RUSSIA Sankt Petersburg, Deutsche Welle – Saturday 15 November 2017 – German //7145. (SC-NL 2008)

1197 BELARUS BR2 synchros, NOV 11 2120 – classical piano music // 1008, 1026, 1125. (Renfrew-2008)

1197 BELARUS various, Kanal Kultura with fair ID 1800 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1197 BELARUS Synchro, Kanal Kultura – Tuesday 11 November 2124 – Weak signal with classical-sounding music (piano) and later female vocal and piano. //1008, 1026, 1125. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1197 BELARUS Synchro, Kanal Kultura – Saturday 15 November 1941 – Classical music //1026, 1125. (SC-NL 2008)

1197 ENGLAND Synchro, Absolute R. – Tuesday 11 November 1846 – ID, English, pop, //1215. (SC-NL 2008)

1197 ROMANIA Brasov Bod, Radio Targu Mares fair-poor 2000 Nov. 14 2008 with choral music under Spain, parallel to 1323. (Hutton)

1197 RUSSIA Saratov Radio Rossii 1900 Nov. 14 2008 fair-poor with Rossii chimes. (Hutton)

1197 SPAIN Vitoria, Euskadi Irratia – Wednesday 12 November 2209 – //1071, 1161. (SC-NL 2008)

1215 ENGLAND Synchro, Absolute R. – Tuesday 11 November 1846 – ID, English, pop, //1197. (SC-NL 2008)

1215 KALININGRAD Radio Santec, Bolshakovo, NOV 16 1807 – “Universelles Leben” religious program in German // 1323, 6145, 7300. (Renfrew-2008)

1215 KALININGRAD Bolshakovo – Wednesday 12 November 1757 – German talk. (SC-NL 2008)

1215 SPAIN COPE – Tuesday 18 November 0324 – Phone interview in Spanish, //1224. (SC-NL 2008)

1224 BULGARIA NOV 12 0530 – Interval signal heard. (Renfrew-2008)

1224 SPAIN COPE Lugo, NOV 17 1852 – Local ID heard during COPE local break. (Renfrew-2008)

1224 SPAIN COPE – Tuesday 18 November 0324 – Phone interview in Spanish, double echo //1215. (SC-NL 2008)

1224 SPAIN – Tuesday 18 November 0325 – Spanish station other than COPE in completely different conversation. (SC-NL 2008)

1224 UNID – Wednesday 12 November 2217 – Perhaps Radio Popular de San Sebastian, Spanish political talk. (SC-NL 2008)

1233 ENGLAND various, Absolute Radio (5 transmitters from 100 to 500 Watts) poor but parallel 1215 at 1859 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1242 ENGLAND various, Absolute Radio (4 transmitters from 500 W to 2 kW) poor to fair 2232 Nov. 14 2008 parallel to 1215. (Hutton)

1242 FRANCE Marseille, France Info – Tuesday 11 November 0113 – French news re Tornay, Belgique. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1242 UKRAINE various with poor short piece of flute music before the top of the hour at 1900 Nov. 14 2008, parallel 973. (Hutton)

1251 HUNGARY several locations, Kossuth Radio 1900 Nov. 14 2008 with pips, fanfare and ID. (Hutton)

1251 NETHERLANDS Hulsberg, R1/5 – Tuesday 11 November 0032 – African music very weak, //very strong 747. Behind stronger Arabic station. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1251 PORTUGAL various, Radio Sim with fair-poor Sim jingle 1959 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1251 PORTUGAL R. Sim, NOV 13 1828 – Ave Maria liturgy, parallel 594, 963, 981. (Renfrew-2008)

1260 RUSSIA BBC synchros, NOV 15 1905 – BBC in Russian, news about President-Elect Obama, parallel 5920, 5990 and 7325. (Renfrew-2008)

1260 RUSSIA Kurkino BBC World Service 0300 Nov. 15 2008 fair ID. (Hutton)

1260 RUSSIA Kurkino / St. Petersburg 1759 Nov. 14 2008 poor-fair with Govorit London ID. (Hutton)

1260 RUSSIA Synchro BBC World Service – Saturday 15 November 1907 – BBC World Service in Russian, u/Spanish live sports, //5920. (SC-NL 2008)

1260 SPAIN R. Murcia, Murcia, NOV 12 2255 – ID as “Radio Murcia, Cadena SER” during SER local break. (Renfrew-2008)

1260 SPAIN Synchro, SER – Saturday 15 November 1907 – Spanish station with live sports. (SC-NL 2008)

1269 GERMANY Neumünster, Deutschlandfunk – Wednesday 12 November 1810 – Man speaking German. Stronger on AM than //6190. (SC-NL 2008)

1269 GERMANY Neumünster, Deutschlandfunk – Thursday 13 November 0323 – Moderate with classical music //6190, 153, 207, 549, 756, 1422. (SC-NL 2008)

1278 BELARUS (t) BR1, Zadvarcy (2.5 kW), NOV 17 1959 - short trumpet flourish before 5+1 pips sounds much like the opening notes of the Belarus anthem and time pips as heard on “Interval Signals Online” web page. (Renfrew-2008)

1278 BELARUS Zadvarcy 2200 Nov. 14 2008 poor with sign-off and Belarus anthem. (Hutton)

1278 ENGLAND Tyersal Lane, Pulse (430 Watts) 0100 Nov. 15 2008 poor English news. (Hutton)

1278 ENGLAND Tyersal Lane, Pulse Gold assumed the source of a few words in English from 2159 to 2201 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1278 FRANCE Sélestat, France Bleu – Thursday 13 November 1905 – France Bleu ID, French, program promos with techno-pop underneath. (SC-NL 2008)

1287 RUSSIA (t) R. Yunost, NOV 14 0104 – pop music, too faint to ID under Cadena SER. (Renfrew-2008)

1287 RUSSIA Yazykovo, Radio Yunost in and out with disco & pop then several Yunost ID's 2309 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1287 RUSSIA Yazykovo, R. Yunost – Thursday 13 November 0425 – Presumed with Russian talk underneath Spanish station. Soon, music sounds at least vaguely Russian. Mostly Spain on top with pips on half-hour. Six-minute recording possibly lost. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1287 SPAIN R. Castilla y León, NOV 13 1925 – at beginning of local SER break. (Renfrew-2008)

1287 SPAIN Synchro, SER – Friday 14 November 0204 – Spanish, possible SER ID. Mixing with unid possible Yunost. (SC-NL 2008)

1287 UNID – Friday 14 November 0204 – Possible Yunost underneath, fades by 0207. Mixing with Spain. Two taped clips. Second at 0211 has music in background that could be a second station. (SC-NL 2008)

1287 UNID – Friday 14 November 0220 – Janis Joplin’s Cry cry cry is the second station underneath Spain. Taped but may be unid-able. (SC-NL 2008)

1287 UNID – Friday 14 November 0300 – Taped again with lengthy recording, after Spanish pips, and second station may ID with male voice (in second place). (SC-NL 2008)

1296 SPAIN Castellar, COPE Valencia – Wednesday 12 November 2056 – Spanish ads. Game with Majorca. Somewhat lively Middle Eastern music in there, perhaps Afghanistan. (SC-NL 2008)

1305 SPAIN Synchros, RN5 – Tuesday 11 November 0305 – Two stations echoing with Spanish talk. (SC-NL 2008)

1305 SPAIN Synchro, RN5 – Friday 14 November 0135 – Spanish //1314, 1503 (SC-NL 2008)

1305 SPAIN Synchro, RNE – Friday 14 November 0525 – Spanish pile-up. (SC-NL 2008)

1314 SPAIN Synchros, RN5 – Tuesday 11 November 0002 – Two stations echoing with Spanish news or talk. (SC-NL 2008)

1314 SPAIN Synchros, RN5 – Friday 14 November 0123 – Two Spanish stations echoing, //1305, 1503. (SC-NL 2008)

1323 ENGLAND Southwick, Gold with poor Gold Digital Radio ID 0100 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1323 ENGLAND Southwick, Gold 2259 Nov. 14 2008 poor, heard only "world's greatest radio" then Lesley Gore and U2 (what a mix) tunes. (Hutton)

1323 ENGLAND Southwick, Gold with poor DAB digital radio mention 0559 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1323 GERMANY Radio Santec, Wachenbrunn, NOV 16 1807 – “Universelles Leben” religious program in German // 1215, 6145, 7300. (Renfrew-2008)

1323 GERMANY Wachenbrunn 1800 Nov. 14 2008 fair-poor with Voice Of Russia chimes then German program. (Hutton)

1323 GERMANY Wachenbrunn, Voice of Russia – Wednesday 12 November 2040 – French talk with mentions of Russia. Mixing with Quran chanting – Iran? (SC-NL 2008)

1323 ROMANIA Targu Mures, R. Targu Mures with IS 0354 and then anthem, poor, Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1323 ROMANIA Targu Mares, Radio Targu Mares 2002 Nov. 14 2008 fair with choral music parallel to 1197. (Hutton)

1323 RUSSIA Radio Radonezh (10 kW), NOV 14 1734 – At this time I was able to parallel a new program on channel to Radio Radonezh, Olgino-Sankt Petersburg. Was this a continuation of the previous UNID? (Renfrew-2008)

1323 UNID NOV 14 1725 – two programs noted: one was the Voice of Russia from a transmitter in Germany. The other IDed as “Dotska Radio Minsk”, then bells and possibly off at 1730.VO Russia was parallel but slightly delayed from 6145 and 7300 Murmansk. (Renfrew-2008)

1323 UNID 0600 Nov. 15 2008: Germany went into Voice of Russia in English while a Slavic speaker just underneath said "??? Kiev". (Hutton)

1332 ROMANIA Galati, Romania Actualitati fair with little musical flourish 1900 Nov. 14 2008. Nov. 15 0001 fair to good, mixing with Iran. (Hutton)

1341 HUNGARY various, Magyar Radio with fair ID at 2359:40 Nov. 14, 2008. (Hutton)

1341 NORTHERN IRELAND Lisnagarvey, BBC R. Ulster – Tuesday 11 November 1829 – BBC Radio Ulster ID, promo for Science Classic program, then “where music matters” slogan. (SC-NL 2008)

1350 ARMENIA Gavar, TWR – Sunday 16 November 1835 – TWR chimes mixing with Radio Orient from France. TWR interval signal and possible German, then English and other language in simultaneous translation. Christian program talks about false prophets. France has Arabic pop. (SC-NL 2008)

1350 FRANCE Nice, R. Orient – Thursday 13 November 1900 – “Radio Orient,” 1350 and FM included in ID. (SC-NL 2008)

1359 ENGLAND UNID – Tuesday 11 November 0303 – Weak with Rod Stewart //1458. One of three Gold stations. (SC-NL 2008)

1368 ENGLAND BBC but not sure which with phrase "radio on Saturday" poor under Manx Radio 2359 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1368 ITALY RAI, synchros, NOV 16 1935 – sports play-by-play, parallel 567, 657, 1026 (Renfrew-2008)

1376.98 UKRAINE and UNID, NOV 14 1959 – woman speaking in Russian describing “world football”, ID at top of hour as “Govorit Minsk” while TWR IS heard in background. At 2259 “Govorit Moskva” is heard. The program continues in an Asian language, and at 2330 “Idhaat Russia” is heard. It appears that Ukraine has reactivated this transmitter, but it seems a little odd that it would be used as a relay for Russia. However, the latest schedule for Voice of Russia lists 1377 as one its channels. And what was that Minsk ID doing in there? NOV 15 1758 – tuned in to recheck ID, and it was again “Govorit Minsk”. NOV 16 1758 – Again, “Govorit Minsk” ID. (Renfrew-2008)

1377 ARMENIA Gavar, TWR – Monday 10 November 2333 – Language similar to Russian, somewhat under France and periodically at equal strength. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1377 FRANCE – Lille, France Info – Monday 10 November 2231 – France Info ID. Noted off-air a few days later. (SC-NL 2008)

1377 UKRAINE unsure of location fair with 1st Program IS 1759 Nov. 14 2008 followed by (oddly) a Govorit Minsk ID. 1859 fair Govorit Kiev ID. Frequency approximately 20 Hz low. (Hutton)

