
-912935-697523Convert Prospects to New Clients: Final Appointments – Implementation and AllocationDate & Initial When Completed (or N/A)Email Appointment Reminder to New Client Once the appointment has been scheduled, email an appointment reminder. Because this appointment is held within 48 hours, a postcard reminder is not recommended. Email Text:Subject: Appointment ReminderREMINDER!You have an appointment with{Insert Advisor’s Name}on {Insert Date and Time}.?If you need to reschedule, please notify us as soon as possible by calling{Insert Team Member’s Name and Phone Number}.?Please email {Insert Advisor’s Email} with questions.?We?look forward to your appointment.?For more information on {Insert Company Name} please visit us at {Insert Company Website}. ?Thank You!{Insert Company Name}Assemble New Client Packet XE "Link Referral and Client Contact Records" Create a new client packet and insert into a pre-printed company folder which can be purchased through Peak’s Brand U: the materials from back to front:LEFT SIDEWelcome Packet Letter – a personalized document used to communicate to the new client all the individuals on the team, their job functions, and their contact information should the client ever need their assistance. Welcome Packet Letter XE "Welcome Packet Letter" View the letter found in Digital Fortress’ Resource Library or within the lesson titled Convert Prospects to New Clients: Final Appointments – Implementation and Allocation.Reminder Form – complete for those actions the new client must complete. Give one copy to the new client and keep the other copy for your file. The new client can call, mail, email, or bring in the information to the office.Reminder Form XE "Reminder Form" View the document found in Digital Fortress’ Resource Library or within the lesson titled Convert Prospects to New Clients: Final Appointments – Implementation and Allocation.Return-addressed Envelope RIGHT SIDEExtensive Personal Questionnaire – use this questionnaire to provide an excellent level of service to your client by collecting the client’s personal information. It is kept strictly confidential and when asked by a client why we need such personal information, we communicate to him/her it will allow us to customize our working relationship and provide a higher level of service. Extensive Personal Questionnaire XE "Extensive Personal Questionnaire" \t "See Forms Section" XE "Extensive Personal Questionnaire" View the document found in Digital Fortress’ Resource Library or within the lesson titled Convert Prospects to New Clients: Final Appointments – Implementation and Allocation.New Client General Information – this document outlines some general information on the following:Transfers Statements Confirmations Basic tax information Withdrawals IRAs New Client General Information Sheet XE "New Client General Information Sheet" \t "See Forms Section" XE "New Client General Information Sheet" View the letter found in Digital Fortress’ Resource Library or within the lesson titled Convert Prospects to New Clients: Final Appointments – Implementation and Allocation.Team Leader Meets with New ClientAdvisor notifies Team Leader prior to appointment if an Allocation Appointment XE "Allocation Appointment" is needed (e.g., if the advisor has discretion over the assets coming in, an Allocation Appointment may not be needed).Team Leader and client meet to complete the necessary paperwork and review the contents of new client packet.Team Leader schedules an appointment with the advisor and the client for at least two weeks out for the Allocation Appointment. This appointment should take place when all assets have been transferred to your practice. Again, the advisor will have notified the Team Leader prior to the appointment if this appointment is needed.If the new client hasn’t scheduled an Implementation Appointment with the Team Leader and the paperwork wasn’t completed during the Proposal or Financial Plan Appointment, do the following:Mail the new client packet, the new account paperwork, and the transfer paperwork. Create a reminder on calendar to contact the new client no more than 14 days later in order to verify the packet was received and see if assistance is required.Schedule Allocation Appointment if requested by Advisor.Mail Welcome Aboard Card Handwrite the following message on a specially designed note card:Dear [Insert New Client Name],Thank you for choosing {Insert Company Name} for your financial needs. We know you will be pleased with our services. Your team is ready to assist you.Sincerely,{Insert signatures of entire team}The card is then passed around the office for all team members to sign. Mail the card to the client no later