A. RADIO WAVES (p.540)

1. How are radio waves different from other waves on the EM spectrum?

2. What is the range of its length? (i.e. from ______ to _______ long)

3. Why do radio waves have the lowest frequencies in the spectrum?

4. How low can the frequencies get?

5. What are some uses for radio waves?

B. RADIO (p.541)

1. How many ways can a radio station code and transmit information on radio waves?

2. What must be done to a wave for it to be broadcast?

3. What does AM stand for?

4. What is changed and what stays the same in AM radio waves?

5. Draw a diagram of an AM wave:

6. What range of frequencies do AM stations use?

7. What does FM stand for?

8. What is changed and what stays the same in FM radio waves?

9. Draw a diagram of an FM wave:

10. What range of frequencies do FM stations use?

11. Why do AM radio waves travel farther than FM radio waves?

C. TV (p.541)

1. What kind of waves to TVs use?

2. What is the difference between radio waves that carry radio signals and ones that carry signals for TV?

3. What two things can affect the reception of TV signals by antenna?

4. What happens to the TV signal when it is being transmitted by satellite?

5. What is the difference between having a satellite dish and having cable service?


1. What kind of radio wave is a microwave?

2. What is the range of a microwave’s wavelength? (i.e. from ____ to ____ long)

3. What is the range of a microwave’s frequencies? (i.e. from ____ to ____)

4. What are microwaves used for? (at least 2 things)

5. How do microwaves help heat up food?

6. Why does food that is heated by microwaves have to stand for a few minutes after heating? How is the heat transmitted to the center of the food?

E. RADAR (p.542)

1. What does the word ‘radar’ stand for?

2. How does radar work?

3. How can the Doppler effect be used to find the speed of a moving car?


1. How does the frequencies of infrared rays compare to the frequencies of radio waves and to red light?

2. What is the range of an infrared ray’s wavelength? (i.e. from ____ to ____ long

3. What are some uses for infrared rays? Give at least 2 examples.

4. What is a thermograph? What is a thermogram? How do they work?

5. What are thermographs used for?

6. How can infrared cameras help search-and-rescue teams?


1. What is visible light?

2. What is visible light used for?

3. What color has the longest wavelength and lowest frequency?

4. What color has the shortest wavelength and highest frequency?

5. Recreate the visible spectrum by identifying the color, wavelength, and frequency of each particular color on the spectrum. You can make a chart or represent it another way as long as you include each part.


1. What is the range of an ultraviolet ray’s wavelength? (i.e. from ____ to ____ long)

2. How does the frequencies of ultraviolet rays compare to the frequencies of visible light and to X-rays?

3. What are ultraviolet rays used for?

4. What do UV rays help our skin produce?

5. How can UV rays be harmful to our skin?

6. How can UV rays help disinfect things?

7. How are UV rays used in agriculture?

I. X-RAYS (p.544)

1. What is the range of an X-ray’s wavelength? (i.e. from ____ to ____ long)

2. How does the frequencies of X-rays compare to the frequencies of ultraviolet rays and to gamma rays?

3. What can X-rays do that light cannot?

4. What are X-rays used for? (Give at least 3 examples)

5. How can X-rays be harmful to us?

J. GAMMA RAYS (p.545)

1. How are gamma rays different from other waves on the EM spectrum?

2. What is the range of a gamma ray’s wavelength? (i.e. from ____ to ?)

3. Since they have the highest frequencies on the EM spectrum, what do they have the most of?

4. How can gamma rays be used in the medical field? (give at least 2 examples)

5. How can gamma rays be used in construction and repairs?


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