1377 UNID 2200 Nov. 14 2008 fair-good with "Golos Rossii" and taking turns with China. On frequency, and definitely not the Ukraine transmitter that is 20 Hz low. Likely Armenia, but they are not listed as being on the air at 2200. (Hutton)

1377 UNID – Friday 14 November 2322 – Russian news with mentions of Serbia, Georgia, etc. Atop Iran. (SC-NL 2008)

1377 UNID – Saturday 15 November 2212 – Radio Russkiye and Radio Rebelyez ID’s. The talk is in Russian, and world news mentions Bush. Music is a brass band. (SC-NL 2008)

1377 UNID – Saturday 15 November 2247 – Mentions of Ukrainski. Two stations with Russian. (SC-NL 2008)

1377 UNID – Saturday 15 November 2359 – Interval signal followed by Russian, and “Good afternoon, it’s 3 o’clock.” and world news mentioing overhaul of U.S. financial system. (SC-NL 2008)

1377 UNID Sunday 16 November 2350 – Russian program atop very weak Middle Eastern music. (SC-NL 2008)

1377 UNID – Sunday 16 November 2359 – Big Russian station signing off. (SC-NL 2008)

1377 UNIDS – Friday 14 November 1810 – Armenia and Middle East stations mixing with France apparently off-air. Transition in programs and interval signal (TWR presumed) at 1816. 1376.98 has woman. (SC-NL 2008)

1377 UNIDS – Friday 14 November 1912 – The station more on-channel has religion, with translation between English and UNID language. Underneath the music we conclude the translation is TWR. – the woman and man alternating underneath the off-channel station which has a muffled-sounding man. The English translation refers to “The Bible” (Christian presumed). (SC-NL 2008)

1377 UNIDS – Friday 14 November 1930 – This tape has both stations pretty clear at times. The clearer on-channel one is TWR Armenia, we think. Tape ends with 1930 ID and music follow-up. Another clip is the off-channel man talking. Earlier he mentioned Muhajidin. Perhaps Iran? (SC-NL 2008)

1377 UNIDS – Friday 14 November c2030 – Right after interval signal is “Govorit Minsk.” Both interval signals are presumed TWR Armenia. (SC-NL 2008)

1386 UNID – Sunday 16 November c.2230 – With Lithuania signing off (Radio China), perhaps a real Chinese station underneath. (SC-NL 2008)

1394.67 ALBANIA Fllakë, R. Tirana/TWR – Wednesday 12 November 1915 – Man speaking Serbian, discussing a piece of poetry or religious text and commentary about the life of St. Peter. Strong and dominant signal. (SC-NL 2008)

1395 ALBANIA Fllakë, R. Tirana/TWR – Tuesday 11 November 2117 – Serbian/Croatian style language, Christian (Yesus). New. (SC-NL

1413 ENGLAND various, BBC R. Gloucestershire ( 2 500 Watt stations) 0559 Nov. 15 2008 poor-fair "approaching 6 o'clock", parallel to 1341. (Hutton)

1413 ENGLAND various BBC R. Gloucestershire assumed the source of poor English news 2200 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1413 MOLDOVA VO Russia, Grigoriopol, NOV 16 1801 – Bulgarian program parallel 6000 Murmansk. (Renfrew-2008)

1413 MOLDOVA Grigoriopol, Voice of Russia with musical theme and ID fair 1800 Nov. 14. (Hutton)

1413 MOLDOVA Grigoriopol, Voice of Russia – Wednesday 12 November 1958 – Man speaking Moldovan (a hybrid of Byelorrussian and Romanian, and thus only partly Slavic). Partial ID as “Radio Station ... Russia” and talk that mentions www dot rubr.ru. Chimes. Mixing with a relatively dominant Spain. (SC-NL 2008)

1413 MOLDOVA Grigoriopol, Voice of Russia – Saturday 15 November 2025 – Russian, very weak //999. (SC-NL 2008)

1413 SPAIN Synchro, RN5 – Wednesday 12 November 2000 – Familiar soft-pop 70s tune. TOH ID as “Radio Nacional d’España,” then news (items include one about Canary Islands). Mixing with weaker Moldova. (SC-NL 2008)

1413 SPAIN Synchros, RN5 – Friday 14 November 2335 – Two Spanish stations echoing, later “Radio d’España” ID. (SC-NL 2008)

1413 SPAIN – Saturday 15 November 0101 – Two RN5 synchros stations echoing with Spanish talk. (SC-NL 2008)

1422 GERMANY Heusweiler, Deutschlandfunk – Thursday 13 November 0324 – Strong with classical music //6190, 153, 207, 549, 756, 1269. (SC-NL 2008)

1431 GERMANY VO Russia, Willsdorf, NOV 16 1739 – program in Serbian. (Renfrew-2008)

1431 GERMANY Wilsdruff Voice of Russia 2000 Nov. 14 2008 poor w/listed Bulgarian under Sawa. (Hutton)

1431 UKRAINE Kopani 0400 Nov. 15 2008 good Govorit Kiev and Radio Kultura ID's. 0600 Voice of Russia chimes and English "This is Moscow". (Hutton)

1431 UNID – Sunday 16 November 1743 – Presumed Voice of Russia from Wilsdruff Germany with Opera and what sounds like Serbian talk. (SC-NL 2008)

1440 LUXEMBOURG Die Grössten, RTL Radio – Saturday 15 November 1845 – Strong with German. (SC-NL 2008)

1440 RUSSIA St. Petersburg Radio Zvezda 1800 Nov. 14 2008 fair with nice Zvezda FM ID confirmed by Vlad Titarev. (Hutton)

1449 SCOTLAND Redmoss BBC Radio 4 fair 2300 Nov. 14 2008 with BBC news. (Hutton)

1449 ITALY Synchro, RAI R1 – Thursday 13 November 1940 – Italian live sports // 567, 657, 819, 900, 1062, 1575. Barely in. (SC-NL 2008)

1449 RUSSIA Monchegorsk? R. Mayak poor-fair with Mayak chimes 2200 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1458 ENGLAND Torquay BBC Radio Devon poor 2159 Nov. 14 2008 with ID. (Hutton)

1458 ENGLAND Ashton Moss, Gold 1958 2 mentions of Gold at poor level. (Hutton)

1458 UK BBC R. 5, synchros,NOV 18 0200 – BBC program parallel 909 kHz. (Renfrew-2008)

1458 ENGLAND Ashton Moss, Gold Manchester – Tuesday 11 November 0302 – “This is Gold...your classic hits station...Gold.” Rod Stewart’s Maggie May. Moderate signal. (SC-NL 2008)

1458 ENGLAND – Tuesday 18 November 0229 – “Sunrise” in ID, Indian music. (SC-NL 2008)

1458 ROMANIA Constanti, Romania Actualitati 0100 Nov. 15 2008 poor-fair theme music at top of the hour. (Hutton)

1467 FRANCE Roumoules, Trans World R. – Monday 10 November 2259 – Possible Eastern European language, Christian program, mention of (Through the Bible). (SC-NL 2008)

1467 MONACO Le Col de la Madonne Radio Maria fair with Ave Maria 1759 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1476 AUSTRIA Wien, ORF R. – Monday 10 November 2250 – German talk. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1485 ENGLAND Merseyside or Southern Counties or Humberside with poor-fair talk parallel to 909 0400 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1485 SPAIN Zamora, R. Zamora 0059 Nov. 15 2008 taking an unlisted break from the SER network with a fair local ID. (Hutton)

1485 SPAIN R. Santander, NOV 13 2257 – “Radio Santander Cadena SER” ID heard during local break (Renfrew-2008)

1494 RUSSIA St. Petersburg - Popovka fair 1800 Nov. 14 2008 with Voice of Russia music and ID. (Hutton)

1503 ENGLAND Stoke on Trent, BBC R. Stoke 0600 Nov. 15 2008 with "It's 6 o'clock" and BBC mention. (Hutton)

1503 SPAIN Synchro, RN5 – Friday 14 November 0134 – Spanish //1305, 1314. (SC-NL 2008)

1503 SPAIN Synchro RN5 – Friday 14 November 1939 – Spanish. (SC-NL 2008)

1503 SPAIN – Tuesday 18 November 0231 – Two RNE stations echoing in Spanish. Only two are listed. (SC-NL 2008)

1512 GREECE (Crete) Chania music with few announcements and fair ID at 2000 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1512 UNID – Thursday 13 November 1759 – Russian or Greek. Two files. (SC-NL 2008)

1521 SPAIN Ctra Valencia, SER Radio Castellón – Sunday 16 November 2015 – Spanish talk, possibly sports. Very weak u/dominant Saudi. (SC-NL 2008)

1530 ENGLAND unid with British accented English 2332 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1530 ENGLAND Huddersfield, Pulse Gold with poor ID 0559:51 Nov. 15 2008. Vatican QRM. (Hutton)

1530 ROMANIA Mihaileni 1900 Nov. 14 2008 fair-poor Romania Actualitati ID. (Hutton)

1539 GERMANY Mainflingen, Evangeliums Rundfunk 0400 Nov. 15 2008 ERF ID in English then English program. (Hutton)

1548 MOLDOVA Grigoriopol fair 1830 Nov. 14 2008 with TWR IS. (Hutton)

1548 MOLDOVA Grigoriopol Voice of Russia fair with 0400 sign-on and English program, Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1548 ENGLAND Mangotsfield, BBC R. Bristol – Tuesday 11 November 1825 – English talk, “Radio Bristol.” Later on mentions of 94.9, 103.6, etc. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1548 ENGLAND – Tuesday 18 November 0239 – Brit interviewing Mike Sewell, an American, about American football, //909. (SC-NL 2008)

1548 ENGLAND – Tuesday 18 November 0245 – BBC 5 Live, with Sawa mixing in. (SC-NL 2008)

1548 UNID – Wednesday 12 November 1802 – German maybe //6075 but very weak and hard to tell. We discussed and dismissed Sri Lanka. Did anyone figure this out? (SC-NL 2008)

1557 FRANCE Nice, France Info – Thursday 13 November 1746 – “France Info” ID, French talk, program promos and energy-saving tips. (SC-NL 2008)

1557 FRANCE Nice, France Info – Monday 10 November 2051 – French interview re France, military and remembrance. Solid atop weaker stations. (SC-NL 2008)

1557 LITHUANIA Kaunas, R. Baltic Waves poor-fair with China Radio International ID in Russian 2043 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1566 ENGLAND Taunton, BBC Bristol – Wednesday 12 November 1912 – Bristol //1548. (SC-NL 2008)

1575 ITALY Synchros, RAI R1 – Thursday 13 November 1941 – Two stations echoing in Italian, live sports // 567, 657, 819, 900, 1062, 1449. Very strong. (SC-NL 2008)

1575 ITALY Synchro, RAI R1 – Thursday 13 November 1745 – Italian talk. “Uno” ID. Later //1584. (SC-NL 2008)

1584 UK BBC R. 5, synchros, NOV 17 0210 – parallel to 909 kHz. (Renfrew-2008)

1584 ITALY Terni, RAI R1 – Thursday 13 November 1757 – Italian talk, //1575. (SC-NL 2008)

1584 ITALY Terni, RAI 1 0259:42 Nov. 15 2008 poor unique modem tones at the top of the hour. Supposed to be off per EMWG. (Hutton)

1593 ROMANIA Ion Korvinn poor in DRM hash 1900 with Romania Actualitati ID and 2000 with choral music parallel 1323 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1602 SPAIN Cerro Estibaliz, Euskadi Irratia – Wednesday 12 November 0004 – Spanish talk, interludes of music, Euskadi ID. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1611 VATICAN Santa Maria di Galeria, CVA Vatican R. – Thursday 13 November 1849 – Mentions of Vatican. (SC-NL 2008)

1620 UNID – Friday 14 November 2357 – Radio Revulta, La Voz de ???. Later English fade-up with presumed Virgin Islands. On south wire. (SC-NL 2008)

1677 UNID Monday 17 November 1925 – weather in English, Spanish and then gone. Alone and strong //1707. Norway presumed. (SC-NL 2008)

