
Instructors’ Copy

Lab Worksheet – Welcome To Texarkana

The answers provided are from various sources. To make sure students get the answers you want, decide which books or sources your students may use and tailor the answers accordingly. These answers are only a guide.

Animal you have been assigned: American Robin

Scientific name: Turdus migratorius

Preferred habitat: Towns, gardens, open woodlands, and agricultural land.

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore _____Carnivore XXX Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian _____Reptile XXX Bird _____Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Usually 8-11 inches long with 12-16 inch wingspan. Weight about 2.72 ozs. Under parts are red , back and wings are gray. Dark head with white eye crescents. Throat white with black streaks. Lower belly with undertail are white. Yellow bill. Occasionally show pale eye stripes on light individuals. Known as the harbinger of spring even though they often winter in northern states. Nest is cup of mud reinforced with grass and twigs and lined with softer grasses.

What it eats: Eats fruit (during winter), insects and worms early in day.

Picture of animal: Pictures will vary due to source so are not provided.


Animal you have been assigned: American Toad

Scientific name: Bufo americanus

Preferred habitat: Areas with lots of moisture and insects. Often found in parks, yards, farmland, prairies, mountain areas and forests.

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore XXX Carnivore _____Omnivore

Is animal: XXX Amphibian _____Reptile _____Bird _____Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): 2-4½ inches long. Varies in color from tan, brown, reddish brown, or olive green. Light white to yellow belly that usually has black or gray spots on it. Have dark round spots on its back with one or two warts in each spot. Skin contains glands that produce a white toxin that helps protect the toad from predators. Males are usually smaller and may have a dark throat. Eggs are fertilized externally and are laid in water. Undergo metamorphosis. Active at night and burrows into ground to hibernate during winter. Puffs up to look bigger if threatened.

What it eats: Insects, spiders, earthworms and other invertebrates.

Picture of animal:

Animal you have been assigned: Anole

Scientific name: Anolis carolinensis

Preferred habitat: Parks and residential a reason walls, fences, trees, and low bushes.

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore XXX Carnivore _____Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian XXX Reptile _____Bird _____Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Reach a maximum length of 6-8 inches. Bodies are slender with a long, thin tail. Has a limited ability to change color between green, yellow, brown, gray or a mixture. Males have a large pink fan of skin on its neck, called a dewlap, which can be extended for courtship. Have specially adapted pads on their feet which permit them to climb, clings, and run on virtually any surface. Can “lose” its tail when grabbed, allowing the anole to escape. Tail will re-grow although it is usually shorter.

What it eats: Crickets, cockroaches, spiders, moths, and grubs

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Animal you have been assigned: Armadillo

Scientific name: Easypus novemcinctus

Preferred habitat: Brush, woods, scrubs and grasslands.

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore _____Carnivore XXX Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian _____Reptile _____Bird XXX Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Range in color from brownish-black to gray. Its 12lb body is almost entirely covered with jointed, armor-like plates. Very noisy when rooting through forest in search of food. Have sharp claws for digging. Have a keen sense of smell but extremely poor eyesight. Can make itself buoyant to cross deep water or can walk underwater on the bottom of shallow waterways.

What it eats: Insects, worms, and berries.

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Blue Jay

Scientific name: Cyanocitta cristata

Preferred habitat: Chiefly oak forest, but now also city parks and suburban yards, expecially where oak trees predominate.

Type of Consumer: XXX Herbivore _____Carnivore _____Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian _____Reptile XXX Bird _____Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Bright blue above with much white and black in the wings and tail; dingy white below; flack facial markings; prominent crest. Has a wide variety of calls. Nest is coarsely built of sticks, lined with grass and well concealed in a forked branch of a tree, often a conifer. They often mob predators, and their screaming makes it easy to locate a hawk or a roosting owl. They bury and then forget seeds and acorns.

What it eats: Seeds and acorns.

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Buzzard (Turkey vulture)

Scientific name: Cathartes aura

Preferred habitat: Mainly deciduous forests and woodlands; often seen over adjacent farmlands.

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore XXX Carnivore _____Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian _____Reptile XXX Bird _____Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Soars for hours over woodland and nearby open country searching for carcasses, locating them at least partly by means of its acute sense of smell. Gather in large roosts at night. Valuable for their removal of garbage and disease-causing carrion. Usually 25-32” long (eagle-sized), blackish bird. Wings are held upward in a wide, shallow V and flight feathers are silvery below. Rolls and sways from side to side while flying. Tail is long; head is small, bare and reddish. Usually silent except is may hiss or grunt when feeding or at the nest. Eggs laid in crevice in rocks, hollow tree or in a fallen hollow log without a nest.

