20 ideas to ponder and review for a perfect score on your Algebra II EOC!!!

1.  Remember to turn your diagnostic on first thing when we start the exam.  This turns on your r2 to determine the best model. This under 2nd period button.

2.  Remember that symplifying means writing something in an equivalent simplier form.  Equivalent expressions always have the same graphs and when you substitute in a number they give the same answer.

3.  When in doubt....GRAPH IT OUT!!!!

4.  Zeros, roots, solutions to polynomials, and x-intercepts all mean the same thing!!!

5.  To find solutions to an equation, you can always plug in answer choices to see which one makes the statement true.  You can also use y1 and y2 and find the intersection.

6.  When you plug in roots or zeros into their equation you always get zero out of the equation.

7.  Imaginary roots and irrational roots always come in pairs called conjugates!

9.  To solve for many variables, use a matrix: line up all your variables on the left and your plain numbers on the right.  Put in A and B and type [pic]. Remember that the matrix you multiply both sides by is [pic]. Straight lines around a matrix means find the determinate. This button is under matrix then math.

10.  If you calculator messes up and you cannot fix it.  Clear the memory or ask for a new calculator.

11.  You cannot graph circles on the calculator, remember [pic].  The center is (h,k) do not forget the it is the opposite!

12.  Graphs move to the left when you add a number on the inside with the x and to the right when you subtract a number on the inside with the x.  Graphs move up when you add a number on the outside and down when you subtract a number on the outside.

13.  Remember with synthetic and long division: when you are missing a term put in a zero!  Use synthetic division unless the divisor has degree higher than 1 and a Coefficient higher than 1.

14.  Remember the i button on your calculator! You can not have i’s in the denominator so multiply top and bottom by conjugate!

15.  For growth and decay problems:  you know they are a growth or decay because their is a % in the problem. the equation is [pic] where a is the start value and b:  growth: 1+ percent as a decimal  decay:  1- percent as a decimal.

16.  Vertical asymptotes:  where the denominator equals zero or where it says err in the table when you graph it on your calculator.

17.  Horizontal asymptotes:  Follow the rules:  1.  highest degree in numerator (top heavy): none  2.  highest degree in the denominator (bottom heavy): hay=0  3.  Highest degree is equal in numerator and denominator then divide the coefficients (the big numbers) hay=top big#/bottom big#.

18.  Remember the song for quadratics!! [pic]. The discriminant is just [pic]. It tells you how many solutions. A positive discriminant means two real solutions. A discriminant of 0 means 1 repeated real solution. A negative discriminant means two imaginary solutions.

19.  Don't forget Keep Change Flip for division of rational expressions!

20.  For absolute value, solve for the absolute value on a side by itself then write two equations.  Remember to check for extraneous solutions!


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