[Pages:4]UNIT 1 SKILLS TEST A Listening Zadanie 1. 1C 2A 3E 4D

Zadanie 2. 1 thirteen 2 straight 3 trainers 4 backpack

Language functions Zadanie 3. 1C 2A 3E 4D

Zadanie 4. 1 met 2 enjoying 3 up 4 like

Reading Zadanie 5. 1B 2A 3C 4A

Zadanie 6. Suggested answers: 1 busy 2 next week 3 next door (to Cheryl) 4 chatty and funny

Language in use Zadanie 7. 1B 2C 3A 4B

Zadanie 8. 1 isn't mine 2 your sister's friends 3 My feet 4 There isn't

UNIT 1 SKILLS TEST B Listening Zadanie 1. 1B 2D 3C 4E

Zadanie 2. 1 short 2 dark 3 jacket 4 nine one one/911

Language functions Zadanie 3. 1A 2B 3C 4E

Zadanie 4. 1 think 2 this 3 How 4 usual

Reading Zadanie 5. 1C 2B 3A 4B

Zadanie 6. Suggested answers: 1 two days ago 2 anxious 3 two weeks ago 4 playing the guitar

Language in use Zadanie 7. 1C 2A 3B 4C

Zadanie 8. 1 Is there 2 my aunt's son 3 three white mice 4 is not/isn't hers

UNIT 2 SKILLS TEST A Listening Zadanie 1. 1C 2C 3A 4B 5A

Zadanie 2. 1 do the washing/wash up 2 load the dishwasher 3 doing the shopping/shopping/

in the shops

Language functions Zadanie 3. 1B 2C 3A 4B

Zadanie 4. 1 out/away 2 Which 3 near 4 How

Reading Zadanie 5. 1 wiejski dom/chata/chalupa 2 na dachu 3 glosu/komend glosowych 4 obudzi

Zadanie 6. 1F 2P 3F 4P

Language in use Zadanie 7. 1C 2B 3C 4A

Zadanie 8. 1 does not/doesn't cook 2 Do you understand 3 are they watching 4 never tidies

UNIT 2 SKILLS TEST B Listening Zadanie 1. 1B 2A 3C 4A 5C

Zadanie 2. 1 clean the bathroom 2 making (some/the) cookies 3 watching a film

Language functions Zadanie 3. 1C 2B 3A 4C

Zadanie 4. 1 come 2 next 3 mean 4 How

Reading Zadanie 5. 1 mieszkanie 2 z tylu domu/za domem/na tylach

domu 3 kom?rki/telefonu

kom?rkowego 4 (twojej/naszej) lod?wce

Zadanie 6. 1P 2F 3F 4F

Language in use Zadanie 7. 1A 2C 3A 4B

Zadanie 8. 1 Does it taste 2 never does 3 are you playing 4 are not/aren't using

UNIT 3 SKILLS TEST A Listening Zadanie 1. 1C 2A 3E 4D

Zadanie 2. 1 club 2 titles/literary works/books 3 four 4 tennis

Language functions Zadanie 3. 1C 2D 3E 4A

Zadanie 4. 1 You can't be 2 What's (What is) 3 can I open 4 What do you think of/about extra


Reading Zadanie 5. 1C 2E 3A 4D

Zadanie 6. 1 Wednesday (afternoon) 2 (school) library 3 guitar 4 (next-door) neighbour

Language in use Zadanie 7. 1 did not/didn't pass 2 used to be 3 I was doing 4 Did you hand/give

Zadanie 8. 1 used to get 2 were doing an 3 a month ago 4 use to read

UNIT 3 SKILLS TEST B Listening Zadanie 1. 1B 2E 3A 4C

Zadanie 2. 1 surprised 2 (very) active 3 (literature) competition 4 Thursday(s)

Language functions Zadanie 3. 1E 2C 3B 4A

Zadanie 4. 1 agree (with you) 2 can I close/shut 3 do you think (of/about) her 4 in my/from my point of

Reading Zadanie 5. 1E 2A 3C 4B

Zadanie 6. 1 Thursday 2 ill 3 guitar teacher 4 shy

Language in use Zadanie 7. 1 were doing 2 Did you pass 3 used to wear 4 did not/didn't note/take/write

Zadanie 8. 1 use to give 2 a week ago 3 were taking/doing/sitting an 4 used to enjoy

