
Task Seven – Rainforest HomesEnquiry Question – Why would it not be possible for Boukou’s home to be like your home? -26239351269InformationBoukou lives with his mother, father, two brothers, a little sister and two grandparents. It is normal for the Baka people to live in small groups of families like this.The women in the family build a temporary hut constructed of bowed branches covered in large leaves, called Mongulus. Sometimes they add other plant material to the dome of leaves in order to make the roof waterproof. Every time they move camp, they build a new one!Their huts are usually small inside and have basic items such as a bed and shelves, which are all made from wood that they collect in the forest. These are common houses for many tribes that live in rainforests all across the world. 00InformationBoukou lives with his mother, father, two brothers, a little sister and two grandparents. It is normal for the Baka people to live in small groups of families like this.The women in the family build a temporary hut constructed of bowed branches covered in large leaves, called Mongulus. Sometimes they add other plant material to the dome of leaves in order to make the roof waterproof. Every time they move camp, they build a new one!Their huts are usually small inside and have basic items such as a bed and shelves, which are all made from wood that they collect in the forest. These are common houses for many tribes that live in rainforests all across the world. 3728388939520017164338536600left7048500-254442146050TaskUsing natural/recycled materials, which you can find in the classroom/around your house and outside, build your own model of a rainforest home. Here’s some examples of what it may look like.00TaskUsing natural/recycled materials, which you can find in the classroom/around your house and outside, build your own model of a rainforest home. Here’s some examples of what it may look like.center238843003677202129371600-126917119722300Task Eight – Daily LifeEnquiry Question – How may the differences between yours and Boukou’s daily life impact on the opportunities you both have?-23201245693InformationWhile Boukou’s father goes hunting with the other men, his mother and other women in the community teach all the children about various forest activities.Some Baka children attend local schools but this is not very common as they are always moving around. Also, schools, which everyone has to pay for in Cameroon, are too expensive for most of them to afford.The Baka people practice traditional medicine using the healing power of the rainforest plants and skills handed down from generation to generation. Another typical activity is weaving mats and baskets out of leaves and other forest material. There are lots of different weaves depending on the different models and uses for baskets. They are also skilled in making hunting weapons, musical instruments, cooking equipment and clothes from the materials that they harvest from the forest.They all worship a forest spirit known as Jengi, considered the great spirit and guardian of the forest. Men, women and children all like to sing songs accompanied by drumming, dance traditional dances and perform drama. These show how they worship the forest and each successful hunt is followed by a dance of thanksgiving. There are rituals to mark marriages and deaths of community members, and to celebrate women and men becoming adults. The healers dance too. They dance a special dance to cure sickness and disease that anybody in the community has.00InformationWhile Boukou’s father goes hunting with the other men, his mother and other women in the community teach all the children about various forest activities.Some Baka children attend local schools but this is not very common as they are always moving around. Also, schools, which everyone has to pay for in Cameroon, are too expensive for most of them to afford.The Baka people practice traditional medicine using the healing power of the rainforest plants and skills handed down from generation to generation. Another typical activity is weaving mats and baskets out of leaves and other forest material. There are lots of different weaves depending on the different models and uses for baskets. They are also skilled in making hunting weapons, musical instruments, cooking equipment and clothes from the materials that they harvest from the forest.They all worship a forest spirit known as Jengi, considered the great spirit and guardian of the forest. Men, women and children all like to sing songs accompanied by drumming, dance traditional dances and perform drama. These show how they worship the forest and each successful hunt is followed by a dance of thanksgiving. There are rituals to mark marriages and deaths of community members, and to celebrate women and men becoming adults. The healers dance too. They dance a special dance to cure sickness and disease that anybody in the community has.-2320124860715TaskAbove you have learned about the daily life of the Baka community in Cameroon. Your task is to now research another community that reside in a different rainforest and to create a fact sheet/fact file, PowerPoint or annotated sketches presenting the information you have found out. 00TaskAbove you have learned about the daily life of the Baka community in Cameroon. Your task is to now research another community that reside in a different rainforest and to create a fact sheet/fact file, PowerPoint or annotated sketches presenting the information you have found out. -2320123059212Research Use the following links to find out more: Use the following links to find out more: ................

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