What it eats: Garbage or carrion.

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Copperhead

Scientific name: Agkistrodon contortrix

Preferred habitat: Most but they prefer to be near streams and other waterways. Like areas with vines, vegetation and/or debris.

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore XXX Carnivore _____Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian XXX Reptile _____Bird _____Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Many have copper heads. Background color of back and sides is tan to pinkish. There are darker, chestnut colored bands across the back and sides that are often described as hourglass shaped. Newborns have a sulfur-colored tail. Most usually grow to 24-36”. Have live birth. Responsible for most snake bites although venom is not usually toxic. Freeze in place when they are threatened and, if provoked, will shake their tails and strike. Rely on camouflage.

What it eats: Small rodents, birds, lizards, snakes, amphibians and insects.

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Cottonmouth

Scientific name: Agkistrodon piscivorus

Preferred habitat: Wetland habitats like swamps, oxbow lakes, sloughs, drainage ditches and streams.

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore XXX Carnivore _____Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian XXX Reptile _____Bird _____Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Pit viper with keeled scales. Heavy-bodied, dark olive-brown to black. Indistinct dark crossbands, except when animal is wet. White upper lip, black stripe from snout onto neck. Belly mottled with black-, brown and cream-colored blotches. Young are brightly banded, turning darker with age. Tail tip is yellow or greenish yellow. Adults average 24-36 inches in length.

What it eats: Fish, amphibians, lizards, snakes, birds and rodents

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Coyote

Scientific name: Canis latrans

Preferred habitat: Variety, including fields, plains and bushy areas.

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore _____Carnivore XXX Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian _____Reptile _____Bird XXX Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Grayish-brown to yellowish-brown fur on top and whitish fur on its under parts. It has large triangular ears, a long, narrow muzzle, black nose, yellow eyes and a long, bushy tail. Coyotes run with their tails down. Dens are usually in rocky crevices, logs, caves or the dens of other animals. Hunt small prey individually but may hunt large animals like deer as a pack. Have many vocalizations.

What it eats: Mostly mammals, but will eat birds and snakes. Prefers fresh kill, but will eat carrion. In fall and winter, it often eats fruits, vegetables and berries.

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Crow

Scientific name: Corvus brachyrhynchos

Preferred habitat: Woodlands, farmlands, and suburban areas.

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore _____Carnivore XXX Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian _____Reptile XXX Bird _____Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Stocky black bird with stout bill and fan-shaped tail. Usually 17-21” long. Nest usually a large mass of twigs and sticks lined with feathers, grass and rootlets in a tree. Are intelligent and wary with a high reproductive capacity. May gather in roosts of up to half a millions birds. Likes to carry off bright objects.

What it eats: Grasshoppers, cutworms, and other insects harmful to farmers but also seeds, fruits, carrion, nuts and eggs.

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Earthworm

Scientific name: Lumbricus terrestris

Preferred habitat: Any soil in which the moisture and organic content are sufficient to sustain them._

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore _____Carnivore XXX Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian _____Reptile _____Bird _____Mammal XXX Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Most common worm in U.S. Color is reddish due to hemoglobin in its blood. Body is divided into ringlike segments. Some internal organs, including the excretory organs, are duplicated in each segment. Between segments 32-37 is the clitellum, a slightly bulged, discolored organ that roduces a cocoon for enclosing the earthworm’s eggs. The body is tapered at both ends, with the tail end the blunter of the two. Earthworms can sense both light and vibrations. Are hermaphroditic, both worms are fertilized by the other during mating. Earthworms ingest and discard their own weight in food and soil every day.

What it eats: Dead matter in soil (plants or animals).

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Eastern Cottontail Rabbit

Scientific name: Sylvilagus floridan

Preferred habitat: Bushy areas, fields, woodlands, and swamps. Likes areas between woody areas and open land.

Type of Consumer: XXX Herbivore _____Carnivore _____Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian _____Reptile _____Bird XXX Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Speckled brown-gray fur above, reddish-brown fur around its neck and shoulders and lighter fur around its nose and on its undersides. Its tail is puffy white on the underside. Can mate 3-4 times a year. Very territorial. Comes out at night, sometimes at dusk. Can leap between 10-15 feet. Runs at speeds of up to 15 mph.

