LESSON PLAN OUTLINE JMU Elementary Education Program0189230The following information should be included in the header of the lesson plan:Kayla BoucherMs. Rooney & Ms. Gurrier, 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds, YCP10/15/201410/22/201400The following information should be included in the header of the lesson plan:Kayla BoucherMs. Rooney & Ms. Gurrier, 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds, YCP10/15/201410/22/2014TITLE OF LESSON – I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a PieCONTEXT OF LESSON Right now the theme in our classroom is fall. Also as October comes to an end, thanksgiving is right around the corner. This book includes foods that are commonly used for thanksgiving meals. The book also has a lot of rhyming and repeating. The four-year-olds are able to catch on to the rhyming and repeating. OBJECTIVES AND ASSESSMENTDevelopmental ObjectivesPlan for Assessment1. The students will make predictions on what will happen next in the story.I will ask the children to make predictions before we start the book, in the middle and on the second to last page. I will voice record the read aloud so I will record what the children say. They will succeed if they make accurate predictions.2. The students will express what happens to people when they eat too much. I will ask the children why the old lady got bigger and bigger throughout the book. If the children can express that eating too much is the reason I will consider them successful.COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENT DATANAMEThe student will make predictions on what will happen next in the story.The students will express what happens to people when they eat too muchVBased on the cover he predicted that the old lady would eat a pie. On the final page he predicted that the family was rolling her outside of the house.He said, “when people eat too much they get fat”LHe agreed w V that the old lady would be eating a pie. In the middle of the story he predicted that the old lady would die because she ate a pot.He said the lady got bigger and bigger because she ate a lot of food and a pot!RELATED VIRGINIA STANDARDS OF LEARNING (K & 1) OR FOUNDATION BLOCKS (Preschool)Virginia Literacy Foundation Blocks:Listen with increasing attention to spoken language, conversations and text read aloudCorrectly identify characters, objects, and actions in a text with or without pictures and begin to comment about eachMake predictions about what might happen in a storyMATERIALS NEEDEDBook: I Once Knew an Old Lady Who Swallowed A Pie by Allison Jackson. Puffin Books, New York, copyright, 1997.PROCEDUREAt the YCP it is a completely choice dayI will approach some children as they first enter the room and say, “hey _____, I brought a really cool book to school today to show you. Do you want to read it with me?”. Once a child says yes I will go to a quiet area and invite others along the way to join. (Usually children like to read books when they first enter) After I gather a small group I will bring them to a quieter area of the room so that they can focus and hear. I will read the title, the author and illustrator. I will ask the children what they think is going to happen in the book based on the title and picture. After they make some guesses (or don’t) I will begin the book. Here and there through out the book I will allow the children to guess what thing they think she will eat next.On the second page I will ask, “Why does the mother look surprised?” (Possible answers: she ate a whole pie).On the ninth page I will ask, “Has the woman eaten a lot of food so far? Do you think she can eat more?”On the thirteenth page I will ask, “What is happening to the women as she eats more and more?” (Possible answers: she feels sick or that she is getting bigger and bigger). On the nineteenth page I will ask, “ Have you ever known anyone who ate a pot? Do you think someone could really eat one?” “Why does the story keep saying ‘perhaps she’ll die’?”On the twenty-ninth page I will ask the children to predict what will happen next. (On this page the old lady’s family members are pushing them)On the final page I will ask, “Would someone really float like a balloon after eating that much?” I will conclude the read aloud by asking the children if the book is pretend or real. I will enhance the learning by asking how they would feel if they ate that much. I will ask what would happened to them if they ate that much food every day. PREPARATION OF THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTI will practice and make sure I know the questions well that I am asking prior. I will make sure there is an area we can go that is quiet enough for the children to hear and focus. INTRODUCTION AND ORGANIZATIONI will introduce the activity by asking students if they would want to read a story with me. I will get their attention by telling them it is a book about an old lady who eats all sorts of things. I will allow them to relate to previous terms by reminding them of the time we ate a pie in class.IMPLEMENTATIONI will approach some children as they first enter the room and say, “hey _____, I brought a really cool book to school today to show you. Do you want to read it with me?”