
09:03:28 cotton and pop up about the recording, based on request and what we've been doing since we've been zoom zooming these meetings is recording them so and then posting them, so that folks can access them who aren't able to attend during this time or are off09:03:46 today or whatever that might be.09:03:49 Welcome everyone to our first business partners roundtable of fiscal year 2122.09:03:58 Excuse me, I'm Gina curry the Associate Vice President for Financial Services and your host today.09:04:06 And I'd like to welcome my team of folks who will be presenting as well. The agenda is up I did ask Jeannie to kind of zoom into it rather than show the whole thing it was a little bit of an eye test on zoom.09:04:20 But in addition to that I'm old and I can't see very well so I want to make sure that I can follow along.09:04:26 Jeannie put some effort in adjusting our agendas a little bit in that she is has put together a slightly different style, where the agenda is listed on the left hand side of the agenda now.09:04:41 And then we've provided the links to some of the key departments and our like our training catalog and so forth. And that's something that will remain on the agenda, going forward, and then the the left hand side will change for each business partners09:04:57 Roundtable. We hope you can find that helpful if you need to reference, any of the things that we're talking about today or the departments.09:05:06 So, we are going to move into the first section, which is my section.09:05:14 And they will give me a minute to look at this, to bring that up.09:05:35 Apologies I'm used to doing this from two computers and now I'm trying to do it on one computer and it's much more difficult.09:05:46 Thank you.09:05:50 Okay.09:05:59 It's not, it's not clicking forward for you.09:06:06 Trying to get it.09:06:09 Here we go. so right. So, yeah, a lot of times that doesn't work.09:06:15 You mentioned that yesterday in our meeting mark.09:06:19 So welcome back for some of our all of you You are transitioning back onto campus, maybe for the first time in many, many months. So for those of you that are just arriving back welcome back.09:06:35 You can see elf is pretty excited to have you here, as are we, and I hope that as you know you're all wandering around campus that I will get to see you face to face in 3d.09:06:49 I'm pretty excited about that. So, we are excited to be back.09:06:55 There were no comment cards from the April 2021 BPRT and we call them comment cards although they would be virtual they would be emails or whatever but there was there was nobody with questions.09:07:07 As of, the last VPRT so we're going to move past that.09:07:11 You can send your comments directly to our kind of generic email in financial services, it's been services hyphen ADP at CSU s.edu.09:07:25 If you have any comments or suggestions for business partners roundtable09:07:31 or any of the departments, etc.09:07:34 Um, so the first thing we want to kick off is talk about financial services training.09:07:40 beyond ad hoc training that any of your departments have been requesting from folks like procurement, or accounting and so forth. We haven't had organized sort of training in a while, and beyond the pandemic it was even before that.09:07:57 We think it's time to kind of circle back around there been probably turn over some new folks, folks that need a refresher on some things. So we will be reactivating our standard training catalog for all the different departments of financial services.09:08:15 They all have had at least one that they did most of them were like a one on one, one on one. ap 101 verse 101 those sorts of things that are kind of all the general information and how you would interface with those departments as business partners.09:08:31 However, the sorry I don't know how to turn that off.09:08:43 The other thing that we want to do though is the are those meeting your needs or is there something new that has come up or, or an area that you want us to focus on in these particular departments, so very soon.09:08:52 We'll be sending out a survey to the business partners listserv, which is a pretty wide I think we have something like 450 folks or so on that email list, and it asked to have you take that survey to determine your needs and interests to make sure that09:09:09 we're providing you the training that you want or need.09:09:14 So that should be coming out maybe sometime early next month, so that we can begin to work on that and address that in addition to activating.09:09:23 Some of the trainings that already are in existence but that we haven't conducted in a while.09:09:30 So we will be making updates to the Financial Services Training catalog. If you go now to the website, you will find it will show you some screenshots of that that it just shows like you know procurement one on