What it eats: Grasses, clover, fruits and vegetables. Will eat woody parts of plants like the twigs and bark of brambles, birch, oak, etc in winter.

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Green Tree Frog

Scientific name: Hyla cinerea

Preferred habitat: Edges of lakes, ponds and streams. Likes lots of ground cover and aquatic vegetation. Can be found in trees and shrubs that grow near the water.

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore XXX Carnivore _____Omnivore

Is animal: XXX Amphibian _____Reptile _____Bird _____Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Sleeps during day in shady places. Nocturnal. Bright green, greenish gray or yellow green frog that is 1¼ to 2½ inches long. Color may change with temperature and activity. Has a light cream or green belly and it may have a light white or yellowish stripe that runs from its jaw along the side of its body. Has long toes with big, sticky toe pads that help it cling to plants. Some have gold spots on their backs. Fertilization is external and metamorphosis occurs. Good indicators of rainy weather because they call loudest during damp weather.

What it eats: Small insects and other invertebrates.

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: House Cat

Scientific name: Felis catus

Preferred habitat: Found in homes but do revert to feral (wild) state easily.

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore XXX Carnivore _____Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian _____Reptile _____Bird XXX Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Smallest members of the felid family. Has a supple, low-slung body, finely molded head, long tail that aids in balance, and specialized teeth and claws that adapt them to a life of active hunting. Cats are remarkably agile and powerful, and finely coordinated in movement.

What it eats: Birds, rodents, some insects.

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Humans

Scientific name: Homo sapiens

Preferred habitat: Anywhere

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore _____Carnivore XXX Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian _____Reptile _____Bird XXX Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Has opposable thumb that is used for grasping. Babies are born live but require many years to be self-supporting.

What it eats: Fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries, mammals, fish, crustaceans, birds

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: King Snake

Scientific name: Lampropeltis getulus

Preferred habitat: Open forests, pastures and prairie habitats.

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore XXX Carnivore _____Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian XXX Reptile _____Bird _____Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): The common king snake is usually black or dark brown, variously blotched, ringed or speckled with yellow or white. The scarlet king snake is banded like the coral snake (a poisonous version) but red touches black on the bands. Some specimens are up to 2.1 m long but most are less than 1.2 m long with small heads and tails. The king snake is a constrictor that lays eggs.

What it eats: small mammals, amphibians, lizards, birds, birds’ eggs and snakes (including poisonous snakes)

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Leopard Frog

Scientific name: Rana pipiens

Preferred habitat: Marshes, meadows and ponds – often strays far from water

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore XXX Carnivore _____Omnivore

Is animal: XXX Amphibian _____Reptile _____Bird _____Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Is about 5-13 centimeters long and is gray, green, or brown with paler lengthwise ridges on its back and a paler belly. Light-edged, dark spots are usually present on the upper surface of the body. Its call consists of throaty snoring and grunting sounds.

What it eats: Usually insects but occasionally very small fish.

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Mockingbird

Scientific name: Mimus polyglottos

Preferred habitat: Open country with thickets, farmland and desert brush.

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore _____Carnivore XXX Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian _____Reptile XXX Bird _____Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Gray on top and white on its underside. It has white patches on its wings that look like bars; a long black tail with white outer feathers and a long, slender bill. Males and females look alike. They build cup-shaped nests and both parents take care of babies after they hatch. Can mimic calls of other bird species and many other things like dogs and sirens. This bird is very territorial and will chase away birds much bigger than it.

What it eats: Ants, beetles, grasshoppers, seeds and berries.

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Opossum

Scientific name: Didelphis marsupialis

Preferred habitat: Any area where there are trees since they spend most of their time there.

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore _____Carnivore XXX Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian _____Reptile _____Bird XXX Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics: May grow to 100 cm in length and is about the size of a house cat. Its coarse coat varies from grayish white to nearly black. It has a pointy white face, beady black eyes, round black ears, and a stout body. The tail is hairless, scaly and prehensile and is about half the animal’s total length. There are five sharp-clawed toes on each font foot, and the innermost toe of each hind foot is clawless and opposable and can be used to grasping branches. The animal has 50 teeth. Opossums are marsupials so babies are born partially developed and must get into the pouch to survive and finish development. Will “play dead” if trapped. Possum flesh is enjoyed as food locally in the southern U.S.

