
Activities for weeks beginning 4th and 11th MayHi everyone, thank you so much for all your lovely work that you have done the last two weeks on 'minibeasts'. I have loved seeing your photos and work on HWB. You are all superstars!This fortnight we will be concentrating on two minibeasts, which are closely connected. We will be looking at one of my favourite stories and learning how a caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly. I will continue to make 'help videos' but will upload them a week at a time to help you.Please try and do our 'Daily Dos' as often as you can and then have fun with the activities below. I am missing you all and hopefully will see you very soon. Take care everyone, keep safe and keep smiling!Daily Dos (these are little warm up activities you can do every day)Counting to 20 forwards and backwards, in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s to 100. Singing number songs (e.g. 1,2,3,4,5...once I caught, 10 green bottles, 5 little speckled frogs etc.)Doubling songs (see my video to sing along)Number bond songs (see video)Number formationMaking bigger numbers (understanding tens and units etc.)Letter formation/phonic videosReading phonic words using the videosTricky word spellings and writing the words within a sentenceIt is really important to keep up with your reading. To access more reading books online please go to the website oxfordowls.co.uk. Click on class log in. Username is miss ashton and password is School123. Enjoy other reading materials such as comics, magazines, enjoy sharing a story with an adult in your house.Week 1 - 4/05/2020 - CaterpillarsRead the story The Hungry Caterpillar (link to the story is on this webpage)Can you order the days of the week? Can you write the days of the week? Can you name the days of the week in welsh? Can you order them (To support your child, you could write the days out on a piece of paper and cut them up to allow them to order).MondayDydd LlunTuesdayDydd MawrthWednesdayDydd MercherThursdayDydd IauFridayDydd GwenerSaturdayDydd SadwrnSundayDydd SulCan you create your own little story based on the Hungry Caterpillar and using your knowledge of the days of the week. You could include yourself in the story of choose another minibeast or animal:On Monday Miss Ashton ate one banana but she was still hungry.On Tuesday Miss Ashton ate two pieces of melon but she was still hungry.On Wednesday Miss Ashton ate three pieces of pizza but she was still hungry. etc.You could make your own story book, with pictures and a front cover. I would love to see and read these.Caterpillar patterns - I have made some caterpillar patterns to show you on your HWB and this webpage. Can you complete my patterns? Can you create your own? Please don't worry if you cannot print off any sheets, you can make your own caterpillar on a piece of paper. Feel free to take a photo of your work. Could you continue using HWB to find out a fact about a caterpillar and a picture using mix. Similar to what you did last week with a ladybird.I have included some lovely caterpillar/butterfly songs for you to have fun with. I will sing them for you on my 'help videos' and upload the words to the webpage.Finally, I would like you to practise some welsh for me. We are very good at saying what you like and don't like to eat. In the story the Hungry Caterpillar, he mainly eats lots of fruit. I will upload a word mat to help you with some welsh words for fruit.Dw i'n hoffi bwyta.......(I like to eat....)Dw i'n ddim yn hoffi bwyta.... ( I do not like to eat.....)Week 2 - 11/04/2020 ButterfliesRead the story 'Ten Magic Butterflies' (the link is on this webpage)This story talks about our number bonds to 10. I have uploaded some questions on this webpage. I have lost some numbers, can you complete my number sentences?Can you find out about the life cycle of a butterfly? Maybe you could draw me a picture/a diagram to show me the stages. I will show you my example on my 'help video'. Feel free to share photos of your work.Butterflies are very pretty and colourful. Some have patterns on their wings which are the same each side, we call this symmetrical. I have uploaded some butterfly patters to this webpage. Can you complete the pattern to make it symmetrical? If you cannot print out sheets, maybe someone can help you draw an outline of a butterfly and you can create your own pattern.Don't forget to use mix on HWB to tell me a fact about a butterfly.It is so important that you have fun and enjoy these activities. Don't forget to listen to the stories I have uploaded and the songs I will sing for you to have a go at.Take care everyone. See you soon.Miss Ashton ................

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