one, future dates and then has nothing,09:09:45 so that that's where we will begin to post with those dates are as we move forward. And of course we'll continue to announce them we can will use business matters at Sac State to send the information to you as well as future business partners roundtables09:10:00 to announce them, but anytime you can go to the training website to do that.09:10:06 And then the other thing is will be putting those trainings on true but I think many of you have now experienced that most trainings and events are being pushed to trauma, which is really helpful.09:10:18 It helps the trainers to sort of have a registration platform. But in addition to that, it provides a calendar invite you, I hope you've signed up for it for business partners roundtable are not signed up for it but used it for business partners Roundtable,09:10:33 so that it. You have an option to download a calendar.09:10:39 Meeting do dad on it.09:10:41 So I think that's really going to be a useful tool for both us as trainers and for you to get those on your calendars. So, that is also happening with this Financial Services Training kickoff.09:10:56 Any of you had used our financial services training before sometimes it's like email Nicole Rogers and then she put together a list. And so that was pretty you know antiquated so we're stepping into the 21st century here, you've been true but we can go09:11:11 to the next slide Jeannie.09:11:13 Thank you.09:11:14 And you'll say Services Training catalog, where is that, so where it is as it exists on the Financial Services website Financial Services is actually like my department.09:11:27 In, because it's overarching for all of the financial services departments it lives on my website.09:11:34 The other departments will also put training information on their websites, but if you want to go to where the entire catalog lives. It's on my website.09:11:43 So that's where it's located find it if you went to the search and just typed in financial services, it should take you to the website and then it's the training, click link there on the right hand menu, and then when you click there, it takes you to09:11:59 that training clap catalog I mentioned, and it shows all the trainings that we've done in the past that they are linked there and they will take you to the sections, or you can scroll through the sections where they exist, and then that's where we'll09:12:13 be putting in the future dates and times, like I mentioned, they're not they're not there now. Some of them still continue to have the presentation and the agenda posted, but clearly their agendas from sometimes two years ago so you see the dates on those09:12:29 are obviously not applicable anymore.09:12:32 Okay, next.09:12:36 There's also a straight link if you want to go right to that page that will exist on this PowerPoint into the future if you want to use that.09:12:46 Okay, as far as the financial services trim the calendar for you.09:12:50 Whereas that.09:12:53 Where is that, and basically where it where it is is it lives in the bottom part where we would put where we have right now business partners roundtable for both August 18 and and October 20 which have been assigned the information.09:13:07 The information in the calendar, and then future trainings would also be listed in that calendar.09:13:18 Okay, any questions about training before I talk about the next thing.09:13:34 Okay.09:13:37 Next, um, so as you know Maddie Tyrese who is our Senior Director of accounting services left the university in March of this year, we did do a search, that was conducted in May, and in June we had interviews, and that did not result in in a candidate09:13:55 and a successful candidate. So we have begun the process again. And we will, we expect to be doing interviews in the next few weeks, heading into the first part of September as well.09:14:07 So we're, we're actively continuing to recruit that and hope to have somebody in sooner than later this fall.09:14:16 To help lead our accounting services and us teams. Please be patient with us, whenever there is a loss of leadership things have to get kind of moved around and reporting lines and so forth so just know we are actively looking to get some new leadership09:14:36 in there and hope to be able to introduce you to a new Senior Director of maybe as early as the next BPRT. That would be optimal.09:14:46 So stay tuned.09:14:51 And then finally the 2122 year end department deadlines.09:14:56 Right now we are well we typically would be rolling them out right now, we are a little bit behind. And so we are collaborating right now to determine dates and working, working with the different departments on those deadline dates.09:15:09 Be assured I mean they, they don't really start until March anyway but we like to get them in front of you and give you the fiscal