than three days after becoming a new client. Handwrite the address and place a stamp on envelope versus meter or bulk rate postage.Schedule New Client Welcome Call on Advisor’s Calendar Servicing the new client and exceeding expectations starts the day he or she becomes a new client. The advisor should call new clients rated A+ or A after 10 days to make sure all questions are answered and they aren’t feeling overwhelmed or having doubts about their decision to work with you.Schedule on Calendar to Send Thank You Letter to New Client Once the reminder has appeared on the calendar, send the Thank You Letter to the client.Thank You Letter – New Client XE "Thank You Letter - New Client" \t "See Forms Section" XE "Thank You Letter - New Client" View the letter found in Digital Fortress’ Resource Library or within the lesson titled Convert Prospects to New Clients: Final Appointments – Implementation and Allocation.Print and review the letter for errors.Make corrections to the letter as needed.Print on letterhead and have advisor sign.Make copies per your compliance and retention systems.Address envelope, print label, or place letter in window envelope.Once the letter is sent, complete the reminder on your calendar.Some offices choose to send a gift as well as the Thank You letter. Carson Wealth sends a gift basket to new A+ and A clients only.Schedule on Calendar to Send Random Act of Kindness to New ClientTo continue the “wow” process, send a small random act of kindness gift to the new client. Use the Extensive Personal Questionnaire to spot some of your clients’ favorite things such as:Buy a book written by a favorite authorBuy travel guide to a favorite vacation spotSend a package of the client’s favorite coffeeSend a plant (flowering or not) as per the client’s preferenceSend promotional items or apparel branded with your firm logo which can be purchased through Peak’s Brand U: . Remember to include a personal note of appreciation for becoming a client.Schedule on Calendar to Send Annual Survey to New ClientSend an annual survey after 3 months.View the survey found in Digital Fortress’ Resource Library or within the lesson titled Execute Client Surveys. Although an annual survey would generally happen after the first year with the firm, doing so in this shorter timeframe will allow you to address early any issues that may have arisen.If you’re meeting or exceeding expectations, it is time to begin asking for referrals and the annual survey is a soft way to begin.View Digital Fortress’ lesson titled Master the Art of Asking for Referrals.Schedule on Calendar to Send Gift or Thank You Letter to Client Who Provided the New Client Referral Once the reminder has appeared on the calendar, determine if a gift or a thank you letter is needed:If the referral who converted to a new client is ranked as an A+ or A, send a gift to the client who provided the referral. Include a personalized thank you card that reads:Thank you for referring {Insert referral name} to us. Referrals are a very important part of our business, and we appreciate your vote of confidence. It is because of people like you that our business is able to grow and still maintain a high level of service.To comply with FINRA rule 3060, records should be maintained that allow for the tracking of gifts to each individual client so as not to exceed the annual limit. If the referral converted to a new client is NOT ranked as an A+ or A, send the following thank you letter to the client who provided referral. Referral Thank You Letter – Became Client XE "Referral Thank You Letter - Became Client" \t "See Forms Section" XE "Referral Thank You Letter - Became Client" View the letter found in Digital Fortress’ Resource Library or within the lesson titled Convert Prospects to New Clients: Final Appointments – Implementation and Allocation.Print and review the letter for errors.Make corrections to the letter as needed.Print on letterhead and have advisor sign.Make copies per your compliance and retention systems.Address envelope, print label, or place letter in window envelope.Once the gift or letter has been sent, complete the reminder on your calendar.Track Change in Prospect to New Client Process in CRM when Confidential Profile ReceivedEnter where the prospect is in the Prospect to New Client Process in CRM system. Some of the stages to track in the process are:Prospect Packet (e.g., requested, sent, not qualified, refused to return, qualified)Data Gathering AppointmentProposal AppointmentImplementation AppointmentAllocation AppointmentInitial Review/UpdatePeriodic Review/Update Appointment/UpdateAdd Client Rating in CRMRate this client according to your practice’s guidelines on criteria such