What it eats: Insects, small mammals, eggs, nestlings, fruit, berries and sometimes cultivated crops.

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Raccoon

Scientific name: Procyon lotor

Preferred habitat: Prefers wooded areas near water but can be found in suburbs and cities. Usually in den in trees, but can live in abandoned burrows, a cave, barn, sewer or a house.

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore _____Carnivore XXX Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian _____Reptile _____Bird XXX Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Has gray to brown fur with a black mask around its eyes with white fur around the mask. Has a stripe that runs from its forehead to its nose and white fur around its nose. Bushy, ringed tail and black paws with 5 toes that look like human hands. Toes are flexible and it is very good at grabbing, pulling things apart and holding things. Climbs well. Usually nocturnal and solitary. Runs at speeds up to 15 mph. Is a good swimmer and makes a variety of sounds. Raccoons will often wash food to soften it and look for foreign objects on the food.

What it eats: Fruits, nuts, berries, insects, rodents, frogs, eggs, crayfish, corn and food from garbage cans.

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Red Fox

Scientific name: Vulpes vulpes

Preferred habitat: Wooded areas, prairies and farmland.

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore _____Carnivore XXX Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian _____Reptile _____Bird XXX Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Orangish-red fur on its back, sides and head. It has white fur under its neck and on its chest. It has a long bushy tail tipped in white, pointed black ears and black legs and feet. Mostly nocturnal. Hears low-frequency sounds well (like small animals in their burrows). Hunts even when it is full and stores food. Usually doesn’t have a den unless it has babies.

What it eats: Fruits, berries, grasses, birds, small mammals like squirrels, rabbits and mice. A large part of the diet is invertebrates like crickets, caterpillars, grasshoppers, beetles and crayfish.

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Red Squirrel

Scientific name: Tamiasciurus hudsonicus

Preferred habitat: Coniferous, deciduous and mixed coniferous-deciduous forests.

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore _____Carnivore XXX Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian _____Reptile _____Bird XXX Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Small squirrel with reddish to reddish-gray fur on top and a white or cream underside. Has white around its eyes. Its tail is not as long or bushy as other tree squirrels. May have a black stripe on its sides in summer. Has curved front claws and powerful hind legs that make it a good climber and jumper. Makes nests in hollows in ground, in tree hollows, logs or crotches in trees. Very vocal. Most active in early morning and late afternoon and is solitary. Buries nuts and seeds and often forgets them.

What it eats: Insects, seeds, bark, nuts, fruits, mushrooms and pine seeds or cones. Sometimes insects, young birds, mice and rabbits.

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Red-tailed Hawk

Scientific name: Buteo jamaicensis

Preferred habitat: Deciduous forests and open areas like swamps, deserts, tundra, plains and agricultural lands. Prefers places with high perches that it can use to search for food. It can often be seen sitting on telephone poles and wires looking for prey.

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore XXX Carnivore _____Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian _____Reptile XXX Bird _____Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Dark brown to gray brown on its back and on the top of its wings. It has light brown or cream undersides and a cinnamon colored neck and check. It has a dark band across its belly and a broad, round, rusty red tail. Female is larger than the male, 18-25 inches in length with a wingspan of four feet. It weights 2-4 pounds. Breed at 3 years and start with aerial display. Mate for life with both build the nest and raise the hatchlings. Very territorial and return to the same territory and nest. Its call is often used in films as the call of eagles and other raptors.

What it eats: Small rodents, fish and reptiles.

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Small Insects

Scientific name: No specific one since there are many types of small insects.

Preferred habitat: All

Type of Consumer: XXX Herbivore _____Carnivore _____Omnivore (Give students this answer to make it less confusing on the food web or assign a specific insect like the grasshopper.)

Is animal: _____Amphibian _____Reptile _____Bird _____Mammal XXX Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): All insects have 6 legs and a hard exoskeleton. Many insects eat plants, although some, like the lady bug and praying mantis eat other insects. Answer may be more specific if a particular insect is assigned.

What it eats: Specify insects that eat plants

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Southern Flying Squirrel

Scientific name: Glaucomys volans

Preferred habitat: Mostly in trees

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore _____Carnivore XXX Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian _____Reptile _____Bird XXX Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Glides, can enter state or torpor during cold winters, most carnivorous of tree squirrels, may store up to 15,000 nuts in a season, nest is about 8 inches in diameter in 8-20 foot trees. Females defend nest and have several nests. Can produce ultrasonic sounds. Have a very silky coat that is grayish brown above and white below. Have folds of skin between front and back legs and a flattened, gray-brown tail.