year. However, we will be getting those wrapped up in September and we'll have them posted online and we'll do a BM SS when09:15:23 they're posted. And then in October, we'll discuss them again at the October Business Partners Roundtable.09:15:31 Any questions about your end deadlines.09:15:38 Okay.09:15:41 Finally our contact information, please feel free to email us with questions comments ideas.09:15:50 And, or just any questions about financial services in general, if you even if it doesn't relate TBPRT of course.09:15:58 So that's it for me.09:16:01 Our next presenters are accounts payable and travel and Carla Rodriguez and Sarah David are going to be the presenters on those I see Carla. Oh, I think I saw Sarah earlier service box.09:16:18 So, there you are. Hi Sarah.09:16:20 Okay. So take it away.09:16:25 Hello everyone and welcome back. For those working from home. Thank you for joining us.09:16:32 Next slide please.09:16:36 Okay, so it is now, 2020 was the year they acquire all of us to adapt unforeseeable circumstances, and our office was implemented, Adobe sign, one of the things that everyone can access now is the on base where you will be able to retrieve any documents09:16:55 for this fiscal year, 2122.09:17:00 We created a guideline that you can find on our website. And again, if for any reason you're not able to update any documents, feel free to reach us to to reach to our office for assistance.09:17:11 Next slide please.09:17:14 Okay.09:17:16 Again, just a reminder.09:17:18 Make sure that you're using the correct form.09:17:22 We have forums for invoices direct payment request reimbursement request.09:17:27 The Foundation has their own request. Remember the foundation is is it's a different entity.09:17:34 And one submission. One M was person mission.09:17:38 Hopefully in the future we can change this I know it's a lot of work for everyone but right now, only one invoice for submission.09:17:49 And again, this is a friendly reminder to please include the correct title your document. The way it's easier for us to access the document, and the process can be much quicker.09:18:10 Now for me for travel.09:18:14 So some travel updates. If you're not aware, starting in July, there was five additional band states that had different effective dates that went from the month of July to August, and those states are Florida Montana was Virginia, Arkansas, and North09:18:30 Dakota. So we are now up to 17 bands date for the state of California.09:18:38 So what that means if you're not familiar with ban states is that basically CSU is prohibited from approving any state funded or state sponsored travel to those states.09:18:48 It's not a CSU policy is a state of California policy. Okay.09:18:54 And if you're traveling with you I funds or possibly foundation funds, you may still be able to travel to the band states. But right now, any kind of state funding so usually using the SEC st business unit.09:19:06 We are not allowed to travel to the States.09:19:10 Unless you have a valid exception.09:19:12 There are seven exceptions to the rule, and you can find them.09:19:17 Right, put the link in here but there is a link on our website for the ABA and states and it's a BMABB 1887 is the statue.09:19:29 Next slide.09:19:32 Also starting, I'm just reminder as rq first Sarah yeah I'm sorry to interrupt was a question in the chat, specifically around the state, our conferences hosted already to have our virtual conferences hosted by band states also included know, so it's09:19:55 physically traveling to those bands states, basically. In layman's terms the state doesn't want us to spend our tax dollars in those states that have the.09:20:03 What's the word.09:20:05 Destroy laws in on them so if you're trying, if you're doing virtual that's fine as you're not traveling it's just registration, that's fine just actually physically traveling over there.09:20:15 Any other questions on Dan states.09:20:21 Okay.09:20:22 So, starting on June 1 Central travel only restriction was lifted so travel is open as long as it gets approved.09:20:32 All travel requires vaccination as a station or medical exemption, and that can either be attached to your concur request or you can write it in the comments section of your concur request.09:20:45 Also make sure that you're reviewing the latest guidance from CDC regarding the different states and the international countries.09:20:54 Okay.09:20:56 Next slide please.09:20:59 Also there is additional travel requirements so international is pretty much the same is domestic travel where there's a difference so we do are required to get Deans approval if it's under academic affairs.09:21:12 And we do need the Vice President and Provost approval for all domestic travel. Okay and the International, the same as it was previously to Kobe, which is getting the approval of Paul