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Lesson Plan Template for VU PSTS at PCSSC

|Subject _Legal Studies |Year Group 11 |Day & Date: Fri 21st Aug |Time: 9-10:40 |

|Topic/ Focus Area |Essential Questions |AusVels |

| | |Strand. Domain. Dimension / Level |

|Civil Remedies |Putting it all together |Unit 2: Area of Study 2: ‘The civil law in action’ |

| | | |

|Location / Setting |Organisation / Student Groups |Special Considerations |

| | | |

|Classroom |Teams – Plaintiff / Defendant / Jury |Friday morning class & end of chpt revision |

|Set up room per Courtroom. | | |

|Key Vocabulary |Focus Questions |References / Sources / Materials / Resources and Equipment |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Mock Trial Facts |

| | |Quick Write Activity Return |

| | |PowerPoint |

| | |Notebooks |

Time: 2 Min

Prior Knowledge –

Over the past 2 weeks we have been learning & discussing Civil Remedies. & We’ve gone from ADR, to Pre-Trial procedures, Out of Court Settlements, then the Civil Trial Procedures, Types of Remedy and Difficulties


Today we are going to put away the slides and LIVE CIVIL Law. We are going to Conduct a Mock Civil Trial

There will be a Plaintiff’s Team / A Defence Team & a jury.

Essential Question(s): These to be written on the board prior to lesson


Facts of the case:

Plaintiff was having an 18th Birthday party at their Family home on Saturday 14th August 2014. They had personally invited 10 friends and family for the celebration.

Plaintiff’s birthday was on the Thursday 12th, before the party and her facebook timeline had a number of family, and friends all wishing her happy birthday, several mentioning the party.

On the night of Saturday 14th about an hour into the party, a large number of teenagers (up to 100) arrived at the plaintiff’s home and stormed into the party and when asked refused to leave. They brought music, alcohol and damaged furniture, windows, and vehicles before police were called. The party was cancelled.

The next day the plaintiff found that the uninvited guests had found out about the party through a facebook post of a “friend”. That post was then shared throughout FB with comments going viral about where and when the party was happening. The plaintiff knew the defendant who sent the original post with the comment “the more the merrier, lets make it a blast” and holds them responsible for ruining her 18th party something she believes is not replaceable. There is also approximately $50,000 of damage to the family home.

The Plaintiff is taking civil action against the defendant. The defendant will defend the claim

The Process

Teams: Plaintiff Defendant:

3 Witnesses 3 Witnesses

6 Plaintiff Legal Counsel 6 Defendant Legal Counsel

(3 chief examination, 3 cross-exam) (3 Examination in chief, 3 crossexam)

Total = 9 Total = 9

6 Jury. (if enough students) = 24 + 1 Judge

Use random picker to select the bulk of the teams aside from Lead Counsel

Hayley – Plaintiff Rebecca – Defendant


1. Discuss What the Plaintiff might be taking civil action for with class – what remedy seeking. What issues might there be here to explore

2. Give Plaintiff / Defence teams 20 minutes to prepare arguments. During time preparing arguments – Brief Jury – instructions

Case Arguments to last for 10 min each side (max) & Jury to consider verdict and remedy (5 min max)


Activity – Re-visit Quick Write – 10 min

Hand back Quick write activity did in very first class

With a DIFFERENT colored pen/pencil I’d now like each of you to go back to your Civil Disputes paper and list down everything you now know about civil disputes.

Collect up – good assessment.

Activity – ATSI Sheet – Law Reform – if time. – 10min

Our second activity is a little more challenging. It calls on you to apply a bit of higher order thinking in discussing the issues faced around the law and language.

Hand out Article on ATSI legal issues faced.

Remember back to our discussion yesterday around the difficulties of the Law / Complexity

(if no time give to Hayley as extra work)

What will I do? (T) What will students do? (SS)

FANTASTIC – it was fun living the law & that’s the sort of passion that you get in a courtroom. So I’m thrilled that you all got to take part and apply what we have learned these past 2 weeks.

Next week you will have Miss Hawkins back for some contract law - But it has been a pleasure working with you all.

Preservice Teacher Reflection

• Did students achieve the Learning Intentions?

• Success Criteria

• What were the successful strategies?

• How did you the teacher get them to the end result?

• Where to from here? What’s next?

Mentor Teacher Feedback

• Strengths / Areas for Improvement

• How will we work to improve them?

Preservice Teacher Name _________________________________ Mentor Teacher Name___________________________________________

Signature________________________________ Date __________ Signature________________________________ Date __________________



Establishing prior knowledge. Tuning in activity. Focus questioning

What will I do? (T) What will students do? (SS)

Assessment criteria: Assessment FOR learning


Guiding Inquiry and Practise

What will I do? (T) What will students do? (SS)

Assessment Criteria: Assessment AS Learning


Sharing, Explaining and Reviewing Inquiry

Share time. Student reflection. What do they now know?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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