
ACFNATIONALS: Questions by Ike Jose, Billy Busse, Andrew Wang, and Austin ListerudPacket 071. In Greenhorn mode, the player can use this item more often than in Oldhand mode. The Fog Pot grants this object a teleportation ability. After Billy Busse got stuck, he went on to GameFAQs and learned that he should use his cell phone’s video camera to defeat a tough talking wall named Blockhead Grande, whose weak points are attacked using this weapon. It is used to guide Kagu, Kurow, and Kuni to treasure chests. This object grants its user the power to climb walls that have statues of a (*) cat next to them after visiting Catcall Tower. This tool is used to help Kokari fish up the Giant Salmon which has eaten the key to Tsuta Ruins, and it restores Guardian Saplings to remove cursed zones. This object can be used to perform techniques like Cherry Bomb and Power Slash, which each cost one Ink Pot. For 10 points, name this artistic tool used by Amaterasu to defeat enemies and solve puzzles in Okami. ANSWER: Celestial Brush [accept descriptive answers like “the brush from Okami” or “the brush from Okamiden”]2. A coffin made of this material is etched with the words “My daughter, may your beauty be eternal.” The lands home to this material is where the party fights an optional boss who states “Money makes the world go around” when he uses his Golden Flurry Attack - that man Daikokuya, is the wealthiest man in the world. Mages who were associated with this material constructed an Old World city that is unharmed by the (*) Rains of Destruction since it consists of a series of towers connected by walkways. Those mages have long since disappeared, and the only way to enter that city is by reinforcing the hull of the Delphinus. A strong affinity with this element is useful in casting Sylenis and Crystallen, the latter of which impales a monster with a giant shard of it. For 10 points, name this substance associated with the Purple Moon in Arcadia.ANSWER: ice [prompt on “purple” magic]3. This instrument accompanies the clapping in the battle music for Persephone in Wild Arms 5. The electric guitar and this instrument provide the main melody to “Sealed Time,” which plays as you scale the clock tower in Ys: The Oath in Felghana. In Star Ocean 1, you raise your chance of learning Talents during item creation when you use this instrument. It provides the A-melody to “Exchange of Courtesies,” the song that plays when Cloud meets Zack for the first time in Crisis Core, as well as the A-melody to “The True Mirror,” the battle theme of Baten Kaitos. A keyboard that has been programmed to resemble this instrument provides the A-melody to “Leap the Precipice,” the battle theme of Eternal Sonata. The climactic moments of “Blinded by Light,” the battle theme of (*) FF 13 make use of this instrument. For 10 points, name this stringed musical instrument.ANSWER: violin4. One NPC in this town claims that people who disagree with his organization are “opposed to peace.” This town contains a self-service shop which sells eggs and bananas; stealing from that shop and talking to a nearby NPC causes you to get attacked by an Unassuming Local Guy. After talking to an imprisoned girl in this town, an overweight villain orders two guys and a Spiteful Crow to attack you. A cave lying east of this location contains the Mondo Mole, who guards the Lilliput Steps, which is the second (*) Your Sanctuary location. The Franklin Badge is used to deflect the lightning attacks of a boss in this town who has been brainwashed by the Mani Mani statue--that boss, who leads a group of people whose robes and pointed hats resemble those of the KKK, is Mr. Carpainter. For 10 points, name this town in Earthbound, the home of a cult which desires to paint the world blue.ANSWER: Happy Happy Village5. One character with this word as his first name ends the game he appears in by falling asleep for five hundred years at the center of the Holy Land of Noire; another character with this first name ends the game he appears in by falling asleep in his bed as he dreams of a bird that flies around the world he built. A third character with this name develops feelings for Kukuru and is a boy who searches for his father Yoshu. Heath is known as this kind of “knight” in a series of games starring Alph, in which this word is modified by (*) “Luminous.” As a vehicle, it is the boss protecting the Gulug Stone in Oelivert, and it also names the location in which you battle Cid Raines in FF 13. A “lad” of this name titles three Playstation RPGs. For 10 points give this word, which is the type of vehicle in which you can shoot some animals in a Bible Adventures video game made using the Wolfenstein engine.ANSWER: Arc or Ark [accept L’Arc Bright Lagoon or Arc the