
Dear President Elect,


Over the last few weeks, I have read many interesting emails about why you don’t want to come to PETS or have chosen not to come.

Some of the reasons, stated or not, are as follows:

• I don’t have the time

• I’ve been a President one, two, three or more times and I know all there is to know

• I’m a Past District Governor and can’t possibly gain anything

• I don’t like the venue for PETS

• It’s too far away

• My club operates independently

• I’ll be away

• I’ll be just back from holiday and the work that will await me is going to be enormous

• My wife’s cousin has a son whose best friend may be getting married that weekend.

But they are just reasons. Rotary is about achieving uncommon results, of reaching beyond, of overcoming. It is about fellowship and service.

PETS is useful for you. You will make new friends and deepen existing relationships. No one has too many friends. Your ideas shared at PETS make it better for all. At the end of our PETS you will have a plan for your coming year.

If you aren’t at PETS, neither you nor your club will benefit and the other Presidents-Elect and their clubs will not benefit from your wisdom or experience. Is that what you want?

That being said, attendance at PETS is not an option. RI requires it. Please register today.

For some of you, a different date may be your only choice. We’re happy to help accommodate your wish and will assist you to register at another PETS, as long as you let us know where you are going.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

Yours truly,


Bill Gray, District Governor Elect


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