
Silicon Valley Finds Trump’s Disruption Unwelcome. PALO ALTO, Calif. —?Donald J. Trump?would not be Silicon Valley’s first choice as president. Or its second. Or maybe even its third.2. The presumptive Republican presidential nominee wants to restrict immigration while bringing back manufacturing. He compulsively uses tech products like Twitter but is not in awe of the people who built them. He made his fortune the old-fashioned way, by going into the family business, in the old-fashioned industry of real estate. He’s not the valley’s kind of entrepreneur.3. Worst of all, Mr. Trump is revealing Silicon Valley’s vulnerability. In recent years, technology companies have extended their enormous reach while becoming ever wealthier and more powerful. Yet Mr. Trump has paid no political price for attacking them, with broadsides in recent months against Jeff Bezos at?Amazon, Mark Zuckerberg at?Facebook?and Timothy D. Cook at?Apple.4. “There is some surprise among tech executives — or perhaps just na?veté — that the tech mainstream is now a target,” said Garrett Johnson, an entrepreneur and one of the founders of the Lincoln Initiative, which connects right-of-center tech workers.5. For all these reasons, support for Mr. Trump here is minimal. Peter Thiel, the billionaire tech maverick who backed Ron Paul’s presidential bid in 2008 with millions of dollars in support, is a Trump delegate. Mr. Thiel, who was revealed last week as?a secret backer?of the wrestler Hulk Hogan’s lawsuit against Gawker Media, is the candidate’s first, and so far only, prominent enlistee in Silicon Valley.6. Support for Mr. Trump here may deepen. Brian Krzanich, the chief executive of Intel, was planning to hold a fund-raiser for Mr. Trump on Thursday night at his Atherton, Calif., house that included “a full exchange of views,” an Intel spokeswoman said on Tuesday.7. Hours later, Intel said the event was canceled. It did not give an explanation. A spokeswoman for Mr. Trump did not return a message for comment. He is?holding a rally?in San Jose, Calif., on Thursday instead.8. The Trump campaign just opened an office in Burlingame, Calif., south of San Francisco and on the northern fringes of Silicon Valley. One recent afternoon, two volunteers were running a phone bank. Trump lawn signs were piled up, as were T-shirts. Mr. Trump has no meaningful opposition in the California primary on June 7.9. “I have great respect for Silicon Valley and all of the people in Silicon Valley,” the candidate said in an email message through an aide.10. Silicon Valley technophiles cannot necessarily claim the same. In April, as Mr. Trump was wrapping up his quest for the nomination and beginning to look ahead to the general election, a handful of people who work in tech around the country gave a grand total of $5,395 to his campaign, according to figures that will be released Thursday by? HYPERLINK "" Crowdpac, a start-up that tracks donations.11. Add that paltry sum to the $16,420 that Mr. Trump raised since last summer from people who work in tech and it is still nowhere near enough to cover the cost of a year at Stanford. Hillary Clinton has raised $2.7 million from tech donors since beginning her campaign, while Bernie Sanders has raised $6 million, according to new Crowdpac research.12. Mr. Trump was largely self-funding his campaign. Now, however, he requires cash — and lots of it.13. “Out of the millions of people who work in technology, from engineers to Uber drivers, just 52 have given to Trump. He’ll need many more if he truly intends to build a world-class finance organization,” said Mason Harrison, a Crowdpac spokesman. “Mitt Romney raised over $8 million from the technology sector in 2012. That’s a lot of money to leave on the table.” Whether those tech backers are out there, however, is an unsettled question.14. Scott Slinker, a 55-year-old entrepreneur in San Jose, Calif., gave the candidate $250 last summer. “I know Trump’s supporters are here,” he said. “They’re just not vocal. They don’t want to be stereotyped and pigeonholed and labeled.”15. In at least some cases, this is correct. One employee at a software firm declined to speak on the record, saying it would be a bad career move for a Google search of his name to turn up any Republican connection, let alone one with Mr. Trump.16. Mr. Slinker, whose latest start-up,? HYPERLINK "" Paradata, uses big data to help brands find suppliers, said Mr. Trump was a candidate very much in the spirit of Silicon Valley: “He’s a start-up kind of guy. He has a lot of ideas and pivots away from them if they don’t work, just like the Valley does. He’s more viral than Facebook ever was.”17. Still, even Mr. Slinker says there is good reason for the lack of enthusiasm. “Silicon Valley is an extremely disruptive place, but the one thing it doesn’t want disrupted is Silicon Valley,” he said. “And so it’s pushing back on Trump.”18. The venture capitalist Marc Andreessen, who backed Mr. Romney in 2012, said on Twitter that he was supporting Mrs. Clinton. Meg Whitman, a former candidate for governor in California who now runs Hewlett Packard Enterprise, labeled Mr. Trump “unfit to be president.” When Mr. Thiel was revealed as a Trump delegate, a columnist for the tech news site Pando said he was?“utterly ashamed”?that Mr. Thiel was a Pando investor. Mr. Thiel declined to comment.19. Another Trump supporter in Silicon Valley, Tyrone Pike, had some business dealings with the candidate many years ago in Atlantic City, N.J., and was favorably impressed. As for Mr. Trump’s more extreme pronouncements, “I kind of write them off,” said Mr. Pike, who sold a software start-up to Citrix and is building another company. “He’s more of a moderate than any of his words.”20. Earlier in the primaries, Mr. Trump suggested boycotting Apple if the company did not help the government crack the iPhone used by one of the attackers in the mass shooting last year in San Bernardino, Calif.; clashed with Mr. Zuckerberg over immigration; and posted on Twitter that if Amazon “ever had to pay fair taxes, its stock would crash.”21. Bobby Franklin, the president of the National Venture Capital Association, thinks Mr. Trump will pick up support among tech people as he moderates his views.22. “The Trump we have all witnessed for the past several months is probably not the Trump we will all be thinking about as we go into the voting booth,” said Mr. Franklin, whose organization does not endorse presidential candidates. “A general election candidate has always been different than a primary candidate.”23. Yet a few weeks ago, after Mr. Trump’s primary opponents all dropped out and he might have been expected to make conciliatory noises, he unloaded again on Amazon and Mr. Bezos. Mr. Trump said, among other things, that Mr. Bezos has “got a huge antitrust problem because he’s controlling so much.”24. Mr. Bezos owns The Washington Post, which has covered Mr. Trump intensively and critically. The internet tycoon said at a Post-sponsored tech conference that he was “very, very comfortable with all of Amazon’s approaches and behaviors,”?The Post reported.25. Mr. Trump’s comments signal a turnabout from Amazon’s experience under President Obama. The retailer helped instigate and was the major beneficiary of an antitrust case the Justice Department brought against Apple and the major book publishers. Jay Carney, a former press secretary for Mr. Obama, is now senior vice president for corporate affairs at Amazon. He declined to comment.26. The Obama administration was even closer to Google, drawing several staff members from the search giant, including Megan Smith, the chief technology officer of the United States.27. Mrs. Clinton is a closer fit with Silicon Valley than Mr. Trump, both ideologically and culturally, but she is not campaigning as tech’s champion. Whoever wins in November, the tech community is likely to look back longingly at the last eight years.28. “That tech is now a flash point in campaign debates is a reflection of the industry’s power and ubiquity in American life,” said Patrick Ruffini, a Republican strategist who has worked with the tech industry. “Silicon Valley will need to learn to expect that it won’t be seen as a benevolent actor in every quarter, and prepare accordingly.” In other words, he said, “the era of Silicon Valley exceptionalism is over.” ................

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