Lad]6. A sign in the ruins of this city reads "SUPERCHARGE YOU WEAPON!!! ENHANCE SIZE AND ABILITY!!! NEVER LET YOUR FRIENDS/FAMILY DOWN!!! INCREDIBLE GERMAN TECHNOLOGY IN ACTION!!!" A location named for this city contains a statue of its dictator which has 100 million HP, requiring the use of a bomb named for a holiday to defeat it. In this city, Dr. Klamp proposes selfish-gene theory to explain why the protagonist's mitochondria are evolving for survival. Aya Brea (*) fights a mass of liver cells which resembles her sister Maya at the end of Parasite Eve in this city. This city names a utopia created by Porky which is visited by Lucas during the final chapter of Mother 3. The gym leader Burgh and namesake ice cream cones are found in a fictional city based on this one. For 10 points, what American city inspired Castelia City in Pokemon Black and White?ANSWER: New York City [accept Neo New York City; New Pork City ]7. In one game, this entity gives the magician-villain a pet named Gy-Laguiah, and uses a wave of dark magic to mortally wound Alys. In another game, this entity, along with its counterpart the Olga Flow, is killed over and over again until it fuses to become Endu. In a game subtitled “At the end of the restoration,” this entity takes over the Mother Brain, a computer responsible for controlling climate. In another game, this entity is sealed away on Ragol and takes over Red Ring Rico’s body. This entity endows Zio and his cult with a bunch of magical power in a game subtitled “The (*) End of the Millennium,” and it possesses the King of Lashiec, the ruler of Algo in a game where Alis seeks to punish those responsible for killing her older brother. For 10 points, name this ancient evil behind pretty much every villainous character in the Phantasy Star games.ANSWER: Dark Force or Dark Falz or the Profound Darkness8. To recruit secret characters, this character has to clear all three floors of the Colliery Underground. In a sidequest, this character defeats Worker 7 to help Beowulf turn Reis back from a dragon into her human form. This character, who is not a blue mage, can obtain his strongest attack by fighting the assassins Celia and Lede, who must transform into demons and hit this character with said attack. The exploits of this character are detailed in a set of papers discovered by the historian (*) Arazlam Durai. This character can greatly increase his stats using the ability Scream. This is the only character who can have a Faith stat above 94 without deserting the party due to extreme piety. This brother of Alma and friend of Delita is branded a heretic by the Church of Glabados during his participation in the War of the Lions. For 10 points, name this protagonist of FF Tactics.ANSWER: Ramza Beoulve [accept “Beowulf Cadmus” before his name is read]9. In one route, this character, along with the Great Spirits of Hope, and Goodwill, must be obtained to remove the Firmament above Tokyo. In that route, this character, in proper quizbowl fashion, contains the Great Spirit of Spite. In one ending, this character stands on the rooftop of a castle with the protagonist watching the surroundings burn, and asks the protagonist if he will “rise to rule [the sons of man]?” This figure is restored to his true power thanks to the sacrifice of (*) Walter, and spends most of the game as the oddly knowledgeable schoolgirl Hikaru. In the Law route this character must be defeated in order to access the Yamato Reactor, and in general this character opposes Merkabah. When entering East Mikado, this character asks God why he is “making us suffer.” For 10 points name this character who assists the player in the Chaos route of Shin Megami Tensei 4.ANSWER: Lucifer [accept Hikaru before mentioned]10. In Rudra No Hihou, Sion gets around to the Dagda Shrine, the Lugh Shrine and the Garal Tunnel by riding on these vehicles. In Hatoful Boyfriend, Nageki is fond of Kenji Miyazawa’s story about Giovanna riding one of these. One of the wonders of the simulated Twilight Town is one of these vehicles that appears after sunset. The primary method of moving between the Sebucus Islands and the Karisto Kingdom is this kind of transportation in (*) Legend of Legaia. This kind of vehicle allows travel between the Protectorate and the Observatory, and is given to the protagonist after he eats a fygg to regain immortality, as it is used by Celestrians and cannot be used by mortals. That golden type of this vehicle is summoned with the use of Sterling's whistle, though it is piloted by the fairy Stella for most of Dragon Quest 9. For 10 points, name this kind of vehicle, which shuttles passengers through the air.ANSWER: sky trains [or flying trains, or hovering trains, or any other obvious equivalent that