Hoffman, Vice President and Provost, I do see some questions.09:21:27 Okay.09:21:30 I'm Laura luck is there a formal process for requesting exemption to a band travel to a band state.09:21:43 Um, no, you just still do the request and concur, it will actually flag it when you, we have a flag that was a question to ask your challenge advanced state, check yes if you are, and then it will require you to identify was one of the seven exceptions09:21:51 to the policy.09:21:53 And that's they'll go through the approval process that way.09:21:58 And then we have a question Who's confirming a vaccination, so station for trouble requests.09:22:06 Basically, we are doing that accounts payable so if you ever see and if you pay attention to the statuses when in concur where it says pending admin approval.09:22:15 That is actually set up, and we are verifying that we have all the correct signatures and that we have some form of vaccination Association in there.09:22:26 Any more questions. Let's see.09:22:30 Um, okay.09:22:35 So that's basically all our current travel updates, do we have any other questions09:22:40 for AB, or for AP or travel.09:22:46 No. Okay, well thank you guys have a good day.09:22:53 Thank you, Carla and Sarah.09:22:59 Give a moment for God to get that together.09:23:11 So next we have the bazaars office and Nicole Rogers will be presenting on behalf of the bursaries office.09:23:19 doing a pressie.09:23:21 So here we go. Good morning everyone.09:23:24 We did go over this information in the April BPRT but we just wanted to do it again as a reminder to highlight a couple dates. So next slide please.09:23:38 You should be able to press the spacebar.09:24:05 Alright so as you can see this is our registration chart here, and we're currently in late registration. And so these are our continuing students, new students wanting to change their schedules, they are able to do this through next Thursday, August 26,09:24:23 their due date will be on that Friday. And so we will. We're doing some messaging now to remind them of their due dates, but they will get a final message that Thursday night, I'm letting them know their fees are do on that Friday.09:24:37 And so this is important because we look at possibly canceling students that haven't paid, because starting on Monday, they will start receiving prorated fees and so if you have any students you're working with, and they are registering right now, please09:24:51 remind them it's very very important for them to pay their fees by Friday, another section of our chart that really hits the department's is the last one is sep tember 13th of September 24, that is when we add our prepayment holds, and so no one can add09:25:09 into classes, if a student has a prepayment hold.09:25:14 This is only for students who are at zero units and so if you're just trying to add a class to a student who already has classes, this will not affect you.09:25:21 But if a student is starting at zero units and trying to add during this period, they will need to have a conversation with our office the first hours office or pre pay their fees next door.09:25:32 And so if you do see that hold. you can always refer them over to us.09:25:42 So again, August 27 Friday before the first day of instruction is the deadline for students to withdraw, and receive a 100% fee credit and registration is closed on that Friday so students will need to submit a withdraw form through their student center,09:25:57 they won't be able to drop their classes themselves if they're trying to do that on the Friday before school starts. Beginning on Monday is when we start charging our prorated fees, and it's about 1% of their registration fees per day.09:26:12 If a student is trying to calculate it so for a full time undergrad it's about 38 $39 per day that they are charged for each day that they're enrolled.09:26:21 So again if you're working with students please just let them know you need to drop all your classes or, I'm sorry submit the withdrawal form before the first day of school, to avoid being charged, students will get confused and say well I had the first09:26:34 two weeks. And that's not to receive a 100% credit that is only for our part time students going to are full time dropping to part time, which I'll go over and just a minute.09:26:46 And and Nicole, just to add on, it's a per day, including weekends, including weekends, so every single day through November 3 November 3 is our 60% date after November 3, there are no more refunds so students dropping after that date will still pay the09:27:03 full, the full amount09:27:07 next night.09:27:11 So another important date is September 3, if you're looking at students accounts you might see under their holes that says that their fees or differ till September 3.09:27:21 So these are for our financial aid students. Our first financial aid