as household assets. To determine what rating to assign each client, see Digital Fortress’ lesson titled Segment Your Clients.Change Client Status from Prospect to Client in CRMAdd Today’s Date as the Client Start Date in CRMThis is important for two reasons:First, if you are going to recognize clients as they celebrate 5, 10, and 15 years with your practice, this date needs to be tracked.Second, this date will be used to determine who is due for an update or review.To view systems about the update or review process, see Digital Fortress’ Resource Library or the lesson titled Systematize Your Practice.Add Client to the Annual Review Process in CRM (Client Ratings A+ and A)For more information about client survey process, view Digital Fortress’ lesson titled Execute Client Surveys.Schedule on Calendar the Recurring Items for Acknowledgements Your Practice ObservesTo deliver a higher level of service to your clients, it is important to get systems in place to acknowledge the important days in their lives. For this reason, we have systems in place to call clients, to send a card, and to send a gift for client birthdays.The following chart indicates which Clients receive the appropriate acknowledgements, based upon their ratings.Client Contact Breakdown XE "Client Contact Breakdown" \t "See Forms Section" XE "Client Contact Breakdown" View the document found in Digital Fortress’ Resource Library or within the lesson titled Create Your Client Communication Strategy.No matter how you recognize your client’s special reoccurring events (e.g., birthday, wedding anniversary, client anniversary), it is important to set up your reminders so you don’t miss any occasions. Schedule on Calendar Periodic Update or Review Annually, Semi-annually, or QuarterlyEnter All Information Retrieved from Implementation Appointment in CRM Some of the information you may wish to maintain in your CRM system from the Extensive Personal Questionnaire XE "Extensive Personal Questionnaire" are:Drink preferencePlant preferenceHobbiesFavorite restaurantFavorite authorAdditional advisorsSome of the information you may wish to maintain in your CRM system from the New Account Application (s) are:Driver’s license numberInvestment objectivesNet worthTax bracketBeneficiariesInvestment experienceCreate New Client Files Create labels for manila files in all CAPITAL LETTERS (e.g., name and account types) and place on the file folders. A file for each account type is to include last name, first name, and spouse’s first name (if there is a spouse), and the type of account (e.g., joint, insurance, trust, IRA):Last Name, First Name, and First Name of Spouse – JointLast Name, First Name NQ – AdvisoryThese are the most commonly used file names. Other titles that may be needed are: UTMA, LTD partnership, SEP, Money Purchase, Profit Sharing, Pension Plan, 403(b).Advisory accounts, insurance (e.g., Life, LTC, Disability), and annuities need to have individual files.All of the manila files should be placed within a hanging file labeled with the client’s name in all CAPITAL LETTERS: LAST NAME, FIRST. Information already received from the new client should be filed (e.g., Confidential Profile, Extensive Personal Questionnaire, statements, proposals, etc.).Mail CPA Introduction Letter to New Client’s Professionals If you have received the names of the professionals your new client works with, send them a letter to introduce yourself.CPA Introduction Letter XE "CPA Introduction Letter" \t "See Forms Section" XE "CPA Introduction Letter" View the letter found in Digital Fortress’ Resource Library or within the lesson titled Convert Prospects to New Clients: Final Appointments – Implementation and Allocation.Print and review the letter for errors.Make corrections to the letter as needed.Print on letterhead and have advisor sign.Make copies per your compliance and retention systems.Address envelope, print label, or place letter in window envelope.Invite New Client to Upcoming Events The time before the next event will determine how the client is invited to upcoming events:Mail a postcard invitation Send an email invitationCall to invite personallySend Appointment ReminderImmediately after the Allocation Appointment is scheduled, send either an email reminder or a postcard reminder.Email text:Subject: Appointment ReminderREMINDER!You have an appointment with{Insert Advisor’s Name}on {Insert Date and Time}.?If you need to reschedule or have a specific topic you would like to discuss during your appointment, please notify us as soon as possible by calling{Insert Team Member’s Name and Phone Number}.?Please email {Insert Advisor’s Email} with questions.?We?look forward to your appointment.?For more information on {Insert Company Name}, please visit us at {Insert Company Website}. ?Thank You!