
Art Core Questions:How do artists determine whether a particular direction in their work is effective? (Create 2a)How does refining artwork affect its meaning to the viewer? (Present 5b)How does the artist determine the criteria to evaluate a work of art? (Respond 9a)How do artists contribute to awareness and understanding of their lives and the lives of their communities through art-making? (Connect 10c)Photo Collage and Photoshop DrawingGOALS: To assimilate knowledge about realistic photography, abstract/Cubistic art, Photoshop and drawing.PROCEDURE for Photo Collage:1. View all of the information in "Photo Collages" on , Intro to Graphic Art page.2. Decide what favorite subject matter you want to use for your Photo Collage. It could be anything: person, animal, object, landscape, etc.3. Find 3+ images of your favorite subject matter and choose one of your images for the "base".4. Photoshop: File<Open...choose your "base". File<Open...choose the other images you want to open and use to "copy and paste".5. "Copy and paste"....on the correct photo do the following: Rectangular marquee tool<select the area...<Cmd C...go to base photo...Cmd V. Return to correct photo(s) and repeat.6. Continue this process...vary the placement and size of the copied sections. You may end up with over 20 layers in order to achieve a pleasing, well-balanced, harmonious composition.7. When done...SAVE...In the Finished Project Folder: Photo Collage...LastNameFirstNameCOLLAGE.psdBRUSH CREATION:1. File<New<Photo (canvas size: 3"x2" at 300 resolution)2. Select the Brush Tool...go to Brush Preset picker at top of screen...change SIZE to 1 px; HARDNESS to 100%3. Create a random pattern of dots in a vertical format. When done, use the Rectangular Marquee tool to select your pattern.4. Go to Edit<Define Brush Preset...give your brush a name...click OK. (Now you can see your brush listed as the LAST one in the Brush Preset picker...and it will have a number assigned to it.5. Click on the Toggle Brush panel link next to the Brush Preset picker link...this opens up a new box on the right side of your screen. Match your settings: TRANSFER: checked; NOISE: checked; AIRBRUSH: checked; SMOOTHING: checked; SPACING: checked 1%.6. Practice with your new brush on the 3"x2" canvas, where you created it.DRAWING in Photoshop using your Photo Collage:Using this YouTube video: . Reopen your Photo Collage that you saved in your OWN Robot folder.2. At top of screen: Layer<Flatten Image3. In YOUR Robot folder: File<SAVE As: LastNameFirstNameCollageDRAWING.psd4. At top of screen: Layer<Duplicate Layer<rename WORKING LAYER<Ok5. Image<Adjustments<Desaturate6. Layer<New Layer...drag this new layer UNDER the "Working Layer"7. Go to Color Picker (large squares to choose color on the tool box)...select BACKGROUND color...turn it WHITE8. Edit<Fill<Contents Use: Background Color<Ok9. Make sure you are on the "Working Layer"...go up to top of screen and select Layer<Layer Mask...Select: Hide All. This creates the double image...adding the black box on the "Working Layer"...if you click on the photo you chose that is the first image on the "Working Layer" then it is directly on that photo you would be working. If you click on the BLACK square you are working on the Layer Mask. PAY ATTENTION to which image you need to be working on when following the online video.10. Drop the opacity of the "Working Layer" to anywhere from 35% to 75%...depends on the effect you want.11. Select the brush you created and begin sweeping your brush across the LAYER MASK creating a "cross-hatching" effect.12. When done: resave a copy into YOUR Robot folder and File<Save As into the Finished Project Folder: DRAWING Work to be handed-in:1. Photo Collage of favorite subject2. Photoshop drawing version of your Photo Collage ................

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