run is this weekend. And so a lot of the students will get paid, but they do need to have their accounts paid or on a payment plan and current by September 3.09:27:38 After that, we will then start reaching out and doing some messaging to the students, and if they have a large balance they are at risk of cancellation.09:27:48 September 10. That's the data I was talking about earlier, that's the end of week two, and for a student to not be charged full time fees, because they dropped down to six units or less, they have to do that by the end of the second week.09:28:02 If they do it after that, they will still be responsible for paying full time fees, even if they are in only six or three units. So it's important for them to have their schedule set by the end of the second week.09:28:16 And then September 27 is our census date, that's the end of week four, and that is when financial aid eligibility is determined, So their financial aid will be based on the number of units, they are in on that sense of state.09:28:33 October 10 that's just our third installment payments, not a lot going on in that month, except for the students who are needing to make their next installment payment.09:28:43 And as I mentioned before November 3 that's our 60% date so any students withdrawing after that date will no longer receive a refund, they'll be responsible for their full registration fees.09:28:56 And then on November 10 we have our fourth and final installment payment due09:29:03 and withdrawing from the university.09:29:17 It's pretty easy now because it's done online so students can find that form on their students center page on the bottom right under records and registration, and it's all submitted online through on base so there's no more printing out a form scanning09:29:20 it in it. They made it very easy.09:29:25 And that's it. Are there any questions.09:29:34 I see one in the chat is a pro rated refund only for students who are withdrawing from all their classes. Yes, that is correct.09:29:43 And Nicole an earlier question are all of the dates available in one document.09:29:49 You know, we used to have a document that we updated. And so I can certainly look at getting that updated and we could email it out to the group that works.09:29:58 Can we do that Gina. Sure. Okay, sure.09:30:02 Yeah, that'd be easy enough and and up for those of you that it's not clickable you could just delete it. And for those that would like it, then you could print it on my wonderful Katie just said there is one online, it's on our website Katie.09:30:17 Katie updates or website for us.09:30:25 Okay so well, we'll get back to the group, if we need to, we'll just send out a link to it, so everybody can find it quickly.09:30:36 Thank you.09:30:38 Any other questions for the bazaars office. We are open. So, just to let everybody know we are back and fully open Monday through Friday, eight to five.09:30:57 Okay.09:30:59 Thank you.09:31:00 Okay, next.09:31:06 Do we not have a next was that it, that was it was one more. Okay. Rose McAuliffe.09:31:15 Can you raise your hand or unmute or something I think you had an announcement.09:31:21 Thank you.09:31:23 Sorry I cut you too and I was going away and then I thought, okay, I'm really hungry I'm and breakfast so09:31:30 thanks Gina, I just wanted to make a quick announcement Good morning everyone.09:31:35 Our office the budget office recently went through a recruitment.09:31:39 Our senior budget analyst Norman quam decided to retire. And so we are all very jealous but very happy for him and his family.09:31:49 And we actually had two vacancies one that was vacant for a long time. So I was allowed to recruit for two senior finance budget analysts, We went through the competitive process, and our to successful candidates were Diana Lynch and Lauren Garrett, so09:32:07 so I just wanted to let you know that they are two successful candidates, they are also existing staff.09:32:16 And please reach out to them. If you have any questions, we're here for you as well, where your partners and BPRT support Gina financial services on the budget side and just happy to be here and support you guys and please also feel free to reach out09:32:37 to Lauren and Diana as they are now our senior finance budget analysts.09:32:38 Thank you.09:32:39 Thank you. That is great news.09:32:52 Um, so next Jeannie and I had the bright idea that we would have a drawing, like we normally do. Um, for swag some cool swag you want to see, we want to show what's in the cool swag bag there Jeannie do I do a super do okay so you get the nifty little09:33:02 bag. Right.09:33:04 And.09:33:07 Okay, so you get this little doodads which is like a no touch thing so you can like open doors and like touch I'll do all kinds of things you'd have to touch anything, because you know it's the land of code.09:33:18 And09:33:22 