
Meredith Public Library – Board of Trustees

Minutes of the Board of Trustees – Tuesday September 10, 2013, called to order at 6:00 PM

Trustees present: Rhetta Colon, Duncan McNeish, Ann Butler, Paul Eldridge, Mary Richardson, Pam Coburn, Colleen Nolan

Members absent with notice: Kate Miller

Others present: Erin Apostolos, Library Director: Judy Hodges, Assistant Librarian

Secretary’s Reports: Minutes of 8/13/2013 - accepted

Minutes of 8/27/13 - accepted

Treasurer’s Report: Paul moved to accept the report, Colleen seconded, all aye.

Duncan pointed out that the interest figure was high this month because checking and savings accounts at MVSB contained funds from RBC Wealth Management. These have now been transferred to and invested by Mackensen & Company, Inc. . Trustees may view library accounts by using passwords e-mailed in July. Ann will copy this message to all trustees.

Director’s Report:

We have paid Full Circle and await minutes of the Master Plan Committee’s First meeting from Terry. Rhetta pointed out that Trustees are spending from principle for Full Circle.

Erin reported that circulation continues to drop, but the number of visits to the library rose from July to August by 700. The Friends’ book sale may account for some of this increase. Judy is engaged in an analysis of the last 5 years but Erin speculated that Judy’s results might well show the library in transition:- moving from being primarily a supplier of materials for patrons to borrow, and towards becoming a service center where people congregate for meetings, classes, events and computer time.

Friends of the Meredith Library held their 5K Book It! event on August 31st. They greatly appreciated seeing so many trustees at the race. They raised approximately $2000 for library programs.

Old Business:

a. Paul has yet to consult with Terry Knowles about the Expendable Trust Article.

b. The second presentation to CIP went well, although it raised several awkward questions. John Edgar inquired about heating tape for the gutters. Others on the committee wondered where we expected the water from the gutters to go. Colleen pointed out that the library needs input from the town and CIP as the library building belongs to the town.

c. Letter of Understanding will go to the Policy Committee for final revision before trustees send it to the Board of Selectmen for their consideration.

d. Ann has had no response to messages left at the Baptist Church. She will attempt to waylay the pastor.

e. Master Plan Committee met September 9th.

f. Trustee Evaluations reveal weakness in the areas of fundraising and advocacy for the library. We discussed the need for an annual strategy and possible collaboration with the Friends on a yearly event. We considered issuing more frequent press releases. Ann will discuss fundraiser ideas with the Friends. Pam will speak to Erin Plumber at the Meredith News about using material from the documents we already generate, like Erin’s reports and meeting minutes.

g. Erin has asked for an overall estimate for the HVAC upgrade that will be needed in the next 5-10 years, so that the library can submit this coming expense to CIP.

h. Technology Plan met with general approval. We have big expenses in 2014, partly because we will be replacing all 8 PCs. Licenses will be relatively cheap after the version 8 update.

i. All trustees will revisit the trustees’ long range goals from August 2013 meeting, and and come to the October meeting with practical ideas and shorter term strategies for each goal.

j. Rhetta and Erin will review 1/4/2012 Building Maintenance Plan and revise it to reflect present status.

New Business:

a. Policy Committee:

i. Building Maintenance Policy - Duncan proposed, Paul seconded, all aye.

ii. Program Policy - Duncan proposed, Paul seconded, all aye.

iii. Community Outreach Policy - Duncan proposed, Paul seconded, all aye.

iv. Reimbursement for Trustees - Mary proposed, Paul seconded, all aye. Trustees agreed that staff reimbursement should go back into the budget.

b. Calendar Review of September:

i. Erin has completed application for the NH Charitable Trust Grant -$5000 to hire a consultant - and expects to hear the result soon.

ii. Quarterly Investment review seems premature, given funds have been so recently reinvested. Trustees received ids and passwords and should study the new portfolio. Ann will copy the relevant e-mail to trustees.

c. Budget Committee will meet soon. Approval of library budget to be submitted to town is on our October calendar.

d. Adjourned to Executive Session at 7:25 - Duncan proposed, Paul seconded, all aye. Move to leave Executive Session at 7:27 - Duncan proposed, Paul seconded, all aye.

e. Firearms in the Library: Rhetta explained that by NH law, it is illegal to ban weapons in public buildings. Courthouses are the exception.

f. Duncan reported he had spoken to Norm Larson to explain that there are no architects on the Master Plan Committee as this would cause conflicts of interest.

g. Ann reminded trustees that the Friends group meets at 3 PM on the last Wednesday of every month except December. Their next meeting is 9/25/2013.

Adjourned at 7:32 PM - Duncan proposed, Paul seconded, all aye.

Next meeting of the Meredith Library Board of Trustees is Tuesday, October 8, 2013.


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