


➢ 5 years of experience in React JS Development, Node Developer, Front End Developer, Software Analysis, Implementation, Testing, and Documentation of Web & Client Server Applications using HTML5, DHTML, XML, XHTML, XSLT, JavaScript, jQuery and CSS3 & Angular JS, Angular 2, Angular 4

➢ Versatile Front-end Developer with experience in designing, developing, and managing complex e-commerce sites and internal frameworks.

➢ Leveraging JavaScript to build responsive websites, mobile apps, and interactive features that drive business growth and improve UX.

➢ Specializes in React JS and responsive design.

➢ Worked with ReactJS with Redux.

➢ Extensively used the JavaScript frameworks, jQuery, Bootstrap, Angular JS

➢ Developed Web 2.0 applications to consume JSON response using callback functions.

➢ Experience in using NodeJS

➢ Created smart navbar system in typescript that would retain a client context across multiple web apps using the query string. Smart NAV would automatically determine selected navigation node using the browser URL.

➢ Used node.js for JavaScript applications to deal with Http Request.

➢ Familiarity with Version control tools like CVS, Git.

➢ Experience with common front-end development tools such as Babel, Web pack, NPM, etc.

➢ Experience in using task runners like gulp and grunt

➢ Skilled in solving complex issues related to browser and network performance, cross-browser and legacy IE compatibility, client-side scaling, data modeling, usability and testability.

➢ Proficient in handling Twitter Bootstrap framework i.e., the concept of Grids, making use of advance components like Navs, Navibars, Pagination, Alerts, Progress bars etc.

➢ Good knowledge and experience of UML, Unified Process at the Enterprise level and familiarity with popular process methodologies like Agile, Waterfall.

➢ Implemented Agile Methodologies SCRUM a light weight framework, UI SDE for managing and controlling iterative and incremental projects.

➢ Extensive knowledge on PHP

➢ Responsible for checking Cross browser compatibility and hence worked on different browsers like Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome.

➢ Expertise in object modeling and Object-Oriented design methodologies (UML).

➢ Experience with UML diagrams like Class, Object, Use Case, State, Activity diagrams.

➢ Experience in using Design Patterns like MVC, Data Access Object (DAO), Singleton, Business Delegate, Service Locator and Session Facade.

➢ Proficiency in Database Programming using SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle .

➢ Worked on various platforms including Windows XP, Vista, 7 and UNIX.

➢ In-Depth knowledge/Experience of Web 2.0, section 508 JavaScript, JQuery, W3C Standards.

➢ Capability of leadership and ability to work under pressure.

Technical Skills:

|Languages |JavaScript, Java, Python, Django, PyQt5, C++, JavaFX |

|Databases |SQL Server 2012, SQLite, MySQL. |

|Software & Tools |Brackets, Visual Studio Code, Intellij IDEA, SQL Workbench, Android studio, PyCharm, GitHub. |

|JS Frameworks |Angular2, React JS, Node JS, React-Native |

|Web Technologies |HTML4/5, CSS3, SASS, LESS, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, WordPress, JSON, Twitter Bootstrap, React JS, Redux, |

| |Flex, ES6 |

|Databases |MONGO DB, Spunk data storage (Big data), Oracle 8i, 9i, 10g, SQL Server 2000, 2005 & 2008; IIS 6.0/7.0 |

|Cloud |AWS |

|Testing Tools & Logging Frame |Jest, Enzyme, Load runner, Jasmine, Selenium, Easy Mock, Manual Testing |

|Works | |

|Methodologies |Agile, Water fall |

Work Experience:

American Express Oct-18 to Present

Phoenix, AZ

React Developer (React-Native, NodeJS)


➢ Works on Agile management.

➢ Designed dynamic, cross-platform pages using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and with Amex based components for a responsive menu navigation interface with REACT JS.

➢ Uses CSS pre-processor SASS for designing and development.

➢ Designed responsive web pages using Media Queries and Amex based components.

➢ Developed API using NODE JS on servicing layer.

➢ Uses REDUX library for state management.