it, and it's that it's actually branded I think that's a branded Yes, sorry I'm sure this is really loud09:33:32 and a nifty sex date mug.09:33:35 Nice big one to look at that one.09:33:40 So, because we're doing this all remotely. And we can't like put name tags and, you know, and then draw a name tag.09:33:47 So what I did.09:33:49 We had 134 people. Gina and I are not included. So I went to the Google random number generator.09:33:59 And I had it randomly choose a number between three and 134.09:34:05 And then I counted down to that person to find out who that person was, and our winner was number 22, which is caraway girl yeah oh my god I can't believe it.09:34:19 First time that I want something from this meeting, totally worth it. Thank you so much. It's super great mug.09:34:27 I can't believe it. Oh my God, thank you so much. And the bag that we have the bag in it's like a like a lunch Nike kind of bag it's, it's not insulated but it's got structure to it so you could use it.09:34:42 So nice. Should I go to see you. can you have or I can come to you.09:34:50 Well, I can go to see you. Okay.09:34:53 See you were in sac two to 59, Sacramento hall to 59.09:35:00 I will see you tomorrow. Fantastic. We will love to see you here.09:35:05 Thank you live and in person.09:35:08 And so, and we also don't have roses but we do since we have plenty of time want to take the opportunity is there anybody that would like to do a shout out either in chat or out loud.09:35:21 For anybody on your team, or just folks you want to recognize who have been doing an amazing job at whatever or supporting you take an opportunity to give give folks a chance to do that.09:35:37 They say I want to some price so I want to thank them but somebody like oh actually a lot of people dream this 17 months shut down that we are still working.09:35:48 Of course, Sarah Davis era handsome and then their team they're awesome.09:35:54 We, it sounds like we don't have trouble but we still have relocation.09:35:59 It's a lot of work.09:36:02 And then also space management team, Jesus Louise our scandal.09:36:09 I don't even know how many times have to switch our classroom so thank you so much everyone in space management I sincerely appreciate your work.09:36:22 Without you, I wouldn't be able to complete my schedule, and it seems like everybody going back to the campus map. I'm very very happy for our students.09:36:31 Thank you all.09:36:34 Thank you, Carol. There's some, there's some thank yous back at you in the in the chat.09:36:41 So we have a few Sarah David more shouts out for Sir David in a and AP for quick response. Margaret Juan for super, super wonderful human. That helps everyone, especially me and that was from second shout out print University print and mail, thanks Carla09:37:02 for that.09:37:05 Sarah has been working work been a rockstar working with athletics and the concur rollout so they did that during the pandemic, which actually was helpful and by the way, athletics was still traveling and doing competition, even if they didn't have, you09:37:22 know, attendees and so forth. space management that oh for Margaret so we're getting some good stuff. Oh krill thanks to crawl or help with our credit card system.09:37:30 That's from Suzanne Kasten Ada Laverne has been awesome with the challenging her issues. I second that we couldn't do it without her. It is a monster.09:37:44 Thanks to Nicole lack, whoo Nicole gets a shout out from Sarah Hansen.09:37:52 Shout out to Tatiana for being amazing colleague and friend, every day with a smile and loves to help others. There you go talk to you on and shout out for you.09:38:11 And shout out to Tim Davis, that is in, he's a procurement and that's from Candace bridge.09:38:20 More thanks for lover and go burn from Nicole to Suzanne Tiffany and Leah for all the excellent work on construction crowd contracts, those have been Fast and Furious, for sure.09:38:31 Thank you to Shannon and current Kareena angels, that's from denied Burbank, and from krill to Sir Hansen for her immediate response on her many questions.09:38:43 Thanks to Sarah Laird for always answering my many student assistant questions. Yep. She's super good. And shout out to procurements. Thank you all, and to accounting for surviving, your end and gap.09:38:58 That's, that's an internal stuff there for sure from that's from Laverne to the team, Nicole Matt lack procurement team thanks for your dedication, hard work.09:39:08 During the pandemic and always great customer service and Laverne think everyone in general for being patient as it's been challenging in many, many ways.09:39:20 Shout out to Kevin when for organizing most of our zoom meetings events and conferences. During remote operations or pave project also kept him super busy Thank you, Kevin that's from an Chang Heather's says thanks to risk management