UNIT 4 SKILLS TEST A Listening Zadanie 1. 1C 2B 3A 4B

Zadanie 2. 1 His head 2 Twice a week/on Tuesdays and

Fridays 3 In the supermarket 4 ?6/Six pounds

Language functions Zadanie 3. 1C 2A 3B 4A

Zadanie 4. Suggested answers: 1 I'd like to/I'm going to/I'm

planning to 2 I'm not so sure/ I don't like it 3 I prefer 4 you're right/I agree with you

Reading Zadanie 5. Suggested answers: 1 firmy transportowej/firmy

komunikacji miejskiej 2 pocigiem/pocigami/kolej 3 biurze/cigu dw?ch dni 4 dobrze platna

Zadanie 6. 1B 2A 3C 4B

Language in use Zadanie 7. 1C 2B 3A 4B

Zadanie 8. 1 Has she ever 2 since last month 3 have already finished 4 for three weeks

UNIT 4 SKILLS TEST B Listening Zadanie 1. 1A 2C 3B 4A

Zadanie 2. 1 His arm 2 His neighbour

3 It's easy 4 A gift shop

Language functions Zadanie 3. 1A 2B 3A 4C

Zadanie 4. Suggested answers: 1 would you like/are you planning/

going/do you want 2 I'm planning/going to work/

I want to work 3 Not really/I'm not so sure (about

that)/You can't be serious/I don't think so (etc.) 4 I prefer working/I would like/ want to work/I like working (etc.)

Reading Zadanie 5. Suggested answers: 1 restauracji 2 (doroslego) reprezentanta (firmy

komunikacyjnej) 3 4/cztery godziny 4 zdolnoci/umiejtnoci

komunikacyjne/interpersonalne (etc.)

Zadanie 6. 1C 2B 3B 4A

Language in use Zadanie 7. 1A 2C 3C 4A

Zadanie 8. 1 for two weeks 2 has already done 3 Have you ever 4 since last week

UNIT 5 SKILLS TEST A Listening Zadanie 1. 1B 2D 3E 4A

Zadanie 2. 1 engagement 2 office 3 train 4 3/three p.m.

Language functions Zadanie 3. 1E 2A 3D 4C

Zadanie 4. 1 had/got 2 on 3 so 4 out

Reading Zadanie 5. 1B 2C 3A 4C

Zadanie 6. 1P 2F 3F 4P

Language in use Zadanie 7. 1C 2B 3A 4B

Zadanie 8. 1 some advice 2 How many friends 3 a little/some time 4 no concerts/not any concerts

UNIT 5 SKILLS TEST B Listening Zadanie 1. 1E 2A 3C 4D

Zadanie 2. 1 car 2 office 3 station 4 hotel/restaurant/hotel restaurant

Language functions Zadanie 3. 1D 2C 3A 4E

Zadanie 4. 1 wish 2 done 3 luck 4 works

Reading Zadanie 5. 1A 2B 3C 4B

Zadanie 6. 1F 2P 3P 4F

Language in use Zadanie 7. 1A 2C 3B 4A

Zadanie 8. 1 Are there any 2 How much water 3 too many people 4 My grandmother's advice

UNIT 6 SKILLS TEST A Listening Zadanie 1. 1B 2B 3A 4C 5C

Zadanie 2. 1 honey 2 spicy

3 active

Language functions Zadanie 3. 1B 2C 3A 4A

Zadanie 4. 1 Would 2 think 3 about 4 That

Reading Zadanie 5. 1B 2F 3A 4D

Zadanie 6. 1 Last Monday 2 (The) pastries 3 Cleaning the tables 4 Bagels

Language in use Zadanie 7. 1D 2B 3E

Zadanie 8. 1 although I was 2 to heat (up) 3 are you going/planning 4 he will see/visit 5 there are not/aren't

UNIT 6 SKILLS TEST B Listening Zadanie 1. 1C 2A 3B 4B 5B

Zadanie 2. 1 feel calm/relax 2 turkey 3 cheese

Language functions Zadanie 3. 1C 2B 3A 4C

Zadanie 4. 1 How 2 other 3 want 4 sounds

Reading Zadanie 5. 1D 2E 3B 4A

Zadanie 6. 1 (The) local residents 2 At lunch time

3 The kitchen staff/bakers 4 In August/the summer

Language in use Zadanie 7. 1E 2F 3D

Zadanie 8. 1 Are you going/planning 2 there is not/isn't 3 Although I can 4 to buy 5 we'll stay/we will stay

UNIT 7 SKILLS TEST A Listening Zadanie 1. 1C 2A 3E 4D

Zadanie 2. 1 third/3rd 2 eleven/11 p.m. 3 market 4 museum

Language functions Zadanie 3. 1B 2C 3A 4B

Zadanie 4. Possible answers: 1 accepting or refusing

a suggestion, e.g., Great idea! I'm sorry I can't. 2 offering food, e.g. Would you like a sandwich/something to eat? 3 refusing an offer, e.g. No, thank you. 4 making a suggestion, e.g. Let's/ Shall we/Why don't we go for a walk./?

