

Answer the following questions as you view each of the presentations of the Core Content and read the notes from Module 9! Click below each question to type your response. Please have all of your answers in either blue or red color. This portion of Module 9 is worth 60 points!

VUS.8d – The Progressive Movement

1. What was the Progressive Movement?

2. What were the roots of the Progressive Movement?

3. What political group went through a change and became the Progressives? (hint: check the video)

4. What is a coalition?

5. How did Theodore Roosevelt become President?

6. What did he emphasize with his “Square Deal”?

7. What made this movement different from previous social movements in the U.S.?

8. Which of the three Presidents was seen as the biggest failure in Progressivism?

9. How did Woodrow Wilson become President?

10. What was the general goal of Wilson’s “New Freedom” program?

11. Identify the three basic goals of the Progressives:

12. Describe the working conditions that caused a demand for change:

13. What was a “company town” and why was it so bad?

14. What were political machines?

15. What reforms were made at the local government level to help combat the political machines?

16. Who was the most notorious political machine boss?

17. Identify the following reforms at the state level:




18. How do primary elections make the process more democratic?

19. How did the 17th Amendment give more power to the voters?

20. Why was the secret ballot needed?

21. What were the muckrakers?

22. How were muckrakers different from the “yellow journalists”?

23. What is a labor union?

24. Why did labor unions form?

25. Identify the four early labor unions in the U.S.:

26. What is the difference between skilled and unskilled laborers?

27. What is a strike?

28. What did the Haymarket, Homestead and Pullman Strikes all have in common?

29. What other tools did unions use to get their demands met?

30. What gains were made by these labor unions?

31. What was the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?

32. What was the Clayton Anti-Trust Act?

33. Why are trusts and monopolies a problem?

34. What women worked at the front for Women’s Suffrage?

35. What amendment finally gave women this right? When was it ratified?

36. Explain the 16th Amendment:

37. Explain the 18th Amendment:

38. Why did the Progressive Movement come to an end in 1917?

VUS.9a – Imperialism

1. What is imperialism?

2. What is isolationism?

3. Who were the three “Imperialist Presidents”?

4. How was the Monroe Doctrine a statement of isolationism?

5. How was the Roosevelt Corollary a statement of imperialism, even though it came from the Monroe Doctrine?

6. How did Roosevelt use the phrase, “Speak softly and carry a big stick” to encourage American military power and imperialism?

7. What were the basic reasons that the U.S. wanted to engage in imperialist activities around the turn of the 19th Century?

8. What caused America’s war with Spain in 1898?

9. What did the U.S. gain from this war in Latin America?

10. What is a protectorate? Which nation became a protectorate of the U.S.?

11. Why did Roosevelt want to build the Panama Canal?

12. How did Roosevelt’s securing the rights to build the Panama Canal reflect his “Big Stick Diplomacy”?

13. Explain Taft’s concept of “Dollar Diplomacy”:

14. Why did the U.S. have an interest in claiming Hawaii?

15. How did the U.S. gain Hawaii?

16. How did the U.S. gain the Philippines?

17. Why did this not work out so well?

18. What are spheres of influence?

19. Why were these a problem to the U.S. when it came to China?

20. What was demanded by the Open Door Policy?

21. How did imperialism help create a global economy?

VUS.9b; World War 1

1. When was World War 1?

2. In what ways was Europe a “powder keg” prior to the outbreak of World War 1?

3. How does collective security provide such a heavy risk?

4. What incident provided the spark that ignited World War 1?

5. Who were the largest members of the Central Powers?

6. Who were the largest members of the Allied Powers?

7. How did the U.S. respond to the outbreak of World War 1 AND why?

8. What events helped convince the United States to join the war on the side of the Allies?

9. What did Wilson mean when he said the U.S. needed to “make the world safe for democracy”?

10. How did the U.S. tip the balance of the war in favor of the allies?

11. What is an armistice?

12. What was Wilson’s plan for a lasting peace called?

13. Identify the key aspects of Wilson’s plan:

14. What is a mandate?

15. How did the other Allies respond to Wilson’s ideas?

16. Which was the only part of Wilson’s 14 Points to be included in the Treaty of Versailles?

17. What were the key elements to the Treaty of Versailles?

18. Which nation seemed to suffer the most under the treaty?

19. What was the problem when all the new nations were created across Europe?

20. Why did the U.S. oppose the treaty?

21. Why did the U.S. oppose joining the League of Nations?

22. Looking back, what were the key weaknesses of this treaty?

23. What did the failure to conclude a lasting peace result in?


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