involves a train that goes into the air, or even a galactic train, prompt on “trains”]11. The “Sword of Mana” is obtained in a Legend of Mana mission titled for a cage of these. Seto uses his flashlight to explore the ruins of Tokyo in an RPG titled for the fragile kind of these. Two characters travel through this sort of world and meet Neku Sakuraba, Beat and Rhyme from another game as part of their Mark of Mastery exam. In the DS version of Chrono Trigger, conquering all three dimensional vortexes and using the bucket to travel to Time’s Eclipse leads to a fight with a devourer of these. To enter Kolima Forest in (*) Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, the party must heal a curse on a tree named for these by eating its leaves, which transport the player to the Phantasmal Bog. These provide the first word to the subtitles of a 3DS Mario & Luigi game and a 3DS Kingdom Hearts game. The mists surrounding Musharna are influenced by--for 10 points--what things eaten by Drowzee?ANSWER: dreams [accept the “world of sleep”]12. A game named after these creatures contains an alternate mode called Asagi Wars, and in that game, these creatures are sent out to find a thief who stole a pair of panties. In a location run by these creatures, you can be awarded felony charges for things like “Your Existence,” “Liking Guys,” and “Being a Loser.” These creatures, which always decide that you are guilty at the Dark Court, can have their soul freed via the Red Moon. After defeating Baal, he reappears in the form of an (*) Uber one of these creatures and has a suit of one of these creatures equipped. In one game they have ranks that go from Private to God, and can be ranked up in a namesake land where they somehow don’t explode when thrown. These creatures appear in most of Nippon Ichi’s games. For 10 points name these penguin like creatures from the Disgaea games.ANSWER: Prinny [or Plinnies or Plinis]13. This word is paired with sparks in the name of Flynn’s battle theme from Tales of Vesperia. Emil Castaganier can use the Blade this as an arte and attach the ice attack Glacies to it. In Magic Pengel, this word appears in the name of the most powerful wind attack. It names the ring in Lost Odyssey that increases the chances of landing a critical hit. In the Tales series, this word is combined with the word “swallow” to name a technique in which you phase through the enemy and uppercut. This word names a quantity that decreases from 100% to 99% while moving, and in (*) Star Ocean 3, having 100% of it will allow you to deflect weak attacks. It is also the first word of an attack that is the bug semi-analogue of rollout. The status effect of this name is sometimes called rage and is the opposite of sadness. For 10 points, name this word that identifies some “swipes” in the Pokemon franchise.ANSWER: fury14. This location’s bizarre theme, which consists of whistles and bells, is called “Silence and Motion.” This city is home to Don Juan's Junk Shop and Cloud's Shop, and official sources tell me that the soldiers of this city wield swords that have shotguns hidden inside of them. This city lies on the other side of the now desiccated "Great Salt Lake," where you fight a demon like monster called Abaddon. While travelling throughout this city, such as going to its presidential palace or (*) Dr. Ondine's labs, you will often see clear glass tubes that have been colored red, yellow or green. After it is salvaged from the sea, the Lunatic Pandora hovers over this city and goes to Tear Point. Shortly afterwards, this place is overrun by monsters. Cloaking technologically surrounds this rival of Galbadia. For 10 points, name this technologically impressive city and nation-state from FF 8.ANSWER: Esthar15. At the beginning of Crimson Gem Saga, Killian oversleeps and is late to a meeting at this sort of place, where Herbert von Guterian is being honored. The “magic” type of this kind of place is home to a series of trials in which you must push crates onto switches and place explosive frogs in between pillars in Pier Solar. Thirteen members from this sort of institution seek to become the Agito and avert the Tempus Finis. Dr. Arecia Al-Rashia leads an elite group of people named for various cards in a deck from one of these places that tries to protect (*) Orience in FF Type Zero. In FF 8, it turns out that one of these locations named Balamb Gardens can fly and is lead by Headmaster Cid. For 10 points, name these locations that are popular in JRPGs, probably because you can find studious, young, good-looking senpai who are easy to relate to.ANSWER: schools [accept more specific types of "schools" or synonyms]16. One of these figures named Leonid possesses the holy grail and awaits for his future master