1707 UNID Monday 17 November 1925 – weather in English, Spanish and then gone. Alone and strong //1677. Norway presumed. (SC-NL 2008)


531 IRAN Hamadan IRIB, NOV 10 2258 – distinctive flute music noted here, parallel to 1503. (Renfrew-2008)

531 IRAN Hamadan, IRIB 1 – Monday 10 November 2314 – Man speaking Farsi in low voice, followed by woman, //684, 1503. New. (SC-NL 2008)

540 IRAN Mashhad IRIB1 (100 kw) Nov. 14 2008 1830 with chimes on the half hour barely penetrating CBT. (Hutton)

549 SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA General Program, Qurayyat (2 MW), Nov 13 0317 – parallel to 900. (Renfrew-2008)

558 IRAN Gheslagh R. Farhang fair at 1830 Nov. 14 with IRIB chimes. About 30 Hz high the entire week and easily splittable from 558 as it is usually as strong as Spain. (Hutton)

558.04 IRAN Gheslagh, R. Farhang – Thursday 13 November c.2100 – Middle Eastern music with strings and vocals. Slightly off–frequency. Not heard on 1152. (SC-NL 2008)

558.05 UNID – Monday 10 November 2216 – Possible Iran with Middle Eastern music. See Thursday. (SC-NL 2008)

567 SYRIA First Program , NOV 10 2342 – male vocals are very distinct, and parallel to 783, 828, 918 and 936,a serious sweep of Syrians during this time. (Renfrew-2008)

567 SYRIA Damascus 1st Program poor to fair 2000 Nov. 14 with arabic music parallel 783 and others. (Hutton)

567 SYRIA Damascus – Monday 10 November 2358 – Chanting and vocals, man talking, //783, 828, 918, 936. New. (SC-NL 2008)

639 IRAN Bonab IRIB1 1830 Nov. 14 three Iran chimes just making it underneath Czech station. The chimes penetrate well and are distinctive. (Hutton)

684 IRAN Mashhad IRIB, NOV 10 2258 – distinctive flute music noted here, parallel to 1503. (Renfrew-2008)

684 IRAN Mashhad IRIB1 1830 Nov. 14 fair-poor with Iran chimes but little Spain to bother them. Audible most evenings. (Hutton)

684 IRAN Mashhad, IRIB 1 – Monday 10 November 2251 – Flute music 1368, 1503. New. (SC-NL 2008)

702 SYRIA First Program, NOV 11 0032 – man speaking, the final addition to a Syria sweep, parallel to 828. (Renfrew-2008)

702 IRAN Rasht VOIRI fair with Iran chimes 1930 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

720 IRAN Tayebad IRIB1 fair 1930 Nov. 14 2008 with chimes. (Hutton)

720 GREENLAND Østgrønland, KNR – Thursday 13 November 2200 – News in Nordic language. (SC-NL 2008)

747 IRAN Bandar-e-Torkaman IRIB1 Nov. 14 1900 poor talk parallel to 765 and 783. 1930 poor-fair chimes. A regular under Holland or sometimes even. (Hutton)

765 SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA, NOV 17 2103 – Koranic recitation parallel to 1512. (Renfrew-2008)

765 IRAN Chah Bahar IRIB1 poor-fair 1830 Nov. 14 2008 with chimes. (Hutton)

783 IRAN unlisted station (in EMWG) poor with chimes 1830 Nov. 14 2008. At 1900 Farsi talk was parallel to 747 and 765. (Hutton)

783 SYRIA Tartus 1st Program fair 1830 Nov. 14 2008 with Arabic music parallel to 828. (Hutton)

783 SYRIA Tartus – Monday 10 November 2358 – Chanting and vocals, man talking, //567, 828, 918, 936. New. (SC-NL 2008)

828 IRAN unlisted (in EMWG) with poor-fair chimes at 1830 Nov. 14 2008.

828 SYRIA Location unknown – Monday 10 November 2358 – Chanting and vocals, man talking, //567, 783, 918, 936. Appears to be unlisted. New. (SC-NL 2008)

837 IRAN Isfahan IRIB1 1830 Nov. 14 2008 poor with chimes. 2300 saxophone music fair-poor. (Hutton)

864 ARMENIA Gavar TWR good at 1910 Nov. 14 2008 with IS at end of Kurdish program. (Hutton)

873 IRAN IRIB, NOV 11 1930 – noted at the top of the hour in Iran with bells and “Radio Iran”. (Renfrew-2008)

873 IRAN unlisted with fair level chimes at 1830 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

873 IRAN – Wednesday 12 November 1930 – “Radio Iran” ID after chimes. None listed in EMWG, so not sure where this one might be located. There was discussion about a possible 1026 // but I could not hear this. (SC-NL 2008)

882 SAUDI ARABIA Holy Quran Radio, Dammam, NOV 11 0040 – Koranic recitation parallel to 1512 kHz. (Renfrew-2008)

882 IRAN unlisted station with poor chimes at 1930 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

900 IRAN Teheran IRIB1 good at 1830 and 1930 Nov. 14 2008 with chimes. Fair talk at 1900 and 2200. (Hutton)

900 SAUDI ARABIA Qurayyat, General Arabic Programme – Tuesday 11 November 0130 – Quran chanting //1251. IS THERE ANY CHANCE THIS AND 1251 IS IRAN? Otherwise new. (SC-NL 2008)

918 SYRIA First Program , NOV 10 2342 – male vocals are very distinct, and parallel to 567, 783, 828, and 936. (Renfrew-2008)

918 SYRIA Al-Hassake 1st Program fair with arabic music parallel to 783 1931 Nov. 14 2008. Fair-good ID 2000. (Hutton)

918 SYRIA Al-Hassake – Monday 10 November 2358 – Chanting and vocals, man talking, //567, 783, 828, 936. New. (SC-NL 2008)

927 IRAN Dorud IRIB1 poor 2200 Nov. 14 2008, parallel to 1503. (Hutton)

936 SYRIA First Program , NOV 10 2342 – male vocals are very distinct, and parallel to 567, 783, 828, and 918. (Renfrew-2008)

936 SYRIA Location unknown – Monday 10 November 2358 – Chanting and vocals, man talking, //567, 783, 828, 918. New. (SC-NL 2008)

954 QATAR Al Arish, Arabic Service fair 2358 Nov. 14 to 0003 Nov. 15 2008 with music, IS repeated several times and ID. (Hutton)

954 QATAR Al Arish, QBS Arabic – Tuesday 11 November 0253 – Arabic vocals. Atop Onda Cero Radio from Madrid. New. (SC-NL 2008)

963 IRAN Birjand IRIB1 (10 kw) poor with chimes at 1830 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

972 IRAN IRIB, Ilam (100 kW), NOV 13 0102 – while digging for Tajikstan, also found this program parallel to 1026. (Renfrew-2008)

972 TAJIKSTAN R. Aap ki Dunyea, Orzu (500 kW), NOV 13 0050 – Pre-sign on announcement concerning VOA contact information “VOA dot com” and mention of “Radio Aap Ki Dunyea”. Sign-on at 0059 included Yankee Doddle signature tune, then ID as “Radio Aap Ki Dunyea.Strong interference from NDR.NOV 17 0100 – “Yankee Doodle” signature tune noted. (Renfrew-2008)

972 TAJIKSTAN Orzu : pulled out the target list for this DXpedition, tuned to 972 and there it was. This DXing stuff is easy! 0109 Nov. 12 2008 on top of a weaker than normal Germany with fair level Aap Ki Dunya ID so clear it was easily understandable through the built-in speakers on my laptop. 2359 Nov. 14 2008 with Urdu (?) talk, fair with Aap Ki Dunya ID and VOA mention. (Hutton)

972 UNID – Monday 17 November 0101 – Possible Tajikistan. Will scan tape for Urdu or Aap Ki Dunyaa ID that I missed when it followed the yankee-doodle interval signal. There is some content that sounds Indian. (SC-NL 2008)

981 IRAN unknown location fair-poor man talking 1900 Nov. 14 2008, parallel 765. (Hutton)

981 UNID – Sunday 16 November 0010 – Middle eastern music, mixing with Ireland (not sure yet why my notes say that!) and other stuff. (SC-NL 2008)

990 IRAN Shiraz IRIB1 fair with man talking 1900 Nov. 14 2008, parallel 765 and 981. (Hutton)

990 IRAN Shiraz, IRIB 1 – Saturday 15 November 1503 – Quranic chant, briefly atop channel //1503. (SC-NL 2008)

1026 IRAN IRIB Tabriz, NOV 12 0215 – not parallel to other IRIB stations , 4 bells at 0230, perhaps a Kurdish language? NOV 12 1929 choral anthem, then ID as “Radio Iran” (Renfrew-2008)

1026 IRAN Tabriz IRIB1 1930 Nov. 14 2008 fair with chimes.

1026 ISRAEL Tel Aviv 1959 Nov. 14 2008 fair to god with classical mx that stopped suddenly at the top of the hour for a good "Reshet Dalet" ID. (Hutton)

1026 IRAN Tabriz, IRIB 1– Wednesday 12 November 0230 – Man speaking Farsi, punctuated by soft music. Four pips at 0230 and none heard at TOH. (SC-NL 2008)

1062 UNID – Sunday 16 November 0118 – Quran chanting, very faint signal. Chuck first noted this. (SC-NL 2008)

1071 IRAN R. Ma’aref, NOV 12 0012 – two men speaking, several mentions of Iran, not tones or bells at 0030.But at 0130 five plus one tones while man continues talking. Noted again on NOV 15 0131 with pips. (Renfrew-2008)

1071 IRAN Qom IRIB 0132 Nov. 16 2008 poor, parallel 1503. (Hutton)

1080 IRAN Abadan IRIB / VOIRI 1930 Nov. 14 2008 poor chimes on the half hour. (Hutton)

1125 IRAN Nehbanden IRIB (10 kw) with very poor chimes on the half hour 1930 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1125 UNID – Sunday 16 November 0139 – Quran chanting, maybe Iran. (SC-NL 2008)

1134 CHINA CNR1, Golmud, NOV 14 2248 – man speaking in Chinese parallel to 1377, 4460, 4800 and 5030. (Renfrew-2008)

1134 CHINA Golmud (Qinghai) CNR poor with standard Beijing time check at top of the hour 2000 Nov. 14 2008. 2202 and 2300 actually dominant over powerhouse Croatia! (Hutton)

1134 INDIA Calcutta AIR tentative with very poor Indian music under China, Croatia and Spain at 2235 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1134 IRAN Bojnord IRIB1 (10 kw) fair with Koran parallel to 1503 0134 Nov. 16 2008. (Hutton)

1134 IRAN Bojnord IRIB1 (10 kw) fair-poor chimes on the half hour at 1930 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1134 CHINA Golmud, CNR1 – Friday 14 November 2257 – Weak-moderate signal //4800, 1359, 1377 with particularly rapid fading. (SC-NL 2008)

1152 IRAN IRIB, NOV 13 1821 – program parallel to 1503. (Renfrew-2008)

1188 IRAN Tehran R. Payam fair-good 0030 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1188 IRAN Tehran Radio Payam 2359 Nov. 14 2008 good and dominant with man talking over the top of the hour. (Hutton)

1188 IRAN Tehran, R. Payam – Saturday 15 November 2019 – Dominant with citar-like instrumental. (SC-NL 2008)

1251 IRAN IRIB, NOV 11 0125 – Koranic recitation parallel to 1503 kHz. (Renfrew-2008)

1251 IRAN Sari IRIB1 (20 kw) fair with Koran parallel to 1503 0132 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1251 IRAN Sari IRIB 1 (20 kw) fair with Iran chimes on the half hour at 1830 Nov. 14 2008. 1930 fair with chimes and ID. (Hutton)

1251 SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA, NOV 11 0129 – call to prayer // 900 kHz. (Renfrew-2008)

1251 SAUDI ARABIA *** UNLISTED *** – Tuesday 11 November 0130 – Quran chanting // 900, u/Libya. IS THERE ANY CHANCE THIS AND 1251 IS IRAN? Otherwise new. (SC-NL 2008)

