Imperialism Case Study Project

You and your group members will be doing an in-depth study of the causes, events, and consequences of imperialism in a particular country or region. You will be creating a Google Slides presentation and you will also create a short, five question quiz to ensure that your classmates are grasping the important aspects of your topic.


Your presentation should have the following slides:

Slide 1: Describe the reasons or root causes for imperialism in your region.

--Economic factors for imperialism

--Political factors for imperialism

--Social factors for imperialism

Slide 2: Describe the main events that occurred in your case of imperialism

--Methods of conquest & imperialism

--Methods of resistance by indigenous populations

Slide 3: Describe how your region became independent and explain imperialism’s lasting impacts on that region…

--Leaders of independence movement

--Quality of life in the region today (education, infrastructure, GDP, civil liberties, stability, etc.)

Works Cited:

Your final slide will have your works cited. You must cite at least 4 academic sources (MLA format; remember that GALE is a good place to start research). If you are not sure if your sources are acceptable for this requirement ask me for assistance. Your sources may include credible websites, newspapers, or journals.


Each presentation must have at least one visual. The best visuals are primary sources: political cartoons, photographs from the time period, newspaper clippings from the time period, etc. Maps, charts, and graphs are also good visuals.


You will create a five question quiz for your classmates to complete after your presentation. These questions should have quality distracters and address higher-level thinking. All your quiz questions will be multiple-choice and have five potential answer choices.

DUE DATE: Friday, March 8th

You will pick one of the following:

• The British in South Africa

• The United States in the Philippines

• British in China

• Britain in India

• Belgium in the Congo

• France / U.S in Vietnam

Britain in India

Your presentation should have the following content:

TOPIC 1: Describe the reasons or root causes for imperialism in your region.

--Economic factors for imperialism

• Resources

• Market for British goods

--Social factors for imperialism

• White Man’s Burden

TOPIC 2: Describe the main events that occurred in your case of imperialism

--Methods of conquest & imperialism

• British East India Company

• British Raj

--Methods of resistance by indigenous populations

• Armed resistance of 1857 Sepoy Rebellion

• Peaceful resistance of Mahatma Gandhi

TOPIC 3: Describe how your region became independent and explain imperialism’s lasting impacts on that region.

--Leaders of independence movement

• Mahatma Gandhi

Discussion Question: Given what you have learned about British colonialism in India, assess the effectiveness of Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent form of resistance.

The French in Algeria (West Africa)

Your presentation should have the following content:

TOPIC 1: Describe the reasons or root causes for imperialism in your region.

--Political factors for imperialism

• Nationalism

• Colonial rivalries

• Jules Ferry

--Social factors for imperialism

• Mission civilisatrice

• Attitudes about race

TOPIC 2: Describe the main events that occurred in your case of imperialism

--Methods of conquest & imperialism

• Role of the French military

• Berlin Conference

--Methods of resistance by indigenous populations

• Abd al-Qadir

TOPIC 3: Describe how your region became independent and explain imperialism’s lasting impacts on that region…

--Leaders of independence movement

• Ahmed Ben Bella

• Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN)

Discussion Question: The Algerian independence movement used terrorism as a political and military tactic against the French. Is the use of terrorism ever justified?

France / U.S. in Vietnam

Your presentation should have the following content:

TOPIC 1: Describe the reasons or root causes for imperialism in your region.

--Economic factors for imperialism

• Economic importance of Southeast Asia

--Political factors for imperialism

• French empire

• Cold War

TOPIC 2: Describe the main events that occurred in your case of imperialism

--Methods of conquest & imperialism

• French Colonialism, effects of Japanese occupation of World War II

• Reasons for American involvement

• Use of puppet leaders (Diem)

--Methods of resistance by indigenous populations

• NLF Insurgency

• Buddhist resistance

TOPIC 3: Describe how your region became independent and explain imperialism’s lasting impacts on that region

--Leaders of independence movement

• Ho Chi Minh

Discussion Question: Given what you have learned about French and U.S. imperialism in Southeast Asia, assess whether or not Vietnam would be better off today had the West not resisted the rise of Ho Chi Minh.

The British in South Africa

Your presentation should have the following content:

TOPIC 1: Describe the reasons or root causes for imperialism in your region.