Reading Zadanie 5. Suggested answers: 1 zamknicia/likwidacji sklepu 2 wynaj/zarezerwowa miejsce 3 w caloci/w komplecie 4 sprzeday (sprztu sportowego)

Zadanie 6. 1F 2F 3P 4P

Language in use Zadanie 7. 1C 2A 3B 4C

Zadanie 8. 1 You/One can buy 2 usually spend on

3 was bought by 4 are concerts organised/held

UNIT 7 SKILLS TEST B Listening Zadanie 1. 1B 2D 3A 4E

Zadanie 2. 1 May 2 6/six a.m. 3 cheese 4 restaurant

Language functions Zadanie 3. 1A 2B 3C 4A

Zadanie 4. Possible answers: 1 offering a drink, e.g., Would you

like (me to get you) some water/ juice etc.? 2 accepting or refusing a suggestion, e.g. Great idea! I'm sorry I can't. 3 making a suggestion, e.g. How about going there this afternoon? 4 refusing an offer, e.g. No, thanks. No, really, I'm fine.

Reading Zadanie 5. Suggested answers: 1 sprzeday sprztu sportowego 2 w komplecie/caloci 3 zamknicie/likwidacja sklepu 4 kupna i/jak i sprzeday sprztu


Zadanie 6. 1P 2P 3F 4F

Language in use Zadanie 7. 1A 2B 3C 4B

Zadanie 8. 1 cannot/can't afford 2 you/one can sell 3 was not/wasn't repaired 4 are written by

UNIT 8 SKILLS TEST A Listening Zadanie 1. 1B 2A 3C 4B 5A

Zadanie 2. 1 15/fifteen 2 2/two 3 souvenirs

Language functions Zadanie 3. 1E 2D 3B 4A

Zadanie 4. 1 me to do 2 I were you 3 don't you 4 disagree/don't agree

Reading Zadanie 5. 1D 2E 3A 4C

Zadanie 6. 1 walking 2 hand 3 evening/dark 4 stop

Language in use Zadanie 7. 1E 2F 3C

Zadanie 8. 1 someone who looks 2 have to wait 3 You mustn't/can't/cannot 4 should not/shouldn't go 5 I must eat

UNIT 8 SKILLS TEST B Listening Zadanie 1. 1A 2C 3B 4A 5C

Zadanie 2. 1 8/eight 2 20/twenty 3 street market

Language functions Zadanie 3. 1A 2C 3E 4B

Zadanie 4. 1 you should 3 do/can I get 2 think of/about 4 were you

Reading Zadanie 5. 1C 2B 3E 4D

Zadanie 6. 1 white lines 2 stop 3 lights 4 first

Language in use Zadanie 7. 1C 2B 3D

Zadanie 8. 1 book which/that gives 2 had to cancel 3 should not/shouldn't go 4 she must give 5 must not/mustn't/cannot/can't


REVISION TEST Listening Zadanie 1. 1.1. B 1.2. B 1.3. C 1.4. C 1.5. A

Zadanie 2. 2.1. D 2.2. A 2.3. E 2.4. B

Zadanie 3. 3.1. five hundred/500/five centuries 3.2. exhibition 3.3. classical concert 3.4. town's (official) website

Language functions Zadanie 4. 4.1. C 4.2. E 4.3. D 4.4. A

Zadanie 5. 5.1. B 5.2. C 5.3. A 5.4. B

Zadanie 6. 6.1. how/what about 6.2. I'm not sure/I don't think 6.3. That's/It's very kind/nice

Zadanie 7. 7.1. C 7.2. B 7.3. A 7.4. B

Zadanie 8. 8.1. D 8.2. A 8.3. E 8.4. B

Zadanie 9. 9.1. 2003 9.2. exams 9.3. (1950's) food 9.4. their parents/mums and dads

Zadanie 10. 10.1. (ponad) miesic 10.2. lubu/wesela (swojej) siostry 10.3. (tradycyjne) polskie dania/


Zadanie 11. 11.1. D 11.2. F 11.3. C

Zadanie 12. 12.1. C 12.2. A 12.3. B 12.4. C

Zadanie 13. 13.1. used to have 13.2. will not/won't be 13.3. he was doing 13.4. have been known

Zadanie 14. Student's own answer


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