COLLEGE ALGEBRA 2020 - 21October 23, 2020Today’s Agenda (Day 47)HOMEWORK CHECK Reteaching Practice 2.2 3.1 Exercises – p. 176-77 [#8, 16, 20, 28, 30, 32, 34, 38, 42, 46, 52, 56] Reteaching Practice 2.2 - part 2 Reteaching Practice 2.3CLASS ACTIVITY: REVIEW: Reteaching 2.2 – part 2 CONT’D: Chapter 3 Section 3.2 – Domain and RangeFinding the domain of a function defined by an equation [Try It #1 - 4, p. 181]Using notations to specify domain and range [Try It #5 - 6, p. 185]Finding domains and ranges of the toolkit functions [Try It #7 - 8, p. 189]Section 3.3 – Rates of Change & Behavior of GraphsSection 3.4 – Composition of FunctionsSection 3.5 – Transformation of FunctionsSection 3.6 – Absolute Value FunctionsSection 3.7 – Inverse FunctionsHOMEWORK:Complete: Section 3.2 Exercises – p. 193 [#6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 28, 30, 32, 36, 38, 40, 42, 46]REMINDERS:QUIZ: Mid-Chapter 3 October 28TEST: Chapter 3 November 6COLLEGE ALGEBRA 2020 - 21RETEACHING [Miller]CHAPTER 2: Equations & InequalitiesSection 3: Complex NumbersSimplify the radical.√48 = Simplify the radical. Rationalize the denominator. Write your answer in exact simplified form. Write the expression in terms of i and simplify.√-100 = Write the expression in terms of i and simplify.Write the expression in terms of i and simplify.Simplify the expression and write the result in standard form, a + bi. Simplify the expression and write the result in standard form, a + bi.Perform the indicated operations. Write the result in standard form, a + bi. Perform the indicated operations. Write the result in standard form, a + bi. Perform the indicated operations. Write the result in standard form, a + bi. Perform the indicated operations. Write the result in standard form, a + bi. Perform the indicated operations. Write the result in standard form, a + bi. Perform the indicated operations. Write the result in standard form, a + bi. Perform the indicated operations. Write the result in standard form, a + bi. COLLEGE ALGEBRA 2020 - 21RETEACHING [Miller]CHAPTER 2: Equations & InequalitiesSection 2: Applications with Linear and Rational Equations – Part 2Solve the equation.Two planes leave from Atlanta, Georgia. One makes a 4.7 hr flight to Seattle, Washington, and the other makes a 2 hr flight to Boston, Massachusetts. The plane to Boston averages 46 mph slower than the plane to Seattle. If the total distance traveled by both planes is 3124 mi, determine the average speed of each plane.Seattle Atlanta Boston4.7 hr 2hrDistance to Seattle + Distance to Boston = 3124 mi; Let n = rate for Seattle4.7n + 2(n – 46) = 3124Consider organizing the information in a table to solve the problem: d = rtDistance (mi)Rate (mph)Time (hr)Seattle4.7nn4.7 hrBoston2(n – 46)n - 462Solve the equation.Joel can run around a ? mile track in 63 sec, and Jason can run around the track in 57 sec. If the runners start at the same point on the track and run in opposite direction, how long will it take the runners to cover ? miles? Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a second, if necessary.Solve the equation.Brad and Angelina can mow their yard together with two lawn mowers in 40 min. When Brad works, it takes him 1 hr. How long would it take Angelina to mow the lawn by herself?Solve the equation.The property tax on a $160,000 house is $1450. At this rate, what is the property tax on a house that is $240,000? [HINT: Set this up as a proportion]Solve the equation.For a recent session, there were 14 more Democrats than Republicans in a state senate. This resulted in a ratio of 12 Democrats to 5 Republicans. How many senators were Democrat and how many were Republican? [HINT: Set this up as a proportion]Solve the problem.After a hurricane, repairs to a roof will cost $2600 for materials and $50/hr in labor.Write a model that represents the cost of the repair, C (in $), in terms of the number of hours of labor x. The model that represents the cost of repairs is: C = _____If an estimate for a new roof is $5200, after how many hours of labor would the cost to repair the roof equal the cost of a new roof? Solve the problem.A contractor must tile a rectangular kitchen that is 8 ft longer than it is wide, and the perimeter of the kitchen is 104 ft.Find the dimensions of the kitchen.How many square feet of tile should be ordered if the contractor adds an additional 20% to account for waste?Determine the total cost if the tile costs $18.00/ft2 and sales tax is 10%.Solve the problem.One number is 25 more than another number. The quotient of the larger number and the smaller number is 3 and the remainder is 3. Find the numbers.Solve the problem.The sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 11. If the digits are reversed, the new number is 27 more than the original number. Determine the original number.Solve the problem.A vertical pole is placed in the ground at a campsite outside Salt Lake City, Utah. One winter day, 1/6 of the pole is in the ground, 2/3 of the pole is covered in snow, and 1.9 ft is above the snow. How long is the pole, and how deep is the snow? Round the answers to the nearest hundredth of a foot, if necessary. ................

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