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NASDAQ® offers four data feeds as part of the NASDAQ Options MarketSM:

NASDAQ’s Best of NASDAQ OptionsSM (BONOSM) data feed calculates and disseminates NASDAQ’s best bid and offer position with aggregated size, based on displayable order interest in the NASDAQ Options Market. NASDAQ BONO also disseminates last sale data for option order executions that occur within the NASDAQ Options Market.

NASDAQ’s ITCH to Trade OptionsSM (ITTOSM) data feed uses a series of order messages to track the life of a customer order in the NASDAQ Options Market from entry to execution. NASDAQ ITTO supports market participant attribution at the order level, Net Order Imbalance Indicator (NOII) data in the minutes leading up to the NASDAQ opening and closing auctions and NASDAQ last sale data.

NASDAQ’s Options Depth at PriceSM (DAPSM) data feed provides full order book and last sale data from the NASDAQ Options Market in an easy-to-display format. NASDAQ DAP summarizes the order interest at each price level and supports NOII data for the NASDAQ opening and closing auctions.

NASDAQ’s Options NOIViewSM data feed calculates and disseminates indicative clearing prices and NOII data in the minutes leading up to the opening and closing auctions in the NASDAQ Options Market. NASDAQ Options NOIView includes non-displayable as well as displayable order types, offering the best predictor of the options cross prices going into the market open and market close.

Please note that pricing for the NASDAQ Options Market data feeds is not yet available.

To order any of the NASDAQ Options Market data feeds, please mail, fax or email this completed form to:

NASDAQ Market Data Distribution

9600 Blackwell Road, Suite 500

Rockville, MD 20850

Fax: 301.978.5295

Email: mktdatasvc@

Please complete a separate system description for each entitlement system controlling the NASDAQ Options Market data feeds.


Firm Name:      

To which data feeds will your firm require access?


NASDAQ DAP Data Feed NASDAQ Options NOIView Data Feed

Installation Address for the Billing Address for the

data feed(s): data feed(s):


Contact Name Contact Name


Street Address Street Address


City, State Zip Code City, State Zip Code


Phone Number Phone Number


Email Address Email Address

Data Feed Provider:      

Account Number with Provider:      

Name of Service/System:      

1. To whom will your firm distribute the NASDAQ Options Market data feed(s)?

Internal Professional Users

External Professional Users

External Non-Professional Users

2. How will your firm utilize the NASDAQ Options Market data?

|Usage Type |Yes |No |

|Display on a device/terminal | | |

|Redistribution via a data feed product (uncontrolled stream of data) | | |

|Non-display usage1: Black box/Program trading | | |

|Number of services dedicated to system: _____ | | |

|Number of users able to modify system in real-time: _____ | | |

|Retransmission Data Feeds | | |

1Non-display usage is defined as any device that a distributor allows to access the NASDAQ Options Market information or that communicates with the distributor so as to cause the distributor to access such information. Non-display usage of the NASDAQ Options Market data is fee liable. Examples of non-display usage include, but are not limited to, the following: operations control programs, program trading, investment analysis, order verification, surveillance programs, risk management and order routing activities.

3. Provide the name and version number of your firm’s entitlement system and the associated provider(s) of the entitlement system used to control distribution of NASDAQ Options Market data to your display devices/users.

Name of Entitlement System:      

Version Number:      

4. How will the entitlements be controlled?

User/ID Password

Terminal ID-Basis


I certify that the information I am providing in this document is true and accurate.


Signature Title


Print Name Firm Name



For questions, please contact your NASDAQ Market Data Distribution Account Manager, or call 301.978.5307.


NASDAQ Options Market Data Feeds

System Description


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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