1278 CHINA Shijiazhuang (Hebei province) Hebei RGD 2300 Nov. 14 2008 with 6 long low and 1 long high pips followed by Mandarin talk. Pips match perfectly with my recordings of Hebei made from home near Seattle. (Hutton)

1287 ISRAEL Ramle, Galei Zahal – Wednesday 12 November 0023 – Very faint music // very strong 6973. Not able to hear 1305. (SC-NL 2008)

1296 AFGHANISTAN Kabul VOA already in and good with Yankee Doodle at 1830 (3 PM local time) Nov. 14 2008. 2300 fair with VOA ID. I believe this was heard every day of the Dxpedition. (Hutton)

1296 AFGHANISTAN – Saturday 15 November 1831 – Presumed. Spain gaining strength. (SC-NL 2008)

1305 ISRAEL R. Galei Zahel, NOV 12 0010 – music and talk parallel to 1287 and 6973. (Renfrew-2008)

1314 ARMENIA Gavar poor with Voice of Russia chimes at 1900 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1323 CHINA unsure which location, poor Chinese talk from 2302 to 2310 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1323 IRAN Jolfa IRIB1 / VOIRI (20 kw) poor-fair with man in Farsi parallel to 756 and 783. (Hutton)

1323 UNID – Friday 14 November 0215 – Possible Iran. Quran chant in mess of stations. First noted by Chuck. (SC-NL 2008)

1323 UNID – Wednesday 12 November 2040 – Quran chanting. Mixing with Voice of Russia, Germany (French). Iran? (SC-NL 2008)

1332 IRAN Tehran, R. Tehran good at 0030 and 0058 Nov. 15 2008, on top of a channel empty except for Romania. (Hutton)

1332 IRAN Tehran, Radio Tehran 2300 and 2359 Nov. 14 2008 good and almost alone. (Hutton)

1350 ARMENIA TWR, Gavar, NOV 16 1930 – Inteval signal noted, then English teacher translated into another language. Interference from Radio Orient, Nice, France. (Renfrew-2008)

1350 ARMENIA Gavar 1930 and 2000 Nov. 14 2008 poor-fair with TWR IS. (Hutton)

1359 CHINA CNR1, site?, NOV 14 2249 – man speaking in Chinese parallel to 1134, 1377, 4460, 4800 and 5030. (Renfrew-2008)

1359 CHINA unsure of location, CNR 2000 Nov. 14 2008 with a piece of the CNR theme music. 2202 rising on top, 2300 fair CNR theme music and 2330 on top again. (Hutton)

1359 IRAN location unknown, IRIB1 very poor with 1 (and only 1) part of the half hour chimes 1830 Nov. 14. (Hutton)

1359 CHINA Wenshan possibly, CNR1 – Friday 14 November 2256 – Weak-moderate signal //4800, 1134, 1377 with rapid fading. (SC-NL 2008)

1368 IRAN IRIB, NOV 10 2258 – distinctive flute music noted here, parallel to 1503. (Renfrew-2008)

1368 IRAN Sari IRIB1 fair-good 0132 Nov. 15 2008, parallel to 1503. (Hutton)

1368 IRAN Sari, IRIB 1 – Monday 10 November 2247 – Flute music //684, 1503. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1377 ARMENIA TWR, Gavar, NOV 14 1815 – TWR IS heard, after a program listed in the EMWG as Uzbek. Noted again at 1917 with an English speaker’s religious phrases translated into another language. This was the first time that France was noted off the air, a situation that continued for several more days. (Renfrew-2008)

1377 CHINA CNR1, Yingyang Henan, NOV 14 2238 – man speaking in Chinese parallel to 4460, 4800 and 5030. (Renfrew-2008)

1377 CHINA Xingyang (Henan province) assumed 2200-2300 Nov. 14 2008 with Mandarin on top at times and under Ukraine et al at other times. (Hutton)

1377 IRAN IRIB, NOV 14 1829 – Middle Eastern music, though no pips are heard at 1830, there is a clear mention of “Iran” at 1831.NOV 17 0047 – parallel to 1503, though one second delayed. (Renfrew-2008)

1377 IRAN unknown location, IRIB1 fair-poor with man singing parallel to 1503. (Hutton)

1377 CHINA Xingyang, CNR1 – Friday 14 November 2238 – Chinese man and woman //4800 and soon 1134 and 1359. Briefly stronger with classical in background with woman singing alto. No sign of France. (SC-NL 2008)

1377 IRAN Unknown location, IRIB 1 – Friday 14 November 2322 – Middle Eastern music //1503, u/unID Russian-type station. (SC-NL 2008)

1377 IRAN – Monday 17 November 0000 – Clear talk by a man for awhile. Eventually //1503 but a second or so behind. (SC-NL 2008)

1386 CHINA “Life Service”, Tianjiang, NOV 14 2214 – Chinese language noted after CRI relay in Lithiania signs off at 200.Noted by Chuck after Lithuania station signed off.NOV 16 2156 –Lithuania s/off, no sign of China. (Renfrew-2008)

1386 CHINA Tianjin Life Channel assumed the source of poor-fair Mandarin with possible ID 2200 Nov. 14 2008, fair-poor talk at 2230, 2259 and 2301. Only 20 kw, but it's heard often in Europe. (Hutton)

1386 CHINA Tianjin, Life Channel – Friday 14 November 2216 – Woman in Chinese. Faint and alone with Lithuania off or just not in. Not //4800. (SC-NL 2008)

1413 OMAN Masirah Island BBC World Service assumed with IS-like flute music suddenly appearing at 0000 Nov. 15 although not scheduled on until 0030. Pips on the hour a la BBC but no ID heard. (Hutton)

1413 UNID – Friday 14 November 2331 – Possibly Oman? Taped just after sign-on, around 23:31:35. Mix includes BBC and two Spanish echoes. (SC-NL 2008)

1413 OMAN A'Seela, BBC World Service – Sunday 16 November 1758 – Man and woman talking //9795, followed by Russian (Moldova) and Spain (RN5 Synchro) by 1820. (SC-NL 2008)

1431 OMAN BBC, Masirah Island, NOV 16 1740 – BBC program // 9795 and 9605. (Renfrew-2008)

1449 IRAN Bandar-e-Torkaman IRIB1 / VOIRI 1833 Nov. 14 2008 fair-good with man in Farsi. (Hutton)

1467 INDIA Jeypore AIR (100 kw) poor at 0025 sign-on Nov. 15 2008 then pips and talk (news?) at 0030. Better on Nov. 12. This channel is empty from the 0000 TWR sign-off until Radio Maria takes the air. Iran was not a problem as they are off-channel at 1467.3. AIR is a target from 0025 until sunrise about 0100 this time of year. One of the best surprises of this DXpedition. (Hutton)

1467 IRAN Isfahan IRIB1 poor 1903 Nov. 14 2008 parallel to 1026. Approximately 330 Hz high. (Hutton)

1467 UNID – Monday 10 November 2240 – Strong and dominant with man speaking Arabic. Chuck reported Iran. (SC-NL 2008)

1476 IRAN Sahandaj IRIB1 (10 kw) with poor Koran 0257 Nov. 15 2008, parallel 1386. (Hutton)

1476 UNID likely a Chinese station with 5+1 pips at 2300 Nov. 14 2008 during a fine Chinese sunrise opening. (Hutton)

1476 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Dubai assumed the source of Koran chanting at fair level 1902 - 1909, 1930 and 2201 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1503 IRAN Bushehr, IRIB 1 – Monday 10 November 2247 – Flute music //684, 1368. (SC-NL 2008)

1512 IRAN IRIB, NOV 13 1910 – distinctive singer parallel to 1503, under Saudi station. (Renfrew-2008)

1512 IRAN Ardabil IRIB1 fair 1830 Nov. 14 2008 with Iran chimes on the half hour. (Hutton)

1512 SAUDI ARABIA Jeddah, Holy Quran – Monday 10 November 2243 – Man chanting Quran. (SC-NL 2008)

1512 SAUDI ARABIA Jeddah, Holy Quran – Tuesday 11 November 1930 – “Radio Quran.” (SC-NL 2008)

1512 UNID – Thursday 13 November 1856 – What sounds like Arabic or Islamic rap, //1503. Taped at 1857 with possible Greece on top, the rap underneath. (SC-NL 2008)

1521 CHINA NOV 12 0022 – Chuck hears an ID under Saudi station. (Renfrew-2008)

1521 CHINA Urumqi 2359:55 Nov. 14 China Radio International ID in Chinese (Zhongguo Guoji Guangbo Diantai) and Russian (Govorit Pekin) just below a fair level and briefly on top of the channel. (Hutton)

1521 CHINA Urumqi, China Radio International – Wednesday 12 November 0045 – Presumed with Russian. Chuck had ID. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1521 SAUDI ARABIA Duba, General Arabic Program – Monday 10 November 2053 – Man chanting Quran. (SC-NL 2008)

1521 SAUDI ARABIA Duba, General Arabic Program – Wednesday 12 November 2059 – Arabic pop, very strong. (SC-NL 2008)

1521 SAUDI ARABIA listenable on ULR Prison Radio Tuesday 18 November at 0035. (SC-NL 2008)

1539 UAE R. Aap ki Dunyea, NOV 11 0100 – Program in Urdu for Pakistan, noted “VOA” and “Radio Aap ki Dunyea” ID at top of hour. (Renfrew-2008)

1539 IRAN Yazd IRIB1 (20 kw) poor with iran chimes on the half hour at 1830 and 1930 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1539 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Al-Dhabbaya Radio Aap Ki Dunya (VOA) fair-good with ID 0002 Nov. 15, parallel to 972. (Hutton)

1539 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Al-Dhabbaya, VOA R. Aap Ki Dunyaa – Tuesday 11 November 0103 – Presumed with news in unID language, maybe Urdu. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1557 TAIWAN Kouhu poor to fair with English religion with Harold Camping mentioning 2nd Corinthians, etc. 2132 - 2135 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1566 INDIA AIR, NOV 12 00390 – end of news in English, parallel to 5040. (Renfrew-2008)

1566 INDIA Nagpur, AIR – Friday 14 November 2036. (SC-NL 2008)

1566 INDIA Nagpur, All India Radio – Wednesday 12 November 1754 – East Indian language (uncertain which one specifically) with unID music at times underneath. (SC-NL 2008)

1575 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES R. Farda – Thursday 13 November 1945 – “Radio Farda” ID, with Italy underneath. (SC-NL 2008)

1584 IRAN Urumiyeh, IRIB1 poor 1930 Nov. 14 with Iran chimes on the half hour. Poor-fair with man in Farsi 2200 parallel to 1503. (Hutton)

1593 KUWAIT Kuwait City, VOA/R. Free Iraq – Thursday 13 November 1830 – Persian-sounding music. Man speaks. (SC-NL 2008)

1593 KUWAIT Kuwait City 2330 Nov. 14 2008 with fair-poor VOA ID but bad DRM hash as always. (Hutton)


549 UNID – Thursday 13 November 0410 – Possible Algeria. Woman speaks, then pop music. (SC-NL 2008)

630 TUNISIA Tunis, RTT – Monday 10 November 2107 – Middle Eastern vocals and other music. New. (SC-NL 2008)

917 NIGERIA R. Gotel Yola, Yola, NOV 11 2058 – Four plus one pips, ID “You’re listening to … Nigeria”, then a few seconds later “Radio Gotel”. The pips might have been from Slovenia 918. NOV 13 2233 – call-in program in English, “Hello,welcome”, “I don’t understand what’s happening to me”. NOV 17 2229 – noted with call-in program “Where are you calling from?”. (Renfrew-2008)

917 NIGERIA Yola, R. Gotel lovely with a good signal on peaks with Afropop music and DJ in local language 2017 Nov. 11. Also heard other nights (but not all) of the DXpedition. (Hutton)

917 NIGERIA Yola, R. Gotel – Tuesday 11 November 2015 – African music, “you’re listening to radio station ... Nigeria.” Decent signal and alone. Note: 1 KHz below 918. (SC-NL 2008)

917 NIGERIA – Thursday 13 November 2022 – African music. (SC-NL 2008)

981 ALGERIA Ouled Fayet, Alger Chaîne 2 – Sunday 16 November 0058 – French mixed with Arabic (same station). (SC-NL 2008)