{Insert Company Name}Postcard text:Reminder!You have an appointment with{Insert Advisor’s Name}On {Insert Date}If you need to reschedule or discuss something specific during your appointment, please notify us as soon as possible by calling {Insert Phone Number and/or Toll-Free Number}.We look forward to your appointment.For more information on {Insert Company Name}, please visit {Insert Company Website}.Schedule on Calendar to Call and Remind New Client of Appointment One Day PriorPrepare Documents Needed for Allocation AppointmentAppointment Sheet XE "Appointment Sheet" – consolidates specific information about a client or prospect scheduled for an appointment. Some of the information you may wish to maintain in your Appointment Sheet are:Appointment date and timeBirth date(s)Annual Survey ratingInformation about preferences (e.g., drink choice, wine preference, newspaper, etc.)HobbiesAccounts – accounts held outside the advisor’s custodyAsset/Liabilities (e.g., home, credit cards, etc.)Use of Enhanced Services (e.g., Financial Planning, Estate Planning, Tax Planning/Returns)Long-term Care InsuranceInsurance (e.g., Term, VUL, etc.)Other Insurance (e.g., Health, Disability, etc.)Discovery Questions for Clients and ProspectsBroker/Dealer Forms – forms such as the alternate investment, annuity, or insurance forms.Current Account Holdings – this should reflect the assets that were transferred in so a discussion about allocation can take place.Reminder Form – included in the forms for the meeting so notes can be taken of missing information during the meeting.View the letter in Digital Fortress’ Resource Library or within the lesson titled Convert Prospects to New Clients: Final Appointments – Implementation and Allocation.Advisor Meets with New Client to Review AllocationAppointment Sheets are printed on a daily basis for each client/prospect that will be meeting with an advisor the following day. They are reviewed by the Director of First Impressions and the advisor prior to scheduled appointments:In-office Appointment Sheets are given to the Director of First Impressions to review prior to the prospect’s arrival for the appointment.Phone Appointment Sheets are given to the appropriate advisor to reference during the phone conversation. Out-of-office Appointment Sheets are given to the advisor prior to the out-of-office appointment.While the prospect is waiting in the lobby area for the appointment, the Director of First Impressions should make every effort to solicit information that may be referenced in future appointments (e.g., drink choice, car type, etc.).The Director of First Impressions greets all prospects by name as they arrive for their scheduled appointments. The prospect is escorted from the reception area to the conference room. Let the advisor know the prospect is seated and give the advisor the folder containing the Appointment Sheet, current account holdings, and Reminder Form XE "Appointment Sheet" .The advisor reviews briefly the information in the folder prior to meeting with the prospect.The advisor meets with the new client to present the proposed allocation of the assets that have been transferred in. Complete a Reminder Form if there is additional action required by the new client. Give one copy to the new client and keep the other copy for your file. The new client can call, mail, email, or bring the information to the office.Track Change in Prospect to New Client Process in CRM when Confidential Profile ReceivedEnter where the prospect is in the Prospect to New Client Process in CRM system. Some of the stages to track in the process are:Prospect Packet (e.g., requested, sent, not qualified, refused to return, qualified)Data Gathering AppointmentProposal AppointmentImplementation AppointmentAllocation AppointmentInitial Review/UpdatePeriodic Review/Update Appointment/UpdateSend Appointment Follow-up LetterSend an Appointment Follow-up Letter to the new client highlighting the points of discussion, areas of follow-up required on behalf of him or her, and areas of follow-up required of the advisor.Appointment Follow-up Letter XE "Appointment Follow-up Letter" View the letter found in Digital Fortress’ Resource Library or within the lesson titled Convert Prospects to New Clients: Final Appointments – Implementation and Allocation.Print and review the letter for errors.Make corrections to the letter as needed.Print on letterhead and have advisor sign.Make copies per your compliance and retention systems.Address envelope, print label, or place letter in window envelope. ................

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