. Once I find a child that says yes I will go to a quiet area and invite others along the way to join. To extend the learning outside of the questions during the book by asking deeper questions after the book is finished. I will ask the children how they feel when they eat too much food and what would happen to them if they eat a lot of food regularly.CLOSUREAfter the extended learning questions are answered. I will tell the children that we all need to pay attention to when we are full.CLEAN-UPThe clean up procedure will be to pick up the book and put it back with my things in the office. DIFFERENTIATIONI will have to differentiate depending on which children want to read with me. Some children will be able to easily answer the questions I have planned. With these students I might add onto their statement. If I ask, “Why is the mom surprised” and they quickly respond “Because she ate a whole pie” I can go off of that and say, “Do you think you could eat an entire pie?”. Other children might struggle with the questions. For these children I will have to give them options for possible answers. So I could say ,”because its thanksgiving and she wasn’t expecting company” or “because she ate an entire pie”. Also some children might have trouble grasping what is happening. For these children I will point at the pictures and ask if they see differences in the old lady. To guarantee all children are picking up on the rhyming pattern I will sing that part and ask the children to join me. When it comes to the end of the page I will allow the children to guess what the next item will be.WHAT COULD GO WRONG WITH THIS LESSON AND WHAT WILL YOU DO ABOUT IT?One thing that could go wrong is that no children will want to read the story with me. If this happens I could try again another day since I am at the YCP and they allow choice everyday. However if this issue continues I would have to require a few students to read with me with the help of my cooperating teachers. Another issue I could run into is if the children do not like the book. If this were to happen I would try to get more into the book by singing and exaggerating my voice. A third problem I could run into is the children in the classroom being so loud that they could not focus. If this happens I will bring the children into the hallway. A final thing is that they could have no idea how to answer my questions. If this happens I will scaffold as much as I can to guide them towards the answer. And even go back if I need to. REFLECTIONThe lesson went well over all. L came up to me when he first go to school and asked me to read a book with him. I told him I brought my own book to school that I would like to share with him. He said okay but can we read my book first. So he went over and picked out his favorite apple book and I began to read that with him. As I was reading V came over to join us. After I finished that book I said it was my turn to share the book that I brought. I then went through as the procedure states. The children were able to make predictions very easy. The teachers have been working a lot with the children to make strong predictions. Therefore the children have had a lot of practice with making predictions. This makes me believe why they were able to come up with the predictions easily. The answers were usually pretty similar to each other. I think they just went off each other rather than brainstorm new ideas because it was easier. The other questions besides the predictions went pretty well too. When asking why the book keeps saying she might die. L at first said he did not know (at this point all she has eaten a few foods). I had to go back through the pages and show how the old lady has changed. This book relies a lot on the pictures because it does not blatantly state that the old lady is getting bigger and bigger. It just continues the sequence of, “she ate ___ to go with___”. So if the children did not see the change of the old lady and the facial expressions of her family members it would make sense for the children to think she was just very hungry. If I were to do this again I probably would tell the children prior that they should play close attention to the pictures, specially the old lady. However when I asked the same question of, “why do you think the book keeps saying perhaps she’ll die”, again after she ate the pot and he said she would die because she ate a pot! Which was definitely a true answer. The discussion afterwards was not as strong as I would have liked. I tried to ask the children how they feel when they eat too much food and what would happen to them if they eat a lot of food regularly. They were extremely unengaged at this point. L answered quickly with the,” lady got bigger and bigger because she ate a lot of food and a pot!”. Which was not necessarily the answer to the questions I asked. However I think this shows he understanding that eating a lot will make you bigger and bigger. Right after he said that he got up to join his friends playing fire fighters across the room. V said, “When people eat too much they get fat”. This answer shows he understands too much food will affect weight. He also said when he eats too much he feels tired. If the setting was more of a structured setting I probably could have gotten more of a reflection out of them. However I am satisfied with the lesson as a whole. I think they enjoyed the book and made good accurate predictions. ................

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