1026 NIGERIA Jigawa, NOV 11 2309 – tentative, with anthem at sign-off.NOV 13 1953 – “Jigawa” mentioned twice (Renfrew-2008)

1026 UNID – Tuesday 11 November 2309 – Anthem, maybe Nigeria. (SC-NL 2008)

1053 UNID – Thursday 13 November 1910 – Possible Libya. Taped with U.K. (TalkSport) and possible Russian, perhaps others. (SC-NL 2008)

1107 EGYPT Batrah, Voice of Arabs – Wednesday 12 November 0103 – Presumed with Quran-like vocals. Very strong and dominant. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1251 LIBYA Tripoli, Voice of Africa – Tuesday 11 November 0115 – Presumed with interval signal then Arabic. Very strong. Audio disappears briefly at 0140 after possible anthem, but returns about three minutes later. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1386 EGYPT Egyptian Radio (3 synchros), NOV 17 1959 – tuned into an anthem then dead air. Jean suggested it is the Egyptian National Anthem, and it matches. There are two outlets listed in EMWG, both signing off at 2400, but the 2008 WRTH shows three, with the Luxor station ending local programs at 2000 before shifting to Holy Koran. No Holy Koran heard, just dead air after 2000. Mauno Ritola suggests the site was most probably Luxor ending South Upper Egypt program, “I have heard the ID and Tarek Zeidan told me what they said in it: ‘Idha'at Janoob al Sa'ed min Asswan’ ".I tuned in too late to hear any announcement, however. (Renfrew-2008)

1386. 22 UNID – Sunday 16 November 2245 – Very faint. Jim says it’s Guinea, with unID language. (SC-NL 2008)

1422 ALGERIA Alger, R. Culture – Monday 10 November 2233 French discussion. Mixing with Germany. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1431 DJIBOUTI Arta, R. Sawa – Wednesday 12 November 2057 – Presumed with lively Middle Eastern music, with second station underneath. (SC-NL 2008)

1503 UNID – Thursday 13 November 1856 – What sounds like Arabic or Islamic rap, //1512. (SC-NL 2008)

1530 SAO TOME & PRINCIPE, Pinheira, VOA – Thursday 13 November 1851 – Portuguese talk, classical music. (SC-NL 2008)

1539 DJIBOUTI 0258 - 0259 tone test then short anthem and 0300 Koran, fair Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1539 DJIBOUTI Djibouti fair level with local (?) music 1800 Nov. 14 2008. (Hutton)

1566 BENIN TWR, Parakou, NOV 11 0255 – Drums and English ID at sign-on: “This is the international voice of Trans World Radio”, then announcement in French. NOV 13 2131 – conclusion of French preacher, address given in Cote D’Ivoire, concluding with “Bon Soire”. (Renfrew-2008)

1566 BENIN Parakou, TWR – Tuesday 11 November 0255 – Interval signal and voice ID loop repeats with “This is the international voice of Trans World Radio.” Signs on officially at 0300. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1566 BENIN Parakou, TWR – Wednesday 12 November 2059 – Very strong. Man speaking French, Christian. (SC-NL 2008)


530 CUBA R. Enciclopedia – Friday 14 November 0500 – Spanish, eventual ID. (SC-NL 2008)

530 CUBA Radio Enciclopedia, NOV 14 0502 – light music program noted while searching for a signal from the Falklands. ID at 0502. According to Medium Wave News, Rebelde switched to Enciclopedia in December 2007. (Renfrew-2008)

540 GRENADA – Monday 17 November 0852 – BBC World Service with English discussion about American-Russian relations. As BBC ends I am taping and note steel drums. (SC-NL 2008)

550 BRAZIL Super Rede Boa Vontade, NOV 12 0319 – full ID during religious music program, not parallel to 5034.NOV 13 2227 – “Cadena Super Radio” heard under R. Mundial (Renfrew-2008)

550 URUGUAY R. Colonia, NOV 12 0326 – ID in mess with two other stations from Brazil. (Renfrew-2008)

550 URUGUAY R. Colonia, Montevideo with ads and fair-good Colonia ID 0200-0201 Nov. 15 2008. Dominant. (Hutton)

550 URUGUAY Montevideo, R. Colonia – Wednesday 12 November 0325 – Colonia ID, Spanish. New. (SC-NL 2008)

560 BRAZIL UNID, NOV 14 0632 – “Santa Maria” devotional program, not parallel to Radio Católica 5035, so suspect MIL network Radio Imaculada Concepcao. (Renfrew-2008)

560 BRAZIL R. Educadora do Maranhao, Sao Luis assumed the Educadora station with Educadora jingles at 0100 and 0106 Nov. 16 2008 sharing the channel with a not-too-powerful domestic. (Hutton)

560 GUYANA VO Guyana, NOV 17 0915 – “VOG” ID heard during news/talk, mentioning AM and FM. (Renfrew-2008)

560 CUBA Moa (possibly), R. Rebelde – Wednesday 12 November 0336 – Music and Spanish talk //5025. New. (SC-NL 2008)

560 UNID – Monday 17 November 0915 – ID could be Guyana. Jim thinks it is. (SC-NL 2008)

570 CUBA Santa Clara, R. Reloj (CMDC) – Wednesday 12 November 0316 - //960 with Reloj ticks, Spanish language, Man and woman alternate on news items, some mentioning Cuba. Dominant. New. (SC-NL 2008)

580 UNID – Monday 17 November 0940 – Presumed Puerto Rico but ID hard to copy, though signal is good. (SC-NL 2008)

610 BRAZIL R. Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte poor-fair with mention of Itatiaia 0100 Nov. 16 2008. (Hutton)

630 UNID – Monday 17 November 0920 – Possible Puerto Rico with Spanish and mentions of Puerto Rico. (SC-NL 2008)

640 GUADELOUPE Pointe-à-Pitre, RFO – Monday 17 November 0846 – Man and woman discuss economy in French. (SC-NL 2008)

670 CUBA Rebelde – Tuesday 18 November 1007 – Talk and music, Rebelde ID in jingle, two stations echoing. (SC-NL 2008)

680 BRAZIL unid to fair peaks with religious program 0202-0218 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

690 BRAZIL R. Clube do Para, Belem, NOV 17 2244 – parallel to 4835. (Renfrew-2008)

700 BRAZIL R. Eldorado, NOV 12 0503 – several “Eldorado” IDs noted. (Renfrew-2008)

700 BRAZIL R. Eldorado, Sao Paulo fair 0103 Nov. 16 2008 with an Eldorado ID. (Hutton)

700 JAMAICA Hague, RJR – Saturday 15 November 0231 – Caribbean-accented English and rhythms. (SC-NL 2008)

720 BRAZIL R. Guaiba, Porto Alegre on top of the channel with fair ID 0104 Nov. 16 2008, taking turns with Spain. (Hutton)

740 BRAZIL Salvador, R. Sociedade de Bahia – Tuesday 18 November 1058 – Full ID, ballads in Portuguese. (SC-NL 2008)

750 UNID – Monday 17 November 0954 – Spanish talk, possibly Caracas. (SC-NL 2008)

750 VENEZUELA Caracas, YVKS R. Caracas – Monday 17 November 1003 – “Erre ce Erre” and Spanish news. (SC-NL 2008)

760 BRAZIL R. Uirapuru, Fortaleza fair 0535 Nov. 12 2008 with Igreja Universal do Reina de Deus program. (Hutton)

760 PUERTO RICO Radio NotiUno, Mayaguez, NOV 17 0919 – news in Spanish, ID. (Renfrew-2008)

770 URUGUAY Radio Oriental, Montevideo fair-poor with "Noticiero Oriental" 0128 Nov. 16 2008. (Hutton)

830 UNID – Monday 17 November 0956 – Venezuela presumed with Spanish, Felice Navidad repeated often. (SC-NL 2008)

840 BRAZIL R. Bandeirantes, Sao Palo fair-good with tele-talk and Sao Paulo mention 0137 Nov. 16 2008, all alone. (Hutton)

860 BRAZIL CBN, Rio de Janeiro 0144 Nov. 16 2008 promo with CBN mention, fair-good. (Hutton)

860 BRAZIL Rio de Janeiro, CBN – Wednesday 12 November 0349 – CBN ID and Portuguese talk. (SC-NL 2008)

870 CUBA Sancti Spiritus, R. Reloj – Tuesday 18 November 0223 – Reloj ticks u/WWL. (SC-NL 2008)

880 BRAZIL R. Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte fair 0136 Nov. 16 2008 with long talk program and finally a Minas Gerais mention and ID. (Hutton)

880 BRAZIL R. Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte assumed the fair level source of a live concert sounding like religious music, 0510 and 0549 Nov. 12 2008. (Hutton)

890 BRAZIL R. Tamandare, Recife assumed the source of non-stop evangelical preaching by an excited woman 0125 - 0140 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

890 BRAZIL R. Clube, Brasilia assumed as the source of several fair Clube mentions 2316 Nov. 15 2008. One mentioned "5-70 AM" which makes no sense to me. (Hutton)

910 ARGENTINA La Red, R. Buenos Aires fair-poor 2130 Nov. 12 2008 with "temperatura en Buenos Aires". (Hutton)

910 ARGENTINA Tuesday 18 November 0135 – Mention Buenos Aires. (SC-NL 2008)

910 CUBA R. Cadena Agramonte, Camaguey, NOV 18 0859 – Spanish news, with ID. (Renfrew-2008)

920 BRAZIL Nacional Gospel, Coita apparently the Brazilian with "Gospel Internacional" ID, fair 0125 Nov. 16 2008 with English gospel. (Hutton)

930 BRAZIL R. Globo, Governador Valadares likely the stn mentioning several Globo outlets 0117 Nov. 16 2008. (Hutton)

940 BRAZIL Rede Boa Vontade, NOV 18 0138 – ID heard. (Renfrew-2008)

940 BRAZIL Rio de Janeiro, Super Radio de Brazil – Tuesday 18 November 0145 – “Super Radio” ID by child, Portuguese. (SC-NL 2008)

950 BRAZIL R. Atalaia, Belo Horizonte assumed as the station with what sounded like Igreja Pentecostal Deos e Amor 2317 Nov. 15 2008. No ID. (Hutton)

970 URUGUAY Radio Universal, Montevideo was just a few words in the jumble until climbing out of the mud 0059 Nov. 16 2008 for an ID, promo and news. (Hutton)

970 VENEZUELA Mundial Oriental, Barcelona with fair ID then back into jumble 0726 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1000 BRAZIL Sao Paulo, R. Record – Tuesday 18 November 0213 – “Record” in soft-ballad jingle. Man speaks in Portuguese. Two stations, one way behind. (SC-NL 2008)

1010 BRAZIL R. Bahia, Salvador fair to good with modern religious music 0152 Nov. 16 2008. (Hutton)

1030 ARGENTINA Radio del Plata, Buenos Aires 0200 Nov. 16 2008 with "Radio Noticias del Plata" ID. (Hutton)

1040 BRAZIL Radio Capital, Sao Paulo with a great Capital ID 0152 Nov. 16 2008. (Hutton)

1050 BRAZIL R. Capibaxa, NOV 16 0228 – Portuguese preacher, parallel to 4935. (Renfrew-2008)

1050 BRAZIL fair-poor religious program sounded like restrained evangelicals 0150 - 0201 Nov. 16 2008. (Hutton)

1050 BRAZIL Vitoria, R. Capixaba – Sunday 16 November 0230 – Portuguese preacher u/NYC, //4935. (SC-NL 2008)

1060 BRAZIL unid with non-stop discussion that sounded like news 0346-0416 Nov. 15 2008. Nothing at the top of the hour to help. Audibly off frequency by about 10 to 15 Hz. (Hutton)