➢ Experience in RESTful web services to integrate between Server side to Client Side

➢ Handled cross browser/platform compatibility issues (IE, Firefox, Chrome and Safari) on both Windows and Mac.

➢ Works using on servicing layer NODE JS at back-end for database connection.

➢ Worked on Couchbase database.

➢ Handled all aspects of the web application including maintaining, testing, debugging, and deploying.

➢ Developed Mobile Application using React-Native.

➢ Ensured site design integrity and quality control consistency throughout the project's lifecycle.

➢ Interacted with Testing Team, Scrum Masters and Business Analysts for fixing of Issues

➢ Uses JEST and ENZYME for Unit Testing, Snapshot Testing and Selenium for Browser.

➢ Been an active team player, helped in fixing bugs and also carried out troubleshooting

➢ Adhered to corporate standards with respect to problem, change and configuration management.

➢ Involved in releasing code across the different environment.

➢ Involved in bug fixing and assisted QA team in navigating through the pages.

➢ Used Web Developer, Firebug, and IE developer toolbar for debugging and browser compatibility.

➢ Debug the issue in firebug for Firefox, web developer tools in Chrome, Safari and IE 8, 9, 10 browsers.

Sara lee Aug 17- May 18

Chicago, IL

Web Developer/React Developer

Sara Lee is a leader in the baking industry, known for its category leading brands, innovative products, freshness and quality.


➢ Developed front end for the entire website using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and React JS

➢ Implemented web page using the semantic markup and page layout of HTML5 and implemented the new CSS3 border-radius property for the design layout and CSS3 transitions to change property values over a given duration.

➢ Redesigned the existing module with AngularJS and React JS according to the client requirements.

➢ Html5, CSS3, JavaScript, and Bootstrap at front end. Also hosted it using AWS EC2 instance.

➢ Leveraged angular resources for all data access, encapsulating URLs and standardizing data access interfaces.

➢ Created smart navbar system in typescript that would retain a client context across multiple web apps using the query string. Smart Nav would automatically determine selected navigation node using the browser URL.

➢ Updated dashboard front end to support multiple dashboards and their CRUD operations using typescript.

➢ Enhanced user experience by designing new web features using MVC Framework like Backbone.js, Require.js and Node.js.

➢ Implementing the complete Application in the in-build MVC Architecture with Angular JS.

➢ Coded Angular JS controllers and directives for application functionality.

➢ Used filters while coding in Angular JS.

➢ Followed Web Accessibility Guidelines while coding the website.

➢ Implemented various JavaScript/JQuery effects on the pages.

➢ Developed a web application using HTML/CSS, JavaScript with PHP and MySQL as the backend.

➢ Web Application using React and Redux where one can sign up and update his or her profile. Used Firebase for database and authentication with React-Redux-firebase.

➢ Created dynamic webpages making AJAX Calls, using the XML Http Request Object.

➢ Used jQuery for interaction between JavaScript and HTML.

➢ Worked with the design of the templates and skins in CSS.

➢ Called the restful web service calls for POST, PUT, DELETE and GET methods.

➢ Used JQuery to make REST API calls and Designed/documented of REST APIs for collection and retrieval of high data

Environments: HTML5, CSS3, React JS, JavaScript, XSLT, Angular 2, Angular 4, Node JS,JQUERY, Bootstrap, AJAX, JSON, Windows 7, REST(web service), Java/j2ee, Spring MVC

KIDZEE, Aligarh. Duration: March 2015 – July 2016

Role: Web Developer


Kidzee is a pioneer of ECCE (Early Childhood Care and Education) in India and Nepal. Its preschool is a part of 17000+ centers spread across 550+ cities in India and Nepal. It has nurtured over 4,50,000 children. It is part of the renowned and reputed Zee group and Essel Group.


➢ Designing, developing and testing the web application by using the HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, React JS and Redux

➢ Developed user interface by using the React JS, Redux for SPA development.

➢ Involved in responsive design and developed a single ISOMORPHIC responsive website that could be served to desktop, Tablets and mobile users using React.js.