What it eats: nuts, acorns, seeds, berries, fungi, lichens, birds and their nestlings and eggs, some insects, and sometimes other vertebrates, including carrion.

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Striped Skunk

Scientific name: Mephitis mephitis

Preferred habitat: Open areas with a mix of habitats like woods and grasslands or meadows. Never further than 2 miles from water.

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore _____Carnivore XXX Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian _____Reptile _____Bird XXX Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Has a white stripe that runs from its head to its tail. Its stripes start with a triangle at the head and break into two stripes down its back. The stripes meet again and form one stripe at the base of their tail. Tails are usually a mixture of white and black fur. Each skunk has a unique stripe pattern. About the size of a house cat. Has a small triangular head and little ears. Its legs are short with webbed toes and claws for digging and looking for food. When threatened, it arches its back, stops it feet and, as a last resort, it sprays the animal with a strong-smelling fluid that really stinks and can also cause a burning sensation in the eyes (from as far away aw 12 feet). Primarily nocturnal. Sleeps in abandoned burrows, hollows in trees or buildings.

What it eats: Insects, small mammals, fish, crustaceans, fruits, nuts, leaves, grasses and carrion.

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Texas Rat Snake

Scientific name: Elaphe obsolete lindheimeri

Preferred habitat: Any place rodents are found – including in houses and trees

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore XXX Carnivore _____Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian XXX Reptile _____Bird _____Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Born 9-11” but can grow to over 6 feet. Adult heads are slate gray to black on top and white underneath (unique ID). Body is brown to yellow to orange with brown saddle-shaped blotches running down the back. When threatened, they coil up and strike repeatedly while vibrating the tail. They are often mistaken for rattlesnakes but are not poisonous. Also called chicken snakes because they sometimes go in chicken coops. Can climb trees. Lays eggs.

What it eats: Prefers rats and mice but can climb trees if hungry to eat birds and eggs.

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Timber Rattlesnake

Scientific name: Crotalus horridus

Preferred habitat: Woody forests, well-vegetated lowlands, heavily vegetated riparian waterways, next to rodent paths.

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore XXX Carnivore _____Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian XXX Reptile _____Bird _____Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): May be 60” in length. Body is usually gray with dark cross bands and with light cinnamon-colored vertebral stripes in turns covering a portion of each cross band. Its tail is black and its belly is mostly white with areas of pigment found near the border between ventral and dorsal pigmented, obscuring the distinction between the blotches and the background. Anal plate is undivided. Is a pit viper and has a rattle. Congregate in large groups for winter hibernation. Babies are born live. Are a threatened species and is protected in Texas.

What it eats: Any type of rodent

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: Western Hognose Snake

Scientific name: Heterodon nasicus

Preferred habitat: Sandy short grass prairies, rocky arid lands and coastal islands

Type of Consumer: _____Herbivore XXX Carnivore _____Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian XXX Reptile _____Bird _____Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): 15-25” long, dorsal ground color is buff-colored and is marked with large, elliptical spots and small brown blotches on the lower sides of the body. Ventral color is dark black and marked with white or pale yellow blotches. Upturned snout with keel. Divided anal plate. Nonvenomous to humans. Feigns death if threatened by turning over on its back. Docile when held. Egg-bearing.

What it eats: Amphibians, lizards, and smaller snakes.

Picture of animal:


Animal you have been assigned: White-tailed Deer

Scientific name: Odocoileus virginianus

Preferred habitat: Wooded and brushy areas with good cover, as well as access to a wide variety of food sources.

Type of Consumer: XXX Herbivore _____Carnivore _____Omnivore

Is animal: _____Amphibian _____Reptile _____Bird XXX Mammal _____Other

Distinguishing characteristics (including description): Body is reddish-brown in summer and grayish-brown in winter. Fawns have bright white spots scattered on their coats. Tails are held erect when fleeing to display the white underside. Bucks can attain lengths of over six feet and weigh up to 300 pounds. Males grow a new set of antlers every year.

What it eats: Woody plants, shrubs, fruit, and grass, occasionally invading landscaping and household gardens.

Picture of animal:


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