1070 BRAZIL R. Piratininga, Jiu (1/.25 kW), NOV 13 0223 (Renfrew-2008)

1070 COLOMBIA Em Atlantico, NOV 17 0922 – lottery numbers. (Renfrew-2008)

1070 PUERTO RICO WMIA, NOV 16 0035 – series of ads and telephone numbers, then ID as “Mia!”. (Renfrew-2008)

1100 BRAZIL Sao Paulo, R. Globo – Wednesday 12 November 0505 – “Globo” ID and jingle. (SC-NL 2008)

1100 BRAZIL R. Globo, Sao Paulo 0400 Nov. 15 2008 with fair top of the hour ID. (Hutton)

1100 BRAZIL R. Globo, Sao Paulo clobbering the others 0200 Nov. 16 2008 with a good Globo ID. (Hutton)

1120 BRAZIL R. Rural, Porto Alegre fair 0427 Nov. 15 2008 with ID. (Hutton)

1120 BRAZIL R. Rurale AM, NOV 14 0605 – music program, ID heard. (Renfrew-2008)

1120 BRAZIL R. Rural, Porto Alegre fair with Brazilian music and mention of Porto Alegre 0101:55 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1120 BRAZIL Porto Alegre, R. Rural – Friday 14 November 0537 – Accordion music, ID. Taped – second tape likely has an 0557 ID. (SC-NL 2008)

1120 UNID – Monday 17 November 1006 – Possible Puerto Rico with Spanish news and/or discussion (SC-NL 2008)

1130 BRAZIL R. Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, NOV 12 0253 – music and ID. (Renfrew-2008)

1130 BRAZIL R. Nacional, Rio de Janeiro fair with Nacional ID 0100 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1130 BRAZIL R. Nacional, Rio de Janeiro quite the powerhouse with good ID 0425 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1130 BRAZIL Belem, R. Marajoara – Sunday 16 November 0251 – Rock guitar music with female on vocals. “Marajoara” ID between songs. A longer ID follows next song with man shouting station promo and name. (SC-NL 2008)

1140 BRAZIL R. Cultura da Bahia, Salvador fair-poor with ID at 0100 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1140 UNID – Sunday 16 November 0216 – Cultura de Bahia ID followed by English-language country song. Clear and loud. (SC-NL 2008)

1150 BRAZIL R. Tupi, Sao Paulo with "Tupi" (no "Radio") ID 0428 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1160 BRAZIL R. Globo, NOV 16 0109 – ID with lots of whistles. (Renfrew-2008)

1160 BRAZIL R. Globo, Brasilia fair with 4 short and 1 long pips, Globo ID and Globo electronic tones 0100 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1160 BRAZIL R. Globo, Brasilia with poor-fair Globo ID 0010 Nov. 16 2008. No local ID, so this could be the 1 kw Globo in Mococa also. (Hutton)

1180 BRAZIL R. Mundial, Rio de Janeiro fair with 2 "Mundial" IDs 0004 Nov. 2008, briefly dominant over echoed Rebelde audio. (Hutton)

1180 BRAZIL Mundial, Rio de Janeiro fair with "I Love Rock and Roll", Mundial ID's 0206 Nov. 16 2008 then more US rock. (Hutton)

1190 BRAZIL CBN, Natal fair with CBN ID 0100 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1200 BRAZIL R. Ceara Clube, Fortaleza with poor Clube ID and Fortaleza mention 0101 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1200 BRAZIL R. Ceara Clube, Fortaleza fair with Brazilian popular music and Clube ID 0419 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1200 BRAZIL unid (likely R. Correio, Maceio) with evangelical type religious program often at fair level 0420 - 0434 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1200 BRAZIL Fortaleza, R. Ciera Clube – Saturday 15 November 0300 – “Clube” ID at TOH, Fortaleza mentioned, When a man loves a woman. (SC-NL 2008)

1240 BRAZIL R. Capibaribe, Recife 0201-0214 Nov. 16 2008 with calm discussion listing saints and mention of Recife and nearby town. Thanks Rocco Cotroneo as usual for the analysis. (Hutton)

1260 BRAZIL R. Morada do Sol, Sao Paulo, NOV 12 0302 -station ID and web address announced. (Renfrew-2008)

1260 BRAZIL R. Morado do Sol, Sao Paulo fair with religious program until 0100 Nov. 15 2008 then fair ID. (Hutton)

1260 BRAZIL R. Morada do Sol, Sao Paulo fair with religious program and ID 0420-0429 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1270 ARGENTINA Buenos Aires, R. Provincia de Buenos Aires fair with promo for a show on "comportamiento" (which seemed to be religious) 0433 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1270 ARGENTINA R. Provincia, Buenos Aires fair 0032 Nov. 16 2008 with mentions of Buenos Aires. (Hutton)

1270 BRAZIL unid with poor - fair Portuguese 0040 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1280 BRAZIL R. Tupi, Rio de Janeiro good and very dominant 0100 Nov. 15 2008 with ID. Power pays off. (Hutton)

1280 BRAZIL R. Tupi, Rio de Janeiro 0102 good and totally dominant Nov. 16 2008 with high energy DJ and "Familia Tupi" mention. (Hutton)

1280 BRAZIL Rio de Janeiro, R. Tupi – Wednesday 12 November 0441 – “Tupi” jingle then ID, Portuguese talk. (SC-NL 2008)

1289.97 BRAZIL AM Salvador, NOV 16 0300 – pips, slogan, theme from Exodus. (Renfrew-2008)

1290 BRAZIL R. Metropole, Salvador with end of apparent religious program 0100 then mention of Salvador do Bahia 0902 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1290 BRAZIL R. Metropole, Salvador 0202-0208 Nov. 16 2008 fair with evangelical program and mention of Igreja Pentecostal Deus e Amor. (Hutton)

1290 BRAZIL – Sunday 16 November 0304 – Portuguese. Mention of Salvador before I start taping. Then shifts to other content. (SC-NL 2008)

1300 BRAZIL R. Iracema, Fortaleza fair with a pretty worked-up evangelical preacher 2343 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1310 MARTINIQUE Fort de France, RFO – Friday 14 November 0624 – Presumed with French. (SC-NL 2008)

1310 VENEZUELA R. Nacional, Barcelona 0527 fair-poor with R. Nacional ID Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1320 BRAZIL unid poor religious program 2358 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1330 BRAZIL R. Terra, Sao Paulo 0000 Nov. 16 with fair Terra jingle and mention of Sao Paulo. (Hutton)

1340 BRAZIL R. Pitaguary, Fortaleza with jingle, ID and frequency poor-fair 0000 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1350 ARGENTINA R. Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires fair with ads and ID 0500 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1350 BRAZIL Rede Boa Vontade, Salvador BA (50/10 kW), NOV 15 0158 - announcements for upcoming events, ID at top of the hour. (Renfrew-2008)

1350 BRAZIL Boa Vontade, Salvador fair with religious program 0404 Nov. 15 2008 and fair-poor ID. Stacked on top of a second Brazilian also with a religious program. (Hutton)

1350 BRAZIL Super R. Cristal (listed slogan), Salvador fair with talk and Boa Vontade ID 2345 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1360 BRAZIL R. Bandeirantes, Rio de Janeiro 0504 end of religious program at fair-good level then ID. A second Brazilian also with a religious program was underneath. (Hutton)

1360 BRAZIL R. Bandeirantes, Rio de Janeiro fair 0000 Nov. 15 2008 with lively jingle then rather languid song that may have been religious music. (Hutton)

1370 BRAZIL Radio da Cidade, Sao Paulo 0515 Nov. 15 2008 fair with end of smooth Brazilian pop and "da Cidade" ID. (Hutton)

1380 BRAZIL R. Continental, Recife fair with excited preacher 2359 Nov. 15 and poor ID at 0001. Has been a few hundred Hertz low forever. (Hutton)

1380 VENEZUELA Ondas del Mar, Puerto Cabello 0436 Nov. 15 2008 fair with Venezuelan anthem and ID. (Hutton)

1410 BRAZIL R. Santa Cruz, NOV 11 2202 – ads for Santa Cruz, momentarily strong. (Renfrew-2008)

1410 BRAZIL R. Bandeirantes, Brasilia poor 0115 Nov. 15 2008 with ID. Mixing with another Brazilian I could not ID. (Hutton)

1410 BRAZIL R. Santa Cruz 0455 Nov. 15 2008 fair with end of energetic Brazilian music, ID and then more of the same. (Hutton)

1410 BRAZIL R. Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz fair+ with ID as "Santa Cruz AM" and frequency then a string of ads for businesses in Santa Cruz 2100 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1410 BRAZIL Santa Cruz, R. Santa Cruz – Thursday 13 November 2238 – ID, pop, Portuguese talk later on. (SC-NL 2008)

1420 BRAZIL R. Guaruja, Florianopolis poor-fair 0102-0122 Nov. 15 2008 with ad for car dealer whose telephone number tracks to Florianopolis, then a long phone interview. Thanks to Rocco Cotroneo for the detective work. (Hutton)

1430 BRAZIL R. Clube Paranaense, Curitiba with 6 fair mentions of Eldorado including a promo for "Jornal Eldorado", fair, 0503-0504 Nov. 15 2008 (Hutton)

1440 BRAZIL unid with overmodulated evangelical program 0112-0124 Nov. 15 2008. No idea who. (Hutton)

1450 BRAZIL R. Boa Nova, Guarulhos with a fair ID 0120 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1460 BRAZIL R. Agreste, Santo Antonio 2100 Nov. 15 2008 fair with Agreste ID and then into religious program. (Hutton)

1480 BRAZIL unid fair with religious program 0507-0509 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1480 PUERTO RICO WMDD fair-poor with numerous mentions of Puerto Rico during talk about elections 0437 Nov. 15 2008. (Hutton)

1500 BRAZIL unid with religious program 0102-0109 Nov. 15 2008. then a few ads and weather. Had a bit of trouble with the transmitter - occasional FM produced an aggravating wobble. (Hutton)

1500 BRAZIL R. Jacuipe, Riachao do Jacuipe poor with ID 2102 Nov. 15 2008. Thanks Rocco Cotroneo for spotting the ID. (Hutton)


540 CANADA CBGA QC New Carlisle – Friday 14 November 2032 – Presumed not to be CBEF Windsor ON because nothing from that direction is in and there is no echo. (SC-NL 2008)

540 UNID – Monday 17 November 0930 – Religion with ID at BOH break. (SC-NL 2008)

540 UNID – Monday 17 November 0908 – with talk, religious music includes an UNID version of Morning Has Broken (not Cat Stevens). (SC-NL 2008)

540 USA WFLA FL Orlando – Monday 17 November 0900 – , “Orlando’s home for Rush Limbaugh.” (SC-NL 2008)

550 USA KFYR ND Bismarck – Saturday 15 November 1031 Mention of Grad Forks, Clear Channel Radio, calls, ad that checks to Devils Lake ND, weather. (SC-NL 2008)

560 USA WGAN ME Portland – Wednesday 12 November 0345 – “News Radio 560 WGAN” followed by weather and “WGAN morning team” promo. New. (SC-NL 2008)

580 CANADA CFRA ON Ottawa – Wednesday 12 November 0401 – News with Collision in Kanata and “CFRA weather.” New. (SC-NL 2008)

610 CANADA CHNC QC New Carlisle – Tuesday 11 November 2316 – French ad mentions dollars. New. (SC-NL 2008)

630 USA WPRO RI Providence – Wednesday 12 November 1020 – “630 WPRO,” news and sports. (SC-NL 2008)

660 CANADA CFFR AB Calgary – Saturday 15 November 1012 – Alarm Force ad, Calgary weather forecast. (SC-NL 2008)

660 USA WFAN NY New York – Saturday 15 November 0946 – “The Flagship for the NFL...sports radio 66 WFAN New York,” Giants and Jets promo. (SC-NL 2008)

670 USA WSCR IL Chicago – Thursday 13 November 1000 – Chicago and area ads, “The Score...Sporting News Flash.” (SC-NL 2008)

680 CANADA CJOB MB Winnipeg – Wednesday 12 November 1158 – Manitoba in ad. (SC-NL 2008)

680 USA WRKO MA Boston – Friday 14 November 0027 – “Boston’s talk station 680 WRKO,” Savage. (SC-NL 2008)

700 USA WLW OH Cincinnati – Thursday 13 November 1040 – Midnight Trucking Network, “News Radio 700 WLW.” (SC-NL 2008)

710 USA WOR NY New York – Friday 14 November 0050 – Presumed ??? with Savage u/strong het. (SC-NL 2008)

740 CANADA CHZM ON Toronto – Thursday 13 November 1041 – “AM 740,” oldies, very weak u/Marystown. (SC-NL 2008)

750 USA WSB GA Atlanta – Tuesday 18 November 1025 – “Atlanata’s official weather station.” (SC-NL 2008)

760 USA WVNE MA Leicester – Wednesday 12 November 1203 – Religion. “We’ll be here till 4:30 this afternoon” and mentions weather information and contest in 10 minutes. (SC-NL 2008)

