Projectile Motion Simulation Problems

Projectile Motion Simulation Problems!

Open the projectile motion simulation on the MAC HD or just google PHET, and get to the simulations page for projectiles.

First familiarize yourself with the program. Note the help button at the bottom right hand of the page. This will show you what kind of options you have. Almost everything can be adjusted! Have fun learning!

1. Pick an angle, speed, height, etc and fire a golf ball. Then fire a pumpkin. Note the trajectories of each (be sure ‘air resistance’ isn’t clicked)

1a. What effect does changing the object have on the path? Explain your observation.

1b. What can we say about the initial velocities of each of the objects? What about the acceleration they experience while in ‘freefall’?

2. Fire a few projectiles at different angles. No air resistance. What does ‘range’ mean?

3a. Set the initial speed to 18 m/s and shoot one projectile at a 75 degree angle.

Write the range here ________. Now Predict what will happen when you change the angle to 15 degrees.

Test your prediction after writing it. Please explain what you notice, in detail.

Can you explain why the difference from your prediction, if any?

3b. Still with the cannon at ground level, predict where a projectile will land if we shoot it at 24 m/s at a 60 degree angle. (use the zoom button) ONCE YOU’VE made a prediction, place the target and shoot! Careful to make sure the target is at ground level (or slightly above). Fire away!

Where should we place the target if we want to intercept the projectile at 10 m high? There will be two places, why! Predict them and test!

4. Raise the cannon to a height of 11.23 m off the ground. Set the target 20.36 m away. Use the tape measure to help you set this up.

When you set the angle of projection to 30 degrees, PREDICT what initial speed will hit the bull’s eye. Input your prediction here ____________. After predicting, fire away!

5. Can you calculate ANOTHER angle that will hit the target (HARD, OPTIONAL). Remember #3 above, it will not be the angle’s compliment. You’ll need the help of tan2( +1 = 1/ cos2(. Then use the quadratic formula with your vbl as tan (.

6. Try having fun with the air resistance button. Will an object’s trajectory be lower or shorter due to air resistance? Try to explain see the effects you see. Make detailed observations. Hope you had fun with this simulation! Try making a hard one for a friend in a neighboring group.


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