--Economic factors for imperialism

• Mercantilism

• Mining, raw materials

--Political factors for imperialism

• Berlin Conference—Scramble for Africa

--Social factors for imperialism

• Missionary activity

TOPIC 2: Describe the main events that occurred in your case of imperialism

--Methods of conquest & imperialism

• Cecil Rhodes

• British South Africa Company

• Boer War (1899-1902)

• Apartheid

--Methods of resistance by indigenous populations

• Ndebele Empire

• Lobengula

TOPIC 3: Describe how your region became independent and explain imperialism’s lasting impacts on that region…

--Leaders of independence movement

• African National Congress

• Nelson Mandela

Discussion Question: Nelson Mandela had to revert to violent tactics in his fight for ending apartheid in South Africa. Do you think he had other choices? If so, what were they?


The United States in the Philippines

Your presentation should have the following content:

TOPIC 1: Describe the reasons or root causes for imperialism in your region.

--Economic factors for imperialism

• Economic importance of Pacific

• Naval coaling stations

--Political factors for imperialism

• Spanish-American War

• Philippine-American War

--Social factors for imperialism

• Attitudes about race and religion

TOPIC 2: Describe the main events that occurred in your case of imperialism

--Methods of conquest & imperialism

• Benevolent Assimilation

• Counter insurgency

• Ferdinand Marcos’s rule

--Methods of resistance by indigenous populations

• Guerilla insurgency

TOPIC 3: Describe how your region became independent and explain imperialism’s lasting impacts on that region

--Leaders of independence movement

• Emillio Aguinaldo

Discussion Question: Given the human cost of the U.S. imperialism in the Philippines, assess whether or not the outcomes of U.S. involvement were more positive or negative.

Japanese Imperialism in China

Your presentation should have the following content:

TOPIC 1: Describe the reasons or root causes for imperialism in your region.

--Economic factors for imperialism

• Industrialization in Japan

• Resources

--Political factors for imperialism

• Imperial ideology of Japan

• Meijii Restoration

--Social factors for imperialism

• Japanese cultural attitudes

TOPIC 2: Describe the main events that occurred in your case of imperialism

--Methods of conquest & imperialism

• Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

• Sino-Japanese Wars

• Rape of Nanking

--Methods of resistance by indigenous populations

• Chinese military resistance

TOPIC 3: Describe how your region became independent and explain imperialism’s lasting impacts on that region

--Leaders of independence movement

• Chiang Kai-Shek

• Mao Zedong

Discussion Question: To what extent was Japanese imperialism responsible for World War I and World War II?

Belgian Imperialism in Central Africa

Your presentation should have the following content:

TOPIC 1: Describe the reasons or root causes for imperialism in your region.

--Economic factors for imperialism

• Rubber plantations

--Political factors for imperialism

• Scramble for Africa, Berlin Conference

• Imperial rivalry

--Social factors for imperialism

• Attitudes about race

• Paternalism

TOPIC 2: Describe the main events that occurred in your case of imperialism

--Methods of conquest & imperialism

• King Leopold II

• Henry Morton Stanley,

--Methods of resistance by indigenous populations

• Armed resistance

• Passive resistance

--Western critics of Belgian imperialism

• Mark Twain

• Arthur Conan Doyle

• Joseph Conrad

TOPIC 3: Describe how your region became independent and explain imperialism’s lasting impacts on that region.

--Leaders of independence movement

• Patrice Lumumba

Discussion Question: To what extent is Belgian imperialism in the Congo responsible for the Rwandan genocide of 1994?

The British in China

Your presentation should have the following content:

TOPIC 1: Describe the reasons or root causes for imperialism in your region.

--Economic factors for imperialism

• Mercantilism

• Trade deficit

• Items for trade, ports

--Social factors for imperialism

• Missionary activity

TOPIC 2: Describe the main events that occurred in your case of imperialism

--Methods of conquest & imperialism

• Opium Wars

• Treaty of Nanjin

• extraterritoriality

• Acquisition of Hong Kong

• Spheres of Influence

--Methods of resistance by indigenous populations

• Qing Empire

• Boxer Rebellion

TOPIC 3: Describe how your region became independent and explain imperialism’s lasting impacts on that region

--Leaders of independence movement

• Sun Yat-sen

• May Fourth Movement

Discussion Question: To what extent was the fall of the Qing Empire due to British imperialism?



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