800 CANADA CHRC QC Quebec City – Wednesday 12 November 0515 – French talk. (SC-NL 2008)

800 CANADA CKLQ MB Brandon – Thursday 13 November 1132 – News includes litres of water (metric) and over population of coyotes in Manitoba. Earlier country music. (SC-NL 2008)

810 USA WGY NY Schenectady – Wednesday 12 November 1022 – Legal ID, Consumer Reports news. (SC-NL 2008)

820 USA WBAP TX Dallas (50 kW), NOV 13 1030 – call letters heard. (Renfrew-2008)

820 USA WNYC NY New York – Tuesday 18 November 1029 – “BBC World Service in the United States is ... Public Radio International.” (SC-NL 2008)

820 USA WBAP TX Fort Worth – Thursday 13 November 1030 – The Midnight Radio Network, calls, 0430 TC. (SC-NL 2008)

830 UNID Monday 17 November 0828 – Las Palmas mentioned, Spanish-sounding, before a U.S. station takes over. (SC-NL 2008)

850 USA WFTL FL West Palm Beach, NOV 13 1005 – CNN News, calls, South Florida weather. (Renfrew-2008)

850 USA WEEI MA Boston – Wednesday 12 November 1205 – New England, Watertown, Dedham, Framingham ads, . (SC-NL 2008)

850 USA WFTL FL West Palm Beach – Thursday 13 November 1100 – Michael Savage weeknights at News talk 8-5-0 WFTL. West Palm Beach.” 6:00 TC. Mention of Michael Wolfe and Ken Folley. (SC-NL 2008)

900 CANADA CKDH NS Amherst – Wednesday 12 November 1111 – Calls, local ad. (SC-NL 2008)

910 CANADA CKDQ AB Drumheller – Saturday 15 November 1037 – This is Q91, country music, weak but solid behind a station presumed to be Maine. (SC-NL 2008)

910 USA WABI ME Bangor – Wednesday 12 November 1206 – Calls. (SC-NL 2008)

920 CANADA CFRY MB Portage la Prairie – Wednesday 12 November 1044 – , country music. (SC-NL 2008)

920 CANADA CFRY MB Portage La Prairie, NOV 14 0700 – Call letters and “Golden West Radio” ID. (Renfrew-2008)

930 CANADA CFBC NB Saint John – Tuesday 11 November 0420 – Good Time Oldies 93 CFBC. New. (SC-NL 2008)

950 CANADA CFAM MB Altona, NOV 14 0623 – classical music program, parallel to 1250. (Renfrew-2008)

950 CANADA CFAM MB Altona – Friday 14 November 0642 – Classical music, weather with temperatures that have to be Canadian, area ad, //1250 CHSM. (SC-NL 2008)

960 USA WEAV NY Plattsburgh – Thursday 13 November 1032 – First Light from Westwood One, calls. (SC-NL 2008)

980 CANADA CJME SA Regina – Wednesday 12 November 1208 – 546-NEWS, “News Talk 980 CJME.” (SC-NL 2008)

990 CANADA CBW MB Winnipeg – Saturday 15 November 2255 – CBC references u/NL CBC and doing other programming. (SC-NL 2008)

1000 USA KOMO WA Seattle – Wednesday 12 November 1136 – Olympia in traffic, interview mentions Vancouver, mention of Seattle PI (Post-Intelligencer). (SC-NL 2008)

1010 CANADA CFRB ON Toronto – Friday 14 November 0853 – Calls twice, overnight talk show. (SC-NL 2008)

1020 USA KDKA PA Pittsburgh – Wednesday 12 November 1047 – Ad for Ursuline Senior Services at 412-683-0400. (SC-NL 2008)

1050 CANADA CKSB MB Winnipeg, NOV 14 0717 – SRC French program parallel to 860 CJBC. (Renfrew-2008)

1060 USA WBIX MA Natick – Wednesday 12 November 1200 – Daybreak USA ends, calls, Boston Herald ad, IRN USA Radio News. (SC-NL 2008)

1070 CANADA CHOK ON Sarnia – Tuesday 18 November 1022 – Playing the country hits...Country 103.9 CHOK.” (SC-NL 2008)

1070 USA KNX CA Los Angeles – Wednesday 12 November 1039 – “KNX 1070 News Radio” and mention of San Diego County authorities in news. Weak o/Latin station. (SC-NL 2008)

1090 USA WILD MA Boston – Wednesday 12 November 1215 – Calls, into talk program. (SC-NL 2008)

1100 CANADA CBSI5 QC Natashquan – Wednesday 12 November 1220 – French talk, later //1350, 1550 CBC Radio Canada. (SC-NL 2008)

1110 USA KFAB NE Omaha – Thursday 13 November 1203 – “1110 KFAB” with news rife with shootings, a robbery attempt at an ATM. Mentions Channel 6 News. (SC-NL 2008)

1120 USA WBNW MA Concord – Saturday 15 November 0939 – Money Talk and business programming. (SC-NL 2008)

1130 CANADA CKWX BC Vancouver – Wednesday 12 November 1153 – Mention of Port Stanley, Star 1130, News 1130, traffic and weather together (13 degrees in the valley, ? In downtown Vancouver). (SC-NL 2008)

1130 CANADA CKWX BC Vancouver, NOV 13 0920 – “News 1130” and ad for Vancouver. (Renfrew-2008)

1150 CANADA CHGM QC Gaspé – Tuesday 11 November 2315 – French music, calls. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1160 USA WSKW ME Skowhegan – Wednesday 12 November 1053 – “The most classic rock that rocks, the River 93-5.” Later ad for plumber in central Maine. (SC-NL 2008)

1160 USA KSL UT Salt Lake City, NOV 15 0232 – with program break and ID during BYU basketball coverage.NOV 18 1037 – ad for Les Schwab Tires, “the best in the West”. (Renfrew-2008)

1160 USA KSL UT Salt Lake City – Wednesday 12 November 1130 – Westwood One, “We’re KSL, 102.7 FM and 1160 AM.” Ad says “If you’re a Salt Lake City home-owner...” (SC-NL 2008)

1190 CANADA CFSL SA Weyburn – Wednesday 12 November 1145 – Country music, Weyburn Farmers Market ad, community service radio, am1190 at , 842-2720, , Weyburn denture clinic ad. Mention of Saskatchewan. (SC-NL 2008)

1190 CANADA CFSL SK Weyburn (10/5 kW), NOV 13 1044 – “AM 1190”, country music, Celsius temperatures. (Renfrew-2008)

1200 CANADA CFGO ON Ottawa – Thursday 13 November 1103 – CFL (Canadian Football League), (Toronto) Raptors in sportscast. “The Team 1200.” (SC-NL 2008)

1200 USA WOAI TX San Antonio – Saturday 15 November 0448 – Calls in mess on ultralight Sony Prison Radio. (SC-NL 2008)

1210 USA WPHT PA Philadelphia – Thursday 13 November 1046 – Lansford and Philadelphia-area ads. (SC-NL 2008)

1230 CANADA CFGN NL Port Au Basques – Wednesday 12 November 1121 – Stephenville announcements, ads, into Letterman Top 10. CFSX calls (refers to 870 CFSX in Stephenville). (SC-NL 2008)

1240 CANADA CKIM NL Baie Verte – Thursday 13 November 1200 – VOCM ID. (SC-NL 2008)

1250 CANADA CHSM MB Steinbach – Wednesday 12 November 1117 – “you’ve been listening to classics till dawn on AM 1250 Radio” and “Community Services Radio, this is AM 1250.” (SC-NL 2008)

1250 CANADA CHSM MB Steinbach, NOV 14 0623 – classical music program, parallel 950. (Renfrew-2008)

1280 USA WADO NY New York – Friday 14 November 0855 – Spanish, “Wado.” (SC-NL 2008)

1290 CANADA CFRW MB Winnipeg – Wednesday 12 November 1143 – “Go ahead and tell the world, the greatest oldies are on 1290 CFRW.” Jingle, then song: Your love is lifting me higher (possibly Jackie Wilson). (SC-NL 2008)

1290 CANADA CFRW MB Winnipeg, NOV 14 0316 – promotional announcement for “Scot Rock” event with a Rod Stewart look-a-like. (Renfrew-2008)

1300 USA UNID – Thursday 13 November 1149 – German-like language on south wire. Perhaps Lancaster NY? (SC-NL 2008)

1310 USA KNOX ND Fargo – Thursday 13 November 1105 – Ads for Valley Dairy on South Washington, Big Daddy’s Lounge in Fargo. (SC-NL 2008)

1310 USA WLOB ME Portland – Monday 17 November 0357 – “1310 Portland...” and talk. Maine mentioned. (SC-NL 2008)

1310 CANADA CIWW ON Ottawa – Thursday 13 November 1215 – “From the greatest city in Canada, Oldies 1310 Ottawa.” Later ID as “Top 40 Classics, AM 1310.” (SC-NL 2008)

1320 CANADA CJMR ON Mississauga – Wednesday 12 November 0440 – Ads with 905 area code in East Indian accent. New. (SC-NL 2008)

1330 UNID – Wednesday 12 November 1228 – Oldies – Dancing in the moonlight. Rosetown SA? (SC-NL 2008)

1330 USA WRCA MA Waltham – Friday 14 November 0900 – “This is 1330 WRCA Watertwon-Boston...Beasley Broadcasting Group.” Nostalgia format. (SC-NL 2008)

1330 USA WRCA MA Waltham – Saturday 15 November 1018 – French (not Quebecois) talk, music, Martinique references. WRCA carries French at this time. (SC-NL 2008)

1350 CANADA CBSI14 QC Aguanish – Wednesday 12 November 1231 – Woman and man reading news in French, //1100, 1550. (SC-NL 2008)

1360 USA WDRC CT Hartford – Friday 14 November 0001 – Mention of CT, “wake up to a Conservative conversation.” (SC-NL 2008)

1360 USA WKAT FL Miami, NOV 17 0958 – ID after Spanish religious program, interference from WDRC, Hartford CT. (Renfrew-2008)

1440 USA WRED ME Westbrook – Wednesday 12 November 1125 – Sports, “The Big Jab.” (SC-NL 2008)

1450 CANADA CFAB NS Windsor – Wednesday 12 November 1104 – “1450 CFAB,” weather, local ad. (SC-NL 2008)

1480 UNID Monday 17 November 0485 – Spanish talk. (SC-NL 2008)

1520 USA WWKB NY Buffalo –Sunday 16 November 0233 – Syracuse Orange football, possibly versus Huskies. “Your home for Syracuse football AM 1520.” (SC-NL 2008)

1530 USA WCKY OH Cincinnati – Tuesday 18 November 1002 – 1530., “your home for the Bengals, 1530 Homer.” (SC-NL 2008)

1540 CANADA CHIN ON Toronto – Tuesday 18 November 1116 – Italian program. (SC-NL 2008)

1540 UNID – Saturday 15 November 0930 – “AM 1540, part of the ? Radio Network” and “AM 1540, the National Voice.” Island music. (SC-NL 2008)

1540 USA KXEL IA Waterloo – Tuesday 18 November 1115 – “News talk 1540 KXEL, right now in Cedar Rapids it’s 16 degrees.” (SC-NL 2008)

1550 CANADA CBSI8 QC La Romaine (40 w), NOV 14 0817 – SRC French program // 860 CJBC. (Renfrew-2008)

1550 CANADA CBSI8 QC La Romaine – Wednesday 12 November 1232 – Woman and man reading news in French, //1100, 1350. (SC-NL 2008)

1590 USA WARV RI Warwick– Wednesday 12 November 0357 – Living on the Edge ends (Christian talk), “you’re listening to 1590 WARV.” New. (SC-NL 2008)

