
REQUESTS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS FOR THE ‘THIS IS MUHAMMAD ???? ???? ???? ???????’ E-BOOKLET AND THE HAJJ E-BOOKLETVOL. 5From the Archive of Dr Umar AzamManchester, UKNovember 2011fromhaleem1@toislamicwork@dateThu, Oct 20, 2011 at 11:35 PMsubjectRe: Please confirm receipt of the Islamic Resourcesmailed-Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.hide details?Oct 20As Salaamu Alaikum,?What resources??ma salaamHadayai..........................................................................................fromNauman Farooqi?ziaehadith1@toUMAR AZAM <islamicwork@>dateSat, Oct 22, 2011 at 10:24 AMsubjectRe: Fwd: Please confirm receipt of the Islamic Resourcesmailed-signed-Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.hide details?Oct 22Assalam-u-Alaikum,I have been successfully receiving your emails...........................................................................................fromSteven Carr?stevencarr239@toUMAR AZAM <islamicwork@>dateSat, Oct 22, 2011 at 6:59 PMsubjectRe: Please confirm receipt of the Islamic Resourcesmailed-signed-Important mainly because you often read messages with this label.hide details?Oct 22Received,?Thank You- Show quoted text ---?HiSteven S CarrFinancial ServicesCA Lic# 0616738(714) 993-9496..........................................................................................frommusa shehu?mushatatj@yahoo.co.ukreply-tomusa shehu <mushatatj@yahoo.co.uk>toUMAR AZAM <islamicwork@>dateSun, Oct 23, 2011 at 4:17 PMsubjectRe: Fwd: Please confirm receipt of the Islamic Resourcessigned-byyahoo.co.ukImportant mainly because it was sent directly to you.hide details?Oct 23I confirm receipt of the e -books?Massallam..........................................................................................frommahmood hadotimahmoodhadoti@toislamicwork@dateSat, Oct 29, 2011 at 3:16 PMsubjectRE: Please confirm receipt of the Islamic Resourcesmailed-Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.hide details?Oct 29dr umar.slam i received your mail.mahmood hadoti from pakistan note my e mail address......................................................................................fromabdullahi.mustapha@abdullahi.mustapha@reply-toabdullahi.mustapha@toUMAR AZAM <islamicwork@>dateThu, Oct 20, 2011 at 3:30 PMsubjectRE: dr-umar-azam.mailed-signed-Important mainly because you often read messages with this label.hide details?Oct 20Salam, Dr.I will visit the site in sha Allah and will receive my comments.Congrats for the effort and may Allah Most High reward the effort.MstaphaSent from my Nokia phonedr-umar-azam.XTHIS IS MUHAMMAD S.A.W. AND HAJJ BOOKXReplyUMAR AZAM?to?abdullahi.must.,?abdullahi200,?abdullahjanu2,?abdullahmad,?abdullahmugh13,?abdullahra2,?abdullahraz,?abdullahsalley,?abdullanaf,?abdullathunnam,?abdullibata,?abdulmajeedbhat,?AbdulMalik,?Abdulmalik,?abdulmoiz.76,?Abdulmumin,?abdulmunafmunn.,?abdulnauman,?abdulqadeer.to.,?abdulqf,?abdulquddus1971,?abdulrafiq200,?abdulrafiq2000,?Abdulrahim,?Abdulrahman,?abdulrahmanshow details?Oct 20ASSALAMU ALAIKUM,MY WEBSITE:dr-umar-azam.IS NOT BEING USED ENOUGH - ONLY GETTING 2 OR 3 VISITORS A DAY [BECAUSE FEW PEOPLE KNOW OF ITS EXISTENSE]! ?THIS IS NOT A GOOD SITUATION BECAUSE THE SITE OFFERS SO MANY FREE?ISLAMIC MATERIALS! ?SO PLEASE HELP YOURSELF TO AS MANY FILES AS YOU WANT AND, IN RETURN, PLEASE SIGN MY GUEST BOOK ON THE SITE OR LET MEHAVE YOUR COMMENTS BY RETURN EMAIL.A LOT OF HARD WORK HAS GONE INTO THE SITE, SO IT WILL GIVE ME SATISFACTION IF IT IS WELL-USED. ?TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND RELATIVES ABOUT IT TOO.MAY ALLAH MOST HIGH GIVE US ALL THE BEST FOR US IN BOTH THE WORLDS! ?AMEENDR