Lesson Plan - Study Island


|Lesson Title: Point of View |Date: |

|Subject: Reading |Grade Level(s): 6-7 |

|Teacher: |Time Frame: 60 minutes |

|Lesson Summary: |

|Students will be able to identify point of view. |

|Lesson Objectives |

| The students will know… |

|How to identify points of view. |

| |

|The students will be able to… |

|Recognize and identify different points of view. |

|Lesson Plan |

|Time: |Procedure: |Materials Needed: |

|10 minutes |Warm-up Exercise: |Computer connected to a projector; PowerPoint presentation, slide 2 |

| |Display slide 2. Read the passage. Ask students who is narrating | |

| |the story. Have volunteers share their answers. | |

| | | |

| |Ask students to explain the difference between the author of a | |

| |story and the narrator. Discuss their responses. | |

|5 minutes |Motivation (Real-world Applications): | |

| |Ask students to think about when they use the word I and when they | |

| |use the words he or she in their writing. | |

| | | |

| |Explain that authors use these words to show who is speaking and | |

| |what their point of view is. | |

|10 minutes |Presentation of New Material: |Computer connected to a projector; PowerPoint presentation, slides 3 |

| |Explain to students that understanding the point of view of the |and 4 |

| |narrator can help them better understand what is happening in a | |

| |story. The point of view of the narrator can explain why certain | |

| |information is revealed while other information is not. | |

| | | |

| |Work though slides 3–4 to explain point of view. | |

|10 minutes |Guided Practice: |Computer connected to a projector; PowerPoint presentation, slides 5–7|

| |Display slide 5. With students, read the passage. Have students | |

| |work in pairs to answer the questions on slide 6. Reference the | |

| |correct answers on slide 7 as needed. | |

|15 minutes |Independent Practice: |Computer connected to a projector; PowerPoint presentation, slide 2 |

| |Have students rewrite the excerpt on slide 2 from first person | |

| |point of view. | |

|10 minutes |Closing Activities: | |

| |Have students read aloud their revised versions of the excerpt from| |

| |Metamorphosis. Then read aloud the original. Discuss how the | |

| |different points of view affect the tone of the text. | |

|Homework: Find examples of texts written in first person, third person limited, and third person omniscient. |

|Differentiation: For students needing extra support, identify several short passages featuring various points of view. Have students read each passage and identify|

|the point of view of the narrator. Ask students who need an extra challenge to rewrite the passage on slide 4 using a different point of view. Have them exchange |

|their passages with other students. |

|Teacher Reflection: |

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