1610 UNID – Saturday 15 November 0119 – French on south wire. Montreal presumed. (SC-NL 2008)

1630 USA WRDW GA Augusta – Wednesday 12 November 1034 – “News talk 1630 WRDW” and Hannity promo. (SC-NL 2008)

1650 CANADA CJRS QC Montreal – Friday 14 November 0644 – “Radio Shalom” ID, later “CJRS Radio Shalom Montreal.” (SC-NL 2008)

1650 USA WHKT VA Portsmouth – Wednesday 12 November 1030 – Radio Disney //1560. (SC-NL 2008)

1670 USA WVVM GA NOV 16 0305 – Spanish program, “Viva” ID. (Renfrew-2008)

1690 CANADA CHTO ON Toronto – Monday 17 November 1010 – Greek music. (SC-NL 2008)

1690 CANADA CJLO QC Montreal – Friday 14 November 0901 – Canadian ad, CJLO Magazine event calendar. (SC-NL 2008)

1700 KVNS TX Brownsville – Friday 14 November 0700 – “Oldies Radio.” (SC-NL 2008)


1629 NOV 16 2032 – Greek music, man speaking, crowd responding with roster crow sound (Renfrew-2008)

1630 Sunday 16 November 2030 – Greek or Serbian, poor modulation, RTMB? Frequent crowing (cock-a-doodle-doo) sounds. (SC-NL)

1630 Sunday 16 November 2128 – Greek talk, Greek Sirtaki music. (SC-NL)

1640 Sunday 16 November 2054 – Bit of music, not much else on tape. (SC-NL)

1641 NOV 16 2103 – Middle Eastern music; Serbia, Greece? (Renfrew-2008)

1642 Sunday 16 November Greek or Serbian music at 2132. (SC-NL)

1645 NETHERLANDS Napoleon’s Radio, NOV 16 2058 – “The Green Beret”, then ID.A few minutes later acknowledged Saul’s e-mail over the air, and has since sent an e-QSL to Jim and Saul. (Renfrew-2008)

1645 Sunday 16 November 2051 – classic rock format. (SC-NL)

1645 Greek speaking about Makedona, Pantocrato, an attribute of Christ (he who blesses all, an all-blessing Christ). Greek Orthodox? Or could be someone from a local village simply mentioning the church, say for a coming event. (SC-NL)

1645 NETHERLANDS RadioNapoleon, Ballad of the Green Berets Sunday 16 November 2101. Radio Napoleon ID’s, radionapoleon @ , Nfld. Announcement multiple times.

1655 NOV 16 2038 – Music from the Ventures (Renfrew-2008)

1655 Sunday 16 November 2039 – Country music. (SC-NL)

1660 NOV 16 2036 – Music from the Ventures (Renfrew-2008)

1660 Sunday 16 November with various music, folk, accordion, Barones ID, mention Czechoslovakia. GG or Dutch. (SC-NL)

1665 NETHERLANDS R. Barones, NOV 16 2057 – music and IDs. (Renfrew-2008)

1665 Sunday 16 November 2055 – Radio Barones Jim also hearing. (SC-NL)

1665 Sunday 16 November Barones presumed with Dutch or Flemish. (SC-NL)

1670 Sunday 16 November 2044 – Strong with shouting in phone call, or hams. (SC-NL)

1670 Sunday 16 November Guy shouting hams or phone. Language uncertain. (SC-NL)

1670 Sunday 16 November Greek talk, very strong, mentions of Makedona, pulsating dance or trance music, 2140+. Macedonia region includes parts of Macedonia, Bulgaria and Greece. Little bit of music is a drum kit jingle, likely signature music. (SC-NL)

1671 Sunday 16 November 2120 Sirtaki, sounds Greek. (SC-NL)

1677 SPAIN Machichaco Radio, NOV 17 1910 – weather reports (Renfrew-2008)

1695 Sunday 16 November 2149 Female with Russian-style Gypsy song, too distorted to discern actual language, later man singing Greek Sirtaki music with buzuki. Talk is non-Slavic, second track is modernised Greek folk. (SC-NL)

1696 Sunday 16 November Greek Sirtaki music on buzuki. Middle-Eastern music sung in Greek. Cuts suddenly 21:44:55. (SC-NL)

1697.79 UNID NOV 16 2142 - music (Renfrew-2008)

1700 NOV 16 2056 – Spanish talk (Renfrew-2008)

1700 Sunday 16 November 2040 – Greek music. Sirtaki music (Greek), speaking. Greek. (SC-NL)

1700 Sunday 16 November 2055 – Man talking maybe Spanish. (Station from Americas?) (SC-NL)

1711 NOV 16 2145 – man speaking (Renfrew-2008)

1730 NOV 16 2050 – sounded like religious talk (Renfrew-2008)

1730 Sunday 16 November 024 slightly funky Arabic-sounding music, brief talk, 2147, seems to go off, something fainter in its place with softer music. Kolo, a type of south-Slavic dance, very modernized, no one would do this (electric) guitar solo in a traditional piece. Hi, Eh Ciao. (Possibly Serbian-Croatian), then second bit of music is different but uncertain about what it is. (SC-NL)

1732 Sunday 16 November TIME – Into Serbian music. Translated from Serbian: “I work during the day, and in the evenings it’s cool, my health is good now, Sumadinac calling.” This is a nickname playing on his locational identity. Music from Sumadija, a part of Serbia south of Belgrade. Speaker is rural, speaking ungrammatically. Monologue seems personal and casual. (SC-NL)


267 GREENLAND NN Nanortalik, NOV 14 0845 (Renfrew-2008)

272 CAPE VERDE SAL Sal Island, NOV 13 0117 (Renfrew-2008)

276 GREENLAND SI Simiutaq, NOV 13 0018, very slow, sounds more like OM (Renfrew-2008)

296 GREENLAND KU Kook Island, NOV 13 0125 (Renfrew-2008)

322 TRINIDAD TAB Crown Point, NOV 14 0858 (Renfrew-2008)

328 PORTUGAL POR Porto, NOV 12 1935 (Renfrew-2008)

329 GREENLAND FH Frederikshab, NOV 13 2320 (Renfrew-2008)

331 PORTUGAL FAR Faro (Renfrew-2008)

332 USA FIS Key West, NOV 14 0902 (Renfrew-2008)

335 MADEIRA PST Porto Santo, NOV 11 2229 (Renfrew-2008)

340 NORWAY LL Leirin, NOV 13 2339 (Renfrew-2008)

340 UNID GJE NOV 17 2210 – Gjogur Iceland is on 340 with GJ ID, Harmut Wollff in Germany logged this one on NOV 21 and there was no “E”. (Renfrew-2008)

357 GREENLAND NA(E) Narsarsuaq, NOV 11 0647.NOV 17 2026 noted as NAE (Renfrew-2008)

363 AZORES HT Horta, NOV 11 0638 (Renfrew-2008)

364 ANTIGUA ZDX St. John’s, NOV 13 2357 (Renfrew-2008)

366 CANADA 3R Postville, NOV 17 2026 (Renfrew-2008)

372 CANADA GR Grindstone, NOV 11 0637 (Renfrew-2008)

373 CANADA 1A Williams Harbor, NOV 17 2023 (Renfrew-2008)

374 GREENLAND OZN Prins Christian Sund, NOV 11 0636 (Renfrew-2008)

376 ICELAND VM Vestmannaeyar, NOV 11 0635 (Renfrew-2008)

378 BAHAMAS ZIN Matthew Town, NOV 11 0634 (Renfrew-2008)

378 GREENLAND (t) DA(E) Kulusuq, NOV 11 0633 (Renfrew-2008)

378 NORWAY REK Rekster, NOV 14 0009 (Renfrew-2008)

381 FRANCE HO Colmar, NOV 11 0630 (Renfrew-2008)

382 GREENLAND SF Sondostrom (Renfrew-2008)

384 IRELAND SLG Sligo, NOV 14 0012 (Renfrew-2008)

383 AZORES FIL Horta (Renfrew-2008)

388 ST. PIERRE SP St. Pierre, NOV 12 0611 (Renfrew-2008)

386 GREENLAND CP Constable Point, NOV 12 0610 (Renfrew-2008)

391 ICELAND KF Keflavik, NOV 14 0018 (Renfrew-2008)

400 UNID MQF NOV 13 0407 (Renfrew-2008)

402 MOROCCO AML Agadir, NOV 14 2045 (Renfrew-2008)

405 UNID AVVV NOV 14 0026 (Renfrew-2008)

407 LIBYA SRT Sirte, NOV 14 0032 (6 seconds between groups, so not SRT Turkey) (Renfrew-2008)

408 SPAIN GRA Granada, NOV 13 0140 (Renfrew-2008)

409 SWEDEN SG Sotermas, NOV 13 0135 (Renfrew-2008)

410 BRAZIL PEL Ponta Pelada, NOV 12 0532 (Renfrew-2008)

410 SPAIN C La Coruna, NOV 13 2317 (Renfrew-2008)

415 UNID ANL Nov 12 0533 (Renfrew-2008)

417 SWEDEN AH Angelholm, NOV 13 0143 (Renfrew-2008)

417 UNID VI NOV 13 0410 (Renfrew-2008)

417 UNID L NOV 13 0411 (Renfrew-2008)

418 SWEDEN MF Halmstad, NOV 13 0143 (Renfrew-2008)

419 UNID RD NOV 13 0148 (Renfrew-2008)

420 AZORES PI Pico Island, NOV 13 2318 (Renfrew-2008)

419 FINLAND HY Vaasa, NOV 14 2138 (Renfrew-2008)

421 SPAIN GE Madrid NOV 12 0534 (Renfrew-2008)

420 UNID ML NOV 13 0149 (Renfrew-2008)

421 SERBIA ZO Nis, NOV 13 0420 (Renfrew-2008)

421 DENMARK FE Odense, NOV 14 2139 (Renfrew-2008)

425 PORTUGAL EVR Evora, NOV 13 0153 (Renfrew-2008)

428 AZORES CG Santa Cruz, NOV 17 2217 (Renfrew-2008)

428 SPAIN MNF Moron de La Frontera, NOV 13 0159 (Renfrew-2008)

429 GEORGIA LU Batumi, NOV 13 0200 (Renfrew-2008)

430 NORWAY SAY Stornoway, NOV 13 0204 (Renfrew-2008)

431 SPAIN JER Jerez, NOV 13 0212 (Renfrew-2008)

432 ALGERIA HMB Hammam (Renfrew-2008)

433 SPAIN JER Jerez, NOV 17 2218 (Renfrew-2008)

435 LIBYA GHT Ghat, NOV 13 0440 – delayed “T” (Renfrew-2008)

505 USA WE2XGR/2 (Renfrew-2008)

504 USA WE2XGR/6 (Renfrew-2008)

520 BRAZIL BHZ Belo Horizonte (Renfrew-2008)

1065 BELARUS W Vitebsk, NOV 16 2322 (Renfrew-2008)

1677 SPAIN Machichaco Radio, NOV 17 1910 – marine weather in Spanish and English for the “West Coast” (Renfrew-2008)

1677 SPAIN Cabo de Penas Radio, NOV 17 1916 – marine weather, alternating with Machichaco, lifeboat request from a Russian boat. (Renfrew-2008)

1707 SPAIN Machichaco Radio, NOV 17 1925 – parallel to 1677. (Renfrew-2008)


4910 INIDA AIR Itanagar, NOV 18 0025 – sign-on. (Renfrew-2008)

4970 INDIA AIR Shillong, NOV 18 0023 – sign-on. (Renfrew-2008)

5010 INDIA AIR Thuvan, NOV 18 0020 – sign on. (Renfrew-2008)

5040 INDIA AIR Jeypore, NOV 18 0024 – sign on. (Renfrew-2008)

6925 UNID PIRATE NOV 16 0113 – all Grateful Dead music, no announcements noted. (Renfrew-2008)

11092.5 ST. HELENA RSH, NOV 15 2130 – special broadcast heard, with “Dancing Queen” and ID as “Radio St. Helena”, very poor. Improved at 2224 recheck with announcer mentioning receipt of 203 e-mails so far.Then into Spanish ID. (Renfrew-2008)


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