
5651500-26670000Home learning for Year: SixWeek Beginning: Monday 8th June 2020 Spelling:This week we would like you to revise words with silent letters. This is an area lots of us find tricky (including the adults) so it would be good for you to have some more practise.We would like you to go on this website: through some of the games and tasks, looking at silent letters. Please make a note of the spelling rules, as these are important!Once you are confident, have a go at some of the practise games and tests!400812023114000 you fancy a challenge, why not have a go at this word wheel?Reading:3271520148590Look at the picture and read the short extract below and then have a go at answering the following questions:Who does the hand in the picture below to?What is he trying to do?What/who is it that is locked away?Read the story starter. How is the animal feeling? How do you know he feels this way?What will happen if he manages to unlock the door?What will happen if he doesn’t?Why might the next few moments define the rest of his life?00Look at the picture and read the short extract below and then have a go at answering the following questions:Who does the hand in the picture below to?What is he trying to do?What/who is it that is locked away?Read the story starter. How is the animal feeling? How do you know he feels this way?What will happen if he manages to unlock the door?What will happen if he doesn’t?Why might the next few moments define the rest of his life?Task 1Despite pulling with all his strength, the lock wouldn’t loosen. His heart felt heavy with sorrow, and a forlorn look spread across his face.His future lay in the balance. What happened in the next few moments could define the rest of his life, define his very existence…Task 2For your Reading task this week, we would like you to have a go at some more Reading Comprehension. Attached as a separate document is the text and questions for you to have a go at.The extract is called “Floodworld”What do you already think it could be about? What genre do you think the text is? Why? ChallengeCan you create 3 of your own questions about the text? It would be great if each question had a different focus. E.g. vocabulary, inference, retrieval (Use your VIPERS to help you). How many marks would you award each of your questions? Why?Remember to continue to read at home. You can read alone, to parents or to anyone in your house!English and Grammar:Monday (Grammar)This week for Grammar, we would like you to look and synonyms and antonyms. Watch the following videos, created by MC Grammar, which should hopefully help you learn the difference between the two! you have watched the videos, please have a go at the Grammar tasks, applying your understanding.Why not also create poster or your own rap to help you remember the different between synonyms and antonyms?Tuesday (Plan)This weeks writing is going to be based around this text: Please make sure you have read the text, before completing the following activities. We have broken the English this week, to reflect what is going on in school. We would like you to create a narrative describing your own world. Use the planning opportunity to really consider what you world would look like. How would you describe it? The authors ideas are very unique and adventurous, however you will need to consider how you will portray this in your writing. Think carefully about planning your ideas first. You may want to do this as a: Box Up: Story Map: Story Board: 2633699337210050297622958800 Wednesday and Thursday (Write)When you are ready to write, think carefully about what it is you are going to work on. Is it your punctuation? Dialogue? Descriptive words and phrases (expanded noun phrases). You could always set your own success criteria - you decide! Maybe consider applying the grammar from last week, focusing on the different clauses (main, subordinate and relative).However, please remember to include all non-negotiables! Capital letters, full stops, commas. Check that your writing makes sense.Friday (Edit)Please spend some time editing your work, using the editing poster below to help! This is the poster we have displayed in our classroom. Don’t worry if you don’t have access to a green paper. Choose a different colour if you can, or use the pen you have written in.Read backwards to check for spellingsSpelling corrections are written 3 times under your writingRead forwards, does your writing make sense?Read forwards to check for punctuation and capital lettersRead forwards – one final checkNow start your self-assessment using the success criteriaFinally write your next step. INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/s9/xv5lp5zx729fy352ks6fxfy80000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/yellow-chilli-free.png" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/s9/xv5lp5zx729fy352ks6fxfy80000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/red-chilli-free.png" \* MERGEFORMATINET Maths:Maths this week has been split into 5 sessions, focusing on the four operations. This is what the children will be completing in class this week, therefore we would like you to have a go at home. Please have a go at completing all of the activities, spending time on developing your methods. If you aren’t sure or can’t remember how to do a certain method, please refer to the help sheets to remind you. Monday (Addition and Subtraction)Can you apply the written strategy (column method) to the addition and subtraction problems? The questions do increase in difficulty, so please have a go at them all! Tuesday (Multiplication)Use short multiplication to solve the questions. Just like the task on Monday, the questions do increase in difficulty.Wednesday (Division)Use short division to solve the division. You can always refer to your revision guide or the help sheets if you get stuck. Please also have a go at the challenges on the sheet, as it will allow you to apply the method you have been practising. Thursday Please have a go at the problem solving questions, focusing on applying all four methods to the different operations. Read the scenario carefully, a well as the questions to help you. Friday (Application)Please have a go at the Nrich challenge ‘TWO and TWO’. Please make sure you read the instructions first. Once you have had a go at the addition questions, can you have a go subtraction? What happens? you challenge this week, we would like you to have a go at the ‘Murder Mystery Challenge’. Solve each clue, applying your Maths skills, to find out who the culprit it! I will upload the answers next Friday!PE/Active lesson:Here are three links that you can choose from this week for your physical activities. term for History we will be stating a new topic, looking at comparing Leisure and Technology in the 20th Century.Please have a look through the PowerPoint, focusing on how and why the Cinema and Football has changed during the 20th Century.During the PowerPoint, there will be two videos for you to watch and three activities for you to complete. These are attached to the blog separately.10 top tips for staying safe on the internet1)????? Don’t post any personal information online – like your full name, email address, mobile number, etc.2)????? Think carefully before posting pictures or videos of yourself.? Once you’ve put a picture of yourself online, most people can see it and may be able to download it, it’s not just yours anymore.3)????? Keep your privacy settings as high as possible! 4)????? Never give out your passwords.5)????? Don’t befriend people you don’t know.6)????? Don’t meet up with people you’ve met online.? Speak to your parent or carer about people suggesting you do.7)????? Remember that not everyone online is who they say they are.8)????? Think carefully about what you say before you post something online.9)????? Respect other people’s views, even if you don’t agree with someone else’s views doesn’t mean you need to be rude.10)?? If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried: leave the website, turn off your computer if you want to and tell a trusted adult immediately. ................

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