Ma gazine

Front cover

NOW Waxahachie


J A N U A RY 2 011

Viva la Troubadour

Randy Tredway offers music in its rarest form.

Also Inside Alias: Gunslinger Motion Is Life In the Kitchen With Alice Woodard

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Finding Truth in the Moment

At Home With

Tomas& Rita Reyes

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1 WaxahachieNOW January 2011

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2 WaxahachieNOW January 2011

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Publisher, Connie Poirier

General Manager, Rick Hensley


Managing Editor, Becky Walker Waxahachie Editor, Sandra Strong Copy Editor, Melissa Rawlins Writers,Nancy Fenton . Janice C. Johnson adam Rope . Betty tryon . adam Walker Editors/Proofreaders, Pat anthony teresa Maddison . Beverly Shay

Contents January 2011 ? volume 8, issue 1


Creative director, Jami Navarro art director, Chris McCalla artists, Julie Carpenter . Martha Macias allee Brand . Cherie Chapman Marshall Hinsley . arlene Honza Brande Morgan . Pamela Parisi


Photography director, Jill odle Photographers, Natalie Busch terri ozymy . amy Ramirez


Sales Manager, Carolyn Mixon advertising Representatives, Ren?e Chase . Rick ausmus . teresa Banks linda dean . Julie Garner . Melissa McCoy John Powell . Steve Randle . linda Roberson

Office Manager, angela Mixon

on the Cover

8 viva la troubadour in the Music Room allows you to see musicians perform in a relaxed environment.

16 a Season for Repose at Home With tomas and Rita Reyes.

24 Finding truth in the Moment Natalie Busch enjoys documenting life through her photography.

16 30 alias: Gunslinger

dressing up and playing "Cowboys and indians" is all part of the sport Bob Sanders loves.


Heart strings strike a chord.


36 BusinessNoW 40 HealthNoW 41 outdoorsNoW 42 FinanceNoW 44 CookingNoW

Photo by Amy Ramirez.

WaxahachieNOW is a Now Magazines, L.L.C. publication. Copyright ? 2011. All rights reserved. WaxahachieNOW is published monthly and individually mailed free of charge to homes and businesses in the waxahachie ZIP codes.

Subscriptions are available at the rate of $35 per year or $3.50 per issue. Subscriptions should be sent to: NOW Magazines, P.o. Box 1071, waxahachie, TX 75168. For advertising rates or editorial correspondence, call (972) 937-8447 or visit .

3 WaxahachieNOW January 2011

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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