UMAR...................................................................................fromAbdus Samad?samad1940@toUMAR AZAM <islamicwork@>dateFri, Oct 21, 2011 at 5:28 AMsubjectRe: dr-umar-azam.mailed-signed-Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.Images from this sender are always displayed.?Don't display from now on.hide details?Oct 21Assalamu Alaikum?Dear brothers?Excellent Tapes of ?Dawah Tours In South Africa,These are excellent tapes on Various TopicsAkram Abdus SamadPort ElizabethHolding onto the Sirathal MusthaqeemLaillaahaa illallaah united us?Why to stick only with Sirathal Musthaqeem?The root of the deviancyThe Hadith of Allaah subahaanahuthaalaa getting down to the Earth?The purpose of Ibaadah and its applicationsThe purpose of starting a Yawmul Jumaah prayer in Port ElizabethThe Tabliqhi JamathIs it allowed to go in the Kurooj of TabliqhPort ElizabethHolding onto the Sirathal MusthaqeemLaillaahaa illallaah united us?Why to stick only with Sirathal Musthaqeem?The root of the deviancyThe Hadith of Allaah subahaanahuthaalaa getting down to the Earth?The purpose of Ibaadah and its applicationsThe purpose of starting a Yawmul Jumaah prayer in Port ElizabethThe Tabliqhi JamathIs it allowed to go in the Kurooj of Tabliqh.........................................................................................Re: Fwd: Please confirm receipt of the Islamic ResourcesXTHIS IS MUHAMMAD S.A.W. AND HAJJ BOOKXReplyfromAbdulfatahi Abioyeabdulfatahi2001@toislamicwork@dateMon, Oct 24, 2011 at 5:21 AMsubjectRe: Fwd: Please confirm receipt of the Islamic Resourcesmailed-signed-Important mainly because of the words in the message.hide details?Oct 24Salam alaikum,Documents well received.Jazakalahu Khayran.Abdulfatahi Abioye.........................................................................................e: Request the THIS IS MUHAMMAD ??? ???? ???? ???? e-book and the HAJJ book by Muhammad Javad, BOTH FREEXTHIS IS MUHAMMAD S.A.W. AND HAJJ BOOKXReplyfromRozan Zandan?rozanezandan@toUMAR AZAM <islamicwork@>dateMon, Oct 24, 2011 at 9:52 PMsubjectRe: Request the THIS IS MUHAMMAD ??? ???? ???? ???? e-book and the HAJJ book by Muhammad Javad, BOTH FREEmailed-signed-Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.hide details?Oct 24Please send and oblige.?Thanks..........................................................................................Re: Request the THIS IS MUHAMMAD ??? ???? ???? ???? e-book and the HAJJ book by Muhammad JavadXTHIS IS MUHAMMAD S.A.W. AND HAJJ BOOKXReplyfromManali Das?mana.08das@toUMAR AZAM <islamicwork@>dateThu, Oct 27, 2011 at 8:29 PMsubjectRe: Request the THIS IS MUHAMMAD ??? ???? ???? ???? e-book and the HAJJ book by Muhammad Javadmailed-signed-Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.hide details?Oct 27softcopyofquran@please send the softcopy..........................................................................................jazakallah kairTHIS IS MUHAMMAD S.A.W. AND HAJJ BOOKXReplyfromTurnkey Logisticsturnkeylogistics@toislamicwork@dateThu, Nov 3, 2011 at 9:22 AMsubjectjazakallah kairmailed-signed-hide details?Nov 3 (11 days ago)Assalam alaikumThank you? i received your email. if? yu have more pdf? collection durood sharief? please send me ok and send all pdf english sunni scholars books if yu have?may allalh reward yu in both world? please remember in your? valuable dua?Regards?Muhammad Faizal?Turnkey Logistics........................................................................................fromUMAR AZAMislamicwork@tolukman@,me15@aub.edu.lbdateMon, Nov 14, 2011 at 11:53 AMsubjectFwd: THE DUROOD SHARIF FILES ARE ATTACHED!mailed-hide details?11:53 AM (10 hours ago)?SALAM---------- Forwarded message ----------From:?UMAR AZAM?