and university events.09:39:35 Heather says thanks to risk management and university events. Without them I wouldn't have pulled off an in person graduation for a PT students to summer.09:39:41 Thanks budget and accounting team so patient helpful from Shannon injure Christie Lee to everyone shout out to highly for endless gap hours you are amazing.09:39:50 I suck at that krill the Katie for always been available when when we ever need her and that's been awesome because Katie's and ticket but she's been providing a lot of support to the bursaries office, additional support to the Bursars office.09:40:06 From Nicole to me thank you for your support. Oh, thank you, Nicole.09:40:11 Shout out to Nikki Comstock side for helping me so much and that's from Mandy, Brittany to Terrence das for a positive can do attitude and Masha Ricky to procurement and athletics for always being so responsive to the many pra requests that come in here09:40:27 You're beyond appreciated, Isabella shout out to Latina valuable for indispensable for being indispensable not only to me but to the entire College of Ed.09:40:38 That's my old friend Latina, that's to you Latina, and Nicole lat Thank you Diane an email for doing an awesome job or insurance requirements and for better to Gladys and company for an awesome commencement.09:40:50 I have got to like second and third that I got to work, like the rave tent, and that was amazing. So if any of you haven't seen the video on that you should check it out.09:41:00 It was awesome. Our students really loved it.09:41:04 Wow, that was awesome that's like so many more thank yous and we can accomplish with our like typing. Oh, you're still typing.09:41:20 I wanted to do a shout out to him because they've been doing an amazing job.09:41:19 Trying to transition to paperless processes during this pandemic so they've really been rocking that and I want to thank them for that and showing us the way on how to use on base and and try to be more strategic and paperless.09:41:32 Okay, excellent.09:41:34 And then the last one that I saw come in is shout out to Julia from man V for being a great supervisor, Terrence was thinking, Brittany for time and University Advancement library you have a good one.09:41:47 That's Brittany Wheaton he's referring to shut it I don't know what 31 is, but that.09:41:57 And09:41:57 that's it, I think. Ooh. Oh, she said, oops, that must be that must have been a private to chameleon company for getting classrooms ready for school. Yeah, I can't tell you how many times it's been like, move the chairs in move the chairs out, move the09:42:11 chairs and move the chairs out it's been crazy, and they've been trying to figure that all out. So, and cam is thinking bene.09:42:22 Yeah.09:42:32 Moving stealth is incredible and they're supporting what space management is doing as well so yes to shout out to those folks, and the custodians and keep our spaces clean.09:42:33 Yep. And they've been here, non stop working to try to keep us as clean and safe as possible.09:42:41 All right everyone you get back a lot of your time today. Maybe one more now, or okay well, receiving I just wanted to say thank you to them they've been with us throughout the entire pandemic trying to do what they can and working with IoT to do this09:42:56 really amazing pinging program to at least be able to still do some inventory on our computers that was pretty cool. Oh yeah that's that's really good.09:43:06 Okay.09:43:07 Thank you.09:43:08 All right, um, any last questions for the team, myself,09:43:18 you know, we're still we're still a pandemic. We're still Oh another one.09:43:23 David Gleason for your wonderful training IoT yes consistently responsive, or they saved our rear ends during this pandemic. and thanks for all the co workers and risk.09:43:34 This is from Susan calling month and risk and M, eh and S for the keeping the campus safe during the pandemic. Yeah. You know, we're still in it, we're going to stay in zoom for the fall and just kind of see how event shake out because this can be a pretty09:43:48 big one.09:43:50 So we'll just see where we go for the spring and would like to be together and maybe safely provide some snacks we do miss the snacks, right.09:44:00 So, a little tiny donut holes and some coffee.09:44:04 So, you know, we'll get there.09:44:07 And there's going to be some bumps along the way from all of our departments included as we figure some, some things out and things are trying to get back to normal so we appreciate you all look for the survey on future training, and we will see you all09:44:25 on October 20 and let the. Lastly, before we log out last shout out to Janet DOMA shell for the Cobra shots and all that they've been doing Student Health Center.09:44:35 They've been amazing. ................

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