Early Childhood Education Lesson Plan Rubric

Early Childhood Education Lesson Plan Rubric

1. This evaluation is required for students who are taking practicum and student teaching courses:

■ ECE351, ECE451, & ECE470 for BA

■ ECE5890, ECE589, & ECE590 for MAT

■ ECE575 for SubCert

2. All students, university supervisors, and mentor teachers should complete this lesson evaluation after the implementation and observation of one (SAME) major lesson.

3. Official ratings MUST be submitted online at this link:

|Student Name: |________________________________ |Implementation Date: |___________________________ |

| |

|Evaluated by: |________ Student |Name of Lesson: |___________________________ |

| ________ University supervisor |

| ________ Mentor teacher |

| |

| Program the student is enrolled: _______ BA; _________ MAT; _______ SubCert |

|Lesson Components |Unsatisfactory (1) |Basic (2) |Proficient (3) |

|(enter score in this row) | | | |

|Context of the lesson |No acknowledgement of children’s |Demonstrates very basic understanding of |Demonstrates sufficient knowledge of |

|score_____________ |developmental context, status, and how |the children’s developmental context, |target children’s developmental context, |

| |this lesson fits the ongoing curriculum. |status, and the lesson is related to the |status, and the lesson well fits the |

| | |ongoing curriculum at some level. |ongoing curriculum. |

|Professional standards |No alignment with any professional |Listing of related but not fully aligned |Listing of fully aligned professional |

|score_____________ |standards. |professional standards. |standards. |

|Learning outcomes |No articulation of specific, measurable |The targeted concepts, skills, and |The targeted concepts, skills, and |

|score_____________ |core concepts, skills, and vocabularies |vocabularies are explained but not clear |vocabularies are specific and measurable. |

| |that children will learn. |and specific enough. | |

|Pre-assessment |No assessment of children’s prior |The assessed children’s prior |The assessed children’s prior |

|score_____________ |knowledge/skills is implemented, OR the |concepts/skills/vocabularies are related |concepts/skills/vocabularies are well |

| |assessed children’s prior |but not fully aligned with teaching goals,|aligned with teaching goals, and therefore|

| |concepts/skills/vocabularies have minimum |and therefore the pre-assessment has |the pre-assessment is meaningful in |

| |connections with teaching goals. |limited value in informing lesson design. |informing lesson design. |

|Multi-model learning |The design shows no or minimum |The design shows some level of |The design shows clear considerations of |

|score_____________ |consideration of active and multi-model |considerations of active and multi-model |active and multi-model nature of |

| |nature of children’s learning. |nature of children’s learning by including|children’s learning by including different|

| | |different senses, activities, methods, and|senses, activities, methods, and |

| | |developmental domains. |developmental domains. |

|Teaching materials |Teaching materials are not developmentally|Teaching materials are generally |Teaching materials are appropriate and |

|score_____________ |appropriate, or do not support the |appropriate and support the teaching goals|sufficient in supporting the teaching |

| |teaching goals of the lesson, or are not |of the lesson. However, available |goals of the lesson. The available |

| |connected with available community |educational and technological community |educational and technological community |

| |resources. |resources are not utilized. |resources are well utilized. |

|Child engagement |Children generally lack interest in the |Children are mostly engaged with the |Children are highly engaged with the |

|score_____________ |lesson and central focus of the lesson is |lesson, however, its central focus is not |lesson and show clear understanding of its|

| |not introduced or summarized for children.|clearly specified at the beginning or end |central focus. |

| | |of the lesson. | |

|Variety of learners |The design shows no or minimum |The design shows some level of |The design shows clear intentions and |

|score_____________ |considerations of how to involve and |considerations in materials, activities, |considerations in materials, activities, |

| |accommodate a variety of learners. |and procedures to accommodate a variety of|and procedures to accommodate and engage a|

| | |learners. |variety of learners. |

|Post-assessment |Post-assessment is not implemented or it |The same assessment is repeated after |The same assessment is repeated after |

|score_____________ |is not connected to the pre-assessment at |lesson implementation. However, data |lesson implementation. The pre- and |

| |all in demonstrating the candidate’s |analysis is rough and not sufficient in |post-assessment comparison and data |

| |impact on children’s learning. |demonstrating children’s growth and impact|analysis is efficient in demonstrating |

| | |on learning. |children’s growth and impact on learning |

| | | |through graphic presentations, narrative |

| | | |summary, and/or appropriate statistics. |

|Feedback for children |Children are not provided with feedback |Children are provided with feedback, |Children are provided with feedback, and |

|score_____________ |based on their assessment results. |however, the process and methods are not |the process and methods are clearly |

| | |clearly articulated. |articulated. |

|Children’s use of feedback |Children’s responses to feedback are not |Children’s responses to feedback are |Children’s responses to feedback are |

|score_____________ |specified. |mentioned, but in a relatively superficial|described in sufficient details and |

| | |way and without in-depth reflection. |analyzed in depth. |

|Final reflection |The final reflection is superficial, not |The final reflection is relatively in |The final reflection is in-depth, |

|Score_____________ |based on the assessment results (if the |depth, connects with the assessment |critical, well connects with the |

| |lesson is implemented), and has no or a |results (if the lesson is implemented), |assessment results (if the lesson is |

| |rough plan on future activities. |and includes a plan for future activities.|implemented), and include a well-linked |

| | | |plan for future activities. |


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