<islamicwork@>Date: Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 11:22 PMSubject: THE DUROOD SHARIF FILES ARE ATTACHED!To:?sajid_h_786@hotmail.co.uk- Show quoted text -7 attachments?—?Download all attachments??Imam Ahmed Raza Academy Durood and Supplications A few Durood Shareefs from Distinguished Personalities.htm33K???View???Download??Imam Ahmed Raza Academy Durood and Supplications A selection of Durood Shareefs 1-10.htm45K???View???Download??Imam Ahmed Raza Academy Durood and Supplications Excellences of the Durood Shareef as explained in the Ahadith.htm73K???View???Download??Imam Ahmed Raza Academy Durood and Supplications Miracles Attributed to Reading Durood Shareef.htm40K???View???Download??Imam Ahmed Raza Academy Durood and Supplications More Duroods 11-20.htm41K???View???Download??Imam Ahmed Raza Academy Durood and Supplications More Duroods 11-20.htm41K???View???Download??Imam Ahmed Raza Academy Durood and Supplications More Duroods 21-30.htm44K???View???Download??.......................................................................................RE: Please confirm receipt of the Islamic ResourcesXInboxXTHIS IS MUHAMMAD S.A.W. AND HAJJ BOOKXReplyfromMasood A. Khan?masood@cba.edu.satoUMAR AZAM <islamicwork@>dateMon, Oct 31, 2011 at 8:47 AMsubjectRE: Please confirm receipt of the Islamic Resourcesmailed-bycba.edu.saImportant mainly because it was sent directly to you.hide details?Oct 31OK..................................................................................fromNA'IMAH?finerfragrances@toislamicwork@dateMon, Oct 31, 2011 at 3:04 PMsubjectRe: Please confirm receipt of the Islamic Resourcesmailed-Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.hide details?Oct 31Salaams it was recieved.......................................................................................fromAbu Adam?abuadamin@toUMAR AZAM <islamicwork@>dateWed, Nov 2, 2011 at 6:10 PMsubjectRe: Please confirm receipt of the Islamic Resourcesmailed-signed-Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.hide details?Nov 2 (12 days ago)Wa'3alaikum'salaam?Mail received..................................................................................................................................................................fromkalakoso@reply-tokalakoso@toUMAR AZAM <islamicwork@>dateThu, Nov 10, 2011 at 5:08 AMsubjectRe: Fwd: Please confirm receipt of the Islamic Resourcesmailed-signed-Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.hide details?Nov 10 (4 days ago)All Islamic literatures received.?Thanks and Ma'asalam?.......................................................................................................................................................fromLukman Olanlehinlukman@toUMAR AZAM <islamicwork@>dateMon, Nov 14, 2011 at 7:39 AMsubjectRe: Fwd: Please confirm receipt of the Islamic Resourcesmailed-Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.hide details?7:39 AM (14 hours ago)Salam,I got your mail, may Allah continue to enrich you in kind and knowledge.....................................................................................Hajj book.THIS IS MUHAMMAD S.A.W. AND HAJJ BOOKXReplyAli, Mohammed S?mohammed.ali.23@?to?me,?lukman,?need4biz,?nsadil,?firozmulani.hll,?B_Ghulam,?Basier.latiefshow details?Nov 13 (1 day ago)?As-salaam alaikum…?From:?UMAR AZAM [mailto: HYPERLINK "mailto:islamicwork@" \t "_blank" islamicwork@]?Sent:?Sunday, November 13, 2011 11:31 AMTo:? Subject:?Fwd: Rafi Haramayn--- The Method of Hajj and Umrah ( Very Good and Comprehensive free electronic pdf Book)- A MUST READ?SALAM---------- Forwarded message ----------From:?UMAR AZAM?