Reception Home Learning Literacy and Maths Week 11In our Maths work we have been looking at doubling, halving and sharing numbers.right72072500When we double we add the same number to itself, when we halve, we cut an amount in half, usually with only even numbers at this point, so that the number is equal. When we share numbers, we start with an even number and share it by 2 people, animals, objects, we then move onto 3, with multiples of 3, such as 9 biscuits shared by 3 doggies. Don’t forget to do as much reading as you can. There are still lots of books available on Oxford owls and use your flashcards and phonic mats to memorise the sounds and make your own words. Any problems or questions just DOJO!Maths Task 1Double the Ladybird numbersPlay a game with the worksheet and the dice. You can play by yourself or print off a few to have a race with to see who finishes first. You could try with a larger number dice for a challenge. You can use this online dice or spinner and add your own numbers. Whichever number you use you need to draw the same number of spots on each ladybird and then double it. Maths Task 2Double the ButterfliesWe have been learning at school that butterflies are SYMMETRICAL and are the same on both sides. Can you make all the butterflies symmetrical by doubling the spots. There are 2 different sheets, one to 10 and one to 20. Maths Task 3Halving amountsStart by watching the halving fruits for parrots Powerpoint. Talk about halving like we halve fruit or halve a pizza, then have a go at halving the bees out of the hive into the 2 different flowers. If this is too easy draw some more on the back using 2 flowers and use a larger amount of bees.Maths Task 4Share the food between the mini beastsYou could have a go at sharing biscuits practically between 2 people. For example, 4 biscuits between your child and you. Then 6 or 8 biscuits for the same people. Then try 3 people and 6 biscuits. 3 people and 9 biscuits.Have a go at the worksheet sharing the food between the minibeasts. They start off easy and then get much trickier as the numbers of minibeasts increase and so does the food. Maths Task 5Measuring Caterpillars longer and shorter.Meet Connor. He is a caterpillar with lots of friends. some are longer and some are shorter. Sort them all out by comparing them to Connor and seeing which go into which category. You can then check by measuring with a ruler, (we have done this before) remembering to start at 0. Check and prove that you did the caterpillar sorting correctly. Literacy Task 1Life Cycle of a butterfly. Cut and Stick.Cut out the life cycle cards and arrange them in the correct order. In your work books write a short caption about each of the stages. You could give the children the spellings to, butterfly, caterpillar, cocoon, leaf. For example, the children might write- The caterpillar comes out of the egg. Literacy Task 2Minibeast bingo game.You could make 2 copies of this game and match up the pictures to the words or try to read the words to match the pictures, use your phonics to read and blend the sounds. Why not challenge your families? You could play it both ways.Literacy Task 3How to plant a seed, sequence the pictures.Cut out the planting seeds instructions. There are 2 different ones, the one with the writing separate is harder. Read the words and sentences carefully and sequence the pictures.You could even get your green fingers out and try planting some seeds for real! Literacy Task 4Make your own story.Use the characters, settings and objects to tell your own magical stories. The longer and funnier, the bigger the better! You could demonstrate first and just tell the stories first and then have a go at writing and recording some of the silly magical stories. Literacy Task 5Phase 3 Phonic gamesPhase 2, 3 and 4 home learning Phonics challenges. Choose the phonics home learning that is the correct level for your child and follow the instructions on the page. ................

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