
Role of the counselor in Milan systematic family therapyNameCourse InstitutionProfessorDateThe role of the counselor and how to drive change using the Milan strategic family therapy. The Milan family therapy model is largely focused on fostering change in the family by driving behavioral change rather than analyzing the family’s dynamics and functionality. The model assumes that family therapy is a neutral ground, where families should be encouraged to lay aside any expectations they might have had. Essentially, the counselor settles into a peripheral role, acting as an external driver for change. The family therapist who chooses the Milan therapy model has to abandon any conceptions of “normality” to allow families to express themselves in the best way they can (Campbell et al., 2018). The counselor has a simple task; to ask questions to the family members. These questions drive the family members to examine themselves and their family’s structure. The counselor also initiates family games which help the family rethink and better their structure and relationships out of their own volition. In this family therapy model, the counselor has a critical responsibility of driving change in the family. Essentially, the therapist plays the role of a change agent through strategically and carefully manipulating the family games to expose the restructure the members’ agenda. The therapist also drives change by outwitting the family to rethink and reframe their family’s myths and principles. Essentially, the therapist initiates and propels family change by provoking families to initiate the change they want to see. Reference Campbell, D., Draper, R., & Huffington, C. (2018).?Second thoughts on the theory and practice of the Milan approach to family therapy. Routledge. ................

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