
Accept - ReasonsGiven the reelection of the government I think the plebiscite is going to happen so we need to face reality and get campaigning for a yes just as the no side is actively doing now I don't wish to see harm placed to members of the community and I think if the community bands together no matter what happens we can try and work through it and it is most likely to get the best result...I think we should accept because of all the same sex couples who may not even be alive in three years time who would miss out otherwise. We can always just point out the pettiness of the opponents who use derogatory or hateful remarks. A plebiscite can also help us ascertain how many ppl are for and against and by the atmosphere of the debate, assess the risks of hate crime increase if marriage equality is legalisedI think we should accept it because its time to get this human rights injustice corrected and the momentum needs to be politically maintained.I believe the public will vote yes to gay marriageAccept it as a democratic response much like a question on a republic. To deny a fair say and discussion too, is rude, can be seen as bigotry and unfair on those whom traditional marriage is sacred.accept and then will know what the verdit will bThis may be the only chance of getting equal marriage while the LNP are in powerI think we should accept the plebiscite because everyone should be equal and have the ability to marry if they wish.Then all Australia will be able to have a say and hopefully pass the bill so all can have ths same rights to be marriedbecause as a nation we should be considerate to others first instead of being the stuck up Country we have Government after Government arguing and not looking clearly at any growth or community need. Truly we need to change our stripes and start behaving like we give a damn about each-other instead of the same old selfishness that's killing this world. What we need is equality in marriage of any human beings and that is all. What's so difficult about that? You listen to your heart beating - thats life. What you do in destroying hope creates divide, marginalizes those who are already alienated in so many ways and whilst other countries have changed their laws, Australians watch and wait for a Plebiscite. Really? Why spend money on something that can be voted in just by thinking why and getting on with the job we pay you to do. I sometimes wonder weather we need a government today with all its hot air and little or no action ability. What do we get in 4 years of service? Maybe this Plebiscite should be about your contract to the nation to clarify ability versus doubt.I think we should accept the plebiscite because it is the only obvious way forward at the present time. The reality is that it will proceed so get over it, prepare and do everything we can to win.Accept as its the only way forward with this governmentEven though I prefer the passing of a parliamentary bill, I think we should accept the plebiscite and fight to win. This is because I don't think the LNP will introduce marriage equality legislation without the plebiscite. Without the plebiscite, I think a bill on marriage equality will be put on hold ad infinitum. If Labor or any of the cross-benches introduce marriage equality legislation after having blocked the plebiscite, I think the LNP will oppose it and the proposed legislation won't be passed. My attitude is, therefore, get it done asap no matter how it's done.The current government (like the Gillard Labor government) will use every means possible to block gay marriage. (The Howard Liberal government did so with a simple procedural amendment.) Whilst wasteful the plebiscite may be the only means to progress the cause.Accept because its similar to Irish ref and it will pass. I do worry about the hate that will ensue.We should accept it as it's the best chance for same sex marriage legislation in Australia.Rights should never be voted on. The Liberals changed it once with no effort. They can change it again without making political mileage out of itI guess I'm optimistic that our members of parliament are aware of the public desire and support for marriage equality. Enough to get this across the line once and for all. Fingers crossed the church stay out of it!In my very humble opinion...I am afraid of what the plebiscite will expose, however, I feel it's the only way that same sex marriage legislation will be passed quicker because the major parties seem too scared to campaign for it. I don't know anyone of my generation who is opposed to it!I think we should accept the plebiscite because 1) The Turnbull gov was returned and that promise should be respected.2) A plebiscite victory will settle the issue once and for all with no chance of a repeal and with more legitimacy then a piece of legislation.3) There is no guarantee that a future Labor gov will pass this legislation. Remember the Rudd / Gillard had the numbers from 2007 to 2013 but chose not to. Who know how the political winds will be blowing in the future. I think we should accept the plebiscite because all people Should have the same rights to marry whom ever they choose. Every person deserves the legal right to the benefits of marriage because it was the closest to what I thinkAccept because we need to encourage love in all its forms. Everyone has the right to marry the person they loveI think we should accept the plebiscite because we are all equal I think we should