➢ Used React-Router to turn application into Single Page Application

➢ Used ReactJS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.

➢ Building stable React components and stand-alone functions to be added to any future pages.

➢ Used React-Autocomplete for creating google maps location search on the webpage.

➢ Used the flickity.js for creating carousel-images.

➢ Component for UX-Library consisted of Button, Checkbox, Input, Icons, Toggle Button, Dropdown, Multi-Level Dropdown and many more.

➢ In Phase Two, worked closely with the Back-End team to display data using the Custom Components, library Components, and Redux.

➢ Created and used Reducers that received said Actions to modify the Store State Tree.

➢ Maintained states in the stores and dispatched the actions using redux.

➢ Working with ECMA Script 6 features. For build of JSX and ES2015(ES6) used Babel, webpack.

➢ Used Middleware, Redux-Promise in application to retrieve data from Back-End and to also perform RESTFUL services.

➢ Added dynamic Functionality by creating and dispatching Action Creators that deployed Actions.

➢ Used Restful web services to call for POST, PUT, DELETE and GET methods.

➢ Works on AWS for fetch the pictures and Videos from AWS to UI.

➢ Used Object Oriented Programming concepts to develop UI components that could be reused across the Web Application.

➢ Used Git for version controlling and regularly pushed the code to GitHub.

➢ Works with JASMINE unit test framework to write unit tests for JavaScript code.

➢ Extensively used debugging tools such as Firebug and IE Dev tools to investigate the issues and fix the bugs.

➢ Wrote code to handle cross browser compatibility issues in IE 7, 8, 9, FF, Safari and Chrome

➢ Knowledge on Node.js environment set-up and interacted Node Service team to get the Service.

Client Name: TATA Motors (TELCO), Jaipur Duration: Jan 2013 – February 2015

Role: Web Developer


Tata Motors Group (Tata Motors) is a $45 billion organization. It is a leading global automobile manufacturing company. Its diverse portfolio includes an extensive range of cars, sports utility vehicles, trucks, buses and defense vehicles. Tata Motors is India’s largest and the only original equipment manufacturer (OEM) offering extensive range of integrated, smart and e-mobility solutions.


➢ Works on Agile management.

➢ Designed dynamic, cross-platform pages using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and with the addition of Bootstrap for a responsive menu navigation interface.

➢ Created HTML5 and CSS3 from Photoshop mockups.

➢ Used CSS pre-processor SASS for designing and development.

➢ Designed responsive web pages using Media Queries and Twitter Bootstrap.

➢ Developed code to call the web service/APIs to fetch the data and populate on the UI using JavaScript/AJAX.

➢ Experience in RESTful web services to integrate between Server side to Client Side

➢ Handled cross browser/platform compatibility issues (IE, Firefox, and Safari) on both Windows.

➢ Worked on providing and consuming information from Web API.

➢ Responsible for design and development of various components such as tab bars, map view, image picker, document picker, push notifications, sign-in/out features, profile management and navigation using react native.

➢ Used PHP at back-end for database connection.

➢ Worked on MySQL to retrieve data and render it on page from database.

➢ Used MD5 and Salt for password encryption while saving it to database.

➢ Handled all aspects of the web application including maintaining, testing, debugging, and deploying.

➢ Ensured site design integrity and quality control consistency throughout the project's lifecycle.

➢ Interacted with Testing Team, Scrum Masters and Business Analysts for fixing of Issues

➢ Interacted with Customers and development teams for Fix the Issues.

➢ Performed the System Testing, Regression Testing for Complete UI after fixing the Issues which are reported by Testing Team.


|Master of Science, Computer Science | GPA | 3.69 |

|Texas A&M university | |May 2018 |

| | | |

|Post Graduate Diploma in VLSI (Very Large-Scale Integration) | GPA | 3.30 |

|CDAC-ATCS Nagpur | | 2012 |

|Bachelor of Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication | GPA | 3.00 |

|University of Nagpur | | 2010 |


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