<islamicwork@>Date: Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 4:48 AMSubject: Fwd: Rafi Haramayn--- The Method of Hajj and Umrah ( Very Good and Comprehensive free electronic pdf Book)- A MUST READTo: DiaMed-SMS <diamed.sms@>,?auduluqman@,ejaz.ahmad@.pk,?zamaanas@, Tariq Alikhan <Talikhan@.sa>SALAM---------- Forwarded message ----------From:?UMAR AZAM?<786dr.azam@>Date: Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 10:26 PMSubject: Fwd: Rafiq ul Haramayn--- The Method of Hajj and Umrah ( Very Good and Comprehensive free electronic pdf Book)- A MUST READTo:?islamicwork@?----- Original Message -----From:?Abdulqadir LakhaniTo:?AAlazami@Sent:?Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:15 PMSubject:?Rafiq ul Haramayn--- The Method of Hajj and Umrah ( Very Good and Comprehensive Book)- A MUST READ?The Method of Hajj and Umrah*** Rafiq ul Haramayn ***(Companion?for Hajj & Umrah?Pilgrims)??:. By .:Allama Moulana Abu Bilal Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadiri Razavi?Rendered by:?Majlis Tarajim?(Dawat-e-Islami)??|???Printed by:?Majlis Maktaba tul Madina(Dawat-e-Islami)?Click?here?to read online or?download?in PDF format (2.18 Mb)??Download?hundred of free Islami Books in Englishand other languages by visiting?library.?--?Dawat-e-Islami?????The contents of this email, including all related responses, files and attachments transmitted with it (collectively referred to as “this Email”), are intended solely for the use of the individual/entity to whom/which they are addressed, and may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. This Email may not be disclosed or forwarded to anyone else without authorization from the originator of this Email. If you have received this Email in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete all copies from your system. Please note that the views or opinions presented in this Email are those of the author and may not necessarily represent those of Saudi Aramco. The recipient should check this Email and any attachments for the presence of any viruses. Saudi Aramco accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus/error transmitted by this Email.Hajj.pdf381K???View???Download??..........................................................................................fromDanladi Aliyu?danladi_aliyu@toUMAR AZAM <islamicwork@>dateThu, Oct 20, 2011 at 11:57 AMsubjectRe: THE HAJJ BOOK BY M.JAVAD IS ATTACHED!mailed-signed-Important mainly because of your interaction with messages in the conversation.hide details?Oct 20Salam,Thank you for the book on Hajj by the above author. I however have difficulty opening it. ?Pls help me out.Jazakhallahu khair.Danladi AliyuSent from my IPad.................................................................................................................................................................fromUMAR AZAM?islamicwork@toDanladi Aliyu <danladi_aliyu@>dateThu, Oct 20, 2011 at 1:50 PMsubjectRe: THE HAJJ BOOK BY M.JAVAD IS ATTACHED!mailed-hide details?Oct 20WA LAIKUM SALAM, DANLADITHE HAJJ BOOK IS ON MY SITE:?? IF YOU CAN READ IT THERE. ?ANY PROBLEMS, PLEASE EMAIL ME AGAIN.MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU.DR UMAR...................................................................................frommuhammad alkalimuhalkali@reply-tomuhammad alkali <muhalkali@>toUMAR AZAM <islamicwork@>dateSat, Nov 12, 2011 at 1:54 PMsubjectRe: Fwd: THE HAJJ BOOK BY M.JAVAD IS ATTACHED!mailed-signed-Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.hide details?Nov 12 (2 days ago)Jazakallhu bil khair for all sent msgs....................................................................................... ................

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