accept the plebscite, because I have faith in the Australian people on this one. Our "representatives" have failed to represent us. Your friends vastly outnumber your enemies, and there's a big middle ground just waiting to be told it's ok. It will do Australia good to stand up and define itself in the positive.I think that we should accept the plebiscite because everyone should have the right to marry whoever makes them happy. I believe that it will actually strengthen the sanctity of marriage. We need to block the plebisite so we can fight for equalityRock & a hard place question. Afraid walking away will mean marriageequality drops off the agendaI think a plebiscite will show publically everyone's true colours, and there will be historical documented proof of those who are on the wrong side of history.I'll also make it a teaching moment for my children, and we will go to demonstrations and protests.I think the plebiscite is the clearest way forward now. But the campaign coming our way is scary. We need to not only fight to win, but fight clean and support our own! The optics of the LGBTI community voting against gay marriage - optics. Front page of Herald Sun. What can we learn from Ireland? Worried about harassment of LGBTQI people.I want the public debate to be over as soon as possible and believe the Australian public will support same sex marriage. However, I am extremely concerned about the harm that will be caused to LGBTQI community and the children of our community including my own, by those opposing the change . I believe it should be a vote in parliament and I do not support such a huge amount of public funding wasted on appeasing those who are opposed to it based on their personal and religious beliefs, as they are not the people affected by the change.We should accept it and campaign with positivity and grace. Yes, it would be unfair and risk hurting people during the process, but it could lead to marriage equality sooner than blocking it outright on the grounds of it being unjust (which anyone can see that it is). Turn our frustration and agitation into honesty and results that allow marriage equality for QILTBAGs :)i think we should accept and fight cause the community needs to collaborate with the best part of the society for freedom and visibility. fight is better than acceptanceAccept because it is a positive approach direct and decisive rather than a negative with block or wait which is more passiveI think we need to accept and fight. At least fighting for equal rights keeps the message alive and in people's mindsI think we should accept the plebiscite because blocking it will likely stall equality by 4 or more years. If it's blocked now, it's unlikely to get another go until change of government. Change of government is no guarantee either. I think we should accept plebiscite because then we know our standing in the australian population. They assume they'll win. This is our opportunity to show Australia how fabulous and resilient and diverse we are. Fight it and win!I think this is the closest we have come to a possible approval. We say Australia wants or doesnt care if we have marriage equality, now is the time to see if its reflected.I think we should accept the plebiscite because I think it is our best chance of getting it though and I think we have the support of the country I think we should accept. I believe it will get passed. We all should have the rights to do as we wishWhy should LBGQTIA people fight what is now an inevitable outcome - the plebiscite will occur. While it's awful that the Australian people voted in a way than mandates this is the way forward on Marriage Equality, effort toward blocking this isn't aligned in our best interest and feels like further "point scoring" and treating our lives like a political football yet again.accept the plebiscitelet the people decideBlocking the plebiscite will only serve to drag things out longer, there has never been a time when bad things have not been said about our community. We have overcome in the past we will overcome this tooI think we should accept it this might be the only way we will be able to have marriage equality passed in Australia I think we should accept the plebiscite and put it to vote. Will give us an indication of how close we r to marriage equality and will show the pollies what we as a nation want The Australian people should decideBecause it's a fair way to work it outI think that we should accept the plebiscite because we have been waiting so long already. Though it will be a 'bloody fight' against the religious groups and I am sure there will be some hurtful lies told, I believe that the support is out there from the community to get it over the line. We must all band together for what is right and fair. Fight to win because we have the majority of people on our side and we need to be united and strong to win the plebiscite. This is not about [name redacted], it is about every LGBTI person out there.If we can get marriage equality through even if it's a painful stupid process I think it's important to push for it.It's the soonest and best chance to win.I believe we should fight to win. Set out our agenda and why it is so important to us. We can always then adjust our strategy in fighting this issue when the terms of the plebiscite become clearer.I'm hopeful that it will make it clear that this really is wanted by the majority of Australians. I am concerned about the harm to our community