to take it in Romancing SaGa 3. A sardine obsessed demonic character of this type tries to take over the Netherworld in Disgaea 4 and is named Valvatorez. One of these figures tries to slumber eternally in the Blue Castle; that's Keith Valentine from Shadow Hearts. Two of these figures strap a bomb to Eric and must be fought on the lost continent of Mu in Illusion of Gaia. In Suikoden II, the Moon Rune is possessed by one of these figures named (*) Sierra, who joins you after defeating another one of these figures named Neclord. It’s not a tiger, but a Boomerang’s Orb can be obtained from one of these enemies fought in the Northtown Ruins in Secret of Mana. For 10 points, the lines "What is a man?... A miserable little pile of secrets" is spoken by what kind of character from Castlevania?ANSWER: vampires17. One bishie with this color hair inherits the alchemically created fairies from his brother Ernst and is a dark mercenary who joins the party at an island off the coast of Altago. In addition to Geis, Noctis has blue and this color hair, as is exemplified by the Episode Duscae section of FF 15. Another character with this color hair is a thief who is promoted to an assassin after (*) Commander Greil’s son pays him for his services. The party member Gustav from Infinite Undiscovery has white and this color fur. This is the color hair of the assassin Volke. A character with this color hair is suspected to be a mass murderer by Emil Castagnier and is exiled from Iselia with his friend Genis. Cute animals with this color fur include Sentret and Bidoof, depending on who you ask. For 10 points, name this color hair that Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia and Squall from FF 8 possess.ANSWER: brown18. The Duchy of Hibernia and the Pharastria Kingdom wage war using these weapons in the medieval game Vanguard Bandits. Rahu is the only entity capable of taking the form of one of these weapons in a game in which these weapons are used in the Holosseum. In one game, these weapons are necessary due to the collapse of the Glory System causing the Great Fall. Ash Faruk, Thomas Norland, and Lisa Stanley use these weapons called wanzer in a game set in Alandesh, aka Bandgladesh, (*) Front Mission 2. Shion frequently uses a weapon of this type whose full name indicates it is an Anti-Gnosis Weapon System, or "AGWS." (pronounced "Aygs") The Proud Clod from FF 7 is one of these. For 10 points, Renmazuo, Vierge, and Weltall are examples of what kind of weapons, which are piloted by the main characters of Xenogears?ANSWER: mechas [prompt on robots, accept piloted robots]19. A final boss fight that takes place in one of these locations plays a fantastic theme that was originally called “Final Battle to the Death” and was renamed “Kurayami·no·kumo” in the Black Mages cover of it. In one game, this kind of location is only accessible by chasing the shadow of the bird Empyrea. To defeat a final boss in one of these locations, it must first be weakened by defeating Echidna, Ahriman, Cerberus, and Two Headed Dragon. After fighting Baramos, the protagonist of Dragon Quest 3 ends up in this sort of location; that type of this location TURNS OUT to be Alefgard from the original game (*) :OOOO [“audible gasp”]. The kingdom of Lo-rule is one of these locations which contains a golden step pyramid in its center and seven maidens which were sealed in crystals here by Aghanim. For 10 points, name these locations, exemplified by the second overworld to A Link to the Past.ANSWER: Dark World [accept equivalents such as World of Darkness or Shadow World prompt on bullshit like “Mirror Worlds” or “Bizarro World”]20. This crime is punishable by a million years sentence in a Panopticon in the game Freedom Wars. Kenichi Fujiwara wrote a novel titled for this act which is the first sequel to Persona 4. In the bad ending to Shadow Hearts Covenant, Yuri develops this condition and lives out his days with Roger Bacon. Shortly after visiting the Primeval Lands in the Great Forest, this happens to Adol. This also happens to Cezary Regard after he tried to capture a canary. It is reversed when Will plays a melancholy (*) tune for Lance in the game Illusion of Gaia. Fei is put in this state upon arriving at Lahan 3 years prior to the events of Xenogears. As revealed to Squall and Quistis, the use of Guardian Forces induces this state. A psychic type move that sharply increases its user’s special defense is named for this condition. For 10 points, name this condition which affects many characters who don't know their name.ANSWER: amnesia [accept getting amnesia, or other such answers involving "losing your memory." accept the crime of being born ] ................

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