and frankly think its rediculous, but if the alternative is not legislating then I'd rather fight to win. The plebiscite is the Coalition's plan - they are in government. Let them try to get the plebiscite legislation together - it's their idea and their plan. It might fizz out altogether.It's better to fight for what you want The plebiscite will hopefully convince government to legalize same sex marriages ASAP We still need to fight and not give in to party politics and gutless politicians. It's time it was put to a vote regardless of the religious backlash. Waiting another 3 years for another option is not acceptable. Make this happen now. It is probably the only way we will move forward on the issue. We have to pass this as soon as as possible. Australia is falling behind the rest of the world on marriage equality I think holding a plbistite is the only way marriage equality is going to go through government. Once they see that it is what Australia wants they have to pass it. i feel if we block it - it will still go ahead anyway and really determine the outcome to be negative as we all could of voted to a positive and unfortunately its the closest open (not the best) we have at the moment.Accept the plebiscite. We know many australians already support change to marriage act, let them show parliament the strength of their support.We may end up with nothing.It will determine the opinion of Australia and a greater understandingBecause I support it and think it's a great and readonable approach to resolving the issue one way or another.Because if we block it who knows when we will have this opportunity again. A plebiscite also settles the matter once and for all as I expect an overwhelming majority to vote in favour. It will stop the religious right from seeking to invalidate the legitimacy of my marriage. I want to get married knowing that it will not be taken away from meTime to get on with it and fight the good fight :)As I can't see any other option then accepting plebiscite. I want equal rights for same sex couple and I want it now.This is the best way for us to achieve marriage equality. We have seen the parliament vote fail many times and we don't want this to happen. We should support it, putting a positive angle on it - this might be the last chance in a long time for this to come about. I think we should accept the plebiscite because all I want to do is marry the love of my life. If this is the only way then I'm for itI think we should accept the plebiscite because everyone deserves marriage equality, and why does one person have the right to stop someone's wishes when it's not breaking the law or harming and person. I believe in equality. I believe everyone should have the right to happiness.Because I hope that the overwhelming voice will be in support and it will give a chance for people to see how unfounded anti marriage equality views areI think we should accept the blebiscite because why should you have a right to marry and i don't to who are proposing to block the marriage equality plebiscite even if it means waiting 3-6 more years for marriage equality. Guess what? Not only do we not know what political climate we will be in at that time, many people who have been waiting their whole lives for this change may not even live that long to see it. Talk about dressing up selfishness as moral purity.Why not just Legalize it free vote in parlement? How come Minority Right's decide by Majority..?Our community already faces stigma, in history many fights have had this consequence but they have achieved what they intended. Society will move onI think we should accept the plebiscite because we are shown as second class and they do what they want and until we are treated equally there is no point in fighting what will be. Better to be able voice outselves... I want to win and that win come from 10 million people who think homophobia, same-sex marriage bans, cuts to safe schools etc. are bad. The alternative is to wait until like, 2020 and let the Fred Niles of the world get away with things for years.I don't think the minor parties have the numbers to block it in the Senate. If the plebiscite bill fails, I don't believe the Coalition will allow a free vote for the next 3 years.The thought of making people wait another there years makes me want to sob. I think the plebiscite is a waste of money and is insulting to the couples who want to marry. It doesn't appear that there is another option.I'm tired of the facts being ignored and basic rights being denied. Australia wants marriage equality!I have faith that Australia will show their support for marriage equality. Ideally it would be better for it to be passed without the plebiscite but that doesn't seem to be an option.It is 2016, Australia needs to catch up with the rest of the world. Equality for all!I believe we should accept it, I mean its the closest were getting to equality here. Even though its the biggest waste of money. We just need to fight strong and hard through it to show just how serious we are about it. I would prefer s parliamentary vote but as the is not likely I accept a referendum but I ask the Govt to show leadership is stopping hateful comments against LGBTI peopleEveryone has the right to a say. Laws should reflect what the people want, not politicians. If the people